#ikevamp oc

batteryrose: Crossing legs studies, as well as just self-indulgenceLeft to right: Wellington, Alexanbatteryrose: Crossing legs studies, as well as just self-indulgenceLeft to right: Wellington, Alexanbatteryrose: Crossing legs studies, as well as just self-indulgenceLeft to right: Wellington, Alexanbatteryrose: Crossing legs studies, as well as just self-indulgenceLeft to right: Wellington, Alexan


Crossing legs studies, as well as just self-indulgence

Left to right: Wellington, Alexander, and original-work OC Theodor.

Post link

A little while ago I wrote a few drabbles of my one of my OCs Freda with her boyfriends Theo and Arthur; You can find that post here!  And so I decided to do this for all of my OCs, how exciting (❁´◡`❁) This one is Jane x Leonardo and y’all can find Jane’s character profile at this link~


Please note that drabble 3 contains some suggestive content but nothing explicit, please proceed with caution.

And you can find my OC Masterlist here!

- JJ x


Jane’s bright forest green eyes blinked a few times, taking in the space around for the first time with curiosity, “You library is magnificent, Monsieur,” she spoke softly, taking one small step further into the room. The former Queen smiled ever so slightly, her delicate little hands clutching at the green velvet skirts of her dress in anticipation, jumping a little in place when she saw a broad, olive skinned man curled up underneath the coffee table in the corner, “Monsieur, is that man alright?”

Le Comte chuckled warmly when his golden honey eyes found Jane’s concerned expression, resting his warm hand on her shoulder carefully, “Leonardo enjoys taking his siestas whenever the mood strikes him. He doesn’t seem to care where he falls asleep, ma chere.”

“I gather so,” the lady smiled carefully, her gaze finding Leonardo once again, her pale cheeks flushing pink when the man’s eyes opened and he smirked at her, “Oh! I apologise for staring, Sir.” Jane turned her gaze to the floor to hide her blush and curtsied to him as he began to stand up, “Jane Grey. Queen Jane. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you … Monsieur Leonardo?”

“Si,”his voice was smooth and confident, alluring in it’s huskiness, “Leonardo Da Vinci, signora,” he took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles affectionately, once again making the lady blush. Jane gasped softly as she heard his name. an excited twinkle bright in her wide India green eyes which made the Italian man’s thick brown eyebrows raise curiously, “Oh? Ya like that, Your Highness?”

“No non è quello,” she replied almost breathlessly, turning his hand over in her own to shake it excitedly, a grin spreading across her face, “È un piacere conoscerla Signor Da Vinci!“

Leonardo chuckled warmly, shaking Jane’s hand - which was tiny and pale in his own - in return, his eyebrows still raised as he glanced over at le Comte, “She speaks Italian?” He turned his attention back to Jane who had stopped shaking his hand but still held on to him, “Il piacere è tutto mio, cara mia.”


“Leonardo, I need your help!” Jane called from the mansion’s foyer, her arms full and her tiger red eyebrows turned downward with effort.

Leonardo walked briskly from the direction of the kitchen and picked up the pace when he saw Jane, rushing to her side and scooping up the large white and ginger cat from out of her arms, his amber eyes softening when Jane’s expression relaxed, “Cara mia, what is this?”

The lady let out a sigh of relief, now only holding one tiny white Persian kitten, and she smiled a little guiltily, “I saw them on the side of the road and - a-and they looked so helpless, I couldn’t leave them, Leonardo-” She held up the impossibly small kitten against her cheek, flashing her boyfriend her best pleading puppy eyes, “We can handle just two more!”

“You said the same when you brought our pup home, Jane, mi amore,” he smirked at her, his big warm hand already stroking the fat Norwegian forest cat in his arms. He sighed, giving in - though, he knew that Jane could convince him to do anything, he loved her that much - “We can keep them. Lumiere needs more cats to play with.” Leonardo wandered closer to Jane and reached out to the kitten she held, “Ciao, gattino,” he cooed down at the tiny cat, smiling fondly at it, “Have you named your new little friends, cara?”

“Mhm!”Jane nodded happily, gently stroking the back of the white cat’s head with the back of her index finger, “This is Lady Katherine - I think she looks like a little lady and that,” she cocked her head in the direction of the big fluff ball that her boyfriend held, “That gentleman is called Piero.” And with that, Jane and Leonardo now had taken in four strays between them: Lumiere, Lady Katherine and Piero, their band of troublemaking kitties and Edward, their loyal Great Dane who acted like a big grey lapdog.


“Mhm, principessa,” Leonardo hummed lowly, his saffron eyes fluttering shut as he pressed a kiss to Jane’s cheek and they lay in bed naked, cradling each other underneath soft cotton sheets, “I feel like we should stay like this forever.”

Jane smiled tiredly as she snuggled up to her boyfriend’s side, sore beyond compare but unbelievably happy when his arms tightened around her small frame. The lady felt the blush on her cheeks - that had been present throughout their entire evening - deepen as realisation dawned upon her, “G-goodness me … we just - Leonardo, do you realise? We just-”

“Made love?” He chuckled quietly, brushing Jane’s blushing left cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb, his brow quirking with curiosity when his gentle affection didn’t slow the racing of her pulse, “Somethin’ wrong, bellezza mia?”

The shy young lady shook her head smally, averting her big forest green eyes to look at anything else but her beloved’s inquisitive gaze, “But, we’re not married. Surely we shouldn’t have-” Jane was cut off by Leonardo’s mouth on her’s, his lips kissing away her worry slowly and carefully. When they parted, there remained a look of worry painted on her pretty face and that sinking dread in her heart.

“Do you regret it?”

Jane blinked, confused, “Whatever do you mean?”

Leonardo sat himself up and pulled his girlfriend up onto his lap, one of his large hands holding onto her slender waist and his other tenderly cradling her jaw. They held eye contact, the intimacy between gentle green and emboldened amber speaking volumes as their hearts beat as one, “Do you regret sleeping with me, Jane? Would you be happier if we waited until we got married?” Jane didn’t answer, stirring Leonardo to continue, a cheeky grin on his lips, “If so, I’d put a ring on your finger by morning.” 

“No,” the queen thought out loud, placing her hands on Leonardo’s cheeks and craning forward to give him a fleeting, butterfly light kiss. She felt the stormy seas in her heart settle and self-assuredness wash over her like fresh rain in the garden, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you,” Jane smiled softly at her boyfriend who squeezed her waist with both of his warm, capable hands and smirked at her, “And an experience so heavenly couldn’t be sin, of that I am sure.”


Jane giggled in the summer sun, gently holding onto her shopping basket as she spoke with her friend William Shakespeare. Her white summer dress seemed to gleam under the bright sun but even that looked grey compared to her radiant smile and anyone who saw her would surely say she was sweeter than the season’s finest fruits. Despite her joyful mood, Leonardo, her darling boyfriend, scowled when he spotted her from the other side of the town square conversing with such an unsavoury character as Shakespeare. The artist handed the now-fixed violin back to the little girl he’d been sat with and hurriedly strode towards his beloved Jane. The lady jumped a little when she felt a squeezing hand upon her side, but relaxed at the voice that followed, “Sorry to interrupt, but cara mia and I have plans now. Scusa, Will,” Leonardo almost growled the poet’s name before grasping his lady’s wrist and leading her towards a secluded alleyway.

“Leonardo?”Jane’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion when the couple stopped, with Leonardo having pinned her against a wall, “Leonardo what has gotten into you?” She put her hands up against his broad chest and pushed him back so she had room to properly observe his face, sighing when she recognised his darkened expression, “You don’t need to be jealous of him, cuore mio.” Jane gently cupped Leonardo’s cheeks with her delicate hands and she smiled sweetly when he nuzzled against her touch before burying his nose against her neck.

Leonardo sighed into her pale skin, leaving a few careful kisses on her neck before he raised his head, his expression a mixture of a wounded lion and a heartbroken schoolboy, “I know, Jane, mi amor.” The taller vampire smiled guiltily, standing back a little and anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “Scusa. I just …” he looked away, Jane’s rich Spanish green proving too beautiful, too much for his heart to handle, “I want you all to myself. I don’t want that scarafaggio crawling in here.” Leonardo placed his warm left hand over Jane’s heart, smirking smally when her pulse beat faster underneath his touch.

The lady smiled softly, throwing her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and snuggling up against his toned body, “Il mio cuore è tutto tuo.”


Leonardo chuckled warmly as Jane’s hand brushed his own when they both reached for the orange paint, “What are you painting with that shade, la mia tigre?” He squeezed her hand softly before withdrawing to grab a jar of dark green paint instead.

“Hm, you’ll see,” the former queen grinned confidently at her lover, sending Cupid’s arrow straight through his chest and filling his heart with overwhelming warmth and affection. They both turned their attention back to their paintings, comfortable in the warm sunshine that streamed through the windows whilst the radio played quietly somewhere in the background. Leonardo noticed Jane occasionally peeking up from over her canvas and gazing at him before turning back to her painting. Likewise, the pureblood was doing the same thing. Without much warning, Piero, the couple’s fat ginger and white cat jumped from his seat on Leonardo’s lap and onto the floor, knocking over several jars of paint as he padded out of the room. “Oh dear,” Jane sighed, kneeling down to clean up the bright splotches on the floor.

“Let me help, cara mia,” as he reached for a rag to wipe the floor, Jane swiped her index finger across her boyfriend’s cheek, giggling when his eyes widened in shock at the cool feeling of paint on his face. Leonardo glanced at himself briefly in the mirror, frowning slightly when he noticed the bright blue splotch on his olive toned skin, “Hey, not fair.” The artist smirked to himself as he dipped his finger into the puddle of sky on the wooden floor and swiped it onto Jane’s button nose.

The pair of them laughed at each other, continuing to splat paint onto one another until they were breathless, grinning in each other’s arms until Jane spoke quietly, “I finished my painting.”

“Oh yeah?” Leonardo stood up and walked around her easel to view a beautiful portrait of himself with the fluffy Piero in his lap. There was a serene smile on his face which matched the one painted in acrylics which he turned towards his beloved, “ ‘s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” The pureblood reached out towards his own canvas and spun it around to show Jane a portrait of herself in vibrant pigments, “Ah but, this doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed a warm kiss to her lips, making the lady gasp softly.

Jane muttered against her boyfriend’s lips, “You’re beautiful too, Leo.” And with that, Leonardo picked Jane up and carried her bridal style to the baths to help wash all the paint off of her porcelain perfect skin.

Ballerina Girl (Theo x Freda)

Hewwo my lil duckies! So I’ve written an Arthur x Freda piece, some drabbles for them + Theo in their poly relationship and a few other little things for the three of them (coming soon!) so, I thought I’d write a lil Theo x Freda thing because i love them so much ^^ I hope y’all enjoy it~ (❁´◡`❁)

- JJ x


Theodorus van Gogh:

Theo wasn’t entirely sure of what but, something felt off: He never usually tossed and turned in his sleep, his mind restless even though his body was relaxed in his warm bed. Caribbean blue eyes shot open, wide as he assessed the empty right side of the bed where his girlfriend should have been - Freda was nowhere to be seen - and Theo, a usually calm and rational man, began to panic slightly. The art dealer’s strong, muscular legs carried him out of bed and around the mansion, checking every room and asking each resident he bumped into, not that there were many awake at such a ridiculous hour, until he came up the ground floor hallway where he noticed the soft glow of candlelight coming from the ballroom. Quietly, Theo approached the ballroom and stood in the doorway, captivated by what he saw; Freda, in her powder blue nightdress which reached just below her knees was elegantly dancing around the hall without a care in the world. She was graceful, a far cry from the clumsy woman who rushed around the mansion on the day to day and her hair which was the colour of hot coffee on a cold day seemed to float in the air when she effortlessly pirouetted, the blocks of her pointe shoes making the faintest of sounds against the marble floors. Theo knew that Freda was the apple of his eye, but in that moment, he finally realised that he’d never lay his eyes on a painting more beautiful than her.

Freda’s Gainesboro grey eyes widened with shock when she turned to see her boyfriend and her pale porcelain cheeks burned with the pinkish heat of embarrassment at being watched. The lady stilled in place, playing with the ruffled cuff of her long sleeve nervously, unable to meet Theo’s observant gaze. The Dutch man approached his woman, large hands reaching out to catch her waist in his grasp and pull her close, “The bed is cold without you,” he mumbled as their eyes met.

“I’m sorry, Theo,” Freda sighed, smiling guiltily up at Theo who stood almost a foot taller than her and leaning into his embrace, her hands finding his broad shoulders, “I couldn’t sleep. Ballet helps calm down my anxiety.” She admitted earnestly and rested her head against her lover’s chest, her racing heart beginning to settle as she listened to his steady, constant pulse.

“It’s okay,” he replied, smiling softly and squeezing Freda’s sides lovingly. Theo grinned and stepped back slightly, just far enough to offer Freda his large left hand; a hand, the lady thought looked like it were sculpted in fine marble by Michelangelo himself and fit for a Greek god. Freda could see Theo’s fangs glinting in the candlelight as he smirked at her, “May I have this dance?”

“You don’t even need to ask,” the housemaid responded, placing her dainty hand in Theo’s much larger palm and stepping closer to him once again, allowing him to take her up into a waltz hold and slowly lead her around the dancefloor. There was no need for an audience or a stage as the couple danced: all they needed was the gently flickering candles, the soft twinkling of the piano from just down the corridor and each other. For as much as he was usually brash and rough around the edges, Theo danced like a gentleman, his hands on her body attentive and gentle like she were Water Lily Pond, a masterpiece to be cradled and treated with the greatest of care. There was no semblance of a tease on his lips as Theo sighed blissfully when Freda rested her cheek upon his shoulder to which the lady grinned, her eyes fluttering shut, “Sometimes I forget that you’re such a gentleman, teddy bear.”

“Oi,” the vampire felt his heart stutter at his girlfriend’s nickname for him and a blush creep onto his handsome face, grumbling lowly, “If you’re not careful I’ll show you how ungentlemanly I can be.” Theo’s cerulean blue eyes held a challenge when Freda gazed up at him, her own eyes brimming with an unfamiliar confidence which made his heart stir with emotion once again.

Standing up on the toes of her pointe shoes to gain a few inches of height, Freda whispered into Theo’s ear, her breath cool on his skin like the metal ear cuff that he wore, “Is that a promise?” The Dutch man abruptly let go of the Danish woman’s waist only to pick her up with ease and sling her over his shoulder, carrying her towards the hallway, which had the lady squealing with delight, “Oh no, have I pushed one too many buttons, baby?” She teased.

“Mhm,”Theo hummed curtly in response, striding through the mansion like his life depended on it with his girlfriend in a firm fireman’s hold and a light scowl on his lips, “You’ll see when we get back to bed, hondje.” 

Long haired Michelangelo ☆

(Yes we can see his tiddies a bit and his belly )

Tagging@yanderepuck bc long hair makes her brain goes brrr

Happy Pride Month ️‍

Salaì (left) is @yanderepuck ’s OC

Michelangelo (right) is my OC

Don’t repost, only reblog

“You finally woke up.” was the first thing the man said. He looked relieved, sitting on a chair next to the bed. Wellington was staring at him, not knowing what to say. He didn’t even know who this man was nor who he was himself.

Inspired from Napoleon’s route ending (I think it was the Romantic one)

Don’t repost, only reblog

Ikevamp MC OC

✨Clari ✨

#olivia clari    #ikevamp oc    

My Ikevamp MC OC ✨Clari✨

#ikevamp oc    #olivia clari    


Happy Pride Month ️‍

Salaì (left) is @yanderepuck ’s OC

Michelangelo (right) is my OC

Don’t repost, only reblog

Look at our cute liTTLE GAYS




Delicate flowers

  • Pairings: Arthur x OC (Antonia) pffft not mine but @rifroleplays OC hehe
  • Words: 1000+
  • Warning: mentions of murder
  • Comments:Hehehe, as part of appreciation weekend, I just had to include a lil something something featuring my second fav role play couple hehe I’ll let ya guess who the first is ❤lolol And with this, a thank you dear, for indulging me in the wonders of roleplay, honestly its been so damn fun! ❤ It’s the final countdown to ya birthday whooop whooop 4 more hours!
  • Eeeek, without further ado, let’s goooooo!

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Flowers delicately woven together with nimble fingers and expert precision. One delicate flower for each obstacle overcome, each fear faced, and each trauma dealt with together.

Their baggage was heavy— God, even crushing at times— each carrying far more than one person should ever have to carry, and if they were to travel, it would far outweigh what would be allowed on a plane. And thrown together? It made an Everest of a mountain for the pair to climb.

However, climb the mountain they would— hand-in-hand, as it should be— the only way such a monstrous mountain would be conquered.

An unlikely pair, one that manifested the universal truth that opposites really did attract. He knew of his own weaknesses, his soft heart— that was so easily given away and broken by the world around him. The complete contrast of the darling Italian comfortably nestled in his arms— book in hand— and for once completely unguarded. Blunt and cold she was at times— a complete hard ass, so to say, or instead, that’s what he initially deduced. However, he would not be a very good detective if he took things for face value, so he did what he does best, meddle. Pester her until he successfully snuck his way past her every defence and well wormed his way into the very depths of her heart, albeit she may tell of a different story.

Big ol scary mafia boss was nothing to dread, as right as rain, he discovered more to her than charming smiles and witty lines, for the soul’s windows never lied, and behind evergreen jewels hid a kind heart who had known far too much pain and struggle.

Even during the time when she had claimed to have shot the man in cold murder, he could sense something behind that indifferent expression. That event, marked the first of the flowers to be added to the crown— the first obstacle— the first bag that was flung open within seconds, exposing more than just the dirty laundry within.

As time passed, more and more flowers were added, as more and more bags were zipped open and brought into the light of day to be unpacked. Some naturally took longer to digest than others, but each and every one had been emptied out all the same. Each article handled with care and placed in the new home they built together.

Everest slowly being climbed and conquered.

Arthur hummed contently as the summer breeze carried the fragrant aroma of springtime flowers and hints of the woman’s perfume throughout the air. He loved her dearly, and even if he’d have to wait a lifetime for her to say those 3 little words back, he would. After all, they were far from the peak of the summit and had their whole lives to get to know each other.

He chuckled, remembering the first time the confession slipped out; any other woman would have responded in kind but not Antonia. Oh no, she deadpanned him, saying that while he had so much love to give, she had none— and while he was sure such a response might have deterred her past suitors, Arthur was more determined than ever. After all, she showed her love for him in the little things she did.

Exhibit A- in the clumsy gestures of comfort she offered when his mind would spiral out of control, reaching the depths of the trama’s darkness. Even if just a pat on the shoulder or, a word or two muttered. He would never forget them, “you may not blame yourself,” she said when faced with the first boulder on their path, perhaps not realizing the impact or gravity of them. He truly needed to hear them, and found a strange comfort in them— that perhaps there was someone out there who understood him.

Exhibit B- she stuck around and cared for all those near her; even if she’d deny it, he could see the soft spot she had developed for each of the quartet members. Albeit, not hard to fret over the pup of the group— as Theo had dubbed her— still the evidence spoke for itself.

And finally, Exhibit C- Perhaps being the biggest indicator of her love for him — other than choosing to remain in this time period. Indulging him in this getaway picnic among the fairies and flowers, although she snorted and laughed at the proposal— none the least here she was, nestled in his arms reading the newest instalment. One which was sure to please as it may or may not have been based on an idea given, a murder house and a double Holmes homicide, an adventure sure to keep the reader in their tippy toes.

Out the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her soft smile, eyes lifting from the book and gazing out far into the distance.

“And what’s that smile for darling, ready to finally admit you have fallen hopelessly in love with me,” came the familiar jest with a flirty wink, catching sight of what had caught her attention in the distance. The quarrelsome duo out for an afternoon stroll with the Golden pup.

An amused snort left her, as lips lifted into that charming little smile that gave away nothing, and with shimmering greens, she stated in a matter of fact tone, “simply daydreaming about Leonardo.”

Arthur let go of a dramatic gasp; this woman truly knew just what to say to vex him. His lips fostered a pout at the fellow Italian’s name being dropped.

It wasn’t moments later he rushed to finish the crown of flowers and dumped it atop her head with a satisfied smirk, “there now the fairies can ensure your mind stays well protected from the villainous pureblood tainting it.”

His eyes glittered with affection as he gazed down at her; his favourite moments spent with the woman were these quiet, content ones, filled with their usual banter.

With a kiss dropped on her cheek, he secured his arms around her waist once more, resting his chin on her shoulder before closing his eyes and enjoying the cool summer afternoon.

Yes, they still had much to overcome, but Arthur was confident that together they could face any tempest; after all, he had finally found THAT woman, and he was of no inclination to ever let her go.

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OMW the A team!!! This is adorable and hilarious, because Antonia will never let go of the Leonardo thing. 

#antonia derossi    #ikevamp oc    #ikevam    #ikemen vampire    #ikevamp    

Day 29: Doing something ridiculous 

Pair: Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikevam) x Antonia De’Rossi (OC)

“Familiar, is it not?” Arthur’s chipper voice did nothing to brighten Antonia’s mood who was anything but happy to be repeating this particular memory.

“Certainly didn’t miss that pungent smell,” the male had continued and the female would have retorted if it wasn’t for the addressed scent surrounding them that she didn’t want to inhale as much as possible.

“Cat got your tongue, love?” the male tried at last as Antonia came to a sudden halt, turning around as she put her hands on Arthur’s shoulders, a threatening smile on her face as she tried not to suck in a breath.

“What an intense gaze! Alas, even I don’t want to claim a kiss in the sewers.” The last line followed with a yelp as the female shoved Arthur down the narrow pavement they were occupying, forcing the author into the shallow sewage water with his oxfords.

Day 28: Doing something sweet together

Pair: Vlad (Ikevamp) x Anya Nosferartu (OC)

A/N: Sudden influx of busy forces me to make a change of plans. I write whatever I can, but the prompts are not in order. Idea was supplied by @silhouette-of-a-dream​, when she said the flower crown in her birthday painting for Vlad was made by Anya. 


“And if you twist the stem around like this and add in the other…”

Anya was certain that she was paying more attention to the man himself rather than the explanation given, only progressing half of it as she nodded every once in a while. She couldn’t help it, Vlad was a beautiful man, reminiscent of the grace of roses and pale like the first colours of spring after a long winter. And now, surrounded by flowers, this beauty was accentuated, distracting her even more from the exclusive flower crown masterclass he was giving her.

“Do you think you can do it yourself?” His voice broke her out of her thoughts, a gentle but knowing smile playing across Vlad’s lips as he handed the half braided flower crown over to Anya.

A blink, then another, and some deep digging in the deepest crevices of her consciousness. Could she admit that she hadn’t been paying attention? Anya felt a little embarrassed at the thought of having to admit such, after all, Vlad had taken great lengths and much patience to sit down with her to teach.

“Here, I will show you,” the pureblood told her, an arm reaching from behind her as he picked up her idle hands to move them into position, gently tugging and pushing to mold the steps into her fingers. With another blink of an eye even that flower crown was finished, leaving Anya a little dazed at the end result as she looked down at where they touched and towards her lap.

Another moment of silence fell before a smile adorned her own features, the scar on her right side pulling and twisting before she crawled up from her spot, leaving Vlad behind on the ground in surprise.

“I want to make another,” she announced, holding out the flower crown in hands, “one for you, for Little Red, and Genie!” The female was positively beaming as she rattled off the list of people she wanted to make a flower crown for, darting off to find suitable flowers in the field they were visiting.

Vlad watched her go, a short puff escaping him. Though he knew that somewhere there might be a blush adorning Anya’s features as she clutched the flower crown to her chest.

OTP Prompts - Day 27

Day 27: Birthday 

Pairs: Vlad (Ikevamp) x Anya Nosferatu (OC) | Mitsuhide Akechi (Ikesen) x Shinju Maeda (OC) | Virgilius Hildegard (Friend’s OC) x Adelaide Rosier (OC)

A/N: A few days left of the 30 days challenge and we already ran through all of the pairs twice. Switching it up by releasing several pairs for the last few prompts. 

Vlad x Anya

The date was vaguely imprinted within her mind. June 27; a day that left her feeling conflicted. Both warm as cold, happy as distressed.

“Happy birthday, Anya!” Charles had announced it so innocently, the pureblood could only beam a bright smile back.

“Thanks, little red!”

“It is your birthday?” Faust had repeated, a scoff escaping him as his ‘well-wish’ and Anya let go of a relieved sigh that she didn’t have to beam a smile back at him with gratitude.

But before she entered the rose garden of the castle Anya made sure that she had her smile right back on her face once more, skipping into the area as she hummed a beat.

“Guess what, Princeling, it is my…”

She stopped in her tracks when she took in the scenery laid out before her. The blanket spread, a wooden basket on top of it containing various products that she loved. Pastries, bread rolls, jams and tea. There was even a stew prepared. It was a full on picnic so to say and one that she hadn’t started for once.

“It is your birthday,” Vlad had finished her sentence, a smile resting on his lips as he offered his hand to her, leading her towards the scenery set.

The warmth that spread from her chest at that gesture of goodwill was genuine, just as the little blush that had silenced her.

Perhaps her birthdays could turn into something to look forward to.

Mitsuhide x Shinju

Once upon a time he had seen it on a plastic card. When Shinju was still new and unknown Mitsuhide had somehow found her identity card and seen the date of her birth, written according to the western calendar. Back then he hadn’t thought much of it other than in confusion and just parked it away for later investigation.

Now it was different. Carefully he had sent Kyubei out to investigate, to figure out what the day meant and how to convert it to their calendar on the island. As it turns out, Shinju was born in the rainy season, and to top it off; her birthday had just passed.

A shame, really, but that didn’t deter Mitsuhide from celebrating it nonetheless when he found out about it. He knew, after all, that she would have done the same.

“What’s this? You are eating a meal without me needing to coax you?” Shinju had exclaimed in surprise, and Mitsuhide had only chuckled at the obvious happiness that radiated off her, having expected that reaction.

“There is more,” he told her, waving the female over conspicuously as he reached for his sleeve, pulling out a small package as he handed it to her.

“Happy birthday,” he told Shinju nonchalantly, and Mitsuhide would be lying if he didn’t enjoy the way her expression bloomed into one of surprise before morphing into a bright smile.

“Please continue to look after me!” she responded, polite and formal as ever, but the happiness she radiated spoke volumes of her truest feelings.

Hildegard x Adelaide 

June generally marked the start of the summer holidays for the faculty members of Hogwarts. It meant that the school would be closed for the coming few months, allowing its students and the employees to enjoy some time for themselves. However, the closure of the schoolgrounds also meant three months of missing each other, and it meant the missing of the birthday of a certain lady. 

“Happy birthday!” Party poppers were popped just as the cheers of her colleagues scalded through the hallway, all eager to celebrate the coming August birthday of the DADA professor. Adelaide had suspected that they had been planning something, knowing that it was fruitless to object against it. 

“Thank you,” had been her response, regular and even, as if nothing had fazed her, and in a way it hadn’t. “You didn’t have to, after all, it is just any other day.” 

To this she got a chuckle from Virgil, whose close-lipped smile was just threatening to reveal his fangs. “That isn’t true, miss Rosier,” he had told her and for a bit anticipation rose up within Adelaide as she felt herself flush. 

“After all, it was the day that you came into the world.” Cheesy as the line was it still warmed Adelaide’s cheeks who felt herself a little at loss of a response in the face of Virgil. 

Day 25: Gazing into each others eyes

Pair: Jean D’Arc (Ikevamp) x Emrys Jernigan (OC) 

It was a classic, a staring game. Put two people in front of each other to gaze into the eyes (or eye) of the other and whoever holds out the longest is the winner.

But what if both players are naturally awkward with eye contact? Meet Jean and Emrys, two of such types battling one another.

“This should be hilarious,” Arthur had stated with a mischievous smile. Not interesting, nor curious; hilarious. For there was only comedy to be had when the two of them were seated across each other, their eyes turned towards the floor as they were mentally preparing themselves for that gaze.

“Ready?” Arthur called, ignoring the distressed hand signals from Emrys.

“Set, go!” he announced just right after Jean’s protest, dismissing that one as well.

The silence that followed was heavy, neither party lifting their heads until a minute after for a careful peek. Stark blue eyes met a dark purple one for a second and then averted once more, leaving the spectators to their own judgement.

“Emrys won,” Leonardo announced, but Theo disagreed who got into an argument with Arthur, who on his turn got refuted by Dazai. Shortly put; there was no true winner to be determined.

“Again! And try to hold out longer, ‘kay?”

The announcement earned a deep sigh from both parties.

“I also have pets!” Anya announces this one day when Claudius evades her touch once more. The looks of disbelief that she receives from the rest in the cafe earns a pout in response from her side. “Truly!” she exclaims, holding up a hand as if she is taking a vow.

The looks of apprehension don’t disappear however as the pureblood releases a sigh. “Three!” she exclaims, rising up three fingers, “I have three of them!” she continues before an idea lights up.

“And I can bring them over the next time!” Which she indeed does, carrying a crow underneath her arm, pulling a deer in another and pushing a goat in front of her. All three taxidermised and very much out of life accompanied with glassy beads to come along in their eyes.

“Meet Plum,” she starts off, setting the crow on the counter, “Father caught this one when it was trying to pluck our plum trees, which he grows and maintains for his own digestion,” the pureblood starts off, before setting the deer head down on a table.

“This is Puck, Father already had it before I started to live with him, but I named it! The source is rather obvious, I think,” she continues to introduce the animals as she at last pushes the goat forward, introducing that one as “Djali,” named after Hugo’s book set in the city.

The silence that follows is one of bewilderment, the apprehension ebbing down as the visitors of the cafe are all surprised at the wide definition of a ‘pet’ that Anya maintains.

“I’m going to tell her,” Nevia breathes finally, only to have a firm hand on her arm coming from Boudicea whose own expression stands a little complicated.

“I’m going to use that door,” the cafeteria owner exclaims, an anger brewing beneath her voice that none of the purebloods in the room dared to speak against.

To find wildlife in the city of Paris in the late 19th century was a feat, the urbanised areas too industrialised to really provide for a safe home environment for many of them. It were only the rodents who seemed to thrive and even then they were quick to be banished with the copious amounts of poisons available on the market. To find the pure white creature sleeping soundly in the benches of the castle was thus such a rare occurrence that Anya couldn’t believe her own senses, eye concentrated on the ball of white curled up in the afternoon sun.

“Oh,” she gasped when the fox opened one of its eyes lazily, revealing itself to be an albino that had such a hard time to thrive in the wild, “it is alive!” came softly from her as the animal yawned, ignoring Anya’s appearance in overall that seemed captivated with the little creature.

The animal was just like its owner, surreal in appearance. The pure white fur so hardly found in nature, accompanied with its overall appearance in the bustling city of Paris. Anya remained at a good distance away, admiring the fox from her seat as she left her book abandoned in the plush cushions of her space. Animals didn’t tend to like her, she knew, and while she loved to try her chances with Claudius nonetheless she rather wished to stare at this one for a little while longer.

“Do you like Marshmallow?” a voice asked, and the female barely registered who the voice was as she nodded, her neck craning up and her body leaning to the side when her view was blocked.

“Marshmallow,” she repeated, finding the name apt seeing the fluffy fur that did resemble the sugary sweet it was named after. “I like looking,” she confides in honesty, her eyes never tearing off the sight in front of her as the fox started to rub its face. The figure that had stood before her was now crouching next to her, and Anya unconsciously let her arms rest on his shoulders to get a better hold and balance as she leaned over to observe.

“And what about me, do you like me?” the voice asks, and for the first time Anya tears her eyes off the white creature, replacing the sight with yet another pair of red eyes and white hair, but carrying the face of a man.

A smile blooms across her face as a hesitant hand reaches out for the top of Vlad’s head, gently petting the soft locks.

“I like you the best,” she admits with a grin, unabashed to admit such, but then she is gone again, tiptapping away on her toes once more as she follows the fox that decided to leave the room.

She feels just the tiniest hint of a blush, but the way her lips are curling up into a smile accompanied with the pull of the scar tissue near her eye is what had her escape the man the most.



Pairing: Vlad x Anya Nosferatu (OC)

I wrote this for the lovely @readerinsertfanfiction​ for my Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange. I really had a lot of fun exploring a new character I haven’t written for, as well as your OC. I hope I was able to to justice to Anya and Vlad’s story <3

Summary: Vlad finally lets Anya back in after all their years apart, and vise versa.


Vlad stood at the top of the hill. Overhead, the sun was shining down brightly, heating the crown of his head and causing an almost discomfortable warmth to envelop his body. He threw his cloak to the ground, the deep red roses all bending slightly at the weight of the offending object.

He heard something quiet behind him. So quiet that a normal human wouldn’t have heard and if they did, they would assume it to be the wind rustling the tree branches.

“Anya,” Vlad’s voice was soft, almost a whisper, but she heard him loud and clear in the open space. She had followed him from the castle to the hill, aiming to stay hidden, but once he walked through the roses, she felt both him and the prickly flowers beaconing her. So she took a tentative step forward, and paused in her tracks as he turned and met her eyes with his own. “It’s been far too long.”

Run. Far away. Just like all those hundreds of years ago.

Distance yourself before anyone else gets hurt.

“You knew I was following you,” It wasn’t an accusation, but a statement. He knew, and she fell right into his trap.

This wasn’t like her. She was always careful, always kept her distance. Anya never stayed long enough to get caught.

Maybe she wanted to.

Keep reading

asdfghjkl. I love this. The push and pull between the two of them, the soft imagery of the rose garden.  I’m surprised that you went for Anya anyway, seeing how little info I had out for her and 

I’m kinda at a loss of words to say more. Just know that I’m holding my cheeks as I’m writing this and trying to massage away this silly smile that is hurting my jaw. 

The knowledge that their bite could turn was a thought that often haunted the purebloods. For the promise of time turned humanity into a gruesome being. It was their love for humanity, or perhaps the knowledge of all the wrong precedents that kept them back and wary, even with each other. For Anya it was also part of a trauma, the memory of a woman turning humans left and right. In revenge, for fun, and the price she had to pay for that in the end. It was what kept her back.

She had felt that burning thirst in the back of her throat. Not for the first time, for the full moon heightened their senses and turned them sensitive to the pulse of their beloved. A craving she often ignored and stilled by drinking an extra bottle of rouge and blanc. A craving she had ignored.

It was for the first time that she craved the blood of a specific someone, however and that had confused her. Startled her, for Anya was terrified what this meant for the control she had maintained for so long.

“You smell,” she had told the man, not attaching the last adjective on purpose. Pronouncing it made it harder to fight, she felt. Admitting it would make it harder to reject. And thus she told Vlad only half of what she meant.

But they were purebloods who had lived for a long while and they knew. They knew of their physiology and they knew of their quirks and their habits. Vlad was no exception to Anya who had smiled at her serenely, a hand wrapping around her wrist as he prevented her from pulling away.

“Hmmm,” came the hum at first and Anya felt her throat contract, the smell of his blood running beneath his skin alluring as she wondered how he remained so composed. “You smell nice as well,” Vlad whispered, and there was a breath that travelled over her skin.

His breath was ragged, desperate as his fangs went over the skin of her throat, his hands trembling as they wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her small frame closer into his. “Can I?” he asks her and Anya knows then that they are still the same in nature, unable to resist.

It reassured her. Despite the knowledge that she isn’t alone in her craving, Anya finds comfort knowing that Vlad worries as well.

Her hand weaved into his hair on the back of his head, guiding him as Anya’s fingers knotted into the white strands with her eyes fixated on the full moon outside. The shape that haunted them both.

Vlad halts his breath as a painful intake could be heard through her ear, ringing as the hesitation persisted. “Go on,” she encouraged the man as she tugs. That spurred him on as fangs pierced through her skin, drawing a gasp from her. Instinctively she pushes her upper body up against Vlad, eyes rolling away into the back of her mind as the sensation rocked through her every feature.

Anya had heard of it, but never experienced it. Just as she had known about her cravings, but never acted upon them. It made it harder to resist as her eyes locked on the full moon, noting that despite her lengthy life she had missed out on many experiences.

There was fatigue when Vlad drew away from her. The loss of blood she so naturally already needed had exhausted her. With his lips stained red she leaned in, tasting her own blood. It wasn’t enough for her, but she didn’t know how to bite, never having been properly taught.

But the thirst remained as she felt Vlad guide her, his voice languidly telling her what to do as she gave in to what should have come most naturally.

#ikevam    #ikevamp    #ikevam vlad    #ikevamp vlad    #ikevam oc    #ikevamp oc    #anya nosferatu    

Borrowing@shaken-veil‘s Boudicea. 

“Two rows, one on my left side and one on my right!” Boudicea had been clear in her instructions, clapping firmly in her hands as she sent the toddlers off into a rush to line up. Bustling as ever the members of the kindergarten were quick to find their best friend, pulling and tugging.They knew what was to come, anticipating eyes looking up at their teacher and caretaker whilst they tried to bring order amongst themselves.

“You stand there, next to me,” came the order of the ever present Theo who was clutching onto his older brother, Vincent. But Arthur had deftly taken that spot, earning himself a shove into the other row where he toppled over a timid Isaac.

“I don’t want to risk getting cooties from you,” the young Wolfgang had grumbled at an unfortunate Dazai before he tugged Jean to stand in the other row, carefully counting out the spots as he figured out what was to come next. Leonardo and his friend stood quietly at the front, smiling bemusedly at the scene unfolding as they felt themselves too old for the ‘childish’ antics of the rest.

In overall, the children were quick to line up and Boudicea was pleased to watch two rows form in front of her, just as she had asked them all to. After all, it was park day today and that was always beyond exciting for the attendees of the little kindergarten, the prospect of going outside on a school day prompting them all to listen attentively. For, every moment spent on organising meant less time in the park.

But just as the excitement died down a little and the rows were formed Boudicea knew that the hardest part was yet to come, a grimace pulling over as she scanned the composition of both rows.

“Now, take the hand of the one next to you in the other row,” Boudicea ordered as the toddlers anxiously peeked over to the other side, the majority not having accounted for that one. A timid murmur went through the group as slowly the children reached out to the one next to them, not minding the little sacrifice of holding hands until they reached the park.

“No,” Theo’s answer was resolute, and Boudicea had not expected otherwise from the smarty young lad. “You don’t get to hold my brother’s hand!” he exclaimed loudly, finger pointing at an unfortunate Anya whose eyes had grown a little wider in shock, confronted for the first time by the overzealous brotherly feelings the younger one held for Vincent.

The poor girl had only just arrived in their little class, and was beyond excited to make new friends. However, that had gone without much success so far. After all, her classmates still hadn’t forgotten her bringing in her good friend ‘Plum’; a taxidermied crow. Or that time that she brought in a life spider the size of her small palms. It was all with good intent, Boudicea knew, but executed badly, leaving bigger questions about what her upbringing had been like so far.

“I can hold yours?” Anya proposed, thinking that this was the solution. But the idea wasn’t received much better as Theo resolutely forced himself into the other row, pushing the girl to the side as he grabbed hold of Vincent’s hand.

“No, I already have a partner,” was his answer and Boudicea couldn’t help but rub the space between her brows, a deep sigh escaping her as she wondered why she still tried with them. Young as they were, they seemed to be quite set in their ways, as if possessed by old men. Not that it meant that she didn’t have other tricks, Boudicea was a capable teacher after all.

Just as Boudicea was about to interfere the situation seemed to solve itself naturally, however. Anya’s wide eyes turned over to the next one in row, her mind seemingly expelling the presence of the already made pair as she offered her hand to a sulking Sebastian who happened to be her spider victim on day two.

“No?,” came the surprisingly mature observation as the boy turned his gaze away, “okay, what about you?” the girl boldly asked the next one in the row, her hand extending towards the one standing behind Sebastian as she put on a brave smile.

But though Charles had a hand to spare he was already a pair with Faust, leaving out Anya without a partner once more as her lips pursed, eyes moving over both lines to find someone alone.

“You!” Anya calls and Boudicea wonders where the girl gets her boundless energy and courage from, having seen so many toddlers discouraged by less. Watching the little redhead move through the crowd Boudicea watches Anya grab hold of a startled Vlad, who had been standing in the back all this while in patience.

“Will you walk with me?” The girl grins a smile that promises to break many a heart in the future, as her newly found partner blinks at her, before agreeing with a matching grin as he tightens his hold onto her hand.

“Sure,” comes the ever so polite answer from Vlad, earning an even wider smile from Anya who ascertains herself of a new friend, falling into idle chatter with the other. 

Relieved, Boudicea reached for the door, opening it as she allowed the pairs to file out of their classroom with a promise to stop and wait at the school entrance.


Her heart skipped a bit when he caught her eyes staring at him. And then he grinned at her, with a bit teasing, a bit playful but full of love.

He would say: “You can’t ever change the habit of staring at me, can you?”

“I’m not staring…” you replied

“Then I will stare at you” he said

“Why?” you wondered

“Because you are insanely beautiful” he replied, surely. And he placed a kiss on her shoulder, means “I want you

I have a little scenario where they are preparing for a photoshoot with the matching outfits


Theft of the Umeboshi

a Dazai art

Keep reading


thank you @yanderepuck for starting this whole OC movement ❤ originally i wanted to do a historical figure from southeast asia since we get so little rep (not one from where i’m from tho bc my only options are either people young enough to be my grandparents or great-grandparents, or colonisers ), but then in my research i came across MARCO POLO, who is best known for exploring asia, including southeast asia, and documenting his travels in The Travels of Marco Polo. idk if anyone else is already doing or has done marco, but in any case here’s my take on him!

some basic info about irl marco:

  • born circa 1254 in venice, italy. died on 8 january 1324, also in venice, italy.
  • his family traded with the middle east and ‘acquired considerable wealth and prestige’ (so i guess it was in his blood to go exploring asia )
  • while he wasn’t the first european to explore asia, his book made him the most well-knownone, and it inspired other future explorers like colombus.
  • his nickname was milione (which, according to best girl wikipedia, means ‘million’ in italian). this nickname came about bc he kept going on about how kublai khan’s (emperor of the mongol empire whom marco managed to get in good with) was counted in millions.
  • in 1295, venice was at war with the republic of genoa. he joined in the fight, was caught by the enemies in 1296, and was kept in captivity. during captivity, he narrated his travels to a fellow inmate. (the internet isn’t v clear about this part) but it also seemed like he wrote The Travels of Marco Polo in captivity (i guess it happened when he was telling it to his cellmate lmao)
  • he was then released in august 1299 and he returned home to venice. his family did some Stonks™ and other businessy stuff, and soon he became a wealthy merchant too.
  • death: illness; he was confined to bed.

as for ikemen!marco, here’s what he looks like:

(i made ikemen marco using this picrew bc i can’t draw. if anyone wants to do art of him PLEASE feel free to do so )

and i’m putting the rest under the cut bc this is getting quite long

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Lunar New Year is coming so I decided to let my 2 OCs, Annalisa and Madeline, wearing my hometown’s traditional clothes Ao Dai, but it’s the modern designs ❤️

#cuties    #ikevamp oc    #ikevamp    


Her heart skipped a bit when he caught her eyes staring at him. And then he grinned at her, with a bit teasing, a bit playful but full of love.

He would say: “You can’t ever change the habit of staring at me, can you?”

“I’m not staring…” you replied

“Then I will stare at you” he said

“Why?” you wondered

“Because you are insanely beautiful” he replied, surely. And he placed a kiss on her shoulder, means “I want you

I have a little scenario where they are preparing for a photoshoot with the matching outfits
