#im just cronky


To my fellow blog owners with original writings…

Make sure, if you can, to protect your hard work! I see a lot of you guys with extensive writing on here and I would hate for someone to take advantage of your writing.

I know that I just make silly little headcanons on tumblr dot com, but I try really hard to do this. It’s a hobby and something I really enjoy. I’ve had this blog for nearly 10 years, don’t look at me I am old. Even though I’ve had posts stolen, been sent hate asks, and/or been told my writing was shit, I’m still here.

I love this AU and it brings me comfort and friends who also feel the same way.

I don’t want to be an asshole to fellow blog people that want to get a following or whatever, but I hope you all take this post into consideration.

The people behind these blogs are just that, people.
