#im such a klutz


Want to feel better about your waitressing skills?

So I work two waitress jobs, one during the day one at night. And at the night one, we get water and glasses and bring them to the table.

Now, I had just seated this table, gotten them their drinks and was bringing them water. Place down the jug, almost all of the glasses no problem, but then I drop the last glass in front of the dad. No breakage, just a scare, we’re all good.

So just after the glass incident, they’re ready to order. Of course, I whip out my pen and notepad…only to drop the pen! No biggie, made a joke about dinner and a show.

Bend down to pick up my pen…and fling it in an arc straight back down to the floor…so I’m now giving up on life as I’m hopeless at humaning.
