#work stories


So at around 7:40ish i was standing outside my workplace(obviously very dark) waiting for my parents to pick me up and there was this man there holding a baby (young dad, probably in 20s  and Im assuming he was waiting for his wife or fam that were still inside and after a minute he started talking to me (im assuming he assumed I worked there cuz of my clothes and I had my purse)

Like how they love going to the store cuz you can find everything there and whatnot and he mentioned the baby a few times so ofc I said the baby is adorable (cuz he was adorable) and he says the baby is 7 months (still normal convo)

AND THEN he goes “I like it (parenthood) …feels like it/he gives me something to live for ya know?”

And I smiled and nodded cuz aww thats adorable but I was thinking WHY IS THIS STRANGER TELLING ME HIS DEEP THOUGHTS  AT NIGHT IN THE DARK OUTSIDE

we had a couple today who was in our museum for three hours, they went through the entire exhibit three times and they were. making out. the entire time. every single room. literally every single room, we checked on the cameras. i walked past them at one point and had to pretend not to see (or hear) them (because believe me, I could hear them)  

like not really sure what’s sexy about some of the rooms in our exhibit (like the memorial room which genuinely just feels kinda disrespectful tbh) but they were having a good time. none of us were though. 

Today’s adventure at work.

Patient left something at the pharmacy. I realize after he’s left the immediate area… so, what’s my logic? Let’s relive my track days and SPRINT full force through the store while cursing.

I took a sharp turn cuz shelving, and end up tripping. Got a nice painful rug burn on my hand as a result.

Store manager stared at me, horrified because she watched me fall, as I got up like nothing happened and continued sprinting through the store.

Managed to catch the patient before he got into his vehicle. Crisis adverted.

Store manager wants to pull the security footage just to watch me fall and shrug it off again.

Surprisingly, other than the very annoying and sensitive rug burn, looks like I’m only getting slight bruising on my one knee. I call that a win.

Want to feel better about your waitressing skills?

So I work two waitress jobs, one during the day one at night. And at the night one, we get water and glasses and bring them to the table.

Now, I had just seated this table, gotten them their drinks and was bringing them water. Place down the jug, almost all of the glasses no problem, but then I drop the last glass in front of the dad. No breakage, just a scare, we’re all good.

So just after the glass incident, they’re ready to order. Of course, I whip out my pen and notepad…only to drop the pen! No biggie, made a joke about dinner and a show.

Bend down to pick up my pen…and fling it in an arc straight back down to the floor…so I’m now giving up on life as I’m hopeless at humaning.
