#imagine being married to kakashi tho


Kakashi’s wife as Naruto’s mother figure

Summary: The third hokage assigns the job of raising baby Naruto to you, kakashi’s girlfriend. Needless to say, antics ensue. Female reader.

Word count: 2500

A/N: hi guys. I thought this prompt could be very adorable. I just love kakashi so so much he’s perfect I can’t stop writing for him. Hope you all like it.

Also at first I thought it might be a bit unrealistic that the hokage leave a baby in the care of a teenager but then I remembered he let actual kid Naruto live in an apartment all alone…lmao.

You were anxious, to say the least. The Hokage had called you from your home in the middle of the night, forcing an Anbu to open your window and whisk you from your bed. You barely had enough time to get dressed before you were swept away to the Hokage Tower.

As you entered the room to see what was wrong or what mission you’d been assigned to, you were met with not the sound of the Hokage greeting you but instead the shrill cries of a baby. Your eyes widened and you caught sight of a small blond baby laying in a carriage.

“Hokage, sir-”

“Y/N, I’m dismissing you from your Anbu duties effective immediately.”

Your heart caught in your chest, the baby sitting in the room now the last concern on your mind. “What? Sir, please, if I’ve done something wrong-” you pleaded, but he wasn’t interested in what you had to say.

He dismissed your concerns and motioned with his eyes down to the baby at his side. “You haven’t done anything wrong. I just have another important matter to entrust you with.”

There were a million thoughts running through your head. There was a baby here, just some random baby because you couldn’t imagine that being his child. He woke you up in the middle of the night to assign you this mission so it must be super important or secret. You weren’t very special, you couldn’t see the point in all these dramatics.

“I see. Okay.”

“You’re going to raise this child until he is able to live on his own, probably 6 or so.”

You were dead silent. Besides the baby crying, there wasn’t a sound in the room, not even your own breathing. You were holding it in, fear and surprise creeping up your throat and sinking its teeth into your tongue. How were you supposed to react. You were 15. This was a fresh out of the womb baby.

Were you supposed to be excited?

You were not ready for that kind of responsibility. You didn’t know if you would ever be ready.

“I’ve chosen you specifically because I know you, above everyone else can keep a secret. It’s crucial you not reveal any of the information I’m about to tell you to anyone else. I will give you a list of names of the people who already know the situation.”

“Hokage, sir, I’m not sure I can fulfill your request. This is a bit much.”

“And I know you can handle it.”

You were stumped. He was determined to have you raise this little baby, and you weren’t getting anywhere.

“His name is Naruto Uzumaki, and he’s in need of a mother figure. I’m sure you can assume that role.”

“Uzumaki? Like Kushina…”

“Precisely. This is the Fourth Hokage’s son, as well as the nine tails jinchuriki.”

Suddenly your head felt heavier than before, and you had to balance yourself to keep from falling over. Not only did you have to take care of a kid, but such an important and dangerous one at that. The pressure was unreal, and you nearly found tears start to bubble up in your eyes. This was all too much. Why did it have to be you of all people? You were just another Anbu, talented but nothing extraordinary.

Maybe that’s why he picked you. So you would be able to stay under the radar. Still, it was cruel. This entire mission was cruelty beyond belief. There goes the rest of your teenage years, right into the arms of a fucking kid.

“Oh. I see,” you mumbled.

“You are to say this is a distant family member’s child. Any money you need to take care of him will be provided and you will be paid generously for your time and effort. I know this seems Ike a lot, but I chose you for a reason. I believe you can do it best.”

“I-I…okay. Thank you for entrusting me with the Fourth’s legacy, sir,” it was the only thing you could think to say. Despite wanting to cry and collapse on the floor in a messy heap, you stood strong. You couldn’t cry in front of this man. You couldn’t show your weakness.

“You may take the child and head back to your home. I wish you the best of luck,” he said before pulling out a sheet of paper. “And as I said earlier, here is the list of people you may discuss your predicament with if you ever need assistance.”

Defeated, you picked up the little carriage holding the infant and said a short goodbye to the Hokage. You walked out the office and down the hall where Anbu watched as you passed by. This was going to be quite the adventure, you were sure about that. Whether it would be any fun at all, definitely debatable.

  • At first, you’re desperate for any sign that the baby will calm down. He just keeps crying and you never get any sleep. No matter how much you feed him or change him, he just won’t stop crying.
  • It isn’t until you invite Kakashi, one of the few people on the list, to your apartment and force him to hold baby Naruto. Finally, after hours of torture, the baby falls silent and then asleep.
  • Kakashi is now your God
  • You have him over at least twice a week to calm down the baby so you can get some much needed sleep.
  • Eventually you run out of food in your apartment so you have to venture outside for groceries and more baby formula. You wrap Naruto in a scarf and hug him close to your chest, face covered to make sure the sun doesn’t get in his eyes or burn his head.
  • Your friends are catch you walking down the street and Gai shouts for you to come over, saying you’ve been ignoring them.
  • “Whoa, Y/N, you had a baby?”
  • “No, Asuma, stupid.”
  • You explain that your long lost cousin had died and you’re the only one left to raise the baby. And everyone seems to accept it. Only Kakashi knows the truth, and he watches from the edge of the table as they all coo over the baby.
  • You treat baby Naruto the best you possibly can. You use the money they provide you plus the majority of your own salary buying him toys and food and taking him out on little trips around town.
  • People were never the kindest to you upon finding out you were the parent figure for the boy.
  • They judged you for being young and irresponsible, raising a disrespectful child. You want to kill them for the way they treat Naruto, but you refrain. You’re barely a shinobi anymore, at this point it doesn’t feel like you’re working for the Hokage anymore.
  • Suddenly your job doesn’t feel so much like a job anymore and more of a lifestyle.
  • Your bad habit of eating cup noodles everyday seems to rub off on him and it becomes his favorite food pretty fast. You’re sure to take him to the ramen stand as soon as he’s old enough to sit and order his own food.
  • Toddler Naruto is arguably worse than baby Naruto. That’s precisely why you use dates with Kakashi as a way to get out of watching him.
  • The two of you decide to go out, you pawn the kid over to whoever has the time to watch him. Gai, Kurenai, Master Jiriaya, even on occasion you leave Naruto under the supervision of Pakkun and the other ninkin.
  • He’s a naughty kid. Always getting into trouble and pulling pranks on his caretaker. It’s tiring, but you get used to his antics.
  • As long as he’s home safe every night then everything is fine.
  • You come to be grateful to have Naruto. He’s the only person that’s ever lit up with stars in his eyes when you walk into the room. He loves you, and you love him. He’s like a little brother.
  • Eventually he grows old enough that the Hokage says he can live on his own now, and truthfully you almost don’t want to give him up. He’s your baby and you can’t just abandon him.
  • But still, he moves into his own little apartment and you move on with your life. You become a genin sensei just like the rest of your friends.
  • Still, you never stop visiting Naruto. You stop by almost everyday to see him. Make sure he’s taken a shower, eaten a proper meal, is all ready for bed in his sleeping clothes.
  • You and Kakashi eventually get married. It was a small thing, very personal and private with only a few people attending. You tell your baby Naruto all about it when everything is said and done.
  • Kakashi eventually gets assigned to be Naruto’s teacher and you are overjoyed.

“I can’t believe Naruto is your student! This is just great! You’ll be such a good teacher to him, Kakashi,” you gushed as the pair of you walked home from the assignment meeting today. You clutched onto his hand, waving your arms back and forth with happiness rolling off your body.

It was just meant to be. Kakashi was the best teacher there was for Naruto, having known his situation this entire time. But it still had her feeling full of life.

“He’s a handful. It’s not going to be easy teaching him,” he muttered.

“Well, yeah, especially considering he’s teamed up with that Uchiha boy. Rivalry much?” You laughed. You knew all about that messy relationship. He sure griped over it more than enough times to tell. “But you can do it. You’re the best of the best, Kakashi. If anyone was meant to teach Naruto and the last of the Uchiha, it’s you.”

He nodded silently, continuing to walk beside you. You were right. They were intentionally placed under him as he could handle the intense responsibility that a task of this magnitude would take. It seemed that these sorts of tasks were just meant for the pair to take on, and you would help him through every step of the way, just as he’d helped you raising the boy.

“Mind stopping by the bookstore before going home?” He asked, nudging his head toward the tiny store to their right. You agreed, of course. Reading was one of the only things that brought Kakashi peace in stressful times. If he wished for a book, then he shall receive.

You followed behind as he looked through his romance novels, ones that you were sure he’d gotten ideas for your own little love affair. He would sometimes pull these romantic scenarios right out of thin air, usually quite uncharacteristic of him. You might be right to thank Master Jiraiya for that.

“I think I’ll get this one.”

Before he had the chance to walk out from the thin aisle, you tugged him back. “What is it?”

“I can’t help it. You’ve been looking so cute all day,” you whispered, watching over his shoulder to make sure you had some privacy. “Give me a kiss, Mr. Hatake.”


“Come on. Please. Just one.”

“Fine fine. But really, only one.”

He couldn’t help it. You were adorable, with your butterfly kisses and your starry eyes. He loved you. You were his wife, after all. He’d rather not say no to you, or else you might kick him out of the bed later on that night. He wasn’t very fond of sleeping on the hardwood.

Just as you reached up and pulled down his mask, within your little bubble of privacy hidden in books, your lips getting dangerously close to his, a voice rang out loudly through the aisles.

“Y/N! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

You swiftly pulled his mask back up over his nose within a second of hearing the boy and you jumped a few feet back, the abruptneaa that is Naruto causing your heart to race.

“Likewise. Never imagined you stepping foot in a bookstore,” you laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck as the boy appeared at the end of the aisle. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well,” he shifted nervously, eyes running over Kakashi for a moment. He still wasn’t completely comfortable with you being married and always having the man watching over your shoulder. He was used to it just being you and him. It was strange having a weird masked man around all the time now. “I just found out that the girl I like likes this one book series and I was gonna get her the new one.”

“Naruto, that is so sweet of you. I’m sure she’s gonna love it.” You really weren’t sure. Not with the way that girl fawned over the Uchiha. But what kind of friend would you be to discourage him?

“Hey, Kakashi-san.” Naruto mumbled, eyes flicking up to address the man. He was always respectful to Kakashi, maybe a little rambunctious sometimes but for the most part decent. He didn’t want to be mean to his caretakers husband.

“Naruto,” he hummed back.

“Are you guys headed home now or what?”

“Yep. Just stopped by for a new book to read on our days off.”

“Well, um, I’ve got to go. I got the book right here so now I’m gonna eat some ramen. I’ll see you later, Y/N, Kakashi.”

You waved to him as he left. “He’s so sweet. Poor little baby. You better be a good teacher to him. Kakashi.”

“He’ll be treated like everyone else.”

“Nope. You’re not sending my little boy to the academy. Definitely not.”

“We’ll have to see.”

She nodded her head, watching as the boy ran out of the bookstore with a little bag hanging from his arm. “Sooo, about that kiss?”

He groaned.

  • After Kakashi passes his squad, you take everyone out for ramen as a reward including Sasuke who is very reluctant to accept your kindness. He doesn’t care for those close to Naruto.
  • And eventually the time comes where Naruto has to leave the village with master jiraiya for his training. It’s going to be years, and you cry a lot about it.
  • You hug him tightly to your chest and give him a dozen kisses on the top of his head as he’s about to walk through the village gates.
  • Jiraiya can only laugh at you, happy that Naruto had at least one person who cared for him growing up.
  • Admittedly, you do get frustrated with Naruto for his amazing ability to always put your husband in danger. (Especially that time Pein killed Kakashi…but we won’t talk about that)
  • It’s not his fault, though, and you know that. It’s his destiny after all.
  • At the end of the day you’re just happy to have two people in your life that you love more than anything. A lover to share the days with, and a child to pass on your traditions and values, to teach everything you know.
  • Raising the legacy of the Fourth hokage is an experience you wouldn’t regret.