#immortal family



The Old Guard Family + popular text posts - part 21

non-un-topo: “I can definitely lift more than you, my heart.”“Oh yeah, wanna bet?”“Yes! Where are th


“I can definitely lift more than you, my heart.”

“Oh yeah, wanna bet?”

“Yes! Where are the boys?”

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The Old Guard[ID: a digitally illustrated poster of the immortals from The Old Guard. They’re standi

The Old Guard

[ID: a digitally illustrated poster of the immortals from The Old Guard. They’re standing visible from the torso up, Nile is in the middle staring head on to the viewer in her army fatigues. The rest are around her, their backs to the viewer looking to their right in sharp profile. From the top clockwise are Lykon, Quỳnh, Nicky, Booker, Joe and Andy. Joe, Nicky and Booker are wearing historical clothing from their time of death while Andy, Quỳnh and Lykon the outfits of the movie flashback. The style is simple thin black lines and flat colours, the background is beige with a lighter labrys shape at the top. End ID.]

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[Can I copy your homework?]

Nile : Yeah, sure!

Nicky : I can help you with it.

Joe : Wait, we had homework???!!

Andy: Bold of you to assume that I did the homework.

Booker: * read 5:55 PM *
