#imperial remnant


The Imperial Remnant had limited ship building facilities, so, while new fighters and ships were being developed, they had to try and modify designs that were already tried and tested, to try and get an edge over the New Republic and other enemies.

The TIE Fast Torpedo Bomber, or TIE/ftb. Pretty much exactly what it looks like, the TIE Bomber hull with TIE Interceptor solar panels. Also had the Interceptors 4 lasers, giving it more of a punch, and the Interceptors engines.

One of my head cannon theories is that the First Order used ships that had already been developed by the Imperial Remnant.

So, here is a TIE/sf of the Imperial Remnant.

TIE/sk, or the TIE Skirmisher, of the Imperial Remnant

TIE Fighter, Interceptor, and Bomber, of the Imperial Remnant.

Decided to give the Remnant the lighter coloured solar panels, to show some progression from the Empire to the First Order.

Maybe just head canon stuff, I don’t know …

I always kind of think that the First Order started as a nationalistic political movement within the Imperial Remnant, particularly popular amongst the military.

In my head cannon, the IR is made up of many different pro-Imperial factions, and, although united under one cause, there is always a lot of infighting and jostling for positions. That is one reason why the New Republic didn’t take the FO very seriously, even when the FO got strong enough to take control of the IR as a whole, the NR just assumed it was yet another Imperial faction that would fall away eventually.

Also have always thought that a lot, if not most, of the ships the FO use, like the TIE/sf, and the TIE Silencer, and the Resurgent Class SD, were either already in use by the IR, or were being developed already.
