#implied fatal


yes, i made seymore for one thing only

i dunno if i ever posted the ref for my sea monster boy, but his name is seymore & he sinks ships & snacks on sailors. or surfers, in this case

A sketch that I probably will never finish :^(Posted 2 weeks ago on Subscribestar**DO NOT REBLOG MY

A sketch that I probably will never finish :^(

Posted 2 weeks ago on Subscribestar


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@michaelsmacro thanks for the dinner, you were amazing ❤️

this was an awesome collab with one of my good friends! support this amazing artist!!

(everyone follow this amazing and talented friend of mine NOW!)



When you thought there wouldn’t be enough food so you ate the waiter who was washing his hands in the bathroom, and now that he is fighting for a way out and your looking at all the food coming to the table you knew you’re going to burst the button off your pants once you clear out the table. UUURRPPP but who’s complaining.

orbtricity: Tristian looked at you expectantly, switching his glances between you and his engorged b


Tristian looked at you expectantly, switching his glances between you and his engorged belly. Within which was not one but two squirming frat boys, begging to be spared from the soccer players hungry gut. You knew they weren’t getting out, and you knew was was expected of you. You drop to your knees and start massaging the giant belly in front of you. In about twenty hard minutes of screaming your hands go in deep, and the screams turn to gurgles as his body breaks down the two boys.

Damn, this guy is hot! I want a boyfriend like Tristian - ultimate ravenous remorseless predator who’s belly I’ll adore, feed and taking care about! This is one of the best types!

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A Hungry Hero

I opened my eyes again, fire and smoke surrounding me. My breathing was shallow and laboured as I tried to make my way outside, but any hope of an exit was guarded by a hungry flame. I moved back to the corner of the room away from the fire and smoke, hoping someone outside had called the fire brigade. I live alone and my phone was in the room next door, so I had no possible way of contacting anyone for help.

Then he came, like a miracle. His silhouette shone in the firelight, showing off a muscular form holding an axe. I saw his blurred figure move towards me and grab my shoulders, shaking me lightly to get me to focus. “Sir! Can you hear me? I’m with the fire brigade, do you understand what’s happening?”

“Yeah… I need to get out of here” I mumbled, I was starting to properly come back into consciousness. I looked into the man’s handsome, bearded face in front of me as things came into complete focus.

“That’s right, we’ve got to get you out. Now, I know this is going to sound crazy but I’m going to need to put you in here.” He said, patting his stomach. “What…” I asked, still a little dazed. “I’ve not got time to explain, it’s just the safest thing to do!”

I briefly saw his mouth unhinge like a snake and a moment later I felt my body being forced down a wet, slimy tunnel, still too dazed to understand what was really happening. It wasn’t until a few moments later, when I was swiftly forced into the firefighter’s tight, pulsating stomach that I understood what happened. The lack of smoke inside the belly allowed my mind to clear, giving my body a moment’s respite.

“Dude! Get me out of here right now!” I yelled, pounding on the walls. I was grateful for not having to inhale smoke but wasn’t exactly happy at the prospect of being inside a man’s stomach.

“Relax! It’s the safest way for me to get you out of this building. I’d be putting your life and my life at risk if I tried to carry you out in my arms, this way you’re safe from being burnt!” He said from outside, his voice vibrating around my body. He gave his stomach a pat to try and soothe me, although the fact he was moving about so hectically made me feel motion sick as I was shaken around in his belly.

After a few more moments of movement I felt him stop. I felt him sit down in what I assumed was the fire truck and heard him talk to his collogues. “Yeah.. there was no one in there that I saw… Place was deserted which is lucky! You may as well just go in there and put the fire out so there’s no structural damage.”

“What the fuck?!” I shouted from inside him as I heard the other firemen leave. “I was in the building! Or have you forgotten about the human being inside your stomach?!” My rescuer didn’t respond, he just shut the door to the truck and let out a huge, wet OUUUUUUUURP, making his belly constrict and hug my body more tightly.

“Of course I didn’t forget about you! In fact I have to say that you feel amazing in there!” He chuckled, giving his abs a firm slap. This caused his body to growl and release wet, slimy juices all over my body. My skin started to tingle as the thick liquid coated me, seeming to seep onto every inch of my body. In the daze I hadn’t noticed that the firefighter had ripped all of my clothes off to make my descent easier, leaving me totally naked inside his fleshy prison. 

“Well, now it’s time to let me out. It’s not exactly comfortable inside your belly y’know!” I said, eager to feel the open air on my skin again. “Woah woah woah… I said I’d rescue you from the building, didn’t I? That’s exactly what I did, but I never said I was letting you out of me!” He said, before letting out another loud BOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!

I began to feel a ball of anxiety begin to rise in my chest as he continued to caress his belly inside the fire engine. “Well, what do you expect me to do? Just sit in here forever?!” I asked, I had a feeling deep down that I knew what his exact response to this would be but I wasn’t prepared to accept that at all. 

“Well, at least until you digest” I heard a sly voice say. I immediately started to panic as my fears became real, he was going to digest me and there was nothing I could do about it. “NO!” I screamed “Let me out!” I thrashed inside the sweaty, humid chamber I’d been sealed in, punching and kicking the walls of the stomach, hoping they’d give in. I was met with a crushing sensation as the firefighter’s belly constricted even more around my body. As the walls around me closed I could hear a heavy gurgling, before more stomach juices covered my body from all angles.

As my body was forced into an even tighter ball I began to feel my flesh burn. Feeling my blistering skin made me scream, mostly out of panic but pain was steadily rising too. 

“Guess my body’s really getting to work on you, eh? You should be gone before the others get back to the truck, it’s a pretty big fire! What did you even do to start it man?” He asked, although by now I was in too much pain to explain, I’d almost totally forgotten about the reason I was in here in the first place.

“LET ME OUT!” I bellowed with all my might. “My skin feels like it’s peeling off!” I let out a few more whelps of agony, I couldn’t see the effect that it was having on my skin in the darkness but I couldn’t imagine it was good.

“It probably is” he said, patting his belly. “Also no can do, I’d be surprised if you were able to survive being let out at this point!” He laughed. As his body moved with his laughter his stomach hugged me even tighter, I could hardly tell through the pain on my skin but I was sure I heard at least one bone in my arm snap under the pressure.

“The thing is, I wouldn’t even let you out if you could survive” He chuckled, holding his belly, which was now shrinking as his stomach continued to close in around my weakening form. 

“See, being a firefighter is great if you’re a predator like me. I joined the rescue division to gobble down any lone survivors like you! People usually just walk right into my stomach if I tell them it’ll protect them; that’s when their fate is sealed. Then, if anyone asks I’ll just say the building was empty, which is true once I’ve left it!” He said, laughing out loud at his own comment. 

“No one’s going to think to look for you if you were never in the building in the first place, so I get a free snack without any embarrassing questions! Plus this keeps me fit, you think abs like these grow on trees?!” He asked, I didn’t answer, still desperately trying to find an escape. “Plus, it’s better to turn you into something useful for my body than for you to get burnt to a crisp in a house fire, so you should be happy for me!”

“You can’t do this to me!” I screamed, trying in vain to ignore the pain surging through every nerve in my body. “Well I clearly can as you’re literally dying in my stomach as we speak, I give you less than five minutes” He said, letting out another small “uuurp,” which wasn’t enough to suck out the last of my air and knock me unconscious. 

“I trusted you…” I said in between screams of pain. “And that’s why you’re the one being digested! I rescued you from getting burned alive, and now you’re getting burned in a different way I guess. Now, I’d better cut this short, I’d love to let you suffer down there for even longer but it looks like the boys are done putting the fire out!” He said, letting out a final noisy BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!

I let out a few more desperate screams of pain and fear. Before falling out of consciousness for a final time I felt his stomach completely clench around me and heard a loud, powerful crunch before everything finally went dark.


There’s no denying the instantaneous click, the spark of compatibility that was felt by William and Lucas when they first met back when they moved in together a year ago. Their first few conversations were devoid of awkwardness, almost as if they’ve known each other for years when it’s only been a few days. What followed after was an incredible, fulfilling friendship and months of joyous laughter and shared memories.


They often commemorated those memories, snapping pictures of themselves together whenever they could under Lucas’ request, who oftentimes was side-hugged by the bearded William in them, trying to make the most of his short-lived moments with Lucas.

You see, William had become his housemate temporarily as he searched for the ideal place to live, which admittedly was far, far away geographically from the location he met Lucas in. Their friendship had an expiration date from the get-go, and while William hoped he wouldn’t entirely lose contact of Lucas even after moving out, he’d still have to deal with the repercussions of being far away from him.

And today was that day.

William had everything packed and ready to go, standing at the edge of the doorway with his plentiful of boxes behind. “Damn, I knew this day was coming yet it feels faster than it should’ve.” William said, “I wish I could’ve stayed longer with you buddy.”

“Then you’ll like the surprise I prepared for you.” Lucas replied.

“You had a surprise prepared? And I thought you weren’t good at hiding surprises.”

“Trust me, this one I did my best to hide. Think of it as a parting gift of sorts. You just need to close your eyes for me for a moment.”

William was curious. If it’s a surprise Lucas managed to hide that well it’s a surprise worth hiding, he thought, and so his eyes closed, anticipating the gift with excitement, when suddenly he felt something slick and warm rapidly surrounding him, and a vice-like grip grasping his arms. He instinctively opened his eyes in shock, and through the little light that made it he could see the inside of a mouth. Lucas’s mouth.

“Lucas, what the fuck?” Is all William could say before his head was gulped down his friend’s tight esophagus. He tried to struggle and push himself away with his hands, but Lucas had a tight grip on them, he never realized how much stronger his friend physically was.

Whenever William tried to speak, all that would come out are a few muffled sounds as the meat of his friend’s throat hugged his face tightly, making a distinct bulge on the outside. He felt himself slide down deeper with each gulp that followed, more of his body being satisfactorily tasted by his friend’s tongue who took his sweet time savoring every inch, moaning and murmuring at how delicious and euphoric it felt.

Soon enough only the last of William remained on the outside, Lucas simply lifted his head up and let his former friend slide down with the aid of gravity, his stomach starting to bulge out even farther. Wiliam’s toes slowly slid past Lucas’ teeth, and once they did he snapped his mouth shut, taking the final gulp that would seal his friend in a chamber of unavoidable torture.

“Ahhh,” Lucas’ took a deep breath as William’s body fully adjusted to the tight space that is his stomach. “BOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPPPP!” before letting out a large burp that would purge most of it.

“Welcome to your new home, William.” Lucas gave his belly a smack, “I know it’s not what you’ve been looking for in the past year, but hey, that’s what makes it a surprise.”

“New home? This isn’t some kind of sick joke?” William was frightened, after being overpowered he hoped it was a sick prank and nothing more.

“You know how I’m like when I’m serious. You moved out while moving in me, couldn’t ask for anything better eh?” He let out another burp, making sure to re-swallow some air for the trapped prey.

“Lucas, let me out! I don’t want to be in here!”

“Why not? It’s only temporary. And plus, food doesn’t get to order me around. Remember, you’re in me. I own you now.”

“Temporary? Own me?! Lucas, what happened to you?!” William was baffled at how Lucas’ demeanor seemed to have changed, this wasn’t the friend he knew at all.

“Temporary because I’m going to digest ya. Sorry if you haven’t figured that out already buddy, but that’s what happens to food.” He laughed. “And nothing happened. I’ve had this planned from the get-go. I always saw you as food first before a friend.”

“You mean to tell me eveyrthing we’ve shared meant nothing to you?!” William retorted, struggling in Lucas’ belly but never managing to move much due to how tight it was around him.

“Oh, it did. It meant that your final moments would be much more satisfying. The only way for me to enjoy fully consuming someone is knowing who they are as a person beforehand, to know everything that they are before I reduce them to nothing but food. Strip all of what made them what they are. And then, after you’re long gone, I can look back at the pictures we shared.” Lucas flexed his stomach.

“You were important to me!” William shouted, “I saw you as one of the best people I’ve ever met!”

“You were important to me too. Just not in the same way.” Lucas laughed, continuing to flex his abs which made the space William was in much, much tighter. Crushingly tight. William’s body was forced into an uncomfortable position where his words came out muffled.

What followed after was hours upon hours of agonizing digestion for William. The more minutes his body spent marinating in acids, the weaker he became. His skin turned red and bruised, his muscles torn apart and he couldn’t barely move, and the pain caused him to scream and shout non-stop, even after his vocal cords had been damaged. Lucas didn’t aid in relieving that at all. He wanted to hear his pain and to witness his final moments for as long as he could. Constantly teasing the man inside of him about his inevitable fate that was decided the moment they first met.

Lucas felt him grew weaker and weaker, and knew his final moments were coming. He started flexing, causing another bout of pain for his unfortunate prey. “You always said we were best friends forever, right?” Lucas said, teasing William that he has now essentially become part of him, and flexed even harder, hearing the snapping of bones and a last round of pained screams before he fully died down.

Really cool job! I EXTREMELY liked it!

When Alex had finally received an order, he had been really happy to finally do something – after long day in pizzeria with almost zero orders, he got really bored doing nothing. So then, after long job of making the one which was big, 10 pizzas, he was impressed, but did it with enthusiasm, being curious about who had ordered so much.

However, when he reached the place, expecting loud party, Alex was surprised to hear no sound. Intrigued even more, delivery guy pressed the doorbell, and got stuck, impressed by what he had seen a minute later when the door opened

-Hi there! John said to young delivery guy, holding his belly with one hand, and smiled – you brought my pizzas, right?

-Yeah sir, exactly! Here they are! – Alex replied shy a bit as he blushed from extremely hot guy in front of him. The guy was pretty regular, looking good, skinny but muscled. Well, almost regular. Where logically should have been abs, it was stretched to enormous size, was laying huge beach ball-sized bulge of belly. And all the contrast was making Alex to eel weird, but also made John even hotter in his eyes.

-Ok, thanks! Oh, I forgot the payment! Come on in, let’s bring them in my room! – John said, giving to delivery boy opportunity to enter the flat. After that he took half of the pizza boxes, and using his belly as the rack, moved in the room.

-It’s all the pizza for you only? – Alex asked when they finally put the boxes on the table near sofa and John gave money to him

-Yeah. It’s a problem for you?

-What? No, not at all! In contrary, I’m sure that you’ll have place for all of them here!

-Hahah, yeah! You can’t even ima…. AAAAAUUUUGHHH! SETTLE DOWN  IN THERE!

-What’s going on, how can i… help…? – Alex asked, shocked even more when he noticed face imprint on John’s belly – Was that… a human face…?

-Oh, damn, you noticed that. Well, yes, I ate my roommate and he’s giving me AAAAUUUUUGHHHHHH!!! Giving me an… indigestion…! What’s from it?

-Nothing, just it really… HOT! – Alex said, to surprise of both John and himself. However after some thinking he understood that it’s completely turning him, so he continued – It’s unexpected to discover, had no idea it is even possible, but I really like it.

And in prove of his words, he took a risk of touching the belly and rubbing it. Surprisingly, it helped to John a bit, and when they met with eyes with each other, John decided that he’ll enjoy some help of this delivery guy who was acting so cute from being shy as he obviously enjoyed John’s dome of flesh.

-Well, it’s kind of unexpected to hear something different than fear from it, but I’d like to make a deal. I’m planning to burry this guy inside in food to immobilize him. All because he’s awfully bad meal and gives to me tummy aches.However, his kicking is making it very hard to do it alone. So then, feed me if you dare, and my belly is all your to play with till the digestion won’t be completed. How it sounds?

Alex while was already ready to fight the fate of being eaten too, was literally happy for such an offer, so then he just opened first box and took two pieces of pizza, directing them right in John’s mouth, and grabbing some snacks to himself too.

-Heh, I’ll take it as yes – John said, taking both pieces and chewing them – What’s your name, guy?

-I’m Alex. You?

-John. Nice to meet you

-Same here dude. So then, how it happened?

-Give me some soda please. Happened what? – after tracking his gaze and drinking some soda, John understood – Ohh, he just not gave me dinner in time, and I was hungry, and there was no food, so… BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRP!!! …Oh, you see what’s happened – another piece of pizza had been sent inside

-Wasn’t he fighting? I don’t think that being food is what he dreamed about…

-I guess he would have tried, but, luckily he had no opportunity. He was sleeping right here, in this sofa, when I started the process, and when he woke up, it was too late

On the inside of the belly, Daniel was in completely disgust from hearing all the dialogue. It was making him more and more angry from hearing how these two were talking about him this way. One stupid jerk, how he named Alex, was asking more and more about the details and giving boring complements to the porker-John. Like he was nothing more than another piece of this chewed pizza like the ones they was sending in this already disgusting sack. All the chewed food covering him slowly from all the struggles, caused him to fight more and more.

-Hey, Alex, looks like our guest also wants some pizza! Let’s give it to him! – and next John just gulped whole piece, without any chewing. When it landed on Daniel’s hand, his cursing inside only made both guys to laugh.

-He’s still displeased, let’s give him some more! – another two were sent right down the hatch together this time

-Maybe some BUUUUURRRRPPPP – sudden wind from his friend’s mouth made Alex really blushed, when the burp heat him right in face – more to share with him?

-Obviously yes! – and delivery guy put for pizza pieces on top of one another, making little tower and guiding them right to John, who closed his eyes in excitement and immediately opened his mouth maximally wide, like a snake – Food is coming!

And right when he put all the pizza-tower on the John’s tongue, he accidentally touched it by his wrist, because of what young predator suddenly closed his mouth when he had felt the taste, and gulped, resulting Alex wasn’t fast enough to remove them.

Pizza fall down in belly and Alex got stuck. He tried to pull the hands out but it not worked. Alex moaned in pleasure: “This pizza is much tastier than all others! So salty!”

-J-John? You’re eating me! – John opened his eyes, realizing what was he doing and releasing the hands of his feeder friend

-Whoops… Little accident! Be careful dude! Even if you want to enter, I don’t have place for you! For now at least…

-No, thanks bro, but I prefer to enjoy the view from the outside!

-Well, you’re helping me, so BUUUUURRRRRRRPP! …as you wish! – but belly had gave a loud groan – Looks like my belly asks you to continue! Come on, it’s just second pizza!

And guys kept eating. However all the time of eating 3rd one, John wasn’t able to remove from his head taste of Alex’s hand. Or course, his belly hurted a bit, and even from having only Daniel inside it was promising to be a long hard night, but every time John asked himself about if this what he wants, his belly replied with a groan.

“He’s nice”

“And he tastes nice too!”

“He’s helping me! He’s useful”

“He’s belongs to belly!”

“He’s my friend!”

“But it not saved Daniel!”

“I don’t have place!!!”


“He looks appetizing…”

“Yes, do it! DO it!”

And after another look at Alex when he ate last piece of 3rd pizza, John gave up. He opened the next box.

-Hey, Alex, let’s see how much big things I can swallow at once?

-I’m intrigued! What’s your offer?

-Don’t know how far it’ll go, but how about starting from one whole pizza?

-That’s an interesting idea! I’ll help!

“Gotcha!” John smiled, observing the process of building of another pizza tower, now from all 8 pieces “Belly is always gets what it wants!”

And in next second, when completed tower was already coming to his opened mouth, John jumped forward as much as he was able with his full belly, in a second clamping his lips around Alex’s shoulders. The guy was scared now, it was ab it heard how misunderstanding he was. But another groan, and John wasn’t care anymore. He just enjoyed the taste, working hard and slowly with each gulp he made to send his whole meal in his belly. That was all he wanted.

And in surprise, not only him. When John reached hips of the boy, Alex was suddenly sucked inside that fast that John was almost unable to taste any of him. This was all Daniel’s anger – offended on how Alex reacted on his situation, ex-roommate decided not to help Alex by pushing him out, but to have revenge. So Daniel pulled Alex in once delivery guy’s hands reached the stomach.

Of course, all it lead to kicking from both of them, and it’s hard to say, was it kicking from fighting with each other or trying to escape, but that’s not really matter.

-Woah, guys… Now I’m really feeling myself on the bursting point. So then, as soon as you’re both not helping me with it, just try to enjoy each other in there…

Once both guys were packed tight inside, John kept eating all the pizzas, what ended by immobilizing them both completely. Buried in food, they weren’t able to make any troubles to his stomach anymore, and once the last piece of pizza was gulped, he fall asleep finally

Daniel twitched a bit in his sofa when he suddenly woke up from sound of key entering entrance door keyhole as it opened and yawned lazily as his daily afternoon sleeping was rudely cut off.

“Who is there? John? No way it can be he, he said about delay at job” a bit surprised, Daniel switched to the messages from his roommate to check if he made a mistake, but there was no one. “Be back few hours later today, troubles on job. Not your turn today, but I beg you to make a dinner”. Regularly Jack was coming home nearly at 20:00. Moving his eyes to clock on wall, Dan noticed that it’s only 18:45 on them.

“Ok, let’s figure what’s going on” Daniel said, standing up from sofa to meet Jack and opening delivery app to check an order status. After cooking for three days, when he received the message from Jack, he was too much lazy to cook again and just ordered a lot in pizzeria. “Your order was delayed because of technical troubles. It’ll be delivered in an hour” was said there.

- Are you kidding me?! – Daniel yelled loudly from anger.

- Me? No – he received a laugh from John – What’s going on, buddy?

- Oh, hi John. Sorry, just some troubles with you food. How’s your day actually? You came back earli…

-Oh, yes-yes, that was a torture today, but I dealed with it finally. - John cut Daniel’s reply, what next leaded by loud groan from inside his flat 6-pack belly. With his fast metabolism, John had always had troubles with gaining weight despite his gluttonous food preferences – But I’m so tired and hungry. So then, what was you saying about my dinner?

-Sort of bad news being honestly. I made an order to you, pretty big one, but it’s not delivered yet.

-Wait. Want to say you hadn’t cooked anything?

-Yeah. That’s a problem here. You know, it’d be my 4th day today, and we’re regularly cooking for 3 days. Also, I was lazy of some kind today, so then just asked to deliver some pizza when you texted, and now I’m waiting for it to be delivered. So then, I’m afraid that you’ll need to wait a bit for it.

-Damn, you’re seriously? What should I eat now?! I’m HUNGRY!!

-Bro, just wait a bit. I’m sure they’ll be here soon enough. Also you can check the fridge. There’s some food from last days. It won’t fulfill you, but at least will help you waiting for delivery guy.

And after these words Daniel just went back to bedrom to continue sleeping. John meantime opened the fridge but discovered nothing to satisfy him – only some potato-stuffed pies, vegetables and milk. “Damn, it’s completely nothing to eat! I need some meat…”. However there was no meat in the flat, so then, grabbing pies, John sat on sofa and started chewing in tries to distract himself from meat.

However, nothing was able to deal with hungry stomach, which growling was only more and more annoying and putting crazy thoughts in head, the longer John tried to resist, the crazier:

“No, I can’t do it!”

“Big meat”

“He’s person!”

“Sleeping, tasty…”

“It won’t work, I’ll burst”

“So hungry…”

“How to do it?”

“No! Don’t think about it!”


“It won’t happen!”


-DEAL! I’ll TRY IT! – the decision was made finally, but next John closed his own mouth afraid to wake up his roommate. “If it’ll works, it’s his fault. Or maybe I’ll just make it temporary”. And next he just opened Daniel’s room.

Through his sleep, Daniel moaned from pleasure as he felt soft and warm feeling on his feet. First he was angry when he heard how door in his bedroom opened and closed, and was going to wake up already to deal with whoever was interrupting his sleep, but next stopped. It was a winter, but their heating in flat wasn’t working good enough. So then, when this feeling of warmth appeared, Daniel decided not to resist. And when it started spreading up his legs, he just gave moan of pleasure, finally being into comfortable temperature.

All till he was suddenly hoisted up from his sofa and next slipped down for a few inches. For his confused half-sleeping state it took some time to understand what’s going on, but when he finally slipped down a bit again and warmth feeling reached his belly button level, Daniel managed to take a look on what this is finally. But when he did it, he thought he’s still dreaming.

What he had seen was John’s mouth, somehow able to become extremely wide – enough to be around his midsection. Daniel’s legs were gripped in the throat of his roommate, as John was now rudely playing with his belly button by using his tongue. Daniel got stunned from this for a moment, what lead to another gulp. Sudden sensation from mix of pain and pleasure took all John’s mind as they both realized that Daniel’s feet just entered the stomach finally. It was enough already to satisfy John, however his work should have been done. Other trouble was fear from Daniel’s side, because he finally started to struggle in a try to escape. And if he won’t be packed down completely, this try may can be successful. “God, he’s so tasty, but I hope I won’t be torn apart”. And with such thoughts and to pleasure of his stomach, John had made another gulp.

“God damn, is this really happening?! No way it can be so!”

Daniel was all panicking in a try to do something at least, but It lead to his final mistake. In a try to push himself out of the gluttonous throat, he put both his hands on face of his hungry roommate, making it easier to just gulp hands as well when he reached Daniel’s thorax.

Feeling pleasurable movement, John was moaning as more and more of his appetizing roommate was going deeper down him. Now, when Daniel almost willingly pinned his hands against sides of his body, nothing was going to stop him from escapement, and John was supposed not to hurry up even more, to enjoy the taste of his friend till his belly is slowly using to sizes of what’s entering it. Amazing feeling of breathing and heartbeat of Daniel’s under his tongue were the best sensation he had ever felt during the whole process, especially as it was all mixed with sweat and saliva. Being in such a pleasure, John decided to take a little break to enjoy it, closed his eyes and threw his head back, massaging his growing sphere by both hands while his friend was cursing in his mouth.

But a minute later it lead to generating of so much of saliva that it was enough for Daniel to fully slide down in John’s belly, resulting unexpected it predator fall down to the floor from sudden weight in his middle.

-Ohh, dude, you’re… you’re really heavy – John said laughing, climbing up and laying on Daniel’s sofa.

-Dude, why in hell you did it?! Let me out! – Daniel shouted in back, giving a kick to the wall of his slippery prison.

-Ohhh, don’t move so much in there, settle down please… - John yelled, pressing on his belly from sides to hold it belly still from all the kicking – my belly is not …HIC.. used yet to your size…

-Well, you’re actually deserved tummy ache, you gluttonous porker! You actually ate me whole!

John just rolled his eyes, being proud of what he did despite all the hard work and completely not going to let his meal out.

-And moreover, now you’re just saying me to settle down! How can I? – Daniel asked, continue being more and more angry.

John just yawned, tired from all the kicking and hard work of swallowing.

-Dude, relax… It’s all just till delivery will arrive… I can’t stay hungry… – he said first thing that came in his mind.

-Seriously? Well, it’s gross, but I suppose I can deal with it… – Daniel was confused by such extraordinary ask “On second thought, my laziness is at some point is source of this trouble. If I’d cook him food and not ordered it, I wouldn’t have been here… Fine, I can suffer it. Just hope that he won’t digest me…” and, making such a decision, Daniel stopped kicking to the relief of John’s belly – Fine! Just promise me that you won’t digest me!

-Yeah, yeah, whatever… John replied, dumbing with fingers surface of his taut belly, as he finally started to fall asleep, while Daniel slowly settled inside.

The place where Daniel was supposed to be was awful for him. Tight, slippery, dark prison with stinky air of all the food which John had been eating regularly and in big quantities, it was strong hugging and rudely massaging him, making the situation even more gross for it temporary inhabitant. However, Daniel gave a promise. So then, trying to distract himself from all the discomfort of his weird situation, he concentrated on sounds of heartbeat and breathing surrounding him. Trying to feel it in together with his own, he suddenly noticed that John’s one was much slower, resulting an unsettling thought crossed Daniel’s mind. And listening, he heard silent but obvious confirmation of his theory.

“John is sleeping… He’s sleeping… He won’t know if his stomach will get out of control and will start digesting me!” Knowing his fiend is hard-sleeper who’s really hard to wake up, after 2-3 shouts Daniel started using the method what was working – stretching the walls of a stomach in a try to wake John up.

-Dude, wake up! You should control your belly! – first that wasn’t working, but till Daniel wasn’t going to give up, he managed to have some effect, however totally contrary to what he was hoping for.

-Damn… dude… Just digest in there – YAWN – already… - What was received from John though the sleep.

Completely shocked by the fact it all was just a trick to melt him, it caused only overpowering of all the activity in the belly, as it turned from annoying but careful to feared tries of discovering his way out.

And being completely not agree with such a fate, Daniel started kicking even more, trying to discover his way to freedom. He was kicking and punching from inside, causing lots of bulges on overstretched belly of the sleeping John, resulting it being even more sick.

After some time of it, he had found some kind of solution when he accidentally pushed his hand through the cardiac sphincter, resulting it back in the esophagus. So then, using newfound loophole, he pushed himself way back up the throat.

Suddenly, through his sleep, John had felt some heaviness and pressure in his chest, which gave him some difficulties with breathing. Even before fully awakening, John closed his mouth with one hand, and swallowed hardly, feeling some falling down of the bulge, as he understood what’s going on.

He sat up, heating himself in thorax. Meanwhile, lump of Daniel had traveled almost to the neck already. Back part of thorax opened a bit, and there was a voice.

-Let me out, you, GLUTTONOUS PIG! – Daniel screamed, but that was almost immediately muffled with John’s hand laid on top of his head, shoving him back in the thorax – No, no no, no! NO! STOP TRYING TO EAT ME, JUST LET ME GO OUTSIDE!!!!

Daniel had felt himself really weird from all the situation and resistance his roommate was putting. Few minutes later he started to feel himself really weak. And John was extremely determined to keep him inside.

Finally, Daniel started to feel himself helpless, and relaxed out of energy for more fight. This was all what was necessary to John as he gulped carefully, feeling how his meal is getting limp and finally returns back where he belongs to stay.

-PHEW, that was close, buddy… - John said, smiling and slapping his belly as he laid back on sofa, finally relaxing and observing the resuming of that much tummy aching kicking – Dude, you should stop –BUUUUUUUURRRRRRPP- kicking that much in there. You had seen already, it’s useless and unavoidable. Maybe you should just try to relax and have some fun from what’s going on?

But in back he received nothing except too much muffled to understand words and grooving intensity of kicking So then, John just closed his eyes, trying to all back asleep to digest his gorgeous meal quickly. But next second it was cut off by the doorbell rang.

First angry and obsessed from constant distracting from chilling, seconds later John figured something, causing smile on his lips

-Looks like it’s time to deal with you forever there… - John smiled angrily, rubbing his belly as he went to the entrance door.

Big fashion

This story was inspired by and made as gift to friend of mine, @thicc-white-duke

He also owns the pics in this story. Give a follow to this amazingly hot boy!

- Damn, WHERE IS HE?!

Adam was really nervous. He had just finished his university and now it was his first time presenting his job. Textiles and fashion design. Style, fashion. Things Adam had always been excited by. There were lots of troubles for him during the studying. Especially the one which was result of his a bit specific food preferences.

Adam was thick. Not really enormous however, but his love to some special meals had formed on his waistline sphere of pudge. This was completely understandable however – eating humans can’t give small quantities of nutrients. And Adam wasn’t just eating them, he was gulping them whole and alive.

Of course, nobody knew about this, but still, it was some trouble. Not for Adam himself of course, in fact he enjoyed the process and even results of it. But on faculty of fashion design being pudgy had always gained some troubles “How can you create styles, look at yourself!” “Who will be buying your clothes – pregnants?” and lots of other offending teasing. Of course, all rude guys and girls were joining the gut they were joking about, but others were always coming their places.

But despite it, teachers were always seeing Adam’s potential and very creative ideas, and his works were always deservedly highly appreciated. Especially by John Tomson, one of the best designers of his time. And now, thanks to mr. Tomson, Adam was here, ready to present his job.

But, as it always happens in the most important moments, things had went not according the plan.

It all started from early morning – being so nervous, Adam woke up not in time, resulting he had no time for even breakfast. Traffic jams, preparing sample to show – all it was handled of course, but now it took every second of his time.

And now, being completely nervous, Adam was waiting for 30 minutes already, waiting for Dylan – the model guy he hired for demonstration. Adam was newbie in it, so then agency denied his request for this, telling him to bring his own one.

- Adam, what’s going on? Are you ready finally or not? – mr. Tomson asked silently but angrily as he opened the door.

- I don’t know sir, I’m trying to call him, but he’s not picking up!

- Damn, why had you even hired him…? Don’t answer. Fine. I’ll deal with it. Your model will go with the last 5 others. I hope he’ll come here or you’ll found other solution. You’re having really great talent, but if it won’t be seen, your career will be doomed. I really hope that it won’t happens…

- I know sir, i… - suddenly phone in his had finally started to rang – oh, here he is!

- Good! Finally! Kill him and next send him on the podium! – and mr. Tomson disappeared abaft the door.

- Where are you?! You’re making a LOT OF TROUBLES being so late!

- Woah, dude! Relax! I just calling you to say that I’ll be in few minutes! I just decided to pick some food before the show – Adam heard totally reluctant voice of Dylan’s – no reasons to worry and to yell so much! I even picked some to you!

Adam was totally shocked by this dude. Was he really stuffing himself right before the demonstration? It can ruin everything, including Adam’s suit. Also, he can’t be sure if Dylan will be clean for suit. This was completely unprofessional. Adam was panicking more and more from such worrying news. He definitely was regretting about not hiring better model.

But all it his thoughts were suddenly cut off by load groan – this all day Adam was starving, completely busy, and now, hearing about food, his stomach was noisily reminding about himself – noisily enough to be heard even for Dylan.

- Woah, dude! That was LOUD! Seems like I did right thing by taking some food to you too! I’ll be here soon!

- Just hurry up already! – Adam said ant turned off the phone

But the more Adam was waiting him, the harder it was to him to stay focused. Anger was taking him. He wanted to revenge on Dylan. To give him punishment he deserved. But he struggled in a try to fight it because he knew that Dylan must appear and do what he was hired for. And it was really tiring him. Adam felt how harder it was to control himself each second of waiting.

So then, when after 15 more minutes of waiting finally opened, loud groaning was only thing in his mind, amplified by anger. It all was like a blur. Some kicking and slurping, some resistance which was easily broken, and next just satisfaction and almost painful fullness and darkness.

When Adam finally opened his eyes, he first not understood what exactly he felt. It was definitely familiar feeling of somebody eaten again, but he wasn’t sure who it was. But, next second it hit his head as he remembered what exactly happened.


- Oh, god damn, no… - he moaned desperately, sitting on sofa and rubbing his belly, trying to figure another solution. The contract with Dylan was obviously broken, there was no way to fix it now. Adam became mad on himself for doing what he did. All was going great, but now he just ruined it…

But next his phone tinkled, notifying about new message. Almost lazily Adam grabbed it and opened. This was from mr. Tomson «your turn in 10 minutes. Do anything! It’s all up to you now!” Just simple words: “all up to you”. Simple words about not simple at all situation. Adam took another look on his work. So much inspiration, so much of hard work was put into that. And now what? It’ll just… disappear?

“No! This can’t be so! This won’t happen!” Adam decided to himself, as he stood up and assuredly went to his suit, removing his own clothes. Luckily, as all other suits on this presentation, this one was designed for sport, so then it was stretching pretty much.

But still, this plan was real challenge. And Dylan’s kicking inside was only making it worse. Of course, Adam had some experience of hiding what he ate in public, pretending that it’s just his familiar gluttony, but this time it was much harder.

However, strategy was all the same as previous times – Adam used his abdominal muscles to the max, sucking his belly in to the max he was able to give. It slowed Dylan’s kicking a bit, but not really helped to handle one big trouble.


The t-shirt of Adam’s new suit got stuck on his thorax, unable to cover his enormous dome of flesh called Dylan.

- Come on..! Just… Fit in… Already! – he said angrily, kicking himself to settle his meal inside, when he felt something coming – oh No!


Adam’s mouth gaped open as un utterly colossal belch exploded from his rippling lips, ruining all his tries to keep his mouth closed. It roared for almost 5 seconds, echoing from the walls of the room. But when it ended, Adam couldn’t help but sigh with relief, laying on wall with his back.

- Woah… At least it’s now feels much -HIC- better… - he said, slapping his belly and sucking it in again. And to his happiness, now it finally fit perectly in his suit

Adam carefully exhaled, slowly relaxing his belly again and feeling how it fits in the suit. But when he turned around to take a look in the mirror, he had noticed that t-shirt crept up his belly, stopping just above his bellybutton, easily seen to everybody.


- Well, even now it looks hot somehow! – Adam smiled to himself, poking his belly and rubbing it.

Next he grabbed his phone, opened camera and started taking pics of himself in different positions, every time straightening his clothes.


- Are you ready finally? Where’s your model?! – Adam’s personal photosession was cut by opening the door as mr. Tomson’s head appeared in a frame. But next second his eyes widened as he was paralyzed in shock of what he had seen – what in Hell had happened to you?!

- I’m -burp- ready. I’ll do it! – and without listening anything, Adam had went out, going right to the podium, ignoring all the whispers and starring he had received from people.

When Adam had went on podium, he was almost blinded by flashes of lots of cameras surrounding him from all sides. However, he pulled himself together in the next second, proudly walking by all over the podium as all others did. But, public had no care of others, all attention was taken by him only. There were shocked faces, surprised, but for some reason, Adam hadn’t found even anybody who was disgusted or laughing. In contrary, he recognized lots of impressed faces during it, which only made him even more proud, of himself.

When he leaved the podium, he again had no care of his teacher’s yelling about destroying everything and about greatest shame of his life. He was just happy. He did it. From start to end. Alone. He got a chance and he used it to the max. And it was no care how people will react.

But all it was almost rudely interrupted by man in business suit who had came to them.

- You know, mr. Tomson, I can’t agree with you about what you’re saying to your student! This was really brave to do! Had you designed this suit as well?

- Y-yeah – Adam had felt himself shy a bit, and uncomfortable from unknown man who was closely studying his suit and especially his belly. Dylan was barely alive, but still able to move a bit in there, and Adam not really wanted his secret to be figured.

- Impressive, really impressive – businessman said, viewing on Adam from all sides – you know, it’s such a great idea! Using big belly to show to all people that it’s nothing to shy about is genius! In the end, the most of people in sport are fat, and this can help them to not feel themselves uncomfortable about that! I think it’s great!

- T-thanks, sir… - Adam replied in disbelief from what he heard.

- So then, what you’ll say about some working with us? – man said, as he gave to Adam his business card, winked and went away – welcome to big fashion world!

And once he left them, both Adam and mr. Tomson took closer look to card, and when they had seen which company it was, happy smile appeared on Adam’s face, and his teacher’s eyes had widened up again.

- Looks like you was managed to help me a bit, Dylan… - he whispered, laying one hand on his belly as it gurgled in back happily.

After 5 months I had joined the team, im still impressed by secret of strength of our team captain. After each game we’ve won, he chooses guy from other team and swallows him. And when we are loosing, down the hatch goes the one, who by his opinion is responsible for team fault.

But, captain is not always fair last months. Despite all his strength, he also makes mistakes regularly, but never admits that, preferring to gulp down innocent people.

Being honest, I’m not in belly just because he loves my belly rubs I’m giving him after his every meal since I joined the team. He always likes to sleep after that, with that belly full and big and rubbed by someone.

Maybe it’s good opportunity to change team captain?

Predator type: Always hungry

Digesting speed: 7-10/10

Stomach size: 1 prey

Danger: 10/10

It’s kind of hard for these predators to live, because they’re the ones who are having small stomaches and fast metabolism.

They’re digesting their meals rapidly, but fast metabolism requires also lots of nutrients. This brings huge hunger pretty quickly, which is really hard to fulfill because they’re not able to fit more than just one guy in their bellies. So then right after gulping they’re chilling in pleasure of overeating.

Thé guy at first pic just ate his prey 20 minutes ago and already looking for next prey to fit in his belly. Luckily for him, it takes just 4-5 hours to digest a meal completely for their type of predators and next their great bodies are returning.

It’s easily to recognize this type of predators however. After short time of digesting, when their prey passing out from lack of oxygen and it’s no more pleasurable move, but belly is still taut, predator is already ready to look for a next meal. Active, cocky, a bit hurrying up, these magnificent males are impossible not to notice, even if you’re not attracted to them.

However, sometimes predators like him even lucky enough to found someone who’ll like their bellies. And even if you’re knowing about that risk, about that obvious danger, are you seriously able to resist your dreams about these pearls? Of course, it’s time enough for you to have fun together before their stomach acids will make room enough for you! And you’re going with him and having amazingly sweet time together. But if you missed the moment to leave them before time is came, it’ll be easier for both of you if you’ll slide down willingly.

And it’s really hard, but also great luck if you’ll be able to start dating with such a guy. They’re mostly dating with other predators of this type, because they’re almost always prey-filled and can’t fit each other in their bellies. Other ways of dating with him are if one of you two is rich enough to regularly kidnap and contain people to satisfy predator, m and starting meeting with him right after he gulped his prey, with control of time and size of their belly.
