#implied isengrimdijkstra


The Witcher | Dandelion, implied Dijkstra/Isengrim; PG “memories of legacies”

It was a lovely day, the trees all speckled with colorful blooms and the air fragrant with new growth and sweet flowers, and he had half a mind to simply give all his students a passing grade because it was unfathomable torture to be expected to sit at a desk while the streets of Oxenfurt began to grow busy with preparation for the spring festival in a few short days. Tragically, he’d done that two semesters ago and got caught and the head of the department made it very clear that such flippant disregard for the sanctity of education would not be tolerated.

And so Dandelion was all but chained to his desk for the rest of the evening, quill in one hand for writing notes and the other flipping pages to what felt like a mountain of essays.

On AO3!
