#we just dont know

incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)

incredibly niche content for me, myself, and I (and maybe like 5 other people idk)

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The Witcher | Dandelion, implied Dijkstra/Isengrim; PG “memories of legacies”

It was a lovely day, the trees all speckled with colorful blooms and the air fragrant with new growth and sweet flowers, and he had half a mind to simply give all his students a passing grade because it was unfathomable torture to be expected to sit at a desk while the streets of Oxenfurt began to grow busy with preparation for the spring festival in a few short days. Tragically, he’d done that two semesters ago and got caught and the head of the department made it very clear that such flippant disregard for the sanctity of education would not be tolerated.

And so Dandelion was all but chained to his desk for the rest of the evening, quill in one hand for writing notes and the other flipping pages to what felt like a mountain of essays.

On AO3!

draconym: fryingpanwithaplan:draconym: draconym:draconym: draconym:draconym:draconym:draconym:










I had planned to do something totally different with my day but instead I made a whole bunch of pride birds! I plan to put them on Redbubbleasap.

Lesbian:pink-headed warbler
Gay:eastern rosella
Bi:varied bunting
Trans:lilac-breasted roller
Aro/ace:pink-headed fruit dove



Pansexual:oriental dwarf kingfisher
Nonbinary:gouldian finch
Asexual:purple-crowned fairywren

Sapphic:red-tailed comet
Aromantic:dusky-headed conure

I couldn’t resist making more pride birds today, especially after I discovered that the scientific name of the red-tailed comet is Sappho sparganurus. Sappho, you guys!! This bird is named after her!!

Guess who! Lesbian cockatoo. :)

Redbubble has buttons now!

Happy pride month everyone!!! Have a bronzewing pigeon. :) (Redbubble)


Finally! The Vosmaeri eclectus for the polyamory flag. While not an orientation or gender identity, the polyam flag is still very popular at pride events.

I thought the eclectus was perfect for this flag because unlike other parrots, they’re nonmonogamous. What a fun coincidence that they happen to match the flag so well and to be a personal favorite of mine.



Genderfluid violet-backed starling! I had a lot of fun drawing this one; I’m getting less afraid to draw iridescence on birds.

Despite all the frustration they cause for American naturalists, starlings are delightful, intelligent creatures. (Redbubble link)

God should release new birds that look like this as an apology for making this fucking pandemic.

Good news: these are all real birds that already exist!

eastern corella
varied bunting
oriental dwarf kingfisher
lilac breasted roller
pink headed fruit dove
dusky headed conure
purple crowned fairywren
Violet backed starling
woodstar hummingbird

Tumblr won’t let me add any more photos but please!!! look them up. The real birds are more beautiful than my pictures.

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Two kinds of people:

People who took the news of feathered dinosaurs like this:


And those who took it like this:



I hate it when people say “science ruined dinosaurs” as though dinosaurs are just some pop culture monster invention and not real things that existed and that we are continuing to make new discoveries about


Listen I don’t care if you think feathers on a dinosaur look stupid if a 9 ton apex predator is coming at you at 25 mph, you’re not going to laugh at its feathers. YOU’RE GOING TO HAUL ASS

Most of y’all are afraid of geese and they have feathers.

Imagine a 9 ton goose that’s about to fuck your shit up.

Excellent point.

birds are scary af


I just love how ravens/corvids/birds in general are sometimes like

and sometimes they’re like

It seems there are actually a few people left on this site who are still in this fandom, so here’s a fic for you all!

Have gun, will travel.

Ship: Ian Edgerton/Charlie Eppes

Rating: T (will probably go up)

Chapter: 1 of ???

Summary: Ian Edgerton has never been one for spending too much time in a single place. Freedom, adventure; he’s worked hard to earn that in the FBI, and he intends to keep it. But the appeal of Los Angeles is slowly growing on him, and it’s not just the beaches.

Charlie Eppes would like to think that his complete and total failure to have had a single meaningful relationship by the age of twenty-seven has to do with his accelerated academic career and dedication to his work, nothing more. He’s too busy these days, after all, now that he’s added FBI consultation to his already busy docket.

Ian loves very few things more than ruining plans and challenging expectations.

It’s back again.

Charlie had gotten so good at ignoring it by now that he’d thought it gone for good.   Or maybe had never even existed. Spending puberty in a university doesn’t exactly lend itself to normal personal development, after all, and it’s not like his usual social circle…

He swallows and forces the thought away.

But no effort in the world will force away the damn… sensation.

The man—Edgerton, Don had called him?—folds his sunglasses after pulling them off like a character from a crime show cold open, and Charlie’s stomach does an uncomfortable somersault.  A familiar somersault.

The man is tall.  And rugged. And smug.

[Read More]

Topsy the Raccoon has moved into Mallory’s island cabin. He’s been a blessed little familiar during Topsy the Raccoon has moved into Mallory’s island cabin. He’s been a blessed little familiar during

Topsy the Raccoon has moved into Mallory’s island cabin. He’s been a blessed little familiar during these isolating times.

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*thinks about Brian’s boots in the Donnington Bridge photoshoot*

@cheshirecatboyfriend​ #oh those are demonias#the uhhhh#steam? line#i think

youre right. i am loosing my mind. demonias brian

for those of you losing your minds looking for the full photo; i just went through like. eight days. of the crew chat in the mechscord to find it. photo credits to @wickedacephotos!!!
