

We’ve been together two years now, in love and in lust. We see eye to eye on so many things it’s scary, and we can and do talk about anything with each other. Until you, I didn’t even imagine my best friend and my lover could be the same person. This has been the happiest time of my life.

The only point of contention between us is babies, and even that’s just a matter of timing. We both want them, at least two and maybe three, about a year apart. But you want to start more or less now, and I think it would be wiser to wait until at least one of our careers advances to the point where we can move out of our crappy little apartment and into a decent house.

I suspect that if the rest of our relationship weren’t so incredible, this would be a source of serious strife. It’s not as if we’re kids any more; I’m 33 and you’re 31, and we’re both aware that your time isn’t infinite. I know we can’t wait much longer for promotions or other opportunities to present themselves.

A complicating factor is that that the idea of baby-making sex turns us both on immensely.

Six months or so into the relationship, you got some porn spam email we both thought was creepy, and I wondered out loud how such weird unsexy things seemed sexy to some people, because even my craziest fantasies were still all about fucking. Then, of course, you were dying to hear what my craziest fantasies were, so, after some hesitation, I told you I thought a lot about getting you pregnant.

For a few seconds, I thought I had made a terrible mistake, but it turned out you were merely speechless because you couldn’t believe how lucky you were. You’d been waiting for the right moment to tell me you thought a lot about getting pregnant by me. Apparently, we’d both been quietly pretending for months to be making babies, and a few minutes later we were having the hottest sex ever, even though we were both well aware that you were on the pill. Since then, we’d run some variant on that fantasy once a week or so, and we didn’t seem to be wearing it out.

Anyway, that’s how things worked until a few months ago. We’d been discussing the possibility of actually making babies for the twentieth time, and arguing about it wasn’t going to help, so I suggested we try to find a compromise, not having any idea where that might take us. You were a step or three ahead of me and had a proposal ready. We could simply change which one of us was responsible for birth control. You would go off the pill and I would have to provide an alternative, and if it failed (or I failed), then so be it.

We agreed to let me think about your idea overnight, but in bed that evening you didn’t quite play fair. To be clear, I loved it, but it still wasn’t fair. You drew on all that fantasizing we had done together and whispered in my ear about how much wetter and hornier you would be in the middle of your cycle if you weren’t on the pill. You told me you thought I would like knowing your body was ready to make a baby, and I would probably cum harder and longer and… Yeah. Just talking about it like that made the sex that ensued feel a little more true, and I could see how it would be better the more real it got.

See what I meant about that complicating factor?

In the morning, I agreed to your proposal as soon as we were both awake, and the discussion that followed got us so horny that we had our last impregnation fantasy sex. Right afterward, you got up and walked to the bathroom, dumped your birth control pills into the toilet, and gave the toilet a triumphant flush. I can still close my eyes and picture you standing there smiling, a creamy rivulet of our cum running down your inner thigh.

We’ve been using condoms since then. We tried some other things, but they’re messy and complicated and take too long. When I say “we,” here, of course I mean me. When we have sex, it’s clear you don’t have a care in the world. My cock usually oozes precum well before we fuck, and it’s amazing how little smears of that stuff end up just about everywhere. Being the one who has to make sure none of it gets near your pussy makes things less spontaneous. And of course rolling on a condom before we fuck is not just a distraction. I had forgotten how distant it feels, and you can forget about any hot talk about my cum deep inside you, because that’s all-too-obviously not going to happen. Still, when sex is not the best it can be, it’s still pretty good, so I’d be a fool to complain any more than I have.

But sex has actually improved in one way since you went off the pill: You’ve gotten back in touch with your whole cycle, and, to my delight, you’ve told me about it. The last time you ovulated, you felt it, and you were right about what I’d think of that. Talking about what would happen if we fucked without a condom got me rock hard and you soaking wet. And I loved knowing that all it would take for us to make a baby would be for me to enter your bare pussy with my bare cock, something I knew you were more than eager for me to do, and let instinct take over. I honestly don’t know how I managed to get the condom on that time.

That was about a month ago, and for the last few days you haven’t been pulling any punches. You’ve been on a business trip, but you’ve texted me in the middle of the work day to let me know how wet you are for my cock or that you’ve been imagining the feel of my cum inside you. On the phone at night you’ve told me you’re super-horny because you’re in the middle of your cycle, but no, we’re not going to have phone sex because you want me to save my load for when you get home. Damn. I can’t decide if that’s cold or hot. Maybe both. All I know for sure is that my balls already feel like they carry a huge load and I walk around all day hyper-aware of every unintentional caress from the knit cotton of my boxer-briefs.

An hour before quitting time today, you text me that you’ve arrived home from your trip and wish I were there to help in the shower. The rest of work and my commute home drag on forever, but finally I open our apartment door to find you standing barefoot on the carpet in a sheer black negligee. The door shuts behind me and my woman stands before me horny and fertile, hoping that right here and now we’ll do the most natural thing in the world. I feel my cock begin to stiffen rapidly.

You step to me and methodically remove my clothes, allowing my full balls and semi-erect cock to swing free, and as you help me step out of my shoes I wonder if you’re getting wet for me already. Soon enough, I’m wearing even less than you, and you stand again. While we kiss passionately, tongues dancing, one of my roaming hands finds its way between your thighs. With my index finger I stretch the crotch of your panties to one side and let my middle finger explore beneath. I am rewarded with your moist outer lips, which I gently part to discover your inner folds already slick and getting slicker at my touch. I always love feeling you get wet for me, but I’m inspired by knowing why you’re so wet so soon this time. Almost instantly my cock is so hard it stands nearly straight up against my belly.

I hook my thumbs under the waistband of your panties, break our kiss, and squat, pulling your panties down over your wide hips. Once you step out of them, I pull you by the hand gently but insistently down toward the floor with me, and we soon find ourselves lying side-by-side on the plush carpet. We kiss again as my fingers slide slowly between your pussy lips, smearing your juices up and over and around your swollen clit. You close your hand around my rigid shaft and slowly stroke, and soon a pearl of precum emerges for you to swirl around my cockhead. My balls feel so full they almost ache.

Neither of us has much patience for this, but this time you’re the one to break our kiss to whisper. “I need you inside me.”

I hesitate. There’s no condom at hand, but I do badly need to fuck you…

“Please… I need your cock inside me now.”

I quickly make a deal with myself: I’ll pull out just before I cum. There can be a few sperm in precum, but usually only if you’ve shot a load recently, and I haven’t cum in days, so it should be safe.

I roll over on top of you, and you spread your legs eagerly, knees up. I can feel my cock between us, and… Yes, my shaft lays between your swollen, slippery pussy lips. I slide up and down as we kiss again, teasing you but also hesitating again. Am I really going to do this? It feels so good so far, and it would be so easy to just…

“In,” you plead. “Please…”

I slowly shift my hips back farther until the head of my cock slips down between your warm, slick folds and lodges at your entrance. I’ve just oozed precum inside you, so now I might as well push in. I feel you stretching open around my cockhead, your wonderful wetness enveloping me for the first time in months.

“Yes,” you breathe. “All the way…”

In short pushes, I slowly penetrate you to the hilt, letting my balls rest against you. This is where I should be. I belong here. I can feel the length of my cock full of precum, and it must be flowing slowly but steadily into you, and that worries me a little, but I have to admit it also feels right.

I hear your whisper again. “Are we… Are we gonna…”

“I’m gonna pull out.”

You’re visibly disappointed. “Oh, honey, don’t do that. Just let it happen.”

“No, I’m gonna pull out,” I say again.

“Well, OK, but at least fuck me a little? Your cock feels so much better this way…”

That much is definitely part of my hastily constructed plan. I slowly withdraw until only my tip is inside you, and I feel your warm juices cooling on my cock for a moment. Then I slide all the way back into you, and I feel your hands on my ass, pulling gently. I like feeling your pussy gently squeeze precum out of me.

I withdraw from you almost all the way again and let you pull me back in a little harder and faster. Yeah, I remember this. This is good. This is how it’s supposed to feel. We settle into a rhythm, me thrusting down into you and you pushing back up, until we can both feel the tip of my cock just barely nudging your cervix at the bottom of each stroke.

I feel a familiar pressure building behind the base of my cock, but I’m in control of myself. I know I can pull out before I cum, though of course part of me doesn’t want to, and I remember that hearing from that part of me turns you on.

“Don't… wanna pull out… Wanna… cum inside you…” I say.

You’re not sure what to do with that. “Oh, honey…”

“Wanna… shoot my sperm in you… make you… pregnant…” And, just for the record, I’m not lying.

You go with it. “Then do it, sweetie… Cum in me…”

“Can't… Gotta… pull out…”

“Oh, cum inside me, honey. Let it happen. Shoot your sperm in me…”

I don’t respond, but I don’t stop fucking you, either, and that pressure behind the base of my cock is building faster now. A tiny little voice in the back of my head is saying it would be smart to pull out a little too early, like now, than pull out too late. But your voice is much louder.

“Honey, give it to me… Shoot your seed in me… Gimme your baby… Make me pregnant…”

Suddenly, I’m over the edge and instinct seizes control. I throw myself deep into you, and my cock and balls begin to spasm as one, spurting warm, creamy semen into your willing, fertile pussy. I feel my essence stream into you as long, strong jets of my potent seed spatter against your cervix, pooling beneath it. And, as my orgasm begins to subside, I feel yours arrive, rhythmically squeezing every last drop of my cum into you as you shudder and moan, pussy squelching softly but lewdly with our mixed juices.

As I come to my senses, I realize not only have I failed to pull out of you in time but that it feels like exactly the right thing to have done. I’m happy I failed. I’m happy to be buried balls-deep inside your well-fucked pussy overflowing with my cum. And most of all I’m happy to know millions of my sperm are right where they belong and almost certain to succeed in their search for your egg.

“Don’t worry,” I say after a few moments. “I don’t feel tricked. I feel… awesome.”

You smile. “I knew you would.”

For months, I’ve been overhearing you chat with your girlfriends on the phone. You keep it quiet, even whispering sometimes, but I don’t talk on the phone much, so I guess you couldn’t know how well sound carries over the partition between our cubicles. I try to stay focused on my work, and I like to think of myself as a person who wouldn’t invade someone else’s privacy, but I admit it: when you talk about sex, it gets my attention.

Right now, I’m pretty distracted from the report I’m writing because you’re complaining to one of your friends that you’re in the middle of your cycle and horny as hell and frustrated you have no boyfriend you can pounce. I wouldn’t believe women say these things to each other if I hadn’t heard it with my own ears.

I remember overhearing you mention a few days ago you’re not on birth control, and I feel my cock begin to stir in my pants. I can’t explain why, but knowing a woman is at peak fertility has always turned me on.

And what’s this? Who’s Mr… Oh, I get it. That’s the name you gave your vibrator. You’re telling your girlfriend you’d rather go home and spend some quality time with Mr. Right Now than endure the office party we’ll all be stuck attending tonight. I silently thank whatever forces arranged for women to be so frank with each other about sex.

Fast-forward a few hours, and the work day is finally over. Well, for some definition of work anyway; I’ve been daydreaming about you on and off all afternoon. I get up from my chair and step over to the gap in your cubicle and knock. I announce it’s time for us to go to the annoying fake party to let the bosses think the company is one big happy family, and I suggest we carpool. You agree on all counts.

In the car, the talk is all strictly safe-for-work. We discuss how late the project we’re working on has run and how stupid management must be to think that we’re showing up to this party because we crave more face-time with our co-workers. I feel lucky my cock isn’t tenting my pants, because at every lull in the conversation I think about how good your pussy must smell. Yeah. Once I’m turned on, I don’t turn off easily.

Upon arriving at the bar and grill where the party is being held, we’re quickly separated by co-workers drawing us into banal conversations about quarterly results and rumors about management politics. I see you across the room from time to time, and I notice after a while it seems that if you’re talking to a woman you look bored and impatient, but if you’re talking to a man you’re paying attention, not necessarily fascinated but maybe wishing you were.

When we finally bump into each other again, I see you’ve had about as many drinks as I have: not enough to shout at a manager who richly deserves it, but definitely enough to relax your walk and loosen your tongue. You mock-grimace and complain that we’re stuck here for who-knows-how-much longer, and we discuss how bad it would be to be seen leaving first.

I couldn’t tell you why, but suddenly I decide to take a risk. "Of course, the real crime here is that I’m being deprived of valuable jacking off time.“ I can pass this off as a joke if I have to, right?

You laugh knowingly. "Yeah, you and me both.”

What? I can see by the look on your face that you’re more surprised you said that than I am. You look at me a moment, choosing your next words carefully.

“Well, it’s not as if there’s a good term for what girls do. ‘Jilling off’ just sounds lame.”

“Point,” I say. “But you know what’s really lame? Two horny people going home alone.” So much for passing this off as a joke.

You laugh again. “If you thought leaving first would look bad, think about leaving first together.”

“Another good point.” I raise my drink. “But I might be past caring.”

“Well, then,” you say, and just like that you put down your drink and pick up your purse. "Shall we?“

• • •

Somehow we manage to get to my car without touching, which is wise because I’m parked in view of the restaurant windows.

As soon as we pull away, I feel your hand on my thigh. I let you see me smile as I feel my cock’s first response, but I keep my eyes on the road until the first red light, when I look over to see you watching me expectantly. I place my right hand just above your knee and let my fingers play along your inner thigh as you part your legs. As the light turns green and we accelerate, my hand pushes against the hem of your flannel skirt and your hand steals over the fly of my slacks, discovering the outline of my stiffening cock. I’m driving toward the office, but you have a better idea. "Left,” you say, and I start to follow your directions.

By the time we arrive outside your apartment building, my slacks feel confining as you cup your hand and stroke my erection slowly through the cloth, and your skirt is bunched between my wrist and your waist as my fingers tease you through your damp panties. I pull into the parking lot and kill the engine, and for a moment we just sit there in the dark, stroking and listening to each other breathe. “C'mon,” you say, finally, and turn to open your door. I do the same, and soon we’re in your building’s elevator, turning toward each other as the doors close.

We kiss urgently, my hands on your ass, pressing us together, and I enjoy knowing you can feel my hard cock against your belly. Soon enough we’re on your floor and inside your apartment and you’re leading me straight to your bedroom, where your unmade bed awaits.

We turn to kiss again, and my hands are behind you, unzipping your skirt and shucking your panties down over your hips, letting it all fall to the floor. I can hardly wait to feel how wet you are, and when my hand slides around between us, you spread your stance instinctively, and my fingers encounter your gloriously slick folds. I quickly lay my middle finger between your sopping lips and slowly drag it up and down as our tongues entwine and you moan faintly.

My cock strains to be released from my slacks, and you do me that mercy, unbuttoning and unzipping and pushing my slacks down along with my boxers. My cock stands at rapt attention, and I realize it’s been about a week since I’ve cum, because my balls feel full and heavy. In fact, I bet… Yes, you grasp my cock in your hand and slip your thumb up over my cockhead to smear the pearl of precum that has already formed there.

As if we had planned it, we part to remove our shirts, and then I quickly reach behind you to unhook your bra and reveal your generous breasts, dark nipples already at attention. We kiss again and soon find ourselves lying on our sides on your bed, each with one knee up. I swirl my tongue around your firm nipples while my fingers smear your slippery pussy juices up and around your clit. With one hand you slowly stroke my rigid shaft, and with the other you cup and gently squeeze my swollen balls.

Your ragged breaths are turning to moans and your hips are starting to buck under my fingers relentlessly circling your clit. “Don’t stop,” you say, a hint of desperation in your voice, as if there were a chance I would. “So… close…” And then you’re over the edge, pressing your pussy against my fingers, your whole body tensing and releasing again and again, until you finally you lift my hand away. “Too much,” you laugh nervously, and I release your nipple from my mouth just in case.

You haven’t let go of my cock, thumb and forefinger closed tightly around it, but you’ve understandably been paying it less attention. Now, when you resume those wonderful long strokes, you’re rewarded with a slow but steady ooze of pre-cum from my cockhead, which you smear down my shaft and use as lube. It feels exquisite. “Oh, god,” I moan, “So much…”

“I noticed,” you say. “Whatever shall we do about that?”

I don’t answer right away, but after a few moments of enjoying your caresses, I can’t wait any longer, and I reach down between us to guide your hand and my cock toward your swollen pussy lips. “This,” I say, anticipating your reaction. I’m sure we’re both thinking about the natural consequences of fucking, so I’m pleasantly surprised when you take my cue and pull me the rest of the way, then rub my cockhead up over your clit, down to your flooded entrance, and back again. I have never felt a woman this wet for me before, and I love it.

After a few seconds of this teasing, I roll us over so you’re on your back, knees spread, with my hips poised over you, cock pointing right at your pussy. We lock eyes as I lower and shift my hips so my cockhead finds its way back to your dripping slit. I press in a little, shift my hips again to find the right angle, and then I’m sliding into you in short, slow thrusts. I gasp and you bite your lower lip as we both feel every ridge and vein of my cock enter you. Your warm, slick pussy juices coat the full length of my shaft.

I slowly withdraw from you almost all the way, your pussy clinging to me, and then I slide back in again in one long, smooth stroke. "So good,“ you breathe, looking up at me. I start a slow, steady rhythm, and I find your hands behind my ass, lightly pressing inward so that each thrust is a little harder and faster and deeper than the last. I feel a familiar pressure building behind the base of my cock, and your moans are getting louder and more insistent.

It’s not like I’ve tricked you into letting me fuck you without a condom, but I definitely feel like I’m getting away with something. Here I am, thrusting my bare cock deep inside your unprotected, fertile pussy, oozing pre-cum and getting ready to spurt the real thing. Of course, this happens all time whenever two horny people lose control of their lust. But for me, right now, it’s more than that. I’m not just looking forward to getting off and trying to forget it might make you pregnant. I’m actually hoping to… No, that’s not it either. I’m trying to make you pregnant. Yes, part of me only wants to get off because it feels good, but another part of me thinks that’s just a bonus, and what I really want is to mark you and make your belly swell with my child. There’s something about this my conscience doesn’t like, though it isn’t sure what to do about it right now.

I don’t say all that out loud, of course, but I do hook my elbows under your knees and lift, then drive myself into you as deep as I can, my balls resting against you, and… Oh! The tip of my cock… Yeah, this is definitely as deep as I can go. I stop thrusting and begin to grind against you, just barely nudging that spot.

"Feel that?”

“Mmmmmmm,” is all you say.

“Feel me deep inside you?”

“Mmmmmm, yes,” you say as I keep grinding, “So… deep… I think… you’re touching my… cervix…”

“Yeah,” I say, “That’s good. That’s perfect.” I’m alternating grinds with the shortest of strokes now, always staying deep, trying to rub your clit with the base of my cock and keep my cockhead close to your womb’s entrance. Your moans shift higher and the pressure behind my cock grows.

My conscience finally figures out what it wants: “This is where… I’m gonna cum.”

“Mmmmmmm, yes.” Does that mean I’m home free?

My conscience can’t believe it and the part of me that wants to impregnate you suddenly agree I should say more, but I don’t want to ruin this, so I just keep alternating grinds and deep, short thrusts until we’re both approaching the point of no return.

Finally I give in and say more. “Gonna shoot my sperm inside you…”

“Yes,” you moan.

“Gonna fill you up…”

“Mmmmmm, shoot it,” you say.

“Gonna… gonna make you pregnant.” There. Full disclosure.

“Oh, god… Do it! Do it!”

You begin to spasm around my cock as I spurt warm, sperm-rich semen into your fertile, unprotected pussy. My cock and balls surge in unison, jetting ropes of seed against your cervix. You shudder and gasp as I shoot every potent drop of cum I have, coating your walls and pooling deep within you.

When we return to our senses, I’m still rock-hard and buried in your creamy pussy to the hilt.

“MIllions,” I say.

“It’s a good start,” you say.

We’ve only known each other a couple of weeks, and we’ve only had sex twice before, so I can hardly complain that I need to wear a condom when we fuck. After the last time, you told me you’d be restarting your prescription for birth control pills, but the world we live in requires a doctor to sign off, and I accept that can’t happen instantly.

You surprised me, though, when you complained about the condom. Of course you crave the skin-on-skin contact, but then you told me something I’ve never heard a woman say in the real world: You love cum inside you. Actually, what you said was “I love sperm in my pussy. Feels awesome."  Damn. I already thought you were hot, but now?

Anyway, I’m a grown-up, and I can be responsible and wait, and I would rather fuck you with a condom on than have you jerk or suck me off bare. I guess I am just wired to like it best when I’m thrusting deep into you, sometimes slowly as we kiss, then fast and hard when it feels like you need it, and then slow again so it doesn’t end before either of us wants it to.

Now I almost stop, buried in you to the hilt, grinding the base of my cock against your clit, and an idea jumps into my head. I lean down and whisper in your ear: "Let’s say there’s no condom.”

You don’t miss a beat. “Mmmmmmm,” you purr. “Is your bare cock inside me right now?”

I withdraw a little and push back in before answering “Yeah, all the way.”

“Are you gonna shoot your cum inside my pussy?”

I pull out almost all the way before plunging back in. “Got a big load for you. All for you.”

“Oh, God,” you moan. “You’re gonna get me pregnant.”

Whoa. Did you just say …? I haven’t forgotten I have a condom on, so I don’t panic. Still, it’s a moment before I ask “What?”

“I’m right in the middle of my cycle,” you say.

“So if I cum inside you…”

“You’ll be getting me… pregnant.”

You don’t sound at all unhappy about the prospect. In fact, the tone of your voice and the joy on your face tell me you’re downright elated. I know that you know that I’m wearing a condom, but somehow you’ve shifted into a fantasy and are clearly loving it. I feel your pussy getting slicker as I slide my thickening cock deeper inside you.

I smile and ask “Is that what you want?”

And then, as I begin a long downthrust into you, I feel it: The condom breaks. There’s a dull, muffled pop and a feeling of… “Oh, God,” I say, eyes flying wide. The feeling is exquisite, ten times more intense, and for the first time I can feel how truly drenched your pussy is, coating the full length of my shaft as I penetrate you. The burst condom bunches up at the base of my cock.

I have the presence of mind to stop as I bottom out in you, balls deep, and I see your eyes go wide too as you realize what just happened. “Oh, God,” you echo, staring up at me. My cock has never felt so hard, and I picture my cockhead nestled up against your cervix. And then I notice your hands behind my ass, pressing ever so lightly. We lock eyes, gulping air with open mouths, stuck.

“Yes,” you say, finally.

“Yes what?” I ask.

“You asked if… I want you to get me pregnant.” I don’t know what to say. A moment passes. “Yes,” you say again.

“I…” I am still at a loss for words, but I feel a rush of adrenaline hearing yours.

“I want you to… fuck me with your bare cock and… shoot your sperm in my pussy… and get me pregnant.” Chaos erupts in my mind. It’s the best and worst idea I have ever heard. Despite my inner struggle, you must see something in my face you like, because you smile up at me knowingly while your words loop endlessly in my head.

“C'mon,” you say. “Let’s do this right.” Your hand pushes up against my chest gently but confidently, and I withdraw from you and kneel, thinking maybe you’ve changed your mind. My cock is still rigid, standing proudly up and out from my body, glistening with your juices. The condom hangs in tatters from its ring, and you sit up and deftly roll the ruined thing off of me. “Much better,” you say, and I think you must be about to replace the failed condom with another.

Instead, you close your thumb and forefinger around the root of my cock and begin to firmly and slowly stroke upward. It feels good, but you have another purpose. “I want to show you,” you say, “how much I mean it.” As your fist nears the end of my cock, a pearl of pre-cum emerges from my cockhead, and you catch it on the fingertips of your other hand. Leaning back to make sure I can see, you smear my pre-cum between your pussy lips, which still gape slightly from earlier. “Mmmmm,” you purr, “Even wetter. Feels good.” You release my cock, lean back, open your arms, and say “Now come here.”

I lower myself between your legs, feeling crazy but also terribly sane at the same time. Am I really going to do this? Of course I am; it’s the most natural thing in the world. I can’t do this, and yet I reach down, grab my cock, and drag the head between the slippery folds of your pussy, sliding up and over your clit, teasing. You close your eyes, let your head fall back, and breathe.

Finally, I let my cockhead slip down and circle your entrance once more before I slowly push you open again, focusing this time on every bare millimeter of delicious contact. Your pussy welcomes me back, not stretching so much as accommodating, opening to me just enough that I slide in all the way in with one long nearly effortless stroke, yet somehow tight enough to make me worry I might shoot right now.

Once I’m back in you all the way again, you say “Yeah, that’s right. Much better without that… thing.” I start to grind against you, and our tongues dance in our mouths while I wonder if I can make you cum rubbing your clit this way. But you’re impatient. You break our kiss to say “Honey, I need you to fuck me for real.” I guess you know by now that I can’t help but give you what you ask for.

As I pull my cock from within you, I feel your pussy clinging to me, as if you can’t stand my leaving. I plunge back into you firmly, and as I feel my full, heavy balls come to rest against you, I remember I haven’t cum in days. “I really do have a big load for you,” I say.

“Are you gonna… shoot it in me?”

“All of it,” I say. “Deep inside you…” I’m thrusting into you slowly and steadily now.

“Oh, God… Oh, God… Please…”

“Please what?” I love hearing you say what you want.

“Please shoot your sperm… in my pussy.”

“And… Why?” I’ve learned you like answering, too, but I’m driving into you faster now, balls slapping gently against you, so it takes you a while.

“I want you… I want you to… make me pregnant.” There it is. It scared me just a few seconds ago, but now it makes me…

Oh, God. The familiar pressure behind the base of my cock that tells me I’m getting close just got a lot stronger, and instead of scaring me it makes me want to share it with you in every way.

“Gonna cum… in you…”


“Gonna… Oh, God, I'm… Unnnnnh…"  I drive myself deep inside you and stay there, my cock quickly swelling and hardening even more than I thought possible. You feel me spasm as sperm-rich semen spurts the length of my rigid shaft and into your unprotected pussy. Jets of my warm seed spatter against your cervix, and immediately millions of my swimmers begin seeking your egg.

Then, as my orgasm subsides, I feel your pussy rhythmically squeezing my stiff cock, and I realize you’re cumming hard, squirting your sweet girlcum over both of us. You bite your lower lip as you shudder and gasp, and I think of your cervix dipping into a pool of my sperm.

When we both return to earth, I laugh. "Nobody can tell either of us we’re afraid of commitment, now, can they?”

I need a break from work, and for some reason having an erection seems like a good idea. Did an elaborate specific fantasy suddenly jump into my head? No, I’m just thinking: I like it when my dick is hard. Things are simple and easy.

And now I’m aware of my balls, how full and heavy they feel, and I realize there is a good reason for that; I haven’t cum for a few days and I have a big load stored up. Am I thinking about how it would feel if I shot that load? No, not yet. I just enjoy knowing the load is there, that I have been making it for days, carrying it around with me. Though it’s all I know, I do like being a member of the sex which makes sperm.

My cock is already a little thicker than normal; I can feel it against my underwear. It’s been listening to me think, but I haven’t yet given in completely to enjoying myself. I reach down and begin to stroke myself through my jeans. Yeah, this is a good idea. Let’s do this.

I get up and walk over to the computer and log in to the Tumblr account I use to follow porn. My dashboard does not disappoint. I scroll past image after image of cocks, pussies, cocks in pussies, and my favorite, pussies full of cum.

My own cock is swelling and definitely needs release from its denim prison. I unbutton my jeans and slip a hand under the waistband of my boxers to grasp my shaft. My hand feels cold for a few moments, but somehow that doesn’t seem like a bad thing. It just makes my cock feel hot, and a hot cock feels ready. With my other hand, I open my jeans and push down my boxers far enough to expose my balls, and now I hold my stiffening cock out from my body and stroke it slowly.

Quickly, now, I am rock hard and straining and already starting to leak pre-cum, nature’s second-best lube, and I smear it up and down my shaft. Yeah, I was right. This much pre-cum this soon tells me I have a huge load ready to shoot, and I can feel the size of my load in my balls, too. When I cum, there will be ten or twelve spurts, long and strong.

Yeah, I am thinking about cumming now. How could I not? I’m in no rush, but let’s face it: I’m a guy and I like to shoot my cum. And yeah, now I have something specific in mind, the one place I want to shoot: deep inside your pussy. One hand still on my cock and the other gently pulling and cupping my balls, I close my eyes and imagine…

I’m driving myself deep inside you, balls deep, cockhead right up against your cervix. You and I both know that every time we fuck I do my best to get you pregnant. The only difference today is that I know you’re ovulating and you’re whispering in my ear: “Do it… Cum in me… I want your baby… Make me pregnant…” I press my cock deep in you, grinding against you, and suddenly I’m cumming, shooting my sperm in their millions right where they belong. Each exquisite spasm seems endless as I spurt every drop of warm, sperm-rich semen I have into you, filling you to overflowing…

My girlfriend and I were lying in bed on a Sunday morning, getting each other worked up. We’d both awoken horny, and it wasn’t long before her little hand was wrapped around my thick, rock-hard cock, slowly stroking, occasionally smearing a bead of my precum down and around the shaft. Her pussy coated my fingers with sweet slickness as I circled her clit and occasionally slipped inside her to tease her g-spot.

“God I wanna fuck you,” I told her as I rolled over between her spread legs. She smiled as she reached with her free hand into the bedside table drawer for a condom.

“Oh, no,” she said, frowning and showing me an empty condom box. “We’re out.” She wasn’t on any birth control and we both knew she was in the middle of her cycle. Her hand left my cock and cupped my balls as if she were weighing them. They felt full and heavy. “And it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

I nodded and looked down at my thumb as it smeared her pussy juice up from her entrance and over her clit. “What should we…?” I didn’t need to finish my question. I knew she wanted to me to fuck her as badly as I wanted to fuck her. Maybe more.

“You’re in charge,” she said.

What? I looked up at her. Didn’t she understand? Was she really leaving the decision up to me? My confusion must have been written all over my face, because she said it again. “You’re in charge.”

I felt a surge of adrenaline. “But if I… You could…” I stammered. She said nothing, but she closed her eyes and parted her lips, focusing on what my thumb was doing to her clit.

After a few moments, she whispered “Don’t stop.” Was she talking about my thumb? I didn’t know what to do. We hadn’t ever talked about making babies, but I loved her, and the likely consequences of fucking her didn’t make me want to fuck her any less.

She released my balls and closed her hand around my cock again, this time slowly stroking toward her, gently aiming my cock at her glistening pussy just a few inches away. As my own hand reached down to guide my cock so its head pressed against her clit, we both gasped, and soon I couldn’t believe I was sliding my bare cockhead up and down and around her clit as I told myself precum doesn’t usually have very many sperm. “Mmmmmmm,” she purred.

“I’ll just… I'll… I’ll pull out, OK?” I said.

“Oh,” she breathed, considering my decision. “In, please…”

When she asks me to fuck her like this, my cock always swells just a little thicker and longer and harder. But this time it also told me she was less worried than I was about what we were doing. I slid my cockhead down and circled her entrance, and I couldn’t remember when she’d been wetter. She moaned as I teased her. “In… In… In…” she begged.

Finally, it was time. I began to slowly slide the length of my stiff prick into her tight pussy, little by little, in small pushes. It felt incredible to bury myself in her warm, slippery folds, and my mouth fell open to gulp air as I bottomed out in her, balls-deep. I’d somehow forgotten this would feel ten times better without a condom. It was the way it’s supposed to be.

She opened her eyes, and as we looked at each other I could tell she was amazed as I was. She sighed and said “I want you inside me forever.”

I smiled a wobbly smile and said “Mmmmm, yeah, this is where I belong, right here.” I ground into her and she sucked in a breath sharply.

“I can pull out,” I said, and she shook her head, half-worried, half-frustrated. “No, not now,” I said, “not yet, but… later.” She nodded slowly with a resigned look.

“But I don’t think…”,  I continued as I began to slowly withdraw from her, “I don’t think you want me to pull out.” Her mouth made an O shape, and I could’t decide if she was reacting to having been discovered or the feel of my cock pulling at her pussy. When my cockhead was the only part of me inside her, I slid back into her smoothly in one long slow stroke. It felt exquisite, and the experience was lighting up parts of my brain I didn’t know I had.

“And I don’t think,” I said, starting another out-and-back-in stroke, “that I want to pull out, either.” Her eyes went wide, but I could tell it was less fear than awe. 

“Oh, God,” she said. “You could… Oh, God,” she moaned as I bottomed out in her again.

“I could cum inside you.” I leaned down and closed my mouth over hers and our tongues met. After a few moments, I broke the kiss and looked her in the eye and told her: “I could get you pregnant.” I ground against her again, wondering how close the tip of my cock was to her cervix.

“You…” she started. “I… Do you want that?”

I grinned. “I definitely want to cum inside you.”

“Mmmmmm, yeah, but I mean…” she trailed off.

“Do I want to get you pregnant?” I asked. She nodded. I withdrew almost all the way again and plunged back into her a little more forcefully this time. I placed my hands on her shoulders, pressing her to the bed, and started a rhythm, thrusting my rigid cock deep into her drenched pussy, slowly but firmly, letting my balls nudge her as the root of my shaft stretched her open just a little more on each downstroke. “Yes,” I said, “I want to get you pregnant.”

“Oooohhhhh,” she said, her face flashing between joy and awe and lust. She put her hands behind her thighs and pulled them up and out, tilting her hips to let me fuck her more deeply. “Oh, God,” she said, “Do it.”

“Do what?” I asked her. Of course I knew already. Of course.

“Cum inside me,” she said. “Cum inside me and… get me pregnant.” The look on her face told me should couldn’t believe she said it… but she loved saying it. And those new parts of my brain loved hearing it. It felt as if my whole life had led up to this. I was finally doing what I was born to do.

I picked up the pace, fucking her harder and faster, my balls slapping against her, and we both started to moan at the bottom of each thrust. I could feel a trickle of precum slowly but steadily flowing the length of my cock and leaking into her fertile pussy, and now I felt a wonderful freedom from worry about it.

A familiar tension was building behind the base of my cock, and I could tell from her tone she was near cumming, too. I thought of her pussy convulsing in orgasm, her cervix dipping into a pool of my sperm-rich semen, and suddenly I was over the edge. I spurted jet after jet of warm, creamy seed the length of my throbbing cock against the back of her fertile pussy. And, as my climax subsided, I could feel hers starting. Her pussy gripped my cock again and again in time with her sighs, as if she wanted to squeeze all the cum from me, as if I weren’t eager to give her every pearly drop.

I thought I could not have been happier. For the first time in my life I had delivered my swimmers where they could do their job. But then she told me she wanted another load of my sperm in her just as soon as I was ready. And just seconds after she said it… I was.

I love every stage of you getting and being wet. Details? Absolutely.

We stand close and kiss, my hands on your ass, and I think of you feeling your pussy begin to moisten. As my lips surround one of your nipples and my fingertips trace trails up from your inner thigh to your most sensitive places, you shudder slightly, and I know you can feel yourself getting slippery inside.

Usually, I lay you down and let my fingertips play lightly over your labia, and you feel moist until I part your inner lips, breaking your seal and revealing to me your wet need. As your hand closes around the shaft of my cock and begins to slowly stroke, my own fingers detect a rush of heat and slick juices. I love that my cock stiffening for you makes you wetter, and I can’t help but think about why: You’re getting ready for us to fuck. Knowing this makes me rock-hard within seconds.

But sometimes, at first touch, I discover your inner folds open and drenched, your pussy full of warm, slippery-sweet nectar. I realize you’re in the middle of your cycle, and I smile and whisper “Soooooo wet.” You nod slowly as I raise my fingers to my mouth to enjoy the subtle taste of you now. “You’re ovulating soon, aren’t you?” You nod again, biting your lip, and my balls feel fuller and heavier, my cock thicker and longer, and the urge to fuck you starts to take control.

You’re impossibly soft against my cockhead as I drag it between your pussy lips and smear your warm juices up, parting the hood of your clit. With my hand, I squeeze out a few drops of my pre-cum to mix with your wetness and bathe your firm button. Then I slip down to circle and tease your entrance, reveling in how your slippery juices can cover me so quickly, easily, thoroughly.

Finally, I’m slipping into you with short strokes until my cock is buried, balls deep, in your soaking pussy, and I feel the full depth of your heat. When I briefly pull almost all the way out for the first full stroke, your juices coat my length, cooling, and I’m proud to wear the proof that you want me.

And, finally, even if we can’t make a baby every time I shoot my sperm inside you, at least the super-slick cream that envelops my cock and overflows your pussy is us, mixed.

And now I think I have a new favorite porn star.

Just her talk at the beginning of this clip gets me rock hard and dripping pre-cum.

My oh my. What a day.

#bareback    #creampie    #impregnate    #impregnation    #inseminate    #insemination    #ovulation    #ovulate    

For the last few weeks, I haven’t been writing much — well, smut, anyway — because I haven’t had much time. And why would I? I have a new girlfriend. She’s been out of town a couple of days and won’t be back for a couple more, and now is the first time in quite a while I’ve gotten horny without knowing I would see her in a few hours or the next day. But more about that later. As you read this, keep in mind that it is a true story. Everything in it happened and nothing is exaggerated. This will become more and more difficult to believe the farther you get into the story. I hardly believe it myself — and it’s my life. The only liberty I took was to depict my thoughts as if they occurred in words. For those of you with busy hands, don’t worry; there will eventually be sexytime consistent with the tags.

I found her on the internet, or rather she found me. She hadn’t bothered to fill out her online profile well; she had skipped that and instead sent me a message that got my attention. Her profile did have one photo, but in it her back was to the camera and other than the fact that she was not morbidly obese there was really nothing to see. That was fine, though, because her profile said she sought friends only, not sex or romance. If she and I had chemistry, it only would have gotten in the way. I never asked her for a better picture and she didn’t volunteer one, though my own profile was lousy with pictures, and I made sure to mention to her that they were fresh and accurate.

Another reason I didn’t care how she looked was that it was a tremendous relief to just be able to be smart with her and watch her more than hold her own. Brilliance can be attractive, and she’s definitely brilliant. She’s a world-class intellectual, and I don’t mean that as hyperbole; I mean there’s evidence to support my claim which I wish could share with you. And it’s readily evident from her words.

We corresponded a few weeks, about one message each day, trying to impress each other with our mutual cleverness, of course, and apparently succeeding. I figured if the relationship never advanced beyond this it was still rewarding enough to continue. But eventually we did agree to meet for dinner at a restaurant. It didn’t carry the potential of a date, but I figured at worst it would be an interesting conversation and a good meal, so why not?

I got there first and staked out a table, and few minutes later in walked a blindingly gorgeous young woman. She was graceful and athletic, but there was also a dollop of dorky in the mix. I remember thinking: It’ll be interesting to see who this one sits with. After scanning the room with her eyes, she looked at me and smiled. What? And then she walked over to me. Huh? And addressed me by name.

Holy shit. This was her. This was the woman I had come to meet. And she was far more beautiful than any woman with whom I have ever had a conversation of more than a few seconds. I later learned she has a background not only in athletics but also dance, and yes, modeling, and all of that shows, so she has the objective merits nailed, if that’s your thing. But more importantly for me her face and body push every button I have. She’s as tall as me and she’s my type. My mind is thoroughly blown.

We sat talking and eating and drinking, and it went on a lot longer than I would have predicted. About halfway through, I realized she has an adorable mannerism when she gets into talking about a topic that’s important to her. She gesticulates and her lustrous long hair falls into her face and she doesn’t push it aside because she is making an important point, and dammit, who has time to think about hair? Well I did, of course. I was only listening, not talking, and during that moment I realized I wished she were looking for something more than friendship. In fact, I started to think the chemistry thing might indeed get in the way of a friendship.

We both had other things to do later that evening, and the expectations for this meeting were limited anyway — it was not even a date — so we paid the bill and walked out to the parking lot, and when we got to my car I turned to her and said “This is me…” and thought to myself: Now is the moment you say the thing about how this was fun and maybe we should do it again some time. As I started to say words to that effect, she turned to me and stepped in close and looked into my eyes and… Was I still talking? Maybe. What was I saying? Who knows? And why would I still be talking when… And then suddenly we were in each other’s arms, kissing, hands roaming, and it went on far longer than necessary for a first goodnight kiss. We stood in that cold parking lot more or less groping each other, tongues in each others’ mouths, for probably two minutes. I was faint and dizzy with desire for her.

She broke our kiss and said “Let's… get in the car?” So I deftly unlocked it and opened the back door for her and we tumbled inside and became tangled in each others’ limbs, kissing. Before long, she unbuttoned my jeans and slid her hand under the waistband of my boxer briefs to stroke my already semi-hard cock. If this was her idea of mere friendship, I was ready and willing to sign up. A second or two later, she had my cock so hard it almost hurt.

I pulled up her skirt and hooked my index finger into the leg-hole of her panties and pulled them aside to give my middle finger access to … Wow. I could sense how moist she was and I hadn’t even touched her yet. I decided to start carefully anyway, teasing around her outer labia, and she moaned into my mouth at the contact. Soon, she reached over to direct my middle finger between her inner folds, dragging long strokes between them, and I discovered not only how she wanted me to touch her but why: Her pussy was already sopping wet. I gave her more of what she’d shown me and was rewarded with insistent moans.

I knew from our weeks of messaging we were closer to her office than her home, so after a few minutes of this I said “We should go to my place, huh?”

“Yes,” she breathed, and nodded. We tried to keep our hands off each other enough so I could drive safely, but it was a difficult few minutes until we arrived. I couldn’t believe any of this was happening, and I frankly felt things had spun just a little out of control in the best possible way, but I managed to avoid spoiling the moment by talking about it. I could’t see any point in formalities when it was so clear what we both wanted to happen next, so I led her straight to the bedroom.

Before falling to the bed together, we feverishly undressed each other, leaving us in our underwear. We kissed and caressed for hours, and somewhere along the way we got completely naked. She turned out to be an enthusiastic cocksucker and I found the scent and taste of her pussy phenomenal, intoxicating, delectable. In fact, I hungrily swallowed as much of her cream as I could get, which I had never been inspired to do before. But I didn’t write this blog entry to tell you about the foreplay.

I was on my back and she was lying atop my right side kissing me and slowly stroking my rigid erection with her right hand, lubed with her spit. My thighs were apart and she was pulling my cock up toward my chin so I could feel the air on my balls, and they felt full and heavy and ready to do their job. She broke our kiss to ask “Do you want me to suck you some more?”

“No,” I said. “I want to be inside you. Right now.” I used a deadly serious tone I could’t remember using before. The words seemed involuntary, as if someone or something were using me as a puppet, but I also meant them completely. I had never before been so aroused.

Without missing a beat and keeping her eyes locked with mine, she sat up, laid back, spread her legs, and raised her knees. Her nipples were stiff with anticipation, her beautiful pussy folds glistened with her slick juices, and I could hear a little flutter in her breath. Quickly I found myself between her thighs, cock poised to enter her. She looked down between us and smiled a funny little smile which I now know to have been a mix of joy and awe at what was about to happen.

Not for one moment did I think about a condom. Not for one moment did I think to ask whether she were on any birth control. I did, however, think to myself: I clearly want this woman so badly that my rational mind is almost completely offline. And: This is clearly how babies get made. And then, as if sensing danger, some part of me in a loud mental voice shouted: “So what? I will seize this moment. I will fuck this woman and cum inside her.” I was filled with a determination I had never felt before, though I have felt it many times since.

I grabbed my cock and dragged the head between her engorged inner labia, starting just above her entrance, then up and over her clit, and back down again, over and over, ever so slowly. Her eyes rolled up and she moaned loudly as stroke after stroke left my cockhead coated in her wetness. I knew I was leaking pre-cum and smearing it into her, but to me that only meant I was making her slicker, getting her more ready to fuck.

Although she didn’t speak, the look on her face pleaded with me to enter her, so one last time I slid my cockhead down from her clit, between her warm, wet lips, and finally let it lodge just outside her entrance. I paused there to make sure I could see her face, and to my pleasure she locked eyes with me as I slowly but firmly opened her with my bare cock. I pushed into her drenched pussy, millimeter by millimeter, in one long, almost agonizing stroke. Her eyes grew wider as I drove deeper, and when I bottomed out in her I realized just how badly she had needed me to fuck her for this to have been possible.

My balls had come to rest against her ass, and they felt heavy and swollen with sperm, and before I could even finish asking myself whether she wanted me to shoot all that sperm in her as badly as I wanted to shoot it in her, I had my answer from that loud mental voice: “Thinking bad. Fuck her.”

Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I withdrew almost all the way from her pussy, which clung to me as if she were desperate to keep me inside her. When just the tip of my cock remained within, I slid back in, reveling in the sensation of being enveloped by her warm, welcoming folds and enjoying her amazed, euphoric expression. Although she still didn’t speak, I could tell that, like me, she could scarcely believe what we were doing and it was actually more exciting for that.

As we fucked more urgently, my thoughts alternated between the exquisite feel of her bare pussy perfectly surrounding the length my bare shaft and the climax building behind and just below the root of my cock. On each downstroke, my balls slapped lightly against her ass, their fullness reminding me how much sperm I would soon release deep inside her. Though I knew what this might mean, it not only seemed like a risk worth taking but the risk itself added to the excitement; not knowing what might happen seemed true and right and natural and…

“Oh, God,” I said. “Oh…” These were the only words available to me. I felt the imminence of my climax surge and I began to throw myself ever more deeply into her, the base of my straining cock stretching her pussy and grinding against her clit with each frantic thrust. The look on her face told me my fierceness was scaring her in a way she liked, and then I was cumming in her, powerfully spurting my sperm-rich semen deep inside her willing cunt. Spasm after spasm wracked my cock and balls in unison as I shot thick, strong jets of my potent seed against her cervix, bathing it. This was what I had been born to do; I could feel it.

As my orgasm subsided, I collapsed atop her, gasping heavily, and she enfolded me in her arms, clutching me to her, raining a flurry of kisses on my neck. I stayed as deep in her as I could, and when my cock finally stopped pumping my cum into her of its own accord, some instinct prompted me to consciously squeeze whatever remained deep inside of me out and into her where it belonged. She purred in my ear as she felt each soft pulse of my hard but still cock inside her.

We didn’t speak of the risks we had just taken and the excitement they brought us.

But we gladly took those risks again the next morning.

We’re well-fed and fresh out of the shower on a Friday night after a long work week, warm and clean and content on our living room couch. We’re both wearing pajama pants, but I haven’t bothered with the shirt and you haven’t buttoned yours, which I suppose I should have realized meant something interesting might happen tonight.

We didn’t expect this when we chose it, but this evening’s movie has a very hot sex scene, and, at its climax, I feel your hand press lightly against my belly a moment and then slide slowly down until your fingertips slip under the elastic waistband of my PJs. I turn my head slightly, surprised, wondering what kind of look might be on your face, and I find your eyes locked on the screen, lips slightly parted.

Your thumb and forefinger encircle the base of my cock and slide upward, dragging it up until we make a tent in the lightweight cloth and there’s room for all your fingers to close around my stiffening shaft. By the time the scene ends, your stroking grasp has made me rock-hard, and I push my pajama pants down around my ankles and spread my knees to give you better access. You seem content to slowly stroke my erection as the movie continues, keeping me stiff and distracted, and you don’t look away from the screen or say a word.

I’ve never been one to keep my hands to myself, and before long I’m eager to learn how wet your pussy is, so I slowly slip my hand underneath the waistband of your pajama pants. You part your knees as my fingertips pass over your curls, and my middle finger begins to… Oh, my. I find your inner labia already parted, engorged, and slick, and my finger slips between them and is quickly coated in your juices. Your breath catches in your throat as I smear your sticky girl-cum up and around the hood of your clit.

I grab the remote and press the pause button and we continue to stroke each other toward bliss a few moments, listening to each other breathe but still not speaking. I notice my pre-cum has begun to flow and you’re using it to lube the head of my cock. Finally, I turn my face to you and say, softly: “Hey, you… Did you see something you liked?”

“Sort of,” you say, turning your face to mine. “I just… In the movies, they never fumble around with condoms… nobody talks about birth control… they never talk about what time of the month it is…”

“Shhhh,” I say, shifting down off the couch, onto my knees, and over between your knees to face you. I gently but firmly pull your pajama bottoms down over your hips and onto the floor. Then I lean over you and we kiss, open-mouthed, our tongues dancing. I brush aside your pajama top and caress your breasts, thumbs circling your nipples. My balls feel full and heavy hanging beneath my rigid cock, which I imagine pointed almost exactly where I want it.

I break our kiss, slide my hands beneath your ass, lift up a little, and bring you toward me so you’re leaning back, just barely sitting on the edge. You ask “What are we…”

“Shhhh,” I say again, and you do. We lock eyes as I reach down and press my bare, oozing cockhead between your slick, warm pussy lips, right at your entrance.

“Are we…?” And this time I just let you trail off; you already know my answer, and anyway I intend to show rather than tell. Your sweet pussy is a couple inches higher now than the base of my cock, so, as I slowly enter you with short strokes, every one of them presses your g-spot. “Oh, God,” you say, “We are…” And then I’m in you, balls-deep, and I lean down again to kiss you, grinding against you, pressing both your g-spot and clit, already leaking pre-cum into your unprotected pussy.

I know a big part of why you got horny tonight is that you’re right in the middle of your cycle — in fact, you’re probably ovulating right now. I don’t quite know what to do with that information, but I do know I would love to shoot my cum in you and I do know you want this uncomplicated.

I rise up from our kiss and place my hands on your shoulders, lightly pressing you against the couch, and back my hips away from you, withdrawing my cock almost all the way. I feel your pussy clutching at me wetly, and your juices cool a moment on me before I slowly but firmly plunge back into you in one long stroke. “Mmmmmmmm,” you moan, “God, I love your cock…”

I withdraw and thrust back into you again, and soon enough we’re fucking hard, a few quick, urgent thrusts alternating with a few deliciously slow ones. I feel you pushing back against me, finding a few millimeters more depth each time. Almost as much as I love your sighs and moans, I love the wet noises my cock makes driving into your pussy again and again.

As I feel my climax build behind the base of my cock, a small voice in the back of my head asks whether you’ll put a stop to this before it’s too late. I decide to give you a chance, just in case. “Baby… Baby.. I’m gonna cum…”

“Mmmmm, yeah,” is all you say, not enough to make me sure.

“Baby, I’m gonna… cum inside you…”

“Oh, God,” you say. Now you heard me. “Oh, God… Do it. You’re gonna make me cum… Do it. Cum in me…”

Your words push me past the point of no return, and I throw myself into you deeply as my cock and balls begin to spasm together. I feel spurt after strong spurt of my sperm-rich semen travel the length of my rigid shaft, and I know my seed must be spattering against your unguarded cervix. Millions of my strong swimmers fill your pussy as you begin to clench my still-pulsing cock in the throes of your own orgasm. It seems only right for me to hold you in my arms and consciously squeeze every remaining drop of my cum into you as your climax subsides.

When you regain the power of speech, you have a question for me. “Did we just… What did we just do?”

“Well, I believe the common name for it is ‘fucking’.”

“No, I mean did we… Did you just… You know how risky this is, right?”

I think about my still-hard cock buried inside you and soaking in our combined juices. It seems perfect, the reason for the rest of our lives. “I wanted to give you what you wanted. No. I needed to give you what you needed… Whatever. I love you.”

“Oh, honey, really? Because… God, I needed your cum in me. Feels so right…”

“Well, there’s a very good reason for that.”

“Yeah, and we may be meeting that reason in a few months.”

“Is it worth it?”


We started talking seriously about making babies a few months ago. Well, you started talking about it and I started listening. I wasn’t in a rush to take on the additional responsibility and lose our freedom, but I do love you and I do want to raise a family with you… eventually. You, on the other hand, have been ready for what sounds like months, and you just took a while to get up the courage to open the topic.

But boy, once you were ready, you didn’t mess around. You didn’t do anything like say, in a measured tone during dinner, “Honey, what do you think about raising children?” We were visiting another couple, and their kids were being cute as usual, and I was goofing around with them. During a break in the hilarity, you pulled me aside to whisper in my ear: “Seeing you all dad-like is making me super horny.” Oh, really? But then the kids raced back into the room and I didn’t get a chance to ask for details.

When we got home that evening, you pounced me as soon as we were in the door, pulling me close and into a soulful kiss. Once we came up for air, I asked, teasingly, “So… what’s this about me being dad-like?”

“Oh, God, I just… I’ve just been thinking about it lately… having kids, I mean… And when I saw you playing with their kids, I started thinking what you would be like with your own kids… Our kids… And… I don’t know, I just felt…” I smiled down at you, waiting for you to collect your thoughts. "Here,“ you said as you unbuttoned your jeans and pushed them down over your wide hips, "Lemme show you.”

You took my hand, laid my palm flat against your belly, and guided my fingers down under the waistband of your panties. I could feel your heat immediately, and as my fingertips slid through your pubic hair I began to sense your moistness. I needed no further invitation to slip my middle finger between your pussy lips, and… Dear God. You were absolutely drenched. You let your head fall back slightly and closed your eyes as I dragged the full length of my finger slowly up and down once between your folds, not neglecting your clit. I realized the back of my hand was getting damp just from the contact with your panties.

“See?” you breathed, “I can’t help it. I’m probably ovulating today.” Of course; why hadn’t I realized? “Mmmmmmmmm… I think I need you to fuck me. Right now.” I picked you up and carried you to the bedroom and did as I was told. Since I still had my wits about me, I remembered to use a condom like we always do. I wasn’t about to risk knocking you up until… well, until I was ready.

But afterward, as we lay together, your head on my chest and your arm draped across me, you said “I really do wanna have your baby, you know.” I was surprised by how proud it made me feel.

I haven’t told you this — well, until now anyway — but I have to admit that in the weeks since then, when we talk about having children together, even the non-sexy stuff like how many and how far apart and whose last name the kids would have, I get horny. If you had asked me how I felt, I might have said I was a little anxious, except there’s the odd fact that I feel the discussion in my cock and balls. I don’t make a raging tent in my pants, but I do feel my cock stirring and starting to stiffen. And the thing that really gets my attention is that I leak no small amount of pre-cum. Usually that doesn’t happen, if it happens at all, until you’ve stroked and sucked me for minutes and I’m rock-hard and ready to fuck, but while we talk about having kids I ooze the stuff freely into my boxer-briefs, enough that I can feel it cooling against my skin. There’ve been times when my mind is thinking “No, no, we can’t do this yet, this is going too fast” but my body clearly has the opposite view.

It’s happening right now, actually. We’re sitting at the kitchen table and you’re talking about what you’ve heard lately about school districts in the area. I’m trying to follow along, but it’s a pretty dry topic and seems like it won’t matter much for a few years, and on some level it’s scaring me to even speculate about what we might do that far in the future. It’s easier to pay attention to what my body is doing. It’s the damnedest thing. My balls feel full and heavy and I can sense the full length of my shaft is full of warm, gooey…

“Honey, are you all right?” you ask.

Uh oh. I must have looked distracted, and of course I was. “Uh huh,” I say, trying to sound pleasant.

“Because it seems like you’re somewhere else. Are you freaking out?”

“No, I…” I’m not sure how to explain.

I can hear you’re worried. “If you’re not ready for this…”

Somewhere inside me a switch flips. I stand, take you by the hand, and gently but insistently pull you to your feet. Now it’s my turn. “Here,” I say as I start to unbutton my jeans and push them down. “Lemme show you.” I lay your palm flat against my belly and guide your fingers down under the waistband of my boxer-briefs. I feel your fingertips search for the contours of my cock. It’s a little thicker and longer than usual but not hard… yet. Soon enough you encounter the sticky-slick evidence of my arousal, and a look of surprise flashes over your face.

“Oh, honey,” you say tenderly, “I didn’t know.” Your hand closes around my shaft with intent, and I quickly stiffen as you gently squeeze and stroke. Our eyes meet as my mouth falls open and the slightest moan escapes me. I hear your voice again. “Let’s… Do you wanna… Let’s… Let’s make a baby… OK?”

“Let’s,” says another voice, and I realize it’s mine. I pull you to me and we kiss as our hands roam each other, and being inside you suddenly feels urgent.

While I step out of my shoes, my hands unzip your skirt, skin your panties down over your hips, and let the cloth fall in a pool around your bare feet. My hard cock and heavy balls swing free as you push my underwear and jeans the rest of the way down my legs, then hold my jeans as I pull out of each leg.

When you stand to kiss me again, I reach down between us, and… Oh, sweet mercy, my fingertips find your pussy lips puffy and moist, and when I slip my fingers between them… “Mmmmmmmm, you’re already wet for me,” I say.

“I’m like this every month, lately,” you say.

“You mean you’re…” I trail off.

“I’m… unh…” My fingertips circle your firm clit. “I’m… about to… ovulate… right now.” I thought my cock couldn’t get any harder, but I feel a burst of adrenaline, and my cock becomes so erect that I feel it against my belly.

I stop teasing your clit with my fingers, turn you around, and nudge your feet apart with one of mine. You sense my plan, spread your stance, and bend at the waist, bracing yourself on a kitchen chair. Quickly I step in and part your slick folds with my bare cockhead, sliding up to circle your clit briefly, then back down to circle your entrance. Your bare pussy feels like warm velvet.

“Tell me again,” I say.

“Tell you what ag… Oh.” You look back at me and smile. “I wanna have your baby.” Yep. There’s that swell of pride again, but now there’s something else as well, something ancient and primal. I need to fuck you.

I grab your hips and lean in, slowly pushing you open, making short strokes, gradually burying myself in you. I’ve never been inside you bare, and it feels so good I might weep. Finally, I’m in you all the way to the hilt, I feel my balls resting against you, and I just stay there, enjoying the moment.

“Tell me more,” I say. You look back again but don’t speak, a curious look on your face. “About wanting my baby.” You smile again and nod.

“I want you to make me pregnant.” God, that sounds good.

“Mmmmmmm,” I say. “Tell me how.”

You giggle. “I think you figured that part out already.”

“I know, but tell me anyway.”

You pause, thinking. “I want your bare cock inside me.” I pull your hips back onto me, pushing myself into you a little deeper. “And I want you to fuck me,” you continue. In one long, slow stroke, I withdraw from you, and it feels almost as good as it did going in. When my cockhead is barely inside you, I stop and slide back into you, smoothly this time but still slowly. I can feel you getting slicker around me as I withdraw again a little faster and thrust back into you, pulling your hips back firmly against me. I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, doing exactly what I’m supposed to do. By the time I ask my next question, we’re fucking in a strong rhythm and I feel my orgasm building behind the base of my cock.

“And then what?”

“I want…” you start. “Oh, oh God, that’s so… I want you to… fuck me and… cum inside me… Oh… I’m gonna…”

As I drive my cock into you, I feel your pussy clench around me, and suddenly I join you, tumbling over the edge. I shoot rope after rope of potent sperm from deep within me to spatter against the back wall of your fertile pussy as you convulse in your own orgasm. My cock and balls surge together as I spurt nine, ten, eleven strong jets of semen inside you. And as we come to our senses, I can’t help but picture your cervix dipping into a pool of my pearly seed. For good measure, I squeeze the last few drops of my cum into you, making sure I’ve put as much as I can where it can do its job.

“Don’t move,” I whisper as I slowly withdraw from you to look down at your well-fucked pussy. My still-rigid cock springs back up, glistening with our mixed juices. “Beautiful,” I say, “just… Oh…” I see a dollop of my cum, thick and creamy, start to roll out of you. Quickly, I grasp my cock and use it to push my sperm-rich semen back inside you, burying myself in you again. “I want all of me in you,” I say.

“Mmmmmmm, ” you purr, “Yeah, stay right there. I want all those little guys to have the best chance…”


“Mmmmmmm, finding my egg and… making me pregnant.”

“Oh, God… You just keep talking like that, and…”

“And what, big man?”

“I’ll show you in the bedroom,” I say. “Let’s go.”

As I slowly wake from our catnap, I become aware of the moisture caught between my cock and thigh and remember how it got there.

Last night when we got in from the party  — well, actually it was early morning by then — we were both dead tired, but we made a pact to sleep naked hoping that would inspire us in the morning. And of course it did. You woke first, got up to pee, and returned to bed, which woke me, so I got up to pee and came back to bed, and there you sat with that mischievous smile on your face, giving in to that half-giggle you can’t help when you see my flaccid penis flopping around as I walk. From there, it was only a few moments until our hands were all over each other, and the good, hard, strong fucking I’d given you satisfied us both so much we fell half-asleep again, spooning.

And now here we are, in much the same position, and I can’t help but remember how good it felt to sheathe my rigid prick deep in your drenched pussy and fill you with my pearly cum. My right arm is still draped over you from behind, fingers nestled under your ribs. I think of how close they are to your beautiful naked breasts and find my hand shifting to cup the left one. You stir a little, and I gently squeeze the slightest bit and slowly caress, letting the full length of my fingers swirl lightly over your aureola.

“Mmmmmmm. Just what…” you start, but then I let my index finger make a tight circle around your stiffening nipple, and you gasp. “Just what do you… think you’re doing?” Through the sleepiness I hear your mild mock outrage.

I slide my hand slowly down your belly, never losing contact. “I think you know very well what I’m doing,” I answer, and, because you do know, you raise your right leg as my fingers encounter your damp pubic hair.

You feel my breath as I let my teeth and lips graze your neck ever so lightly, but you keep the presence of mind to say, “Tell me anyway.” My fingers slip between your well-fucked, still-engorged pussy lips to find you quite wet with the week’s worth of semen I sprayed against the back of your spasming pussy as we came together earlier this morning. I love feeling my cum inside you, but I want to feel more of your own slick juices before we go much further.

“I’m getting us ready to fuck again, of course,” I say, still feeling more primal than romantic. My fingers collect some of the creamy mix of our cum from between your lips and smear it up and over your clit lightly, making sure there will be plenty there when I get serious.

“I might not need much more help,” you say, “but I think you might.” With your right hand, you reach behind you and between us, searching for my cock, which still feels a little thicker and heavier than usual. As your fingers close around my shaft, my index and ring fingers tease your clit, sometimes circling it, sometimes gently squeezing it between them. Your soft, sudden intakes of breath arouse me almost as much as your slow, gentle strokes of my cock. I feel myself stiffening rapidly, skin stretching and releasing tiny pockets of our combined cum that had been caught in my soft wrinkles. My whole shaft is slightly moist and sticky in your grip, reminding us both where it’s been recently.

After a minute or two, I let my fingers slip down between your swollen lips again, and this time you feel warmer and a little slicker, a little less me and a little more you, and I decide it’s time for the next step. I reach between us, and you release your grasp on my cock as I shift my hips and slip my shaft between your thighs to lay between your pussy lips. I can’t get inside you as deep as I would want in this position, but I’m not planning to try. Instead, I slowly rock my hips back and forth, sliding the upper half of my shaft between the slick folds of your pussy.

I sense you reach between your own legs and then I feel your fingers on the underside of my cock, pressing it into you to increase the pressure and friction. Pre-cum oozes freely from my cockhead… Or maybe it’s regular cum left over from our earlier session. In any case, you must feel it too. “Are you sure this is safe?” you jokingly ask. “I’ve heard a girl can get pregnant from pre-cum, especially pre-cum from a guy who has cum recently.”

“Good thing, then,” I say, “that I want to get you pregnant anyway.” God I love saying that. It fills me with a sense of freedom and … well, truth. I can just come right out and say what I want with and for the woman I love.

“Is that what we’re doing? I had no idea,” you say. “Does that mean you’re going to insert your penis into my vagina and ejaculate your sperm in hopes that they will swim into my uterus and find and fertilize my egg?”

“No, of course not,” I say, pulling out from behind you, rolling you over on your back, and positioning myself between your legs, spreading and raising your knees to open you to me. As I look down at your beautiful pussy lips slightly parted, I see the shift has caused a little rivulet of my cum from earlier this morning to run out of you, down over your ass, and onto the bed. You feel it, our eyes meet, and we smile together a moment.

“No, it means,” I start again, as I lean over you and let my cockhead lodge between your silky folds just outside your entrance, “that I’m going to slide my thick, hard cock inside your sweet, wet pussy.” And I do that, in one slow but strong and steady stroke, lubed by our copious combined cum, all the way into you, balls deep. “And then I’m going to do it again,” and I withdraw almost all the way until only my cockhead is inside you, then plunge back in. “And again,” I say, “and again”, and now of course I’m finding a rhythm and getting lost in it, but I keep talking because I know you want it. “And then, when I’m good and ready… and you’re ready… I’m going to shoot all my cum… deep inside you… and knock you up.”

“Oh, God yes,” you breathe. “Your cock feels so good…” I feel you wrap your legs around me, pulling me in with each thrust. “But when…?”

“You mean when will I cum?” It’s a good question. As exquisite as your pussy feels squeezing my rock-hard cock on the way in and clutching at it on the way out, you are super-slick right now, plus I shot a load in you no more than an hour ago, and… yeah, it might be a while. “Don't… know… I… Oh, God,” I laugh, “You feel so good… Can we just do this forever?”

“Mmmmmmm,” you purr. “So good… But… I want your cum. I want your baby. I’m ready.”

Our fucking has forced enough of our combined cum out of your depths that everything between us is coated with a thin layer of creamy slickness, and I’m starting to enjoy losing track of where I end and you begin. I could stay here a while, but you have other ideas.

“Cum in me,” you say. “I want you to… shoot your cum in me and… make me pregnant.” You definitely know how to push my buttons. “Shoot it, honey. Shoot all your cum in me…” Yeah, that familiar pressure is building behind the base of my cock now, and if you keep talking like this… “I want you to… press your cockhead right up against my cervix…” You know what power that image has over me, and suddenly I am right on the edge. “…and shoot your sperm right up inside me…” As ordered, I push off the bed-sheet with my toes and throw myself into you, driving deep, and…

“Unnnnnnnh,” I moan as I feel the first spasm ripple from deep inside me and the first thick rope of semen spurts from my cockhead and spatters against your cervix. Incredibly, for the second time this morning, I paint the back of your fertile pussy with jet after powerful jet of potent sperm. I give you six, seven, eight strong spurts of my essence, truly draining my balls.

As I regain my sanity, I realize your rhythmic gasps can mean only one thing, and I feel your pussy walls convulsing around my hard shaft as if trying to squeeze out every last drop of cum. It feels exactly right. And when you regain your sanity, I ask: “You came? Already?”

“I know. I wasn’t really close, but when I felt you cumming in me, I just… I don’t know. I felt your cum shooting in me and suddenly I was cumming…”

“And I really don’t know where that load came from, either. The second time usually takes forever… and then I hardly cum at all.”

“Well, I am ovulating,” you say. “Your body has to know that.”

“Oh, God, that word,” I say. “I may have to fuck you again right now.”

“No, silly, next we get showers, and after that we get brunch, and then you fuck me again.”


Although I lost my virginity early in high school, as late as my sophomore year of college I still hadn’t learned to recognize the signs a girl wanted me.

Kris and I found ourselves alone in my dorm room one night, with no plans to study or do anything but hang out. As if that “accident” weren’t enough of a clue, she spent half an hour talking about a guy she liked but wasn’t sure how to approach, and the best sense I could make of that was to ask her who it was; I genuinely had not guessed. She wouldn’t tell me, of course, because the whole point of her game was to avoid risking rejection, but eventually she threw caution to the wind and threw her arms open. I still didn’t understand this dramatic gesture until finally she closed her arms around me and pressed her cheek against my chest.

I was so surprised that all I could do for several minutes was hug her back. Sure, she was smart and cute as hell, but I guess I had thought her out of my league or in any case unattainable, and the clear evidence to the contrary bamboozled me. Somehow we escalated to caresses and kisses, and I let her lean into me as I leaned against the leg of the primitive high platform bed my roommate had constructed out of unfinished lumber.

She was a short, skinny girl, but nothing about her desire for me was slight. I could feel her trembling as our tongues danced, and after a while I felt her hand between my thighs, palming my rapidly stiffening cock through my jeans, then quickly unbuttoning my fly and slipping beneath the waistband of my boxer-briefs to grasp and stroke my shaft. Immediately I was rock-hard and felt the weight and fullness of my balls as if they had suddenly filled with cum, though I knew my load had actually grown in the week since I’d last jerked off, furtively in the dorm showers in the middle of the night.

Before I knew it, I was on my back across my bed on the other side of the room, hips hanging over one edge, head hanging over the other, pants around my ankles. Kris cupped my balls in one hand and held my cock straight out from my body with the other while she licked up the length of my shaft and did not hesitate to lap up the pearl of pre-cum that had formed at the tip of my cock. As she engulfed my cockhead with her lips, I knew I could not take much of that attention, but I couldn’t resist letting her continue a while once I felt her tongue against the underside of my glans. My head lolled back, upside down, and I gulped air as she worked me over. Every few seconds, I could feel her swallow what must have been a steady stream of pre-cum leaking from my cock.

Then as now, getting my cock sucked felt great, but somehow the feeling building behind the base of my cock didn’t make me look forward to shooting in her mouth. I was instead seized with the urge to fuck her, so strongly that an orgasm now would actually be disappointing. “God,” I said, “better … stop … before I …”

Her lips released me from their sweet embrace long enough for her to say “Maybe I want you to.”

I sat up on the bed as gracefully as I could under the circumstances, and she stood, little hand still stroking my wet cock. Our faces were at about the same height now, and I looked her in the eyes and said “No.” I lifted her shirt, she raised her arms, and I pulled her shirt up over her head to reveal her braless pert breasts, dark nipples at attention. “I need to be inside you,” I said, giving in to the temptation to palm one firm breast and and lick the other. Her own hands were busy unzipping her own jeans and pushing them with her panties down over her hips. As I bent to pull my pants and shoes over my feet, she turned before doing the same, and I got my first good look at her tight ass and sweet pussy lips from behind, her trimmed blonde pubic fur hiding nothing. I caressed her ass, and she froze a moment, letting my fingertips begin to tease the moistness between her slightly parted thighs.

Quickly we fell back together on my bed, and as her little hand again took hold of my straining cock, I realized I was not much farther away from orgasm than I’d been when she’d let go. I couldn’t make myself tell her to stop, but I could try to help her catch up. As we kissed, I slipped my hand between her knees and gently nudged her legs wider, then lifted her left knee and let my right hand slide down her inner thigh until my little finger met her outer lips. My fingertips played across her moistening labia a few moments, and then I parted them with the length of my middle finger, breaking her seal and discovering her folds slick with arousal.

I dragged my middle finger up between her swollen pussy lips and and lightly over her clit, then smeared her wetness in circles, teasing around her clit at first but then stroking it directly, up, down, left, right, and finally returning to tight circles, pressing gently but firmly up under her firm bud. I could tell I was having the desired effect not only from her ragged breathing but because she was clearly distracted from my cock enough that I could stop worrying she’d make me shoot anywhere I didn’t want to.

Did we have condoms? No. Didn’t even think about them. And I had no idea whether she might have or be on any other kind of birth control. I was a clueless kid, too high on getting laid to have any doubts. When I let my fingers slip down off her clit a moment to collect some more of her slick juices, I discovered her utterly drenched. She was so wet it was starting to leak out of her onto the bed, and when I felt that all I could think about was sliding my cock inside her. Well, there was one other quiet thought in the back of my mind, but we’ll get to that soon enough.

I rolled over on top of her and spread her legs. She said nothing but bit her lip as I reached down and pressed my cockhead between her swollen pussy lips. I could already feel it would be a tight fit, but she was so thoroughly wet that I didn’t worry. I began to slide the full length of my cock into her in short thrusts. I felt her wetness coat me and her walls squeeze me, and she gave a little gasp each time I went deeper. When I felt the hairs on my full balls brush against her and realized I could go no deeper for now, I bent down to kiss her, enjoying just being buried deep within her.

But soon I needed more, and slowly I pulled my cock from inside her until just the head was within. Then, slowly but steadily and in one long stroke, I slid all the way back into her. It felt so exquisite that I thought I might shoot right then and there, but somehow I managed not to. In fact, as I withdrew again, I realized her pussy had stretched and opened to accommodate me, and I might have more than a few strokes left. I began to fuck her steadily, slowly at first but a little faster with each thrust, and I could feel myself reaching deeper into her each time.

“I guess …” she started. “I guess … this might be… OK,” she said, her voice unsteady. I had no idea what she was talking about. This was more than OK!

“What might be OK?” I asked.

“Well … my period was like … a few days ago … so …” Whoa. Was she talking about what I thought she was talking about? “So probably … it’s safe …” Oh, God. She was talking about the risk of getting pregnant. I was fucking a girl without birth control who might be fertile right now! The idea of getting a girl pregnant turned me on more than anything else, though I had never told anyone, and I felt a manic rush of adrenaline.

“Oh, God,” I said incoherently. “You … I … You have no idea …” My thoughts were racing and the pressure behind my cock was building at a fantastic rate.

“What?” she asked as I started to thrust into her more frantically.

“I … Oh, God … I’m … gonna … cum … in you …”

I threw myself deep into her, my last coherent thought being that I wanted my cockhead as near her cervix as it could be. And then I was indeed cumming, sperm-rich semen boiling up from deep within me, cock and balls spasming together to spurt jet after jet of my potent seed the full length of my shaft, painting the back of her sweet fertile pussy. It was an orgasm like I had never felt before; I was giving her all I had to give.

“Oh,” she moaned. “I can … feel it … inside me …” And then, eventually, she could sense I had returned to earth. “Did you actually … When I told you that, did it actually make you cum?”

“Well, I was pretty close already,” I admitted, “But I guess that pushed me over the edge.”

She smiled. “Good,” she said. “I think it’s hot. But…”

I knew, but there was no rush. I knew my 19-year-old cock would stay hard as long as I wanted it to. Eventually I finished her sentence. “… but you wanna cum.”

“Yeah,” she said.

I felt our mixed juices spill out of her now-well-fucked pussy as I once again withdrew almost all the way from her, then easily slid back into her super-slick depths. “It might take me a lot longer this time,” I mock-warned her.

“Just the way I like it,” she purred.

I would be either a hopeless romantic or a creepy obsessive, depending on how you look at it, if I knew exactly where you were in your menstrual cycle at any given moment.

But I do have a vague sense of when your period starts and ends because you’re a lot less interested in sex. You once told me, “Trust me, you don’t want me right now.” I don’t? I ask if you think I’ll be disgusted, because I won’t. “No, it’s not that,” you sigh. “It’s just not the same when it’s obvious I’m not…” You trail off because we both know what you mean.

If someone were to ask me at other times where in your cycle you were, I might be able think back over the last few days or weeks and make a guess based on memory, though that’s hardly an exact measure. But you know what? Sometimes my body knows.

Sometimes when I pick you up for dinner and lean over to kiss you hello, just a quick peck, I come away with a hint of your scent, and by the time I’ve asked how your day went and turned back to the wheel, my cock is already stirring in my pants. “God, you smell good,” I say, and you know exactly what I mean.

“There’s a reason for that,” you say. But then we let the topic drop because we’re both ravenous in the literal sense and we’re both grown-ups and it can wait.

One evening, you called to let me know you’d arrived home safe from an overnight business trip, and I realized after just a few seconds of completely unsexy talk that my cock was rapidly stiffening, my balls felt full and heavy, and, amazingly, I could feel pre-cum beginning to leak from my cockhead and soak into my underwear. I interrupted you: “You’re right in the middle of your cycle, aren’t you?”

There was a lengthy pause and I wondered if I’d annoyed you. But instead you said “Let me get in the shower and wash the airport off. And I’ll be out by the time you get here.”

So yeah, my body knows even when my mind does not, but my favorite way my body tells me you’re close to ovulating isn’t an early warning and sure as hell isn’t subtle.

We lie in your bed, side-by-side, kissing and stroking each other, and yes, you were already drenched when my fingers first parted your swollen pussy lips, but my body has a strong message for us as well. “You’re leaking,” you say through a smile, and that is the understatement of the day, because I am oozing pre-cum freely and you are smearing it up and down my shaft, using it as lube.

“There’s a reason for that,” I say, knowing we won’t let it go this time.

“And what might that be?” you ask.

“I have a huge load for you,” I say. “I can feel it.” And I can.

“Really? And whatever will you do with it?”

As I roll over on top of you, you release your grip on my cock and spread your legs just enough that my cockhead leaves a trail of my pre-cum across your thigh. We kiss a few moments, our tongues tangled, and then I rock back on my knees, spreading your legs further, and I slip my knees under your thighs and and begin teasing your clit with my cockhead.

“I’m going to slide my cock all the way inside you…” I’m circling your entrance, smearing my pre-cum into your swollen folds, and I see your eyes widen. “Deep as I can…” I slide my cock into you in little strokes, each one forcing a little gasp from you, and slowly I stretch you open until my balls rest against you. “And then I’m going to… shoot all my cum… all over your cervix.”

I start to grind against you now, searching for the deepest angle, pressing against your clit, my cockhead meeting the slightest resistance, and I know I am as deep as I can go. Your breathing is ragged. “Oh, god,” you say, “you’re going to…”

“I’m going to what?” I ask as I begin a long, slow, upstroke, nearly withdrawing from you, and I feel your pussy clasp my cock as if trying to prevent my escape.

“You’re going to… make me pregnant.”

“Yes,” I say, slowly but firmly driving back into you all the way, then withdrawing a little faster and plunging back in a little faster still. You cross your legs behind my back, making it clear you want me exactly where I am, and I fuck you in a steady rhythm, less frantic than deliberate. I feel you squeeze my cock as if you need me to lose control even sooner than I will, but for now it seems I can last long enough to satisfy us both.

“Oh, honey,” you say in a husky voice, “I need it… I want it… I want your… cum inside me. Shoot it…”

Just a few little words from you and suddenly I feel the pressure behind the base of my cock building quickly. “Gonna shoot it… all in you…” And now my thrusts do verge on frantic. It won’t be long now.

“Cum in me,” you say, “Make me cum… Make me pregnant…” And that’s all I can take.

My cock swells and stiffens impossibly as I throw myself deep inside you. The first spasm seizes my balls and and I feel sperm-rich semen surge the length of my cock and spurt into your fertile pussy. And this is my favorite way to know you’re ovulating: Not six, not eight, not ten, but at least a dozen strong jets of my cum paint the back of your pussy, filling you to overflowing. I don’t cum this much for myself and I don’t cum this much for you — unless it’s this time of the month.

And I know I could not have done my job better as I return to earth and realize your sweet pussy convulses with your own orgasm around my still rock-hard cock, and I imagine your cervix bathed in my warm seed, and I smile, proud and content that you wanted exactly this – and just as much as I did.

Of course you’re right to be careful not to get pregnant until you’re in a committed relationship. But that doesn’t stop the cravings, does it? Especially when you’re ovulating. You’re not just horny and you don’t just want to fuck. You want to know that millions of sperm are beginning their search for your egg as you feel a thick, hard cock shoot a big, warm load of cum deep inside you. You want it even though you know it wouldn’t be smart.

I have thoughts like yours. I love knowing you are not on any birth control and I love knowing that you are right in the middle of your cycle. I love knowing when you cup my heavy balls and smear the pre-cum that leaks from my cockhead that you can’t help but think about the week’s worth of sperm I made just for you. I love slipping my hand between your legs and finding your pussy soaking wet already. I love parting your lips and circling your clit with my middle and index fingers until you cum hard so your pussy is ready to take the full length of my rigid cock. I love slipping my cockhead past your entrance and gliding my entire shaft into you until I’m balls-deep. I love fucking you slowly at first but gradually faster, bottoming out every time. I love hooking my elbows under your knees, lifting and opening you to even deeper thrusts. I love spurting strong jets of my sperm-rich semen against your convulsing cervix as we climax together and I fill your pussy to overflowing. And finally I love holding you in that position to give my boys the best chance to do the job for which I made them. 

So we think alike, and the question is: What are we going to do about it?

One of the many things I love about you is your matter-of-fact confidence. You text just as I get home from work. “Hey… been horny all day… can I come over so we can we fuck?”

“Of course,” I text back. Because I’m not dead.

Fifteen minutes later, I’ve brushed my teeth and probably spent ten minutes, on and off, stroking my cock through my jeans, thinking about you and enjoying the fact that I can already feel pre-cum welling. At your knock, I open my apartment door. “Hey,” you say again, smiling and stepping in.

“Hey,” I say, letting the door swing closed as you cross the room and plop yourself down on the couch. With a mischievous look on your face, you watch me follow you there and sit beside you.

“I don’t know what it is, but I woke up horny this morning and it just won’t go away.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask as if you just announced you’d found a hundred dollar bill on the street.

“Well, actually, I do know what it is,” you say, grinning. “Ovulating any time now.”

“Hmmmmmm,” I hum, leaning in for a first kiss. You place my hand on your breast and I can feel your nipple already firming beneath my fingers. “Then I bet,” I say, “your pussy is already pretty wet.” I cup your breast and slowly thumb your nipple, feeling my cock stir in my pants.

“Oh, God yes. I’ve been slippery down there all day.” I kiss you again, our lips part, and the tips of our tongues meet. I lift my hand from your breast and sense you spread your knees ever-so-slightly in anticipation. My fingers trace up your inner thigh, pushing up your light, nearly sheer summer skirt. You moan into my mouth softly and spread your knees further as my fingers near your panties. My middle fingertip lightly caresses your vulva through the simple cotton, and sure enough the fabric is moist. My cock responds, beginning to stiffen in my pants.

“Let’s…” I raise my eyebrows and jerk my head toward the bedroom door. This is our code for “Let’s go to the bedroom, strip, push back the sheets, and…” Yeah. Soon enough, we’re lying beside each other, stark naked and kissing again, hands roaming each others’ bodies. My fingers part your slick pussy lips as your fingers close around my semi-erect cock.

I break our kiss and gulp air as you gently stroke my dick to full attention. I slip my middle finger between your swollen labia, coat it with your juices, and drag it up and over your clit, circling there. Even when it’s not your most fertile time, you’re not one for extended foreplay. “Baby,” you say. “I need you to fuck me.”

“I think…” I manage to gasp, “we probably… need a condom?”

“Oh…” you sigh, voice heavy with disappointment, as if this hadn’t occurred to you. “Do we have to?”

“Well, yeah, unless you want to get pregnant.”

“Mmmmmmm,” you purr as we stroke each other, our desires growing. Any second now, we’ll pause so I can reach over and… Oh. Damn.

“Except… I don’t think I actually have any.” I’ve been meaning to get over to the pharmacy, but… yeah. Damn.

“It’s OK,” you say. “Maybe you could just…”

“What, just the tip?” I laugh. “Who actually does that?” I pull my hand slowly away from your pussy and watch your sticky juices stretch to keep us connected and form a web between my fingers.

“No, I mean… could you… pull out?”

I think about the pre-cum already oozing from the tip of my cock. “Still kinda risky, babe.”

“I know, but… I’ve been thinking about your cock in me all day.”

Funny how a few words from you make my heart swell with pride and lust, and I’m sure you must have felt my cock twitch in your hand. “So… sounds like you think it’s worth the risk.”

“Yeah,” you say. “Please…”

Despite my words, I’m not doing my most responsible thinking right now, and I don’t take much convincing. I roll you onto your back, you spread your legs and raise your knees, and I nestle my cockshaft between your drenched folds. I arch my back so we can kiss as I slide the underside of my cock back and forth over your clit. You reach between us and press me against you as I lengthen my strokes, and soon my cockhead slips down to your sodden entrance.

I notice your heels behind my ass, gently nudging, and you break our kiss to whisper “In… In, in, in…” Almost involuntarily, I let my hips fall gradually forward until my cockhead pops inside you. Both our eyes go wide and we moan together at each of my short pushes into you until I bottom out, my full balls resting against your ass. We kiss again, tongues dancing as I grind the base of my cock against your clit.

I can’t help but picture the head of my cock deep inside you as I feel myself steadily ooze precum. I know right now your cervix is open to my sperm and your egg awaits them, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make me want you even more. “Baby,” I say, “I don’t know…”

“What?” you ask softly.

"I don’t know if I can pull out.”

You giggle. “You mean you don’t want to pull out.” You know me too well.

“Yeah,” I say, and then, because the thought feels crazy-good, “I wanna cum inside you.”

“Yeah,” you sigh wistfully. We kiss again, lips open and tongues teasing, and soon grinding gives way to slow, firm, deep thrusts. I lift myself above you to gaze down into your eyes as we fuck. “God,” you say. “I wish… you could just… do it…”

“I’d get you pregnant.”

You sigh. “I know, but… can’t help it…”

I’ve been lengthening my thrusts and enjoying the faint squelches they make between us. I feel your inner lips cling to my shaft each time I withdraw, your juices cooling on me for just a moment before I plunge back inside. Pressure begins to build behind the base of my cock, emboldening me.

“I meant,” I start, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “I want to get you pregnant.”

I feel a shudder travel the length of your body. “Oh, god,” you murmur. I lift myself again to see the look on your face: wonder and exhilaration. “Please… say it again,” you plead.

I look into your eyes and smile open-mouthed, breathing harder now as I thrust the full length of my rigid prick into your engorged, clutching cunt again and again. “I want… to get you… pregnant.” Speaking the truth feels great, though it will soon be time to…

“Oh, god, baby,” you say, “Do it… Please… Shoot your cum in me… Make me pregnant…”

I feel a sudden rush of adrenaline, and all thoughts but one leave my head. My toes find the foot of the bed and I push from there, driving deeper inside you, my heavy balls slapping your ass. The pressure behind the base of my cock quickly builds, and soon enough I tumble over the edge. My cock and balls pulse in unison as sperm-rich semen surges from within me. I pump long, strong spurts of creamy, sticky seed deep inside your fertile pussy, spattering against your cervix, clinging and pooling there, filling you to overflowing.

Your breath catches in your throat once, then twice as I feel your pussy begin to clutch my cock gently, and then you moan throatily as the stronger waves of your climax overtake you, nearly pushing me out. As your orgasm peaks and subsides, I stay deep and hold you close.

Moments later, you chuckle. “What got into us?”

“You mean what got into you?”

You flick my arm playfully. “I see what you did there.” You roll your eyes.

I laugh. “Yeah. And it felt… It feels…” Instinctually but very deliberately, I squeeze the last few dollops of my cum into you where they belong. “…soooo good.”

“Mmmmmm, that’s nice,” you say, feeling my cock, still rock-hard, twitch inside you. “Don’t see how I could ever give this up.”

“Me either.”


“So let’s…”



Rather than impatient and frustrated, he felt calm and centered awaiting the traffic light controlling his usual freeway on-ramp. Commuting to work was a lot easier to take on a morning like this.

His spent cock slumped in his pants, slowly leaking the sticky remnants of the load he’d shared with his girlfriend a few minutes earlier. He mused on the millions of sperm he’d pumped deep inside her unprotected pussy, filling her with his warm essence. Even now, they were swimming strongly, searching for her egg as she lay on her side in their bed, dozing contentedly in a haze of endorphins, her well-fucked cunt oozing a cocktail of her copious luxuriant nectar and his pearly-white cream. The feel of the same potent mixture coating his cock connected him to her despite the distance.

He imagined his balls working hard to replenish his sperm and took a long pull on the water bottle he’d brought with him. He was still pleasantly surprised at the volume of thick, rich semen he’d been able to summon for her this morning, only a few hours after their session the night before. Perhaps his body was rising to the occasion, somehow knowing she would soon ovulate. Though he probably wouldn’t have quite as much seed ready for her by the time he returned home, he knew they’d both want him to shoot it the only place it belonged: right up against her soft, open cervix.

The traffic light turned green and he accelerated smoothly onto the ramp. It was going to be a good day.

As I finish putting away the clean dishes, you look up from your reading. “Baby,” you say, “Do you remember a while back when my period was late?”

I chuckle to myself; how could I forget? “Of course, hon. It was pretty… scary,” I say, though it was more than that.

“Yeah… but you know what? When my period finally started, part of me was kinda… disappointed.” Thoughts jumble in my head as I leave the kitchen, and by the time I find myself in the living room I understand you really just said you wish I’d gotten you pregnant.

My heart quickens and every square millimeter of my skin tingles. Who knew hearing you want my baby would fill me with such pride and joy… along with coarser feelings? I sit down beside you on the couch and hear myself say, scarcely above a whisper, “Me too.”

“Really?” you ask. “Because I thought you didn’t… you know….”

“We’re animals, hon. We can’t help it.” My cock stirs, shifting against the fabric of my underwear.

“But you’re so… responsible.” It sounds like part of you wishes I weren’t.

“Condoms are just… a necessary evil. Nobody actually likes them.” In fact, every time we have sex I think about us doing it bare, and right now just the thought of that is starting to make me hard. 

“Only because it would feel better without them.” You smile mischievously.

“Well, that too, but…” I smile back at you, planning a tiny tease. “The best part…” I trail off, enjoying the anticipation myself.

You perk. “What? What’s the best part?”

I haven’t exactly meant to withhold this from you, but it still feels like I’m revealing a secret. “Cumming… inside you… for real.” I’m suddenly acutely aware of not having cum for, what, three or four days?

You exhale through an open-mouthed smile, looking amazed and just a little skeptical. “You never told me.” You put your book aside.

“Maybe not, but…” I say, taking your hand and placing it where you can feel my stiffening cock under the soft denim of my jeans. “My claim is consistent with readily available evidence.” I smirk.

You raise an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?” you ask, taking my hand to slide it along your inner thigh, up under your skirt. I gently press my fingertips against your sheer panties and, finding them already moist, it dawns on me it’s been just about two weeks since your period. I caress you through the thin cloth, enjoying the spread of the dampness a few moments before slipping my fingers under your waistband and through your pubic curls.

As my fingertips part your lips and smear your slick nectar around your clit in slow circles, you unbutton my jeans and reach into my boxer briefs to grasp my cock and pull it up and out so my tip peeks above my waistband. With my free hand, I pull you to me for a long kiss, and our tongues dance as your fingers slowly stroke my rigid shaft, my cockhead weeping a first droplet of pre-cum. I slip a finger inside you, intending to tease your g-spot the way I know will bring you to a shuddering climax, but you have other ideas.

The faintest sigh escapes you. “Baby,” you whisper, “fuck me?” I can hear it’s not a request but an expression of need. I slip down off the couch to the carpet, on my knees facing you, and slide my hands up your outer thighs. You raise your hips so I can skin your panties down over your legs and toss them behind me. As I push my jeans and briefs down off my own hips, you slide your ass toward the edge of the couch. I part your knees, exposing your glistening pussy to my gaze, and you moan as I drag two fingers between your swollen inner lips. A string of your juices stretches back to you a few inches before snapping as I bring my fingers to my mouth for a taste.

I close the distance between us and place my cockhead at your sopping entrance, my shaft angled slightly up, and you cross your ankles behind me. “Oh, god,” you say, “Please… in… in…” So I push up and in, popping my head inside, and you reward me with a gasp. I push deeper inside you with short but firm thrusts, and I marvel at how much better your velvet walls feel around my cock bare. I wonder how we’ll ever be able to settle for any less. 

When I’ve sunk half my shaft into your tight warmth, I withdraw almost all the way and then plunge back in again, a little farther this time. I begin a steady rhythm, the slight upward angle of my cock ensuring it drags past your g-spot. We sigh as if surprised when each push opens more of you to me.

When finally I bottom out in you, balls resting against your ass, I lean in for more kisses, grinding the base of my cock against your clit. “Oh my god, baby, so much better,” I say.

“Mm hmmmm,” you agree.

“And… oh god… I can feel…” My shaft is full of pre-cum. “I’m leaking… inside you.”

“Yeah?” you say. “Do you wanna… use a condom?”

I chuckle. “Want? No, I don’t want to.” It feels good to say it out loud, even though I know…

“Then don’t, baby,” you say matter-of-factly.

Your words hang in the air a few seconds.

“We really should,” I say.

“But you don’t want to.”

“I want… but…” My mind is whirling. “What do youwant?”

Somehow you frown and smile at the same time. “I don’t want to use a condom either, baby.”

“You want me to… cum… inside you?”

“Yeah. I do.” Tiny nods echo your words as my cock swells harder than I can remember. “Oooh,” you say. “And I can tell you do, too.”

Well, of course I want it, but… I start to withdraw from you, part of me still questioning what to do next. When just my tip is inside you, I realize one more time won’t make me cum, and it feels wonderful to be plunging back into you where I belong.

But I need a little more clarity. “You want…” I start again. “You want me to… cum in you and… make you pregnant?”

You smile broadly. “Yeah,” you say. “I do.” My adrenal gland must be exhausting itself on the rush I get from your simple words.

Again I almost entirely withdraw, savoring the coating of your juices clinging to my shaft and cooling in the air a moment, and then I plunge back into your welcoming warmth. “Tell me,” I say. “I wanna hear it.”

“Oh, baby,” you say. “Fuck me… cum inside me… and make me pregnant…”

“Yes,” I say, “yes.” I thrust my hips forward over and over, driving my bare cock deep inside you, my cockhead nearly kissing your soft, open cervix. As my strokes accelerate, I feel my orgasm build. “Baby, I’m gonna cum in you.”

“Do it,” you say. “Do it, baby. Shoot your cum in me.” I feel your pussy walls, tight around my shaft, begin to spasm. “Oh, god,” you moan, your climax overtaking you. “Oh god oh god oh god…”

I tumble over the edge with you, my cock and balls surging as long spurts of my seed erupt from deep within me. Six, seven, eight, nine strong pulses of creamy, sperm-rich semen spatter against your cervix, coating it and filling you with the warmth of my essence.

Nearly spent but unwilling to stop, I fuck you in long, slow strokes, our mixed juices squelching and running out over your ass. I instinctually squeeze the last of my cum out of me and into you, where it belongs, though I know you’re already overflowing with millions of my swimmers.

You return to your senses a few seconds after I do. “Oh… my… god, baby…” you say. “So… good. So good.”

“Yeah, and so… right,” I say. “It’s like the first time we did it right.”

“Not the last time, I hope,” you say.

“No,” I say. “Definitely not.”


No wondering I’m so fucking horny, first day of ovulation. Wish I had a thick cock blowing load after load into my cunt for the next few days and make sure I got knocked up.


There is nothing that compares to the urge of wanting to breed when you’re ovulating. Every single thing forces your focus on needing a cock inside you. It’s hard to concentrate. Cum is the only thing that will satisfy your cravings. The desperation becomes real. I need it. I want it. Someone shove your cock into my cervix and fix me.

Frustrasian Nation

A frustration Asian looking for a Big Dick Caucasian with sexual persuasion through kinky conversation. There’s no stipulation or manipulation. Just some dirty fun with raw penetration in our natural creation.
