#in case it was too late to where people didnt see it



Blog Announcement: Where I’ve Been, Hiatus.

Hello everyone!

Whether you remember me or still follow, I’ll do an introduction real quick. I go by Nai, and my blog was for Hoshiai No Sora/ Stars Align thoughts and theories.

Around the time the show ended, I stopped posting. I made a small hiatus post, but I didn’t expect it to extend to this long. Many of my HNS friend blogs ended up leaving their blogs, and I started getting too nervous to look at the Discord server, much less my own blog, where I’d promised a lot of content that I didn’t finish.

It’s a shame what happed to the anime. I wish there was a way for justice. I still want to write all of my ideas that I planned, and I never forgot about them or this blog. I’ve been dealing with severe mental and physical issues, and I got reclusive because of it.

This isn’t an announcement that I’m back, but I want you all to know that I want to finish my ideas in the future, and maybe I’ll work towards turning this blog into something more helpful for the fandom as well!

For now, though, I need to focus on my health. Fandom stuff tends to stress me out, and while I know that sounds odd or silly, I want to give you all a better version of me within my writing than what I can produce now.

I love you all, whether you followed me in the past or still do now!

Be safe, stay sane, and take care of yourself.

If you want to talk to me where I’m active, I have a personal twitter: alcremiekun
