#nai speaks



Blog Announcement: Where I’ve Been, Hiatus.

Hello everyone!

Whether you remember me or still follow, I’ll do an introduction real quick. I go by Nai, and my blog was for Hoshiai No Sora/ Stars Align thoughts and theories.

Around the time the show ended, I stopped posting. I made a small hiatus post, but I didn’t expect it to extend to this long. Many of my HNS friend blogs ended up leaving their blogs, and I started getting too nervous to look at the Discord server, much less my own blog, where I’d promised a lot of content that I didn’t finish.

It’s a shame what happed to the anime. I wish there was a way for justice. I still want to write all of my ideas that I planned, and I never forgot about them or this blog. I’ve been dealing with severe mental and physical issues, and I got reclusive because of it.

This isn’t an announcement that I’m back, but I want you all to know that I want to finish my ideas in the future, and maybe I’ll work towards turning this blog into something more helpful for the fandom as well!

For now, though, I need to focus on my health. Fandom stuff tends to stress me out, and while I know that sounds odd or silly, I want to give you all a better version of me within my writing than what I can produce now.

I love you all, whether you followed me in the past or still do now!

Be safe, stay sane, and take care of yourself.

If you want to talk to me where I’m active, I have a personal twitter: alcremiekun

Blog Announcement: Where I’ve Been, Hiatus.

Hello everyone!

Whether you remember me or still follow, I’ll do an introduction real quick. I go by Nai, and my blog was for Hoshiai No Sora/ Stars Align thoughts and theories.

Around the time the show ended, I stopped posting. I made a small hiatus post, but I didn’t expect it to extend to this long. Many of my HNS friend blogs ended up leaving their blogs, and I started getting too nervous to look at the Discord server, much less my own blog, where I’d promised a lot of content that I didn’t finish.

It’s a shame what happed to the anime. I wish there was a way for justice. I still want to write all of my ideas that I planned, and I never forgot about them or this blog. I’ve been dealing with severe mental and physical issues, and I got reclusive because of it.

This isn’t an announcement that I’m back, but I want you all to know that I want to finish my ideas in the future, and maybe I’ll work towards turning this blog into something more helpful for the fandom as well!

For now, though, I need to focus on my health. Fandom stuff tends to stress me out, and while I know that sounds odd or silly, I want to give you all a better version of me within my writing than what I can produce now.

I love you all, whether you followed me in the past or still do now!

Be safe, stay sane, and take care of yourself.

If you want to talk to me where I’m active, I have a personal twitter: alcremiekun

alcremiekun:Are you a sleepy friend? Need a cuter outfit to rep your exhaustion?I made a shirt desigalcremiekun:Are you a sleepy friend? Need a cuter outfit to rep your exhaustion?I made a shirt desig


Are you a sleepy friend? Need a cuter outfit to rep your exhaustion?

I made a shirt design! It’s on Teespring now. 

Link: [x]

I’m still on hiatus, but I made some pokemon merch! If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll notice I’m a pokemon fan. 

Check out the skitty clothes! <3

Post link
makimakikun: makimakikun: Hoshiai no Sora/Stars Align Discord Chats!R u l e s: ♡  No discrimin



Hoshiai no Sora/Stars Align Discord Chats!

R u l e s:

♡  No discrimination against any marginalized groups and people will be tolerated. This includes slurs. These are LGBTQIA+, POC, etc. friendly servers. 

♡  Please be respectful to members and staff. Polite language is expected in discussions and passive-aggressiveness may earn you a ban if the reason isn’t viable.

♡  Please keep the severs free of sexually explicit content. This is an anime about middle schoolers.  

♡  Please pick your roles once you enter the servers. We have minor/adult roles, role colors, and more!

N o t e s:

☆ These servers both have the same icon right now. It’s a little confusing. We’ll be changing one soon! 

 ☆ The server “soft tennis club!” is the one I’m a mod inside! I’m not the main moderator, but feel free to bring any chat concerns to me in DMs if you’re nervous about talking publicly.

☆ Both are active, but I would say the “soft tennis club!” server is more active on a regular basis and has many discussions, if you feel like you can only choose one. 

”soft tennis club!” Server: [x]

“Hoshiai no Sora” Server: [

Hope to see you soon! 

Want a place to chat about the latest episodes? Want to learn more about the show/fanbase/how to support it?

Now’s your chance! 

Chatroom’s are still open! 

Post link


I’m a part of around five of them, and I bet there’s more out there, even in private friend groups!

I’m not asking access; I’m merely giving a suggestion. 

Consider making a channel with links to help support HNS! A lot of the people in my chats didn’t know the official sites or content. 

Let’s give HNS the recognition it deserves and spread the word about the merch and ways to support it, as well as how great it is! 

Here’s the channel I placed in one of the servers I’m in!

Q: How can I support Hoshiai no Sora/Stars Align?

There are many ways to support the show!

The most helpful would be buying merch directly from the supported stores and tweeting/blogging/writing reviews/hyping up Hoshiai no Sora/Stars Align online to help spread the word!

Here is a list of posts with links to the websitesas well asways to support the show without money:

[x] - A post explaining Akane Kazuki’s tweets as well as links to the Blu-ray, petition, and shops to buy from!

[x] - A post explaining the different ways you can support the show through legal means.

[x] - A store to order from if you’re from the Western areas and don’t have a proxy to buy from the Japanese sites.

[x] - How to support the series without money. The HNS official campaign.Please consider reading all of these, and ask to add more if you find any! 



official art from the hoshiai no sora twitter:[x]

let’s talk!

i saw this image and immediately felt so excited, but also so relieved.

you see– the thing about dysfunctional family mediators/providers is that media tends to portray them as “too mature” for comfort objects. in media, i see them rarely go for toys (or any comforting object in general), and they seem to have a detachment with anything that, frankly, isn’t things like books/studies/cooking/cleaning. 

while it’s understandable, it’s off-putting to me, as someone who was a dysfunctional family mediator/provider. i, too, went through most of my life believing these kinds of things were immature and believed that deriving comfort and friendship from them was my hollow attempt at living life as a child, which i’ve never been able to do. 

this, clearly, is false and it took me a long time to learn it. comfort objects are important and helpful for people of all ages, and the fact that so many adults are scorned from having them saddens me deeply.

i also, growing up with that bad mentality, went through years where i wouldn’t do childish things anymore, like watch cartoons, play pretend by myself with dolls (though i still loved my dolls; never threw them out ofc), but that faded away after i was in a terrible place, and childish things were the only escape that i had. 

i came back to them. i loved them. i love my dolls dearly, and being near them was (and still is) incredibly important to me. it’s grounding to feel/hold them and it’s calming to see them.

this is why i’m so happy to see a character similar to me that has dolls, especially a male character. it’s so comforting and the hns team has no idea how much it meant to me to see images of maki around dolls. 

for reference, i say images because this image is also so important to me.


maki being the type to derive comfort from dolls is incredibly important and such good representation for kids, teens, and adults to see! 

i really hope that they show more of maki’s doll, or, at least, show it canonly a few times in the show. 

thank you for reading! 


kid 1: you guys know the toughest kid in our school?

kid 2:who?

kid 1: -shows a picture of ned flanders-

kid 2: ohhhhh,,, shinjo touma


from what we’ve seen maki say to club members and what we’ve seen maki’s dad do to him, we can justifiably assume that maki’s dad only hits him with his body parts: hands, legs, etc., and since maki has told off members for using weapons, we can assume his dad probably taught him that it’s cowardly to fight with anything but your own body. to back this up– maki didn’t flinch or anything when his dad picked up the racket and held it, but he did flinch when his dad balled his hand into a fist.

 i was always taught to fight with my own power, too, so this is pretty relatable. it’s interesting to see, considering a lot of abusive anime media features hitting kids with beer bottles or household items– which i know isn’t bad representation. it does happen a lot, but many abusive dads are the types that pride themselves on using their own strength (even if it’s on someone weaker, they still take pride in it), and i feel like that isn’t represented enough.



Abuse breeds all sorts of issues and severe disorders that stay with you long-term. 

Nao is losing his sense of self and delved deep into a state where he’s detached from his emotions, morals, logic, and his own reality

When you’re detached or in a dissociative state, your own reality is warped. You lose who you are and what you stand for.  This scene was incredibly relatable for me.

In some cases - like Nao’s - you tend to do bad things, because you can’t process the action or why it’s wrong. His abuse bred apathy, detachment, and pathological lying to help him cope. 

This is some excellent character writing, for every one of these characters across the board. 



I don’t think we talk enough about situations like this one. 

This is an incredibly hard place to be in, and I know how it feels. 

Maki and his father’s dynamic is different than Tsubasa’s. Despite how awful his father is, Tsubasa craves his father’s love. His father’s approval. He wants his father to understand him, and that’s one of the many reasons why people like Tsubasa who are abused stay silent. 

An abusive parent isn’t just something you can cast away, especially if you’re attached to them in any way. Coming out can change your entire life.

You could be torn from the rest of your family, your abuser could be taken to prison and it could hurt your family (i.e. they’re the main provider and pay the bills), or the authorities won’t believe you, and you end up at odds with your family and getting hurt more by your abuser.

All of these can cause huge rifts in your relationships. People blaming you, disbelieving you. People thinking you should’ve just kept quiet.

I feel for this doctor, because I wouldn’t want a suffering child lying to my face, and I couldn’t do anything drastic unless they tell me the truth. 


us, foolish & used to being unrepresented or misrepresented: thinking hoshiai no sora would be a cute sports anime to relax to

all the problems we faced growing up being represented in a heart-wrenching fashion:

i’ll be up and posting again sometime next week! 

i might be redoing some of my past posts as well.
