#hi everyone


I wanna interact with you all! Send me some Qs if you like

A new episode of YGOTAS is all I want for the new year’s eve :’-(


the terraria wiki is incomprehensible if youve never played the game itself. you click on an article about a weapon that looks nice and the description will be something like “the slayer of titans is a pre-bingus summoning weapon unlocked post-scrungle. its base summon damage is 43. using it activates the scimblo status effect which increases your yoinky stat. its eeby deeby counterpart is the legendary fuck-upper. it has a 1/16 (6,25%) chance of dropping by defeating Michael.”


My phone was stolen and it took three days to replace it and now I have sooooo much Tumblr to catch up on zomg

The Last Daughter of Alderaan. My tribute piece to our favorite princess. Print available at Bottlen

The Last Daughter of Alderaan. My tribute piece to our favorite princess. 

Print available at Bottleneck Gallery ONLY UNTIL THIS SUNDAY, January 28th midnight EST. Officially licensed by Lucasfilm! $1 from each sale goes to Alzheimer’s Association, a charity that Carrie supported in her lifetime.

Post link

Two followers away from 1400 so just lil reminder hi I’m mara I have bananas


I’m Neutral4life, don’t question why my @ isn’t capitalized it’s just like that…

I’m just your average person, a little shy, but average.

I used to own a blog, but i deleted it on accident and so I decided to take a break, BUT I’M BACK!

For those who never met me, I’m Neutral4life, but you can call me Neutral for short. I’m a artist/writer online. I have a Wattpad and Quotev account, but I’m not really active there.

My header image belongs to Retrospecter. I don’t know if he drew it, but the character is his, go check him out.

And now for a bio that will probably be useless and never updated!

My bio:

Currentobsession Husbando: Izzurius of pride

Fandoms: fnf, Danganronpa, Retrospecter’s fnf mod, and more!

Age: 18 but will be 19 soon!

Gender and pronouns: Female with she/her pronoun

Do I do commission and requests? No, sorry I’m not ready for that yet.


hey, just a psa: when you make comments about another person’s weight in front of me, or any fat person, we know what you’re doing. youre not as subtle as you think you are. youre not slick, youre not getting away with anything when you make fun of other plus size bodies in our presence. all you are showing us is that you are not a friend, that we cannot trust you. even if you arent doing it on purpose to belittle us, we see how you view our bodies and our dignity in your treatment of others. respect fat people. stop using us to make yourself feel better.


Blog Announcement: Where I’ve Been, Hiatus.

Hello everyone!

Whether you remember me or still follow, I’ll do an introduction real quick. I go by Nai, and my blog was for Hoshiai No Sora/ Stars Align thoughts and theories.

Around the time the show ended, I stopped posting. I made a small hiatus post, but I didn’t expect it to extend to this long. Many of my HNS friend blogs ended up leaving their blogs, and I started getting too nervous to look at the Discord server, much less my own blog, where I’d promised a lot of content that I didn’t finish.

It’s a shame what happed to the anime. I wish there was a way for justice. I still want to write all of my ideas that I planned, and I never forgot about them or this blog. I’ve been dealing with severe mental and physical issues, and I got reclusive because of it.

This isn’t an announcement that I’m back, but I want you all to know that I want to finish my ideas in the future, and maybe I’ll work towards turning this blog into something more helpful for the fandom as well!

For now, though, I need to focus on my health. Fandom stuff tends to stress me out, and while I know that sounds odd or silly, I want to give you all a better version of me within my writing than what I can produce now.

I love you all, whether you followed me in the past or still do now!

Be safe, stay sane, and take care of yourself.

If you want to talk to me where I’m active, I have a personal twitter: alcremiekun

Hi! So I haven’t been posting in a loooong time. It’s mostly because of all of the toxicity on the site (there is a whole lot of it!). It’s was messing with me a little so, I’m not gonna be on as much. (I’m not leaving tho!) I’m starting a new blog, because I want to try to start a new business. I wanna see if I can get my reiki business up and running, as well as some astrology readings and basic witchcraft stuff. So I’ll be back in a bit! Please look out for that post! Tysm 

im really gonna have to start posting again arent i

“being fat gay and alive is an act of rebellion”, i say aloud to no one as i eat a second batch of ricotta fritters entirely by myself



Post link

i felt bad for putting that design up for sale for a minute before reminding myself once again that FRAY MYSTE IS NOT A REAL PERSON

did i ever tell that i finished the novel first draft here? i did, quite a while ago. im about 2/3 thru the 2nd draft now. i’ve mostly been doing this in my free time instead of drawing… of course, i can’t write fast enough to write for a living, but i guess to work part time jobs and do these things on the side isn’t so terrible.

anyway i had to delete a lot of commentary from my original fantasy art (and some of the art itself, sorry) for this reason. things change as you write. i was so young when i started developing this world and these characters and i sprayed so many words everywhere about it… so when it is finally published, if you go digging for these things, i hope you will not substitute them for the canonical character of the work, and just use them as an interesting footnote on project development. i really hope i can share the finished work with you all soon!!!!!
