

hello hello! 
seeing as I’m finally on vacations for a week, I’ve decided on trying this out to get some new stories going! So react to this for a short starter to be sent your way!

I’ve also finally updated my fmab oc’s biography (here!) and I shall work on a sideblog for her on monday, so let me know if you’d like to write with her! She’s the fruit of nearly two years of work and development, so feedback is always appreciated! If you read her bio, thank you in advance!! I know it’s a long thing to read, so always feel free to let me know if you have any doubts or if you’d rather me sending you the shorter version.

@tospititontheon​      cont.:                                                               

                                                           ─ ♱ ─

there had been a small, short-lived wave at his perception of her presence; a fitting greeting, surely, which came accompanied by the gentlest of simpers ‘pon rosy tiers at the sight beneath. There they were again, she thought while graciously accepting his aid to descend from Cornelia’s heights, between golden fields and underneath a twilight sky. There they were again, and soon enough, moments like these would be over, wouldn’t they? 


that was something she’d rather not muse about at the moment. 

a quiet, nearly faint ❝  thank you ❞  had been uttered as her feet touched the ground beneath her weight, just before softly brushing whatever hints of old wood had clung to her dress away. A tap here and a tap there to shake it off, soon enough had been those intense, navy optics of hers set upon Nea and her lips parted, ready to say something. What it could have been, no one would know, for her thoughts were swept out of her mind with the delicacy present upon his gesture. 

it was difficult not to feel… forlorn. Almost reminiscent, already, of times that would soon become naught but a remote memoir. 

the circumstances were fitting for that, after all  ━  even the heavens above said goodbye to the sun, who stubbornly (borderline desperately) fought against the impending dark of the night that would soon wash over them. A quick gaze was given, thus, towards the sky and the house that lied in the distance: painted in orange tones and violet undertones, at least this was a fight worth watching.               Certainly not like the one that lingered and floated above their heads and they tried to postpone and ignore, as though if it were far from sight, it would also be kept far from heart. 

and so it had to be: for his sake, and for her own. 
            her gaze returned to his figure once again, observant as it had always been. She could see, beneath that stoic posture he carried himself with, how distress and restlessness were consuming him from inside out, eating him alive and spitting him out in this agitated, tense state:this wasn’t a regular meeting, like all of the others that came before, no  ━ and the suspicion of something having happened began to, as well, weigh over her. 

and yet…
        she didn’t voice those haunting thoughts.
Instead, the Dreams leaned against Cornelia and, with a soft smile, finally raised her voice to speak. 


━ ❝  the sky is pretty today, don’t you think? ❞

he would tell her, wouldn’t he? 
there was no reason not to: she had already made her PROMISE, and she inteded on keeping it. 


Make them angry, scare them, or make them sad. Give them a shock or brighten their day. Fluster or frustrate or infuriate, it’s your call. 

Bonus points if you know my character well enough to know how to get a strong reaction with as few words as possible.

 @exorcistalice​      cont.:

the Dreams simply couldn’tbelieve what she had just heard. Sheer disbelief was spread upon her visage for naught but a second, before she burst out laughing. Amusement, surely, but most importantly, bitterness and venom slipped past that chortle. This girl had a death wish, hadn’t she? How ridiculous…

  ━ ❝ over your DEAD body, you say? ❞ scoffing, Road brought a patronizing hand to her chest, chagrin written all over her features. That mocking smirk of hers was ever present ‘pon her chasms.  ━ ❝ GOD, you are dumber than what I thought.

not that she expected anything else to come from a human.
they always acted so selfless and heroic, as if that could bring them anything.A pathetic sight, truly, but one that Road was more than willing to tear down to pieces, since this brat was looking to pick up a fight with her, a noah, after all.

   ━ ❝ as if I had a problem in killing you, brat. 

she spat, cruelty dripping from those lips. She had already been sitting on top of one of three level 2 akuma, but nothing beyond a flicker of her wrist, the uselessmachine exploded underneath her weight, crumbling down to earth in the form of rubble that, soon enough, turned to ash and vanished with a passing gust of wind. Road Kamelot, on her hand, seemed perfectly intact to the destruction and perfectly indifferent to the shocked look spread upon the other two akuma’s visage: she had landed on her feet rather gracefully (as though she had been putting on a show just for alice   ━ how kind of her!)  right after blowing to pieces one of her servants. 

what could she be thinking?

  ━ ❝ I was bored of your talking anyway. And look at this, I’m even giving you a head start, Alice…❞ echoed sugarcoated vocals, as Road raised her arms as though showing her that, in fact, she’d only have to deal with two akuma before she would be rewarded with dealing with her. If she survived, that was.

and thus, with a snap of her fingers, the two machines charged towards the exorcist. 

━ ❝ Let’s see what you’re made of before I rip you and that innocence of yours to pieces. 

is any of this for real….
or not?

struck down cities, debris covering wherever those tiny feet stepped on. A beam of bright light piercing through the sky and through her skull, bringing bare knees to meet a cruel, cold ground and two tarnished appendages to grip tightly locks of violet strands. Ichor, warm and vivid, ran down from her forehead, from those crosses, and down her hands and arms; the blood mingling itself with the heavy tears which didn’t seem to cease rolling down her cheeks.

a loud, sharp scream echoed through the tempest and through the remnants of man-made constructions crumbling down to earth and oh, how she wished for them to fall on top of her; burying her and her conscience under brick and under dust, never to be found again. It was wrath, and it was resentment, that smashed her under the weight of her own irate heart. HOW COULD THEY? ━ how could mankind put up a fight against THE TRUE APOSTLE OF GOD ?! such blasphemy, what sense of faux power could have led HUMANITY astray ?!


all of this misery, all of this destruction, all of this despair.

if it hadn’t existed,they, wouldn’t have had to fight it, they wouldn’t have had to bring this FUCKED UP WORLD to its demise and to its knees, pleading for a mercy that would never come again.

OPHELIA, an unknown voice, yet so familiar from a distant reality reached out, but who was ophelia? Optics snapped open, black, sharp fingernails undug themselves from her own flesh as she let her arms relax by her body’s side. OPHELIA, it broke through again, and she raised her head to look around, but no one came into sight, but as the beam of light wrapped itself around the sky and the world beneath, she could, with parted lips and through eyes brimming with tears, appreciate for the first time the in it.

whether it had been genuine or if it had simply been a coping mechanism, she didn’t know: but as she witnessed the impending end of the world arriving, as certain as the embrace of death, as she  saw as light slowly faded and the distant sound of waves violently crashing was closer and closer, she stood up to her feet and stretched her arms, beholding the meaning of this life. And LAUGHTER erupted from the girl’s throat. It was pained and it was humourless, but it came from the relief of knowing, deep within her core, that soon enough, all would be over.

OPHELIA, once more, and the figure she had spent the last months fearing, running away from, avoiding, blank with an permanent grin etched upon its visage, opened its infinite arms to her.

and she let herself fall into them.

ah, now she could remember.

she was Ophelia, wasn’t she? a name, given to her at birth, by her mother, the sweetest, most resilient woman she had ever known and who called for her, desperately, two hands firmly set on her shoulders and a terrified look spread all across her visage. Did she know? Had she seen the end of the world as well?

she hadn’t, had she?

━ ❝ a nightmare, ❞ she stated, looking at her palish daughter in the eye, and she could only nod, in silence. This time around, there were no gasping for air, there was no errant heart on the verge of tearing bone and skin to escape her chest, there were no screams. This time there was only a chin resting upon the woman’s shoulder, as she took her in her warm embrance, and a faint hand coming to touch her back, brief and featherly, as though it hadn’t really been there. ━ ❝ t'was just a nightmare, my little mouse. ❞

and finally, as she gazed the reflection on the mirror that stared back at her with aureate eyes, the pain was gone.

and she knew: that place, that woman, that house were no longer hers to live in. It was time to go, and it was time to find the remaining apostles.









part / of the awakening of the noah


. (  sentence starters taken from supermassive’s 2015 game  ‘ until dawn ’ mature / dark themes are present. feel free to alter pronouns.  ) 

❛  i can’t believe you actually did this.  ❜ 
❛  hey…  did you see that?  ❜
❛  what did you do???  ❜
❛  let’s party like we’re fucking pornstars!  ❜
❛  i’m not gonna tell you, you’ve gotta see for yourself.  ❜
❛  i thought we were goners.  ❜
❛  sometimes i forget to just stop and take it all in.  ❜
❛  you ALWAYS get like this.  ❜
❛  well, i did mean to scare you, ‘sort of’ scare you, but not ‘for real’ scare you.  ❜
❛  oh, you did NOT just do that.  ❜
❛  you can’t hide from me, [ name ].  ❜
❛  no one wants in on your territory.  ❜
❛  you’re SUCH a bitch!  ❜
❛  i don’t give a crap about what you think.  ❜
❛  are you serious? you think that’s insulting?  ❜
❛  [ name ], stop. this is out of hand.  ❜
❛  when i imagined us grunting together, this is not what i pictured.  ❜
❛  finally, a little ray of hope.  ❜
❛  well, if that’s how it’s gonna be -  ❜
❛  maybe we should… you know, check it out?  ❜
❛  what… was i NOT supposed to take advantage of the opportunity?  ❜
❛  were you IN on this???  ❜
❛  i see a hot bath in my crystal ball.  ❜
❛  i can handle it.  ❜
❛  you know what? this is some bullshit.  ❜
❛  i wasn’t faking anything!  ❜
❛  i totally promise i won’t murder you when i find you.  ❜
❛  oh my god, what the hell was that?!  ❜
❛  we don’t need a fire to heat things up.  ❜
❛  am i… doing something wrong?  ❜
❛  i thought you were one way, but you’re.. kinda another way.  ❜
❛  if this is your way of trying to make me feel better, you’re fired.  ❜
❛  all you have to do is choose who you will save.  ❜
❛  okay, okay okay okay. it’s gonna be okay.  ❜
❛  you can’t let me die!  ❜
❛  just… just give me a minute, i can’t think straight.  ❜
❛  why are we still talking about this? let’s go.  ❜
❛  is the night going the way you hoped it would?  ❜
❛  do you intend to continue with this elaborate self - indulgence?  ❜
❛  do you even believe that i’m real?  ❜
❛  soo.. back to square one.  ❜
❛  rule number one, [ name ] is always right.  ❜
❛  rule number one, “[ name ] is always right”. rule number two, “nothing else matters because [ name ] is always right”.  ❜
❛  this is really getting out of hand, okay?  ❜
❛  what do we have here?  ❜
❛  looking for me?  ❜
❛  open your eyes.  ❜
❛  oh my god, oh my god - what did you do?  ❜
❛  i’m going to give you ten seconds. nine… eight…  ❜
❛  well, that certainly didn’t go according to plan, did it?  ❜
❛  you think this mistake won’t have repercussions?  ❜
❛  thank you. for saving my life.  ❜
❛  why don’t you believe me?  ❜
❛  you’re not paying attention, you’re not paying attention!  ❜
❛  ghosts don’t exist, okay?!  ❜
❛  all i wanted to do was forget last year ever happened.  ❜
❛  stay the hell away from me.  ❜
❛  live and learn!  ❜
❛  we’re gonna die, [ name ].  ❜
❛  i wish i could tell you.. it’s just not fair!  ❜
❛  it’s too late… [ name ], what’s the point?  ❜
❛  we’ve wasted everything.  ❜
❛  [ name ], none of it was wasted. every second that i spent with you was the only thing i wanted to do with my time.  ❜
❛  i’m sorry, i should’ve told you how i felt.  ❜
❛  what gives you right to play god?  ❜
❛  what makes you so special, then?  ❜
❛  do you enjoy feeling terrorized, humiliated? i mean, panicked?  ❜
❛  hook, line & sinker for every little stinker.  ❜
❛  oh, c’mon. revenge is the best medicine!  ❜
❛  you are gonna fuckin’ pay.  ❜
❛  you’re a goddamned murderer, is what you are.  ❜
❛  you’re only seeing what you wanna see, you’re blind.  ❜
❛  i swear to you, i have no idea what happened to her.  ❜
❛  can’t we all just get along?  ❜
❛  not like you got the guts to really do anything about it, anyways.  ❜
❛  you sure you’re okay?  ❜
❛  let me say what i came to say.  ❜
❛  i’m only gonna tell you this once. it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not.  ❜
❛  no, it’s about you, [ name ]. it’s always ALL about you.  ❜
❛  why did you hurt them??  ❜
❛  how’s that feel, you fuck?!  ❜
❛  oh my god, i’m so glad to see you.  ❜
❛  the hell are you doing here?  ❜
❛  you can’t change what happened.  ❜
❛  i had to.. i had no choice.  ❜
❛  don’t… don’t fucking move a muscle.  ❜
❛  fucker left me to die.  ❜
❛  what do you remember?  ❜
❛  you need to listen to me.  ❜
❛  i’ve seen what’s down there.  & i’d give anything to unsee it.  ❜
❛  did [ pronoun OR name ] make it?  ❜

BUT OH, to carry the weight of an age-old wrath, sorrow and ache upon shoulders as small as her own.

she remembered.

she remembered it all far too well for those bittersweet memories which she tried to accept as necessary and yet, at the same time, wished she could simply forget. Lips were parted, but nothing came out of them: not a sound, nor a breath.

andnot even a pained whimper at the way the seven h̶o̶l̶y̶ crosses on her forehead burned on her skin, more and more, the deeper she fell into that subconsciousness she both despised and adored.

the first times weren’t as bad as some would describe; or so she thought: repetitive nightmares, which stuck to this day with her, suddenly took over nights that soon enough, became sleepless in an attempt to avoid looking atIT in its hollow eyes. Little did she know at the time, though, that to force herself to stay awake over and over and over again, would prove itself to do more harm than good.

her body, however, pulled merciless pranks on her by throwing her back against her will when it could no longer withstand the lack of rest ━

 ━ and into that dark void of a world, DEVOID of sensation and DEVOID of reality was she again, and back was the feeling of choking on her own breath and tears, back was the soulless creature holding her by her neck and screaming at her in a tongue she couldn’t grasp, nor understand, before it carved on her flesh, with its own bare fingers, seven crosses across her forehead.

alas, the Dreams refused to dream. With all her might, but it was to no avail: for if it couldn’t disarm her and show her the reality of this world while she was unconscious, then it would shove it down her throat, in the material plane.

and so, hallucinations didn’t take too long to haunt her: A look in the mirror was unbearable, to catch but a glimpse of her reflection, distorted and faceless, was akin to bloodied knuckles and shattered glass, yet another attempt to escape a fate that was inevitable, unavoidable, impeding.

 voices filled her ears and rang within an exhausted mind, come to us, they called, come back, they pleaded, and she ignored, despite the sharp pain and the feeling of restlessness that followed suit.

DON’T IGNORE US, they ordered once she didn’t listen, and if at first those vocals only sounded desperate, then as time went by they got angrier, then furious, then livid; much like a rabid dog, foaming at the mouth, living within the confines of her skull and barking to be released from its prison.

delusions of a sleep deprived heart, for sure ━ or so she tried to convince herself, right until the very last moments.

and until then, until she could close her eyes and lay in the arms of acceptance, this girl would have a long, treacherous path to cross: for the first nights were, now that she could face the abyss within her in the eyes, THE EASIEST PART.









part /
