#in space with markiplier spoilers



Don’t talk to me or my son again, see!

From the perspective of a captain who did everything right the first time. Space is kinda fucked up.

Like imagine you do everything a good Captain should do. You are able to lead your people to a new and safe planet to colonize. You live out the rest of your days happy and in peace and die with those you love around you.

You wake up. Surrounded by blaring alarms and in a tight cramped space that your are ejected out of. It takes you a moment to realize where you are, back on that shitty spaceship from all those years ago.

You try so many times to stop the loop. Only to be told that you made all the wrong choices, that you are evil and you wanted everyone to die.

And even though you were right the first time. You are blamed for everything that went wrong.


And over

And over again.


this is literally my theory and even i kinda doubt it but like

i see similarities


i’ve only known Wug for about two hours but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone on this ship and then myself

This guy looks suspicious but “Chief Eyebrows” here is buff af.

Don’t talk to me or my son again, see!

The Captain after being yelled at by Wilford:

Wow, the first section of Space really is Beat the Crap out of Mark Simulator

Do I win?Path belowEdit: I believe all but one route leads to the first “Will you open the door?” op

Do I win?

Path below

Edit: I believe all but one route leads to the first “Will you open the door?” options so I minimized the path. Have a blast up until this point!

Don’t open the door

Gunther! Think of the Colonists!

Burt! Think of the Colonists!

Fix it from outside!

Hold on a second…

P.S. Choosing “Celci! Think of the Colonists!” after “Burt!” you get Illinois!

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found these very brief scenes in the credits that i haven’t been able to find in any of the paths&hefound these very brief scenes in the credits that i haven’t been able to find in any of the paths&hefound these very brief scenes in the credits that i haven’t been able to find in any of the paths&hefound these very brief scenes in the credits that i haven’t been able to find in any of the paths&he

found these very brief scenes in the credits that i haven’t been able to find in any of the paths…

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that airlock is looking good right now

that airlock is looking good right now

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