#incorrect buddie quotes



Buck: Our only help right now is this kind, selfless, amazing nerd.

Eddie: Do you have to call me a nerd so much?

Buck: I said a lot of other nice things, okay? Toughen up, nerd.


Eddie: Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.

Buck: How can you say that?

Eddie: Because sometimes when things get tough, denial is all we have.

Eddie: What am I looking at? 

Buck: Proof that I’m not lying. 

Eddie: *stubbornly looks away* When did you put a camera in our room?

Buck: Last week. For this reason. You do it every night. Look, here’s Monday, and here’s Tuesday, and Wednesday, and–

Eddie: Okay, Buck. Enough. I get your point. 

Buck: So when are we going to properly address your serial cuddling?

Eddie: That’s not cuddling. That’s clinging so that I don’t fall off my side of the bed.

Buck: Our bed is more than big enough for the two of us. 

Eddie: What do you want me to say? Sorry for cuddling my boyfriend? 

Buck: No! Of course not, Eds. I love that you can’t seem to help spooning me in your sleep.

Eddie: So what are we doing here? 

Buck: I just want you to acknowledge that I’m not crazy, that’s all. 

Eddie: You’re insufferable. Sometimes. But, no, you’re not crazy. 

Buck: *pumps the air* Totally worth the 300 dollars for the camera. 

Eddie: Where IS the camera? 

Buck: Ah… Well, you know that teddy that Christopher bought me? 

Eddie: Yeah… 

Buck: He may not have bought it at all. 

Eddie: Then we’re getting rid of it. That thing is monstrous. 

Buck: Hey! Mr Bobbins is cool. Don’t be mean. 

Eddie: Hope you didn’t get too attached. 

Buck: I’ll save you Mr Bobbins! 

Eddie: No, you won’t. Get back here!

What if She was Him?

Buck: Taylor, I–I should'a told you this last night. I didn’t because… I… You looked in pain before I even said anything.

Taylor: So tell me. Let me decide if I was right to feel hurt.

Buck: I made a mistake.

Taylor: *takes a breath* It was Eddie, wasn’t it?

Buck:Wha–no. Eddie wasn’t even there. We thought he bailed on us but turns out he was there, just didn’t join us.

Taylor: If not Eddie, who?

Buck: Why you bringin’ up Eddie, anyway?

Taylor: Are you really asking me that? Nevermind. Tell me what happened.

Buck: Tay–

Taylor: Don’t. Just tell me what happened, Buck.

Buck: A firefighter… She assisted us during a bomb threat, and she was cool, so we invited her out for drinks. We drank a lot, we talked, and then…

Taylor: Then?

Buck: She kissed me.

Taylor: How long did you kiss her for before you remembered you have a girlfriend?

Buck: *swallows* Long enough to feel guilty about it. I should'a backed off, told her I had you–Taylor, I’m so sorry.

Taylor: I believe you, Buck.

Buck: You do?

Taylor: Yes. I believe that you’re sorry you hurt me. I don’t believe you’re sorry for doing it.

Buck: …

Taylor: I’m gonna go. I need some time to think.

Buck: Wait–Taylor, please, it was just a stupid druken mistake–

Taylor: No, it wasn’t. It was you looking for a way out that didin’t involve you telling me outright that you weren’t in this from the beginning.

Buck: Taylor, that’s not true. I promise it won’t–

Taylor: Do something for me, Buck. Picture the same scenario, but this time think about Eddie waiting at home for you.

Buck: …

Taylor: Does it end the same way?

Buck: *looks at the floor* Taylor…

Taylor: No, you know what? It’s fine. I was sick of playing second fidel to him anyway. Do yourselves a favor and pull your heads out of your asses so that you stop hurting others in the process.

Buck: What am I afraid of?

Taylor: *closes eyes, inhales slowly, let’s it out* The same thing I presume he is.

Buck: *pleading*

Taylor: The risk of losing the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
