#incorrect doctor who quotes


Donna: Benefits of dating me:

Donna: You would be dating me.

Donna: I could go on, but I feel I’ve made my point.

Rose: We could be killed!!

Donna: Or worse, Martha could give us another lecture on responsibility.

Ten: What are we doing tonight?

Rose: Watching a movie.

Rose: P.S. I love you.

Ten: I love you too.

Rose, internally screaming: It’s the name of the movie.


Rose: What is the one thing I told you not to do?

Ten: Burn the house down.

Rose: And what did you do?

Ten: Make you dinner.




Ten: And burn the house down.



Rose: Why do you have a playlist called “for when i take over the world”?

Rose: And why is it just the high school musical 2 soundtrack?

Ten: Rose, I’m sad.

Rose, hugging him: come here, it’s going to be alright.

Ten: Donna, I’m sad.

Donna, nodding:mood.

Eleven, trying to flirt at a bar: come here often? i imagine anyone who does is probably an alcoholic.

Bill: Doctor, please keep an eye on Nardole today. He’s going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Twelve: Sure, I’d love to see Nardole get punched.

Bill: Try again.

Twelve: I will stop Nardole from getting punched.

Rory: I’m hungry.

Eleven: Hi hungry, I’m the doctor.

Rory: I’m serious.

Eleven: No, you’re hungry.

Rory: Are you joking?

Eleven: No, I’m the doctor.


Thirteen: I have an excellent gaydar™ I can determine if a woman is gay or not with just a glance.

Yaz: I’ve been in love with you for years.

Thirteen: You’ve what?


Ace: Don’t worry, Professor. We can win this. We still have our secret weapon!

Seven: The power of believing in ourselves?

Ace: Uhh…Yeah, sure…

Ace: *puts away can of Nitro-9*
