#incorrect esc quotes



sauce: users gothcostco and creativityflows on tumblr dot com

ALSO: if you’re more active on twitter these days, consider following the incorrect esc twitter page!

to soothe your post eurovision depression… or worsen it idk what it’ll do.

Source: 420dongsquad on tumblr dot hellsite

Still can’t believe little big were chosen for eurovision.

Source: possibly likeiwishiknew on tumblr dot com

I think Ari is the person who I makes quotes of most frequently :)

Source: The earliest version of the quote i could find is on marvel-ous-things on tumblr dot com. I don’t know if it is original or not.

here i am again. this is quite possibly the shittest one i’ve made so far but i had to post something and it had to be gjon-related. so have fun.

source: i honestly haven’t a clue, do tell me if you know

Sorry I havn’t posted in a hot minute! I haven’t had much free time recently. Please feel free to submit quotes, it’s a little easier for me if I already know what quote to do and who is saying it.

(please note that I wont do quotes that are too obviously shippy because i know some people are uncomfortable with it, but feel free to message me on @uwu-vision if you wanna talk about it!)

even the translator looks offended that he would say such a thing!

source - no clue!!!

I took so many consecutive screenshots of this interview that my ipad crashed. Take this as a warning that incorrect quotes are harder than you think!

Source - unknown, possibly r/showerthoughts or tumblr

bonus: look at this absolute renaissance painting i managed to capture!

This one is kinda shit cause I couldn’t find good enough pictures but I haven’t updated in 2 days so heres you go

source - vine

I love him

Source - the-carmevore on Tumblr

(note: I’m not 100% sure what Bilal’s exact sexual identity is, though I have read that he is gay i’ve seen no sources of him actually saying it. If I’m wrong please tell me and I’ll correct the post!)
