#incorrect resident evil quotes


Alcina: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.

Cassandra: That’s the most hopeful thing I’ve ever heard.

Bela: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?

Daniela: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.

Daniela: Don’t worry, I got a plan.

Cassandra: Alright.

Daniela: TraitorSayWhat?

Bela: Excuse me?

Daniela: What?



Daniela: No wait-


Alcina: Girls! who took my bra?


Daniela: Mother! Look at this cute tote bag I found! it’s so big- oh


Alcina: Bela, the store manager called to say that you forgot one bag of groceries.

Bela: Ah! No wonder I couldn’t find my anti-depressants.

Alcina: and that you forgot your sisters too.

Bela: Oh no, that was on purpose.

Maiden: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?

Alcina: Rude.

Bela: That’s fair.

Daniela: Not again.

Cassandra: Are you going to want this back?

B, C & D strolling in the village

Child: your mother is a horrible person

Daniela: OH YEAH? well my mother can make your mother scream harder than your father ever did!


Cassandra: She would though, sexually or not.


Dimitrescu Sisters proposing to their maiden

Bela: Marry me or leave me…..PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME


Cassandra: Devote your life to me and I will put your organs in a jar that says “love of my life” when you die.


Daniela: heeyy girl you wanna traumatize children with me? lipbites
