#indigenous resistance crushing colonialism

 There Are No Closets In Tipis …… and no pipelines, police, prisons, and weapons manuf

There Are No Closets In Tipis

… and no pipelines, police, prisons, and weapons manufacturers in a Two Spirit LGBTQIA paradise.~Jen Deerinwater, a  DC-based bisexual+, two-spirit, disabled, journalist,  activist, and member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.  They were among those who protested the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)atStanding Rock in 2016.

Deerinwater pointed to Capital PridesponsorWells Fargo’s involvement in the Dakota Access Pipeline, which spawned protests from the Standing Rock Sioux and allies, as one reason for concern, ‘Wells Fargo is one of the primary financial backers of the Dakota Access Pipeline,” she said. “As an indigenous person and as a queer person, I cannot understand why Capital Pride would work with an organization that is actively causing harm to our community members.”    ~Indigenous Resistance: Crushing Colonialism


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