#injury recovery


During A’s recovery, therapy appointments/visits occur like clockwork in order to maintain a memorable routine. 

However, one day A wakes up, and realises they’ve slept past the time the nurse comes to do their rounds. Had they slept through it? They don’t normally… They sit and wait, noting that soon the physical therapist should be arriving. When they don’t, A worries more: even more so when their friend/significant other doesn’t arrive at their scheduled time. 

It’s at this point (running low on painkillers and patience), that A takes it upon themselves to investigate. 

They could find that 1) The friends/doctors/nurses have all been kidnapped and being held hostage in another medical ward and require saving. Or 2) An evil entity roams the halls, chasing after A at every chance they get until A manages to evade their pursuit.

Either way, it all ends when they wake up again… in their bed and surrounded by the medical team and worried friends.

Apparently their condition worsened due to an infection, and they had spent the better part of a week staving off a near deadly fever.

Your character has to re-learn to walk following a terrible accident. The recovery is slow and frustrating, but the second they’re able to put one foot in front of the other, the caretaker beams with pride. 
