#inside job netflix


Reagan: Can we just please get the wires and get out of here?

Brett: Fine, but I wanna stop by the wine section first.

Reagan, chuckles: Wait… There’s a wine section?

Brett: Yeah, a really good one- just past the tires. No way.

Reagan: They do not have- 

Reagan, shocked: Oh, my God.

Reagan: Oh, my- Brett. 

Reagan: Brett. The paper shredder I wanted.

Brett: Huh? Confetti and crosscut.

Reagan, chuckles:Yep.

Reagan, gasps: Oh, my God. Amazing.


Reagan: Brett, what is this place?

Brett: Back at my hometown, my family and I had a saying: As long as you’re bringing the all trophies home, you-

Reagan:[Roles her eyes]

Brett: I feel you rolling your eyes at me.

Brett: We met at one of J.R.’s legendary game nights.

Brett: I remember Reagan because she kept rolling his eyes… 

Brett:Every time I would get a little boisterous. 


Reagan: I did not.

Brett: A little bit.

Reagan: Yeah, maybe a little bit. Anyway, we were- we were playing charades, and I had no idea how to act out my clue.

Reagan: And all I could think of to do was shake my hands all over the air.

Reagan: And without missing a beat, Brett says-


Reagan:All I did was this- Casablanca.

Reagan: [Shakes her hands all over the air]


Myc: I don’t like your accusatory tone.

Reagan: Well, I’d use a different tone, but I’m trying to accuse you of something.

Reagan:Okay, for this to work, you need to be mean to people. Can you do that?

Brett: Yeah! Try me

Reagan:Get me a glass of water.

Brett, handing her a glass of water: Here you go!

Gigi:No, honey. Let’s try again. Be mean!


Andre: I’ll try. Brett, get me a glass of water.

Brett:No, I would never give you that, you… dumb person.


Reagan: Brett, what do you have behind your back?





Reagan: Give it to me.

Brett, pulling a glass of water: It’s a glass of water.

Gigi: Oh, boy.

Brett, pulling another glass: And a backup glass.

Andre: We’re screwed, aren’t we?

Gigi:You think?

Tamiko, to Reagan about Rand: Honey, you’re 15, so I think it’s time we have a mother-daughter talk.

Tamiko: Your father is part of the family’s trash. Any questions?

Gigi, sighing: Can I tell you something? 


Gigi:You’re my role model. 

Reagan, snorting: Come on. 

Gigi:I’m serious. 

Reagan:Gigi, you were already the most impressive person I ever met, and now you can do literally everything. 

Gigi: If that’s true, it’s because you inspired me. 


Gigi:I admire you so very much. Your strength, your toughness, your self-esteem, not to mention you have a rocking bod. 


Reagan:Did you just turn the tables on me? 

Reagan: I got nothing left to teach you.

Gang as Random Images Saved in My Phone 2

Reagan Ridley

Brett Hand

Gigi Thompson

Andre Lee

Glenn Dolphman

Magic Myc

Bonuses: Bear-o

J.R. Scheimpough

Rand Ridley
