#introverted ethics


kareem abdul-jabbar: infp or isfj?

youtube video below first make me think infp. here are some timestamps for the impatient:

  1. trevor asks “you were around when martin luther king was assasinated, how do you prevent yourself from ONLY being angry?” 5:44
  2. kareem’s sublime but also funny reaction to the note he get from donald trump 7:15
  3. trevor noah’s describing kareem’s ethics at 9:00 and the way he answer that question.

but then maybe he is a really positive isfj… because after all, his hooks from far away one of the hardest shots to master. that’s a very measured shot with one hand, after a spin. like, how much force you apply to the ball when you take a shot from there vs. few inches away? for those who weren’t paying attention his “skyhooks” looked like this:

wss is much better than twfp of course

car salesman entp’s ti performance can not be as good as philosopher entp’s ti performance, let alone janitor entp’s ti performance. believing all these entps share the same exact performance level is ridiculous.

ti is not conditional logic. ti is prefering logic over ethics. ti is also preferring to solve problems by really understanding every element of that problem as opposed to trusting an authority.

quality or speed of ti do not have to be very high in every entp.

ti is doing the reasonable thing, given what you know, ignoring ethics. for example pulling the lever in trolley dilemma, thinking “huh? where’s the dilemma here? kill 1 instead of 2 of course.” but a person who use fi will think “if i pull the lever, i kill that one guy who was not going to die under normal circumstances, i am absolutely responsible for his death therefore.”

it doesn’t matter HOW FAST you reach one of those conclusions.

if ne can come up with super tangential associations, se can come up with directly related associations. synonyms of a word for example has NOTHING to do with ne. NOTHING! because synonyms are DIRECTLY the same thing with the base word.

or, if you give a word like rabbit to se user, he can come up with a word like carrot because it’s directly what rabbit eats. you don’t need INTUITION for that association.

and once again, everybody can automatically say who is your mother’s son. no logic required. therefore, further steps you add to that question only challenges your working memory, not logic.
