
Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang:Last Call for Sign-Ups: Artists AND Writers!Hello everyone!

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang:
Last Call for Sign-Ups: Artists ANDWriters!

Hello everyone! Are you still hoping to sign up for our 2022 @inu-spiration Solstice Reverse Bang? The mods would like to announce that today and tomorrow are the FINAL days for sign-ups, and because of the way the numbers are working out, we are able to accept registrations from both artists AND writers!

Registrations need to be submitted by the end of the day on April 21.

If you are an ARTIST, please sign up here.
If you are a WRITER, please sign up here.

Important deadlines:

For ARTISTS, the deadline for submitting a sketch is April 28. (A mod will reach out to you after tomorrow’s registration deadline.)

PAIRINGS will be announced April 29.

We are so very excited to see all the wonderful creations, and look forward to working with ALL of our participants!

Questions? Please inboxus

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Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang
Writer Sign-Ups are now OPEN!

Hello everyone! We are very excited to announce that writer-signups for the @inu-spiration Solstice Reverse Bang are now OPEN!

Writers, you have until April 21st to sign up. Please use this Google form to register.

Artists, you still have until April 14th to sign up. Please use this Google form to register.

Please make sure you fill out the correct form, as there is one for writers and one for artists!

If you have questions, please consult our FAQs, or send us an Ask!

We look forward to your sign-ups, and to seeing what you create for the event ❤️


If you’d like to participate, but are worried about submitting on time, you’re welcome to use an already completed work (as long as it hasn’t been used, or is slated to be used, for another creation/collaboration already).

Have more questions? Feel free to check out the FAQ, or send us an Ask!

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang
Writer Sign-Ups are now OPEN!

Hello everyone! We are very excited to announce that writer-signups for the @inu-spiration Solstice Reverse Bang are now OPEN!

Writers, you have until April 21st to sign up. Please use this Google form to register.

Artists, you still have until April 14th to sign up. Please use this Google form to register.

Please make sure you fill out the correct form, as there is one for writers and one for artists!

If you have questions, please consult our FAQs, or send us an Ask!

We look forward to your sign-ups, and to seeing what you create for the event ❤️

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse BangArtist Sign-Ups are now OPEN!Hello everyone! We are very exc

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang
Artist Sign-Ups are now OPEN!

Hello everyone! We are very excited to announce that artist-signups for the @inu-spiration Solstice Reverse Bang are now OPEN!

Artists, you have between now and April 14th to sign up. Please use this Google form to register.

If you have questions, please consult our FAQs, or send us an Ask!

We look forward to your sign-ups, and to seeing what you create for the event ❤️

(Writers, your time is coming! Look for writer sign-ups to open next week!)

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Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang!June 21, 2022Hello everyone! We are so pleased to announce

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang!
June 21, 2022

Hello everyone! We are so pleased to announce that @inu-spiration is back, with a new event, and a very special date!

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang will take place on June 21, 2022!

A reverse bang is an event inspired by ‘Big Bangs’ – in which fanfiction writers create stories for artists to make beautiful creations from. A ‘Reverse Bang’ operates in the reverse. Artists create and then submit fanart first, for fanfiction writers to then create a work inspired from it.

Sign-ups for artists will begin on April 1st! Sign-ups for writers will begin April 8th!

For more information (such as rules and requirements), please check out our FAQs page or submit an Ask! Our mods are more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

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INUYASHA FIC: Ships in the Night (1/5)

Ships in the Night

Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, and Buyo



Summary:After five long years without Kagome, Inuyasha has finally found something he never believed possible: a way back to the woman he loves.

But travelling through time across a breach that was supposed to have been sealed forever has unexpected consequences and, in the modern world, rumours of a strange ghost ship crewed by long dead demons are drawing Kagome into danger.

Written for the 2021 @art-inuspirationHalloween Bang and featuring a gorgeous piece of artworkby@wolfcry77.


Chapter 1

When Inuyasha has the chance to return to Kagome, he doesn’t hesitate. Unfortunately, the happy ending that he’s been waiting for is still out of his reach.


On the horizon, where the deep black sky met the even darker sea, a strange green glow flickered into life like the sudden flare of a match. The shape was indistinct at first, but as the light grew brighter and the object moved slowly but steadily closer to the shore, there was no mistaking what it was. The huge wooden ship could have sailed straight out of the Feudal Era and every inch of the vessel glowed with eerie phosphorescence.

Inuyasha swore, his hand flying instinctively to the hilt of Tessaiga. Despite the rumours that had drawn Kagome to this remote stretch of coastline in the first place, he hadn’t really believed it was true, but she could definitely see the ghost ship.

She could see the ghost ship, so why the hell couldn’t she see the ghost standing at her side?

What an exciting and intriguing beginning to this story, @calloftherunningtide, and a twist that was definitely unexpected! We can’t wait to see where it goes next! (We literally cannot say more because that would give too much away!)

Inu-spiration 2: Halloween BangThank you!Hi everyone! We here at @inu-spiration would like to extend

Inu-spiration 2: Halloween Bang
Thank you!

Hi everyone! We here at @inu-spiration would like to extend a very special thank you for everyone who participated!

To our creators: thank you for all your hard work. You put together some really incredible collaborations, and we’re so grateful for the time and the effort you put into your creations. We’ve had so much fun seeing what you have come up with for today!

Remember that, if you missed any of the art or stories, you can check out our Tumblr tags, look here on our blog, or can check out our Ao3 collection!

And we hope that all of you enjoyed all amazing work as much as we did! Thank you again, everyone!

The Mods

(Banner credit: @neutronstarchild ✨ )

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inu-spiration: Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang!June 21, 2022Hello everyone! We are so pleas


Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang!
June 21, 2022

Hello everyone! We are so pleased to announce that @inu-spiration is back, with a new event, and a very special date!

Inu-spiration 3: A Solstice Reverse Bang will take place on June 21, 2022!

A reverse bang is an event inspired by ‘Big Bangs’ – in which fanfiction writers create stories for artists to make beautiful creations from. A ‘Reverse Bang’ operates in the reverse. Artists create and then submit fanart first, for fanfiction writers to then create a work inspired from it.

Sign-ups for artists will begin on April 1st! Sign-ups for writers will begin April 8th!

For more information (such as rules and requirements), please check out our FAQs page or submit an Ask! Our mods are more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

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