#inuspiration 2 halloween

Inu-spiration 2: Halloween BangThank you!Hi everyone! We here at @inu-spiration would like to extend

Inu-spiration 2: Halloween Bang
Thank you!

Hi everyone! We here at @inu-spiration would like to extend a very special thank you for everyone who participated!

To our creators: thank you for all your hard work. You put together some really incredible collaborations, and we’re so grateful for the time and the effort you put into your creations. We’ve had so much fun seeing what you have come up with for today!

Remember that, if you missed any of the art or stories, you can check out our Tumblr tags, look here on our blog, or can check out our Ao3 collection!

And we hope that all of you enjoyed all amazing work as much as we did! Thank you again, everyone!

The Mods

(Banner credit: @neutronstarchild ✨ )

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willowandfog:Inu-spiration Halloween Bang! The amazing @mamabearcatfanart and I have brought you mod



The amazing @mamabearcatfanart and I have brought you modern witch Kagome. 

ReadWitch’s Brew on AO3!

Summary: Beaten down from years of hate and discrimination, Inuyasha journeys to a town that he hopes will be a place to finally call home. As he learns what it means to be accepted and appreciated, he finds himself mesmerized by the voice and face of the most unlikely person, the town witch.

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Oh this is such a good story to go with @mamabearcat‘s art!  Thank you for this amazing addition to our event!

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