#inukag smut



So, following the lead of @dawnriderand@superpixie42, I am also responding to this terribly late, but I feel less bad about it lol. And I must thank both @clearwillowand@neutronstarchild for sending this to me. Thank you for thinking of me ❤️

I’ll first do my favourite 5 recent stories (2017-2022), and then my favourite 5 old stories (2007-2016).

1.Deductions: Writing this mystery was maybe the most fun I’ve ever had. It took two pages of a cloud chart, and a 12-tab excel sheet to make happen, but it happened. Sherlock!Inuyasha has my heart, and I can’t wait for you to read Revelations.

2.We Should Kiss: You’ll be surprised to know that this story is tied with Deductionsfor my most favourite story written of all time. I’ve never written a love story so pure. I ripped my own heart out while writing it. I know not everyone is into KagKik, and that’s cool, but if you just love love stories, you may (?) find it worth it.

3.Life Written Between Chicken Wings: The MirSan fic that consumed my soul. Done with the amazing @magnoliajades. It was her idea, so all credit for its conception goes to her. We are blessed.

4.Leverage: When I said I wanted to write a human-assassin-soulmate AU, I think most of you thought I was insane. Worth it, though.

5.Breathless: SMUT. SMUTSMUTSMUTSMUTSMUT. But truly, this is top five solely because of @nartistadigital. Have you seenthe art? Forget my writing.

6.Tell Me I’m Crazy: The story that had me return to writing after years away. Inuyasha’s friendships in this story were so important, and I treasure them most. Also: Naraku doing yoga in his underwear and thriving really just had to be told, you know?

7.What You’re Falling On: The fastest story I’ve ever written. Despite the storyline, it was only a romance. Plot be damned.

8.Happiness: Technically, all 3 stories in this universe kind of mush together here. I loaf it. I loaf it so, so much. This is, sadly, my kind of humour.

9.You’ve Got Mail: I’ve only ever received one flame in my 16 year fanfiction career. It was for this story. Too bad this somehow ended up being the most popular story I’ve ever published LOL. You can still read the flame. I do, every once in a while when I’m feeling nostalgic.

10.Imaginary: I owe so much to this story. It was the reason I even started to have a subscriber base. I will never, ever re-read it, but I am grateful to it nonetheless.
