#reblog to read later

omgitscharlie: I know it’s not Tuesday but I’m an impatient little bean, alright? lmfao. I feel like


I know it’s not Tuesday but I’m an impatient little bean, alright? lmfao. I feel like I need help updating my tag list, as some of the people on the list are never tagged properly so I took them off the list with the aim to bring them back at a later date in hopes that tumblr has figured itself out. In that, I’ve misplaced some people who wanted to be tagged and, if you like this and I can’t tag you, I will let you know and ask if you want to be DM’d instead, because idk what else to do. 

Below is the current tag list as it stands! If you want to be tagged in any of my fics (I thought about branching out to other fandoms but rn I’ll just stick with IY), just give this post a little like!




@holi-holy, @kaitlynmarie124, @imnotfunnie, @ghostinluke, @nectarine500

Post link
thornedraven: Good evening! I present, FINALLY, the long awaited sequel to “Playtime”: “New Moon’s R


Good evening! I present, FINALLY, the long awaited sequel to “Playtime”“New Moon’s Ritual”  is now live

I had wanted to have this finished for Valentine’s Day however, life happened. I had a lot of fun writing this story! I hope you enjoy it! (full nsfw image for your viewing pleasure on my pixiv and in the story) Please please heed the tags, very heavy sexual content, full consenting BDSM relationship.It be smooty

HUGE thank you to @fawn-eyed-girl for helping me get this story over the finish line! You’re a lifesaver ♥️

A little snippet of what’s to come: 

- On his knees, Inuyasha stared up at her lovingly when she came before him. He felt himself leaning into her warmth as she lifted his shirt off. He obediently raised his arms for her and then let them fall back down to his sides. She trailed her delicate fingers across his shoulders, following the designs of his tattoos, making him shiver.
“Do we feel like playing with a few ropes tonight, puppy?” -

Tag train below the cut

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So, following the lead of @dawnriderand@superpixie42, I am also responding to this terribly late, but I feel less bad about it lol. And I must thank both @clearwillowand@neutronstarchild for sending this to me. Thank you for thinking of me ❤️

I’ll first do my favourite 5 recent stories (2017-2022), and then my favourite 5 old stories (2007-2016).

1.Deductions: Writing this mystery was maybe the most fun I’ve ever had. It took two pages of a cloud chart, and a 12-tab excel sheet to make happen, but it happened. Sherlock!Inuyasha has my heart, and I can’t wait for you to read Revelations.

2.We Should Kiss: You’ll be surprised to know that this story is tied with Deductionsfor my most favourite story written of all time. I’ve never written a love story so pure. I ripped my own heart out while writing it. I know not everyone is into KagKik, and that’s cool, but if you just love love stories, you may (?) find it worth it.

3.Life Written Between Chicken Wings: The MirSan fic that consumed my soul. Done with the amazing @magnoliajades. It was her idea, so all credit for its conception goes to her. We are blessed.

4.Leverage: When I said I wanted to write a human-assassin-soulmate AU, I think most of you thought I was insane. Worth it, though.

5.Breathless: SMUT. SMUTSMUTSMUTSMUTSMUT. But truly, this is top five solely because of @nartistadigital. Have you seenthe art? Forget my writing.

6.Tell Me I’m Crazy: The story that had me return to writing after years away. Inuyasha’s friendships in this story were so important, and I treasure them most. Also: Naraku doing yoga in his underwear and thriving really just had to be told, you know?

7.What You’re Falling On: The fastest story I’ve ever written. Despite the storyline, it was only a romance. Plot be damned.

8.Happiness: Technically, all 3 stories in this universe kind of mush together here. I loaf it. I loaf it so, so much. This is, sadly, my kind of humour.

9.You’ve Got Mail: I’ve only ever received one flame in my 16 year fanfiction career. It was for this story. Too bad this somehow ended up being the most popular story I’ve ever published LOL. You can still read the flame. I do, every once in a while when I’m feeling nostalgic.

10.Imaginary: I owe so much to this story. It was the reason I even started to have a subscriber base. I will never, ever re-read it, but I am grateful to it nonetheless.


Pairing: Childe/Female Reader
Rated: NSFW/18+

Tags: kidnapping, confinement, implied somnophilia, vaginal fingering, dub/non-con elements, extreme yandere tendencies, disoriented, unsound narrator, hinted yandere Kaeya/Reader/Diluc, assumed delusions, confining bondage

Summary: When the closest of friends turn into foes and tumble her world into utter chaos, she turns to the meagre comforts her mind provides. But is the man she’s been wishing for, within the dark, truly a figment of her mind, or more?

Author’s Notes: This story is written for the prompt “Yandere” and is inspiredby Tomyummy’s frighteningly beautiful KaeLumiLuc(Childe) yandere AU [also here!]. If this is a theme you think you’d enjoy, I highly recommend checking their art out on their Twitter. Please mind those content warnings listed above  before you proceed!

For readers who prefer a named Traveler (Lumine) over reader-insert, you can read the Chilumiversion of the story right here.

I hope you will enjoy your read!


There is a steady ache in between her eyes; thrumming tighter when she tries and thinks. The disorientation of her last past moments of clarity — has it been hours, or days, or several weeks? — seep through the shreds of her consciousness, as if sand within an hourglass. 

She remembers one man; quiet and resolute. Intimidating to most; the owner of Angel’s Share had never given her cause for worry, or fear. She adored the steady friendship she’d scavenged within Mondstadt’s Dark knight hero, Diluc Ragnvindr.

Before she’d found herself at the mercy of his sword; cornering her into a swift chase through the woods behind Dawn Winery, as if she were his quarry. Her uncertainty and heartache at finding certain, incriminating evidence, substantiating his involvement with a number of strange disappearances throughout Mondstadt. All her friends, all people she knew.

There was more; another man, a knight. She recalls her quick relief as she’d dashed nearly headlong into the Knights of Favonius’ Cavalry Captain. And then—

Her head throbs in protest when she shifts upon the bed; the cool of the sheets beneath, providing little relief for the heat that scours her body. She’s never felt as frail and powerless inside her own skin as she does, at the moment; unable to muster even a lick of elemental energy. She groans, shifting her limbs to find comfort against the ache; a clink sound, of metal-links, much too sharp for her brain, pierces through her skull and she winces at the sound. Heightened senses; hazy reflexes; something is terribly wrong with her body. There are chains holding her body captive to the bed she’s been laid in; the soft comfort of it, so at jarring odds with her predicament.

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Chapter 90: Dirty
Summary: Sometimes, all it takes is one word. A love story told in 100-word drabbles.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Romance, Fluff, Slice of Life, Meet Cute, They’re Both Idiots Your Honour

Kagome knew she was playing dirty. She had lured Inuyasha into a false sense of security. He thought she was working late, and a small, wicked part of her delighted in knowing he was so unsuspecting while she stared at his front door.

She’d learned his nose would catch on quick, so she knocked, holding her breath while the shuffle of feet drew nearer.

The lock went first, then the chain, then the door opened. But it wasn’t Inuyasha on the other side, and Kagome’s heart sank when she came face to face with a stranger who wasn’t her boyfriend.

Read it on AO3



Summary:When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader


Part 1

Part 2 

Part 3 

Part 4

Part 5 

Part 6 

Part 7 

Part 8

Part 9a-Part 9b 

Part 10 

Part 11 

Part 12 

Part 13

Part 14 

Part 15a - Part 15b 

Part 16 

Part 17 

Part 18 

Part 19 

Part 20 



As always, for all parts, please refer to the masterpost.

This is it. Man I wish I could have something cool and goofy to say to offset all the emotions I’m feeling right now, but I’m gonna be honest, I’ve gotten really attached to this story, and I’m deeply touched by all of your enthusiasm and connection in reading it. This story was born out of frustrations of bad-faith readings of fairy tales, and… I dunno, over the course of writing it, it very quickly stopped being about frustrations with those bad-faith readings and more about telling a story because you love people. You love people because they’re messy and complicated and, like stories, they’ve got holes in them that make them all sorts of different things to different people depending on how different people in your life fill those holes. Does that make sense?  I’m immediately realizing that that the ‘filling holes’ metaphor could be interpreted in a very interesting way but I can’t really think of a better metaphor but my point is… thank you all for staying with me this long. Love or hate the ending, I’ll see you guys on the other side.

Content warnings for major character death and… wait for it… eye trauma.


Thereis a royal wedding. You don’t throw the words “Intended Bride” around in a royal decree going out to the whole kingdom and not have a Royal wedding. Both the King and Cindy are absolutely delighted to plan the whole thing and admittedly they kind of butt heads over aesthetics and the menu at first but eventually they figure things out and my god the king adores her. The prince is a little embarrassed about the whole thing but oh boy he’s more than happy to have a couple extra dancing lessons with Cindy, parse out some event logistics with moving the wedding party from point A to point B and arranging for everyone’s safe exit from the party to local inns and estates and the appropriate after-parties with Brad and Gabe, as well as taste-testing some samples for the reception catering  (THE PRINCE GETS HIS PIES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN).

Eunice paints Cindy and the Prince’s new portrait in the weeks leading up to the wedding—it looks much better than his old one—some say it’s because he looks a lot happier in this one, others say it’s because he’s looking at his fiancee in the portrait, which gives a much better angle to his jawline. Cindy is smiling out at the viewer of the painting, a rat in a dapper miniature guard uniform jacket on her shoulder.

Continua a leggere


As always, for previous chapters, please refer to the masterpost.

Posting this because the epilogue got too honkin’ big!! Have some ‘Meet the Parents!’ 

Cinderella’s arrival at the castle is very quiet. Like, mostly, everyone is aware how volatile a situation like, “Hey whoever fits this shoe is going to marry the prince” is. So it’s like… 4 gardeners, 3 maids, and the butler see an absolutely filthy girl sleepily slump out of the royal carriage with the prince supporting her in her descent, and they carry about their business. If there’s an announcement, they’ll hear about it later. This is just a perfectly normal instance of some weirdly dirty rando showing up the castle in the company of the captain of the royal guard, the royal valet, and an almost-equally dirty footman who is certainly not the prince in disguise, no sir! Still, a royal messenger is discreetly sent to the king and queen, and they both hurry to the foyer just in time to catch the prince and the supposed shoe-fitter quietly trying to make their way through. In their company is, of course, Gabe the Valet and Guard Captain Brad.

“Chaz?” The queen calls out.

Both the prince and Cindy look up.

“Oh—Mom, Dad, this is Cindy. Cindy, these are my parents.”

“Hi,” Cinderella gives a small wave, “I mean—” she’s been a little thrown off by the whole ‘these are my parents’ thing and remembers this is the literal fucking king and queen and she quickly curtsies, “Your majesties.” She stands up straight again and brushes her hands down her skirts, sending a dusting of ash onto the palace floor. “I—um—“ she stuffs her hand into a fold in her skirts—oh it’s a pocket—and pulls out the slipper, “I have the shoe. The other shoe.”

“Ah,” the queen blinks and she gives a glance over towards the king, who like, he’s not upset, but you can definitely kind of hear the laptop fans whirring on him seeing this girl. Like… Is that arat? On her head?

“Darling,” the queen places a hand the king’s shoulder, “Do say something.”  

Continua a leggere
