#inuyasha fic

omgitscharlie: I know it’s not Tuesday but I’m an impatient little bean, alright? lmfao. I feel like


I know it’s not Tuesday but I’m an impatient little bean, alright? lmfao. I feel like I need help updating my tag list, as some of the people on the list are never tagged properly so I took them off the list with the aim to bring them back at a later date in hopes that tumblr has figured itself out. In that, I’ve misplaced some people who wanted to be tagged and, if you like this and I can’t tag you, I will let you know and ask if you want to be DM’d instead, because idk what else to do. 

Below is the current tag list as it stands! If you want to be tagged in any of my fics (I thought about branching out to other fandoms but rn I’ll just stick with IY), just give this post a little like!




@holi-holy, @kaitlynmarie124, @imnotfunnie, @ghostinluke, @nectarine500

Post link
thornedraven: Good evening! I present, FINALLY, the long awaited sequel to “Playtime”: “New Moon’s R


Good evening! I present, FINALLY, the long awaited sequel to “Playtime”“New Moon’s Ritual”  is now live

I had wanted to have this finished for Valentine’s Day however, life happened. I had a lot of fun writing this story! I hope you enjoy it! (full nsfw image for your viewing pleasure on my pixiv and in the story) Please please heed the tags, very heavy sexual content, full consenting BDSM relationship.It be smooty

HUGE thank you to @fawn-eyed-girl for helping me get this story over the finish line! You’re a lifesaver ♥️

A little snippet of what’s to come: 

- On his knees, Inuyasha stared up at her lovingly when she came before him. He felt himself leaning into her warmth as she lifted his shirt off. He obediently raised his arms for her and then let them fall back down to his sides. She trailed her delicate fingers across his shoulders, following the designs of his tattoos, making him shiver.
“Do we feel like playing with a few ropes tonight, puppy?” -

Tag train below the cut

Keep reading

Post link


So, following the lead of @dawnriderand@superpixie42, I am also responding to this terribly late, but I feel less bad about it lol. And I must thank both @clearwillowand@neutronstarchild for sending this to me. Thank you for thinking of me ❤️

I’ll first do my favourite 5 recent stories (2017-2022), and then my favourite 5 old stories (2007-2016).

1.Deductions: Writing this mystery was maybe the most fun I’ve ever had. It took two pages of a cloud chart, and a 12-tab excel sheet to make happen, but it happened. Sherlock!Inuyasha has my heart, and I can’t wait for you to read Revelations.

2.We Should Kiss: You’ll be surprised to know that this story is tied with Deductionsfor my most favourite story written of all time. I’ve never written a love story so pure. I ripped my own heart out while writing it. I know not everyone is into KagKik, and that’s cool, but if you just love love stories, you may (?) find it worth it.

3.Life Written Between Chicken Wings: The MirSan fic that consumed my soul. Done with the amazing @magnoliajades. It was her idea, so all credit for its conception goes to her. We are blessed.

4.Leverage: When I said I wanted to write a human-assassin-soulmate AU, I think most of you thought I was insane. Worth it, though.

5.Breathless: SMUT. SMUTSMUTSMUTSMUTSMUT. But truly, this is top five solely because of @nartistadigital. Have you seenthe art? Forget my writing.

6.Tell Me I’m Crazy: The story that had me return to writing after years away. Inuyasha’s friendships in this story were so important, and I treasure them most. Also: Naraku doing yoga in his underwear and thriving really just had to be told, you know?

7.What You’re Falling On: The fastest story I’ve ever written. Despite the storyline, it was only a romance. Plot be damned.

8.Happiness: Technically, all 3 stories in this universe kind of mush together here. I loaf it. I loaf it so, so much. This is, sadly, my kind of humour.

9.You’ve Got Mail: I’ve only ever received one flame in my 16 year fanfiction career. It was for this story. Too bad this somehow ended up being the most popular story I’ve ever published LOL. You can still read the flame. I do, every once in a while when I’m feeling nostalgic.

10.Imaginary: I owe so much to this story. It was the reason I even started to have a subscriber base. I will never, ever re-read it, but I am grateful to it nonetheless.


Chapter 90: Dirty
Summary: Sometimes, all it takes is one word. A love story told in 100-word drabbles.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Romance, Fluff, Slice of Life, Meet Cute, They’re Both Idiots Your Honour

Kagome knew she was playing dirty. She had lured Inuyasha into a false sense of security. He thought she was working late, and a small, wicked part of her delighted in knowing he was so unsuspecting while she stared at his front door.

She’d learned his nose would catch on quick, so she knocked, holding her breath while the shuffle of feet drew nearer.

The lock went first, then the chain, then the door opened. But it wasn’t Inuyasha on the other side, and Kagome’s heart sank when she came face to face with a stranger who wasn’t her boyfriend.

Read it on AO3

Here, have some more Hunger Games AU from a random point in the story I definitely have not mapped out yet at all or edited and may or may not have the time to continue. I’m feelin’ angsty.

The night before the games, the city lights were like nothing he’d ever seen. From the vantage point of their penthouse suite, he could see for miles, even beyond the limits of the Capitol. What he wouldn’t have given for a view like this back in 12; it would have made hunting a hell of a lot easier. He surveyed the lights throughout the dark city, able to pinpoint groups of people from the brightness and the noise. Parties. Celebrations for his inevitable demise; the richest of the richest eager to watch children of the poor murder each other. It made him sick if he thought about it too much, so he hugged his legs to his chest and closed his eyes. If he tuned it all out, only gave his attention to the breeze, he could almost picture he was back there, that the wind was whistling through the trees and not atop a tower. That any moment, he would turn around, Kikyo would be there behind him, bow and arrow taut, or maybe at home with Shippo, listening to a storm pass overhead in their cabin.

“Mind some company?”

He didn’t move, but he opened his eyes. He knew the voice well. Kagome had silently padded out onto the outcropping, her pajamas flimsy and probably not sufficient for this cold. If she was in the same mindset he was in, though, she probably didn’t notice. The whole day had been a haze. They were probably going to die within the next week at most; who could make space for feeling cold when they already felt so much fear? Her undereyes were dark and her hair was a wild tangle. She’d been tossing and turning, most likely. He felt a little bad about that, but couldn’t pinpoint why.

Wordlessly, she sat opposite him, leaning back into the wall. She folded her legs to her side and copied his gaze, staring out into the city.

“Couldn’t sleep either?” she asked.

“Don’t sleep well anyways. And the noise…”

She chuckled darkly. “Yeah. Me, too. I guess our untimely deaths are worth celebrating. Or something like that.”

He didn’t know what to say to that. He doubted there was anything he could say to that. They sat together in mirrored silence then, the whirring of the wind and cheers carried on the breeze. After a moment, he glanced over at her, her silhouette illuminated by the distant city lights. He had the errant thought that she looked as if she was glowing, almost. Like some warmth from within her gave her the light that outlined her profile. An inner brightness. A sun for a soul. Her eyes were closed as his had been, her eyelashes fanning over her soft cheeks.

How was he supposed to kill this girl? Everything in him, every fiber of his being, screamed at him to protect her at all costs. He had to protect this girl of light and warmth so that she could shine forever, so that she’d never dim. If not for him, at least for his district. If she survived, who knew what good she could do for the district? Besides, she’d make one hell of a victor.

But he couldn’t forget Shippo. The kid needed him. Actually needed him, for things like food and shelter. Kikyo couldn’t watch him forever, not when she also had Kaede to worry about.  So he had to win, or at least, he had to try. He had to win the Hunger Games.

It was only then that he remembered what Totosai had said on the train, the three of them huddled at the dinner table to talk strategy, his glass of whiskey sloshing as the train jostled.

No one really ever wins the Hunger Games.

Staring at Kagome, he was starting to understand, starting to piece together how this could be. It was a lose-lose scenario, unless you were a psychopath. Either you die, or you kill someone you knew, someone you’d likely care at least a little about, coming from the same district. You’d lose yourself either way.


Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he realized he had been staring at her for a while. His cheeks reddened with a ridiculous embarrassment— at this point, weren’t they past the point of being shy, given what they were about to embark on?— but still. Whoops.

“Would you… can you promise me something?”

She was looking at him now, her brows furrowed; serious. This was something she had been thinking about for a while, it seemed. He frowned.

“What is it?”

“If something happens to me…” she chuckled in spite of herself. “Or when… can you make sure my mom and my little brother make it okay? I don’t want to burden you or anything, I just… since my dad died, the bakery’s been strapped for money, and I don’t know how they’re going to make it without my help. Souta’s barely eleven, and the thought of him entering his name multiple times, just for rations…” He could see the weariness in her gaze, the desperation in the purse of her plush lips, her clenched jaw. This was not easy for her to ask.

“What makes you so sure I’ll survive to help?”

“You will,” she said, turning her gaze back to the city. “You’ve got the best chances the district’s had in years; everyone knows it, even Totosai.”

He didn’t know what to say to that. Sure, he was handy with a sword, excellent at hand-to-hand combat, and proficient in just about every other weapon, but so were a lot of the Careers. Against one of them, the odds were pretty even, and certainly not “ever in his favor”. The only reason anyone was making a fuss about him at all was his decent scores and because he was from one of the outer districts. If anything, Kagome may have a better shot than him, just because she was so charming on screen; that was bound to get her sponsors. So he said what he felt he had to.

“You could still win, Kagome.”


He almost jumped at the ferocity of her answer. She was glaring at him, her eyes blazing, her hands clenched. He had touched on a serious nerve.

“I have no chance, Inuyasha. Okay? None. So just. Please,” she said, her voice softening with her gaze. “Please promise me this. Don’t let them starve.”

“I won’t,” he said. And he meant it. “I won’t let them go hungry Kagome. I’d never let them go hungry.”

He wondered if, in that moment, she knew the true meaning behind his words, and why he would so easily make that promise. He wondered if she knew that he remembered the day she did not let himstarve.

And, for the first time since they arrived in the Capitol, she gave him a genuine smile. The kind he recognized from school; honest and true. It was close-lipped, still with a hint of sadness, but it was genuine. That inner light shining again. It made his heart constrict. It made his lungs deflate. It made his stomach churn.

It was then he knew the answer to that terrifying question: how was he supposed to kill this girl?

Simple: He couldn’t. He really, truly couldn’t.

Well, I did a thing. Let me know if you think it’s worth expanding lol. ❤️NYNR

“Heymutt.” The brunette, the one named Koga, called from below. One of the Careers. District One. Fan-fucking-tastic. “You planning on stayin up there all night?”

Inuyasha looked at his surroundings. Actually, he did plan on staying up there all night. He was perched on a strong branch of a tall tree, surrounded by foliage and other branches, which made him feel a little bit protected. He could strap himself up there and spend at least one night up there, but in the morning, he’d have to find some food. He hadn’t been able to grab anything from the Cornucopia. And it was too late to start hunting— the simulation of the sun was already beginning to descend. Night was coming faster than he liked.

“Mutt? You go fucking deaf from the cannons? We know you’re up there.”

He groaned. That “mutt” nickname was going to stick, wasn’t it? It wasn’t like he hadn’t heard it his whole life back in District Twelve, but he had hoped he could avoid the taunt on Panem-wide television. Then again, it was probably only a matter of time— being a muttation and ending up in the Hunger Games wasn’t exactly something that had happened before.

Surrounding Koga on the ground were three others that he recognized as the other Careers. Ayame, the girl from One. Then there was Byakuya, the male from Two, and Kagura, the female from Two, and the only one that actually scared him. From the looks of it, not only had they all managed to get to the Cornucopia and survive the bloodbath, but they’d been able to gather a significant amount of supplies. They all had their respective weapons, with the exception of Koga’s claws, which he was thankful for. Would have made taunting him a very stupid mistake.  

Buy Inuyasha couldn’t help himself, really. Not with those smug bastards eyeing him like he was their next meal.

“Bet ya can’t come up here and catch me.”

He watched from his perch as the Career dug his fingers into the bark, trying to get purchase on anything. Koga made it up the first few feet fast, and for a second, Inuyasha thought he had made a huge error in judgement. But soon enough, the self-proclaimed “Wolf” slipped on a piece of flimsy bark and fell back to the ground with a thud. Inuyasha laughed, hearty and loud. Looked like the bastard’s speed on the ground didn’t translate when climbing up a tree.

Koga growled from below, staring up at Inuyasha, having landed on his back. Ayame ran over to him, attempting to make sure he was okay, but he shrugged her off. The look in his eyes was livid. Above him, Kagura fanned out her throwing stars, smirking, her deadly aim giving him pause. Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed them. The girl from Two opened up her mouth to say something when someone else approached them.

It was her. Kagome. The girl from his district.

She was looking between the Careers and the ground carefully as she stepped lightly to join the group below him. And to his shock, none of them attacked her. Didn’t raise even so much as a finger when she approached. He frowned in confusion.

“We should make camp for the night. I’ve gathered as much as I can for any medicine we may need, and I shot a rabbit,” she said, holding up her kill in her left hand. The others watched as she reached them. Byakuya clapped her a little hard on the shoulder, causing her to stumble for a brief moment.

“First we have to decide what to do with your lover boy here,” Kagura sneered.

Right. Her “crush” on him. The one she’d declared on live broadcast throughout Panem.

Kagome glanced up at him from the ground. Her hair was tied back neatly, which is something he really should have considered doing himself. Sweat caused wispy tendrils to stick to the sides of her cheeks. Her face, smudged in dirt, a cut over her right eye, held the countenance of disinterest. No, not disinterest— apathy. A completely blank expression. Even her eyes, the brilliant blue he’d become accustomed to noticing even from across the training room, were neutral. Dispassionate. She saw him, to be sure, but it didn’t feel like she was actually seeinghim.

“I can try and shoot him down,” she said.

What? Inuyasha frowned and braced himself on the branch, familiar with her deadly aim. His stomach ached— was this what betrayal felt like? This was the girl with whom he’d walked into this hell with. Sure, they hadn’t really gotten along at first— nobody ever really got along with him no matter how hard they tried— but her friendliness, her kindness had seemed so sincere. Even Totosai had said it on the way to the Capitol, that she would be the one to get the sponsors, the one to charm the privileged Capitol citizens, the one to save their asses if they needed something like medicine or water or food from above. He wondered how this little turn of events would shatter that image of the sweet, kind girl from District 12. He felt shattered himself.

How stupid was I to even think…

It as those eyes, he thought. Those damn eyes, and the memories they brought back. When he was starving in the rain, and she’d thrown that crust of bread to him instead of feeding the pigs, she looked at him with those eyes. Really looked at him. Not like now.

She’d dropped the rabbit and her pack to her side. Deftly, she pulled an arrow back, and his heart skipped a beat. For a split second, he thought that was it. He was done for. So much for Totosai believing he could actually win the damn thing. He was sure Kaede would be disappointed. And he hoped Kikyo wasn’t watching, if only to spare her the shame.

But Kagome let the arrow loose, and it before he could blink he heard a thunk right next to his ear. It came so close to his head that it cut through a few pieces of his long, black hair, blowing the rest of it away and into his face. His eyes widened.

“Huh,” he heard Koga mutter below. “Thought you didn’t miss.”

“Too much foliage,” Kagome responded. She lowered her bow towards the ground.

“You sure you aren’t trying to spare him?” Byakuya said, narrowing his eyes.

Kagome shrugged, picked up the rabbit she had dropped, and sat down underneath one of the large adjacent trees. She pulled a knife out and began to peel the creature’s skin back.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said, sounding detached. “He can’t stay up there forever. Either he stays up there and starves, or he comes down here and we kill him.”

“Can’t argue with that,” said Koga. “You hear that, mutt?” he yelled up at Inuyasha. “You’re as good as dead!”

Inuyasha pulled the arrow out from the tree and held it in front of his face. Definitely Capitol-made. Some sort of reinforced metal tip, not poisoned from what he could tell, but even the fletching on the end of the arrow were sharp enough to slice through skin. For this one time, and this time only, Inuyasha had to agree with Koga— Kagome didn’t miss. And she’d had a clear shot. The foliage line had been bullshit, but only someone who’d learned to survive in Twelve would know that.

So what the hell was she doing?

He looked down at the Career’s camp again. Kagome continued to peel the skin off the rabbit; the others had scattered about the surrounding area to find wood and anything for shelter. Just once, he could have sworn he caught her stealing a glance up at him, but before he could decide whether or not his eyes had been fooling him, she was focused back on the rabbit.

He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.









I wish that ao3 had an option to filter warnings (and tbh certain authors) out like I will never ever want to read it and just seeing it puts me off so much that often I end up closing my browser because that content upsets me so much lmao

There is a way to do this but I can’t recall how to do it. it’s something you type into the box for “other filters” or something, I don’t remember. who knows??

It’s not a great option, and I don’t know if you can sort out authors that way, but it’s better than nothing if someone can reblog this with how to do it!

Alrighty friends! It takes some specificity, but you can do this. Let me show you how!

So I started with going to the Sherlock (TV) section of Ao3. On the right we find this lovely section! ((I know I’m going over things you already probably know, but I figure this post may go to new Ao3 users, so bear with me.))

Underneath this, I chose sort by Kudos, because that’s a quick way to find most popular fics, for the sake of this demonstration. 

With those filters on, we end up with this being our first two results: 

As you can see, we have Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68, and The Internet Is Not Just For Porn by cyerus. So what if I am utterly sick of seeing earlgreytea68 on my list? Let’s pretend I’ve read all their fics, or that I just don’t like her, or whatever. I want this author out. I go to this section on the right: 

In “Search within results” I type earlgreytea68 into the bar, with a minus sign in front. This gives me the following page, upon hitting the sort and filter button:

There goes earlgreytea68! But now I’ve decided that Crack is just not my thing, I’m sick of that, too, for heaven’s sake, I want something reasonable in my gay slash fanfiction about detectives that solve crimes about glowing dogs and irish megalomaniacs. Heaven forbid this get ridiculous.

Well, then I add this to my search:

Which gets rid of everything with that tag. My results are now:

Performance in a Leading Role is now my first result!

You can do this as many times as you want; the biggest problem I have is trying to filter out multi-worded tags. For example, “Secret Relationship” is hard to filter. Better to go with authors you dislike or with words like “DubCon”. 

I hope this helps! Also remember that googling site:archiveofourown.org and then adding search terms will mean google searches Ao3 for you, and sometimes that works far better. 

Good luck!

An excellent in-depth guide! Thank you!!

omg changed my whole ao3 rarepair game

An excellent guide to filtering on AO3!

You can filter out phrases by enclosing them in quotes. For example, if ABO and Hydra Trash Party are not your things, try:

-“alpha/beta/omega dynamics” -”hydra trash party”

I have more advice!

Say, you’re in your random fandom- I went with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since I’ve been reading Iron Man stuff recently. Tony Stark is awesome.

But anyway, you’re on the page, and you see that there are 174,774 works! That is way too many for a casual afternoon’s browsing.

And you see that the first one is Peter Parker/Tony Stark and that is not your jam. It doesn’t work for you, or it squicks you, whatever. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could browse without seeing that pairing (or whatever pairing you don’t like)? You can!

First, click on that pairing tag(You may want to open this in another tab, actually.):

and it’ll take you to the page for that pairing tag. Click this button:

and then look at the address bar! The actual page is unimportant. Copy the numbers located here:

and go back to the original search page! Down on the side, in the same place you can get rid of other tags, type -relationship_ids:”the number you just copied”

Then hit ‘sort and filter’ annnd… magic!

The fics with that pairing are gone! You can also do multiple pairings, get rid of any tags you don’t like, and sort it by date or length or kudos, or whatever.


I’d just like to add that these sorts of search modifiers ALSO WORK IN GOOGLE AND MOST RESEARCH DATABASES.

The more you know.

A helpful guide to filtering fic searches for our followers! :)

If you haven’t already, go read chapter 2 of Signature Sound - the story I’m working on together with the amazing @ruddcatha .. it’s so beautiful and I’m simply in love with the story ❤️

And yes, this is also of course dedicated to you, @dreaming-of-soup hope you enjoy it

They so deserve this, my poor babies!

Go read the latest chapter of Chasing the Vortex, the story I’m working on with @neutronstarchildand@fawn-eyed-girl .. it’s coming to a close and you wont want to miss this chapter :p
