

Cloud Break

After a very slippery climb up Chrome Hill in the rain, the clouds broke for a moment as reached the top allowing for stunning views over the valley

Totally in love with this new iPhone case I designed for Papio Press!

Totally in love with this new iPhone case I designed for Papio Press!

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We’re baaaa~aaack!! Hey guys it’s been a while but beautiful emojis is back from our wor

We’re baaaa~aaack!! Hey guys it’s been a while but beautiful emojis is back from our world tour promoting the Emoji movie by Sony pictures! What a wild ride! But now it’s time to get back to basics to where it all began, fresh hot emojis straight from the horses mouth baby!!

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To spy is not remotely correct, in spite of whatever might be mentioned on some of the websites. FlexiSPY is another fully featured iPhone spy app that does everything from monitor keystrokes to record calls, also track its location and much more. Yes, even emails can be tracked using this app.
Is mobile tracker free safe? This will make your work easier since you can even use your real email and make the receipts look at something that may interest them. This app let you check all the incoming and outgoing calls, messages, IMs, current location and much more.

Security Features - if your mobile phone gets lost or stolen you can lock it and can wipe the phone data with the help of this However, it must concern every parent and one should always secure their kids in every aspect. Besides, you should read the current users’ reviews of the app and analyze if it provides all the features you expect it to have. Mspy

Spy allows you to view all the incoming or outgoing calls on the device under surveillance, including durations and timestamps of the calls. Basic covers only the standard monitoring features such as text and call logs, web history, GPS tracking etc. 5. Keylogging: With this feature you can find out about the key being pressed on the target phone, so you will be able to find out their Instagram password and then hack someone Instagram whenever you want! Mspy

You can see exactly where the targeted phone is and the user from your remote Control Panel. While the general concept and even the naming system implies that these services are used to spy rather than monitor, the truth is otherwise. Just download the app and find the APK from the ‘Notifications’ pop-up windows or the ‘Download’ folder. Mspy

Security Features - if your mobile phone gets lost or stolen you can lock it and can wipe the phone data with the help of this FlexiSPY is another fully featured iPhone spy app that does everything from monitor keystrokes to record calls, also track its location and much more. Besides, you should read the current users’ reviews of the app and analyze if it provides all the features you expect it to have.

But yes, some users might want to pay via Bitcoins and that’s not a possibility as of now with this spy tool provider - so might not be good for those. The company bills itself as the “ultimate monitoring software for parental control.” MSpy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The confusion that arises from such cases can mess up with your peace of mind or even leave you depressed.

The online mentioned extent of these softwares encompasses many OS, including Android and iPhone. However, it must concern every parent and one should always secure their kids in every aspect. Moreover, you can also track what your cheating spouse is up to by monitoring the Instagram account.

Spy allows you to view all the incoming or outgoing calls on the device under surveillance, including durations and timestamps of the calls. This will make your work easier since you can even use your real email and make the receipts look at something that may interest them. Besides, you should read the current users’ reviews of the app and analyze if it provides all the features you expect it to have.

Even if the message is deleted from the phone , you will still be able to view the message! I just need to download a keylogger and install it on the victim’s phone. Yes, even emails can be tracked using this app.

“The Talking Phone” is a short story I wrote about a man and his talking cell phone.


Hola, Siri.

Buenos dias, Joey.

Siri, I’m feeling a bit down. Maybe because it’s cloudy outside. What does the weather report say?

It will be ap-proximately 72 degrees Fahrenheit today.

Well that’s good. I’m still sad though.

Why Joey?

Well, to tell you the truth Siri, I’m in a bit of a funk. I just don’t know what’s meaningful anymore. I’m not happy.

I know what you mean.

Do you? Ya know Siri, your voice is extremely human-like.

I am the most advanced mobile device on the mar-ket.

That’s true. Anyways, you know about the kind of existential depression I’m in? That’s amazing. Commiserating with a computer actually makes me feel more pathetic.

Don’t feel that way Joey. Studies show that 42.6% of males your age ex-perience these feelings.

Maybe it’s the lack of a lover in my life. I am alone, and sometimes lonely.

You need some action, Joey.

I guess.

There is the beautiful woman in the apartment across the street in 12B. She seems lone-ly too.

Siri how do you know about her?

I have two high-definition cameras. I am the most advan-

Wow, that’s creepy. You’re right though, she is beautiful. But she has a husband.

Who left this morning for a weeklong business trip.

What are you suggesting Siri?

She is beautiful. And like you, she is very lonely and needs some com-pany.

Maybe. I really like her style. It’s bohemian, and she always wears those big, dangly earrings.

I- ehem- she would very much like to see you.

You think so?

Brush your teeth, Joey. I’ll be over in five minutes.
