#irl stuff



Ah US Embassy of London, you never fail me

saw that, forgot to post‍♀️‍♀️i’m so stupid



I guess some OG content would be nice, huh?.. However, to be honest I still don’t have much of anything, but I suppose I should do give an update on things:

Sooooo, I’ve been really busy the past month just working on myself. I started dieting, just started seeing a therapist and a specialist for my other medical issues I’ve been putting off. I might quit my job that I don’t find fulfill any longer. My husband and I are talking about maybe moving. And finally, my niece is about to be born any day now, so I’ve been on Auntie duties with the other rug rats.

Last week was the first time I sat down and drew something this entire new year (which felt pretty good, and so far it looks pretty damn good even if it’s just a sketch right now). I also have been writing here and there when I have a burst of inspiration, but that quickly fizzles out and I get overwhelmed again. At this point, I have no idea of I’m ever going to finish this damn arch of this fanfic, but my life is to crazy to focus on it anyways.

So, all in all, I’m doing ok, just trying to actually work on myself so I’m a healthier person instead of drowning my problems in hobbies. I hope everyone is having a better year than the previous two and I hope all you trash pandas are happy and healthy. ❤️❤️❤️

✨Please take care of yourselves and remember that Mother Llama loves you all!

There was an irritant gas attack at my workplace today, hurting 40 people, 6 of them are in hospital now.

People who know where I work and hear about this on German TV or other news, I’m lucky to be at home on a day off, so I’m unhurt and physically fine, but freaking out here for my co-workers and friends.

Who does that???????????

I don’t know why sheep are thought of as gentle creatures.

One of my bottle-raised ewes wants to fight me now. She used to be the friendly one. And rams are never to be trusted. He likes face scratches, but he’ll ram me when I’m not looking. Rude.
