#is what the people near the top were doing








*Only uses christian raised children in study*

“Okay pack it up! We’ve used every religion we could to come to this conclusion!”

soo what your headline should read is “children raised without religion are kinder and more empathetic than children raised Christian

“children raised without religion are kinder and more empathetic than children raised Christian” 

…is not only accurate, but an indictment against what the so-called “Christian faith” has become.

One of the things that drove me out was when I was working as a youth minister and during a small group activity we asked the kids, “if a friend at school said they didn’t pray, what would you say to them?” And this middle schooler with all sincerity said “I’d tell them that I was better than them.” And try my damnest I could NOT get her to concede that point or try to hypothetically approach the situation with anything resembling compassion or humility. She just kept insisting “but it’s true, I am better than them.” And I just thought, I can’t undo this. I can’t unteach this entrenched hate.

I still feel a lot of despair about that moment and leaving what I thought for a long time was my calling.

-most of the kids were Muslim (by a huge margin, almost ½ of the total)
-there were more non-religious kids involved than Christian kids
-this study was not about Christianity
-y'all are furious about Christian hegemony to such an extent that you’re ignoring studies of mostly Muslims
-you are the ones being Christian-centric
-tumblr’s inability to do a tiny bit of research is not a good look
-how dare you say we piss on thr poor
