#sjw fail








*Only uses christian raised children in study*

“Okay pack it up! We’ve used every religion we could to come to this conclusion!”

soo what your headline should read is “children raised without religion are kinder and more empathetic than children raised Christian

“children raised without religion are kinder and more empathetic than children raised Christian” 

…is not only accurate, but an indictment against what the so-called “Christian faith” has become.

One of the things that drove me out was when I was working as a youth minister and during a small group activity we asked the kids, “if a friend at school said they didn’t pray, what would you say to them?” And this middle schooler with all sincerity said “I’d tell them that I was better than them.” And try my damnest I could NOT get her to concede that point or try to hypothetically approach the situation with anything resembling compassion or humility. She just kept insisting “but it’s true, I am better than them.” And I just thought, I can’t undo this. I can’t unteach this entrenched hate.

I still feel a lot of despair about that moment and leaving what I thought for a long time was my calling.

-most of the kids were Muslim (by a huge margin, almost ½ of the total)
-there were more non-religious kids involved than Christian kids
-this study was not about Christianity
-y'all are furious about Christian hegemony to such an extent that you’re ignoring studies of mostly Muslims
-you are the ones being Christian-centric
-tumblr’s inability to do a tiny bit of research is not a good look
-how dare you say we piss on thr poor

sjw fail
sjw fail




Heya, how ya doin today?

good to be back on tumblr again





If men aren’t allowed to have an opinion on abortion, then they shouldn’t have to contribute to federal funding of breast cancer research.

“If I can’t control a woman’s body, then I want that body to die.”

“I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what breast tissue is, and don’t believe that men can also get breast cancer.”





makes me wonder about the times when guys said their girls were abusive

comradesch: http://comments.deviantart.com/1/593688429/4071738019 Rape: Apparently Only Bad When I


http://comments.deviantart.com/1/593688429/4071738019 Rape: Apparently Only Bad When It Happens TO A Feminist!

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“women don’t know how much rejection hurts” i wasn’t allowed to play with legos or touch a football or look at sports. i wasn’t allowed to eat more. i wasn’t allowed to talk loudly, to laugh too much, to inject myself into male conversations. i wasn’t allowed to be good at science. i was told “oh sweetheart, have another college in mind, STEM fields are hard.” i got turned down from jobs in favor of boys where were less qualified. one boss told me he was hesitant to hire me because my last name is hispanic and i’m pretty and he didn’t want the “controversy.” i couldn’t take up space on the train. i would be talked over in public places. i couldn’t eat steak or drink beer, they were “boy” things. video games were off limits, i wasn’t allowed to ask if i could see more characters like myself in them. super heroes were all men, women were just love interests. i wanted shirts with wonderwoman, with black widow, with harley quinn, i found next to nothing. i wanted pockets and colors other than pink and clothes designed for warmth, not sexy, i got nothing. women change their name to be published nationally. i wasn’t allowed to be emotional, i wasn’t good at driving, i wasn’t in charge of my own body. i wasn’t allowed to show off my body, i wasn’t allowed to dress modestly. i had to be pretty, whatever it took, but my eating was constantly made fun of. “she’s, like, anorexic” was a punchline, not a disorder. “she’s fat” was a death sentence. 

boys said no because: i wasn’t pretty i wasn’t small i was too loud i spent too much energy on being funny on because i wouldn’t shut up what a feminazi i wasn’t smart i was too smart for my own good i was always reading i was always busy i was too needy i was too independent i was not who you took home i was too much of a house mom i was perfect and it was scary.

women don’t know. women don’t know. never sat in a room and wrote angsty poetry about this shit. somehow both overemotional and not capable of knowing how much rejection stings. which one is it. which one is it. i’ll give you a hint: we’ve been rejected since the first time our parents said, “no, not the blue blanket, it’s for little boys to play with.” we are used to having “no” slammed in our faces. we got used to it. maybe the reason it seems so unnatural to hear “no” is because for your entire life, you heard “yes.”

“maybe the reason it seems so unnatural to hear ‘no’ is because for your entire life, you heard ‘yes.’”

Fucking THIS.

Okay, but for who? Because I can think of a number of boys and men who this doesn’t apply to at all, myself included. I, and plenty of other people have been told that we couldn’t do certain things because we weren’t a girl, or not athletic enough, or a number of other things. It’s not that we’ve never heard the word no before, because we have, it’s just that guys handle it in a different way that girls do. We look at rejection as a challenge. I mean, I was told that I’d never make it to college because “guys like you are too lazy to make it in the real world,” but guess what, I worked my ass off and proved those assholes wrong. It’s not a matter of whether or not you know how to deal with rejection, it’s about what you do after. Do you sit there and let people tell you you’re not good enough to do what you want because you’re a girl or because it’s a guy thing, or do you put in the work to prove them wrong?

make up your own fucking post. was it really that hard for you to realize this was in response to a guy saying we as women don’t get rejected? rants are valid. get the fuck off of this post and make one about male rejection, THIS POST was for anyone who AGREES, not to argue with it. why is it so damn difficult for men to let us have our moment????

If you post something on a public forum, people have the right to disagree and scrutinize it.
Also, she was saying that women do get rejected, that much is true. However, she was also saying that men as a whole don’t hear no or fave rejection, which is what I was disagreeing with. I completely agree that women do face rejection, but so do men and that’s all I was saying

of course people have the right to argue, many other people who saw the post also had the common sense to understand it and know their place. & the fact that you follow an anti social justice warrior blog and tagged them to help you is so embarrassing. don’t try and explain yourself- just use your brain next time. want me to tag you in the several posts I’ve reblogged recognizing the struggles that men go through?

Sure if you wanna do that go ahead. Also, “know their place?” What kind of condescending bullshit is that? Is there some sort of social hierarchy that I have to be on to criticize an opinion? I can say whatever the hell I want about whatever I damn well please, so do try to come in here with that bullshit. Oh, and I didn’t tag @sjwfail because I wanted help, I did it because I know his humor, and I thought he would find it funny, just like I think he will find this funny. So to conclude, fuck you and have a nice day, you condescending bitch

theun–sj:anti-feminism-pro-cats:thatantifeministpug:Uh… #antifeminism #antifeminist #fem




Uh… #antifeminism #antifeminist #feminism #feminist #sjw #cringe #why #facepalm #stupidity

What did I just read?


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i just watched the new ghostbusters trailer and it had more dislikes than upvotes which would be okay if it wasnt for the fact that its only because it has an all female cast. ive seen men whine about it “ruining their childhood” bc the main cast are women for so long and im just sitting here wondering why men hate women so much lol its fucking 2016


bibibismuth:theentirepopulationofsweden:bloodjob:bloodjob:I… I can’t believe this joke is re





I… I can’t believe this joke is real and came out of the party popper my sister just opened.

Holding the actual joke in my hand again and still can’t believe it’s real.

#a joke about trans ppl that isn’t at their expense??? and is just a pun?????

Its probably not even about tranps ppl @sjwfail

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dr-vix:cisnowflake:the-anti-feminist-robby:ichangelikeeveryoneelse:attndotcom:Why we need






Why we need feminism.

Why do we need feminism? Because women want to be known for how good they look, men want to be known for what they’re good at. Therefore, sexism… Just, yeah… Screw logic. Let’s just cherry pick some magazines here, so I can become a victim.

Uhm, I’m pretty sure there are hundreds of magazines with sexualized men on them. I’d also like to ask, how is it that these women are being objectified? It’s entirely possible to find someone sexually attractive and still consider them a person with thoughts and emotions.

You can find countless magazines with provocative pictures of men on the front. You can also find magazines with less provocative pictures of women.

This is called cherry picking and it’s not a good look.


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boredom45263:silktum:awkward-life-of-a-duck:mygayisshowing:kastiakbc:veganvibez:found th







found the best twitter 

I was angry until i read the tweets

How did they manage to find so many incorrect ways to spell feminism

This is….serious?

No, this is brilliant. I smiled for the first time in four days.

Damn that’s a lot of straw, hope nobody brought a match @sjwfail

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trigger has been a psychological term for…..a long time lmao.

Everyone knows that. It’s the fact that tumblr misuses it.

What triggers are suppose to be: War vet having a flashback panic attack due to the horrors they’ve witnessed when a firework goes off too close to them.

What tumblr thinks it means: someone said something I didn’t agree with.

They are also supposed to be use to help identify what causes “episodes” so you can learn healthy ways to respond to the trigger instead of panicking, breaking down, etc. NOT police what others are saying or doing. Triggers are the individuals problem not everyone else’s. Expecting the world to cater to you is ridiculous.

Sincerely someone with real diagnosed mental illness’ sick of seeing her illness’ fetishizatized or used as excuses by special snowflakes.

breaking news guys, only war veterans can be triggered. i guess sjw tumblr is over now. let’s all deactivate

What’s the term for this? Internalized neurotypicalism?

internalized ableism i guess
