#it should be a neutral zone


Now that I think about why do they get the whole tag? There should be a pro and an anti tag. The main tag should be for everyone, I want to be able to see hate and love for the same character. Why is the main tag automatically pro? It should be Neutral.



Main= love+hate=neutral

You wanna see positive stuff about a character go to the pro tag.

I’m trying to forget about the Billy situation, but now that I’ve had sleep I don’t think I was wrong in using the tag. Obviously I would use the main and or the anti tag when talking about him. Just like if someone likes him they would use the main and ( In theory I don’t know if it exist or not) pro tags.

I don’t think I was spreading hate. I was just talking, it would be different if I had multi post about my hate for a certain character which I don’t. I apologized for my behavior because I think I reacted to the situation wrong.

My main point is the main tag should be for whatever.
