#it sure does






tfw you accidentally domesticate the local vampire and now hes in your house and he just. wont. leave. he keeps coming back. hes having cocoa with your mom

Sorry. I need to go to bed but I’m still laughing about this. Just Spike repeatedly showing up at Buffy’s house when she’s NOT EVEN THERE. Just to chill with her family.

Like I wish this had been a bigger running gag than it already was. POV, you go home from college to visit your mom and your literal mortal enemy who’s job is to kill you and vice versa is chilling on the sofa eating popcorn and watching soap operas. He knows where everything in the cupboards and linen closet goes. He knows what brand of laundry detergent to use for the washing machine and how to work the coffee maker and that your sister has a big science project on Tuesday. Your mom says he’s invited to Christmas Eve dinner. You didn’t even know she was planning one.

@marinxttes so true bestie

This is so true and everyone should say it.


God gives his hardest lemonades to his toughest Mikes
