#it x reader


when requesting, please try to keep the amount of prompts requested under or equal to five. thank you and happy requesting! 
  + anyone and everyone is free to use these prompts for their own writing <3
  + all pronouns are set as ‘they’ but are subject to change per requests !

blog intro|masterlist

  1. “are you jealous?”
  2. “come on. we’ll do it together.”
  3. “you two would make such a cute couple!”
  4. “how did you know i’d be here?”
  5. “there’s someone here to see you..”
  6. “well, that killed the mood.”
  7. “i doesn’t work like that.” “it does now.”
  8. “can i have a hug?”
  9. “isn’t this the part where we kiss..?”
  10. “i don’t care what they do, they can hang out with whoever they want.” “right. even if it’s (name)?” “come again?”
  11. “yep, they’re dead.” “they’re right there!”
  12. “kiss me.”
  13. “stop telling me you’re fine!”
  14. “does your mom know where you are?”
  15. “please don’t leave.”
  16. “it’s been a while since i’ve seen you wear your own sweatshirt..”
  17. “have you ever had a rational thought? ever?”
  18. “what if we just went to bed instead?”
  19. “let’s play a game!” “i hate games.”
  20. “get a new excuse.”
  21. “so.. you lied.”
  22. “i miss them.”
  23. “hands off.”
  24. “do you believe in soulmates?”
  25. “i don’t believe that for a second.”
  26. “you’re mine.”
  27. “is that my shirt?”
  28. “what do i need to do to prove my love?”
  29. “it’s okay, im here.”
  30. “why are you so warm?”
  31. “you’re slow today.”
  32. “you look better in it anyway.”
  33. “can i kiss you?”
  34. “do you want to talk about it?”
  35. “i think im falling in love with you and it terrifies me.”
  36. “i said it once, and i’ll say it again: i don’t care.”
  37. “don’t fucking touch what’s not yours.”
  38. “sorry, your eyes distracted me, what were you saying?”
  39. “don’t say it.”
  40. “i really like flowers.”
  41. “you shouldn’t be awake right now.” “okay, hypocrite.”
  42. “why did you..?” “i told you i’d do anything to keep you safe.”
  43. “you’re not going to lose me.”
  44. “why didn’t you tell me?”
  45. “i don’t know if i can just be friends with you anymore.”
  46. “just.. come here.”
  47. “why would i do that?” “out of the kindness of your heart..?”
  48. “im gonna need popcorn for this one..”
  49. “you know there’s a storm outside, right?”
  50. “you have to stop doing this. im running out of bandages.”
  51. “i wish we were more than that.”
  52. “you were going to leave.”
  53. “you look hungry.”
  54. “i thought you didn’t have feelings for me?”
  55. “no one deserves to be alone.”
  56. “whose shirt is that?”
  57. "do you know what knocking is?”
  58. “im sorry. i can’t.”
  59. “i’ll stay as long as you need me.”
  60. “you should take a break.”
  61. “if we get caught.. im blaming you.”
  62. “im not scheming, im thinking.”
  63. “sorry, i didn’t mean to walk in on.. whatever this is..”
  64. “don’t act like you don’t love being here.” “i love being here when im getting paidfor being here.”
  65. “your wish is my command.”
  66. “admit it; you’re addicted to me.”
  67. “that’s not what i meant and you know it!”
  68. “i have loyalties. im not going to apologize for that.”
  69. “look what we have here..”
  70. “im gonna kill them.”
  71. “come on, i’ll carry you.”
  72. “sometimes you just have to walk away.”
  73. “no, don’t leave yet..”
  74. “i told you we’d meet again.”
  75. “beautiful, right?”
  76. “i know i shouldn’t, but im falling in love with you.”
  77. “friends don’t do this.”
  78. “you bought this for me? ..why?”
  79. “do you even remember last night?”
  80. “you can cry, but not in front of them.”
  81. “i just like the sound of your voice.”
  82. “their pupils literally turn into hearts when they look at you!”
  83. “i know you’re in pain, but there’s an ice cream truck outside right now.”
  84. “i think you’re drunk.”
  85. “you play piano?!”
  86. “i feel safe in your arms.”
  87. “apologies won’t make the pain go away.”
  88. “you made this?”
  89. “it’s a little late.. you should just stay.”
  90. “i don’t even remember how this started.”
  91. “that wasn’t a dream?”
  92. “no one saw me!”
  93. “you know, you’re starting to sound like my father.”
  94. “they don’t forget anything.”
  95. “i think i could fall in love with you.” “don’t.”
  96. “you’re not a bad person, so stop saying that.”
  97. “do you like them..?”
  98. “you just always have to get what you want, don’t you?”
  99. “are you new around here?”
  100. “oh my god, they know my name.”