#itachi imagine


“Faint Memories,” Itachi x Fem!Reader

Ship: Itachi x Fem!Reader

Warnings: none just angst :(

Summary: Itachi wipes his whole clan and leaves you for last.

idk just had a whole daydream about this, I know Itachi’s story about killing his so called lover and giving her a good memory of what their future would’ve looked like and I just wanted to do something very similar bc I am sadddd and I like writing sad shit :(





It had crossed Itachi’s mind the last few days leading up to the final mission he’ll be doing for the leaf before he goes rogue and leaves the village behind along with his brother. It continuously crossed his mind as he sat beside you by the water as you stared down at the small book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

His heart ripped apart at the sight of you, knowing what he was about to do in a few days, it was slowly counting down. Two days from now he’ll have your blood on his hands and he didn’t know how to process that idea. He wasn’t sure if he’ll even be able to go through with it.

It crossed his mind again, did he have another option? Could he beg the Hokage to keep you alive along with Sasuke? Was that too much to ask of him? He didn’t know but he was terrified of the fact he had to murder you in cold blood because it was simply the mission he was assigned.

“Itachi?” He had snapped out of his train of thoughts that were spiraling out of control, his eyes instantly meeting yours and he could sense the worry radiating off of you.

“Yes darling, I’m sorry- I’m just out of it today.” He apologized, trying to keep his composure to make sure you won’t catch on.

“Do you want to head back? We can just go to my place if that’s what you wish.” You slowly noticed how dozed off he was these last days, you could tell something was eating him up on the inside but he insisted it was just his father pressuring him about his work as a ninja.

“Can I tell you something?” He ignored your question, the only thing on the top of his head was to confess his undying love for you.

The both of you had been really close since you two were children, the both of you being apart of the clan was something that connected you both and considering you were ever the only person who truly understood Itachi, understood his feelings, his wishes and so much more. It made him fall in love with you as early as twelve years old. It was definitely too young of an age but he just knew you were meant to be his soulmate.

The both of you being so young, yet so mature, it was definitely one of a kind. A mysterious and secretive type of young puppy love but it was something that was unshakeable between the both of you. An unspoken thing.

Your smile brightens his day and your laughter was something he would always hear inside of his head. His heart fluttered at the sight of you, his heart would pound endlessly every time you looked at him, every time you would hold his hand or brush your fingers through his hair.

You made him happier than he thought he could be and he had no choice but to slaughter you. He couldn’t push it out of his head, why did he have to do this? Him out of everybody?

“It’s either her or Sasuke, you choose”

The Hokage’s words repeated inside of his head, how can he choose between his own brother and the woman he loved most? It was nearly impossible but he knew the right choice, he knew what he had to choose.

“Of course.” You mumbled, closing the book and turning to face him as the both of you sat on the thin blanket on the ground.

The sound of the waterfall splashed down on the water, the silence was peaceful out here. The only sounds being of nature and the two of you speaking to one another. It was beautiful, it was your favorite place to go and he knew that, that’s why the both of you always came here.

“I want you to know I see such a beautiful future with you.” Was the first words that escaped his mouth, causing your eyebrows to raise and a small smile appear on your lips as your heart began to race.

“You’re always so patient with me and I can’t thank you enough for that. You’ve always stood by me and understood my assignments and understood how important being a ninja is to me… to my father.” He trailed off, making you slowly nod your head and he sighed softly, feeling like the water works built behind a wall was slowly crumbling.

He didn’t want to cry, he wasn’t weak and he sure as hell wasn’t going to be vulnerable and cry in front of you, even though he has done that at least once but he was twelve, it was childish and it was only because his father pushed him so heavily.

“Itachi..” You began to say but he shook his head, wanting to finish his train of thought and finish what he had to say.

“I just.. I love you.” He blurted out those three little words, the shock written on both of your faces but in his mind, he didn’t care.

He didn’t care just how young they were, he felt the emotion and he knew what they had was something insanely special and rare and yet in two days time, he’ll ruin it.


Two days had passed faster than what he would have liked, the day coming so quickly and swift that it made him sick to his stomach. He had convinced you to go out in the village and pick something up for him, it was a lie to get you away while he murdered the whole clan.

He thought saving you for last was the best option in this case, that way he could have some time with you as the life drained from your eyes. Maybe that way it’ll be easier on him but he knew better than to believe that.

You had picked up the book he had asked you to grab from the library, your feet hitting the pavement as you walked towards the gates of the small village that held your clan. It was empty, quiet and dark. Something that made you feel weird.

You had thought everyone just decided to go inside and go home early to settle in with a family, it was a Friday night after all, it was a logical explanation, at least to you.

Itachi stood on the rooftop, staring down at you as you walked back to your small house. He did you the favor of hiding your dead family members to make it seem like they were gone.. just so he could make this easier on you. On the both of you.

His feet landed on the ground as he walked up to your door and knocked twice before entering. You didn’t have time to think about where your family was because of how quick he got here, it almost startled you.

“Itachi, you came awfully fast, were you watching me walk home again?” You teased, the pained smile on his face was barely there.

You stood in front of him, getting the awful gut feeling again that something was off but you held out the book in front of him and slowly, he grabbed it and set it down on the table.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” You asked, reaching your hands up to cup his cheeks and that was when he looked into your eyes, instantly sending you into a genjustu without you even sensing it.

He had sent you in one multiple times but this was too perfect for you to even notice the difference. It was too detailed, he didn’t want to mess this up, he thought about this, he planned this. Everything had to be done right, for you, for his love.

It didn’t feel like time had skipped, it didn’t feel like you were trapped in a fake reality with Itachi but in minutes the both of you were adults, standing in front of each other. You didn’t have time to process anything or even think about what was happening around you, you focus was on him and deep into his eyes.

“Marry me.” He blurted, causing your eyes to go wide in surprise but seeing his smile on his face had made you ease up and start to laugh slightly.

“What? You’re crazy.”

“I want to marry you, Y/N. Can’t afford to waste anymore time.” He mumbled, his hands opening the small box and showing off a ring that sat inside of it.

The real Itachi stood off in the corner, watching all of this unfold as the tears welled up in his eyes. Even if this was all fake, he could feel everything, every raw emotion, every touch, everything. It all was real to him and he couldn’t handle what he had to do next.

His real figure stood behind your body as the fake one leaned down and pressed a long kiss to your lips. He could even feel the kiss and how real it was and that was when he let a few tears slip down his cheeks, his hand gripping the knife handle so tight that his knuckles were starting to turn white.

“I’ll always love you.” He mumbled, kissing the back of your head gently before he plunged the blade into your chest.

10 minutes the genjustu had played out the way he wanted. You two got married, had three kids and lived out in a nice sized house. It was beautiful, something he always imagined when he laid in bed staring up at the ceiling as he thought about you. You were always on his mind.

Your body was limp against his chest, the blood pouring out and soaking your clothes as the reality of the situation hit you like a train, everything flooding to your head and suddenly, you realized what this all was.

“Itachi? Itachi get me out of this genjustu.” He sighed under his breath, it was nearing your time anyways and he knew you would soon realize you were in a fake reality.

As everything faded away, your eyes settled to the real him that hovered over you all while your head laid on his lap, the knife still sitting inside of your chest and you could feel your body get colder.

“I’m sorry.. I had to, I was forced to slaughter everyone.” He confessed, knowing you would be the last one to hear this and take it to your grave.

Your eyes glanced down to the knife sticking out of your chest, everything settling in inside of your head and soon you connected eyes with him. He made sure you didn’t feel any pain or hardly feel anything at all, you deserved a smooth peaceful way to go even if a knife was in your chest but he made sure it didn’t feel that way.

“I’m so sorry, I wish there was a better option.” He almost choked on a sob, his shaky fingers combing through your hair and your breath started to get heavy.

You laid there in silence, the color soon draining out of you, he could sense your chakra fading slowly, very slowly. All he had to do was sit there and wait and watch you die in front of him.

“I forgive you.” You blurted out suddenly, making his eyes quickly connect with yours, the shock written across his face. He sure wasn’t expecting that.

“Y/N,” You quickly hushed him, your small hand reaching up to cup one of his cheeks and a weak smile came across your lips.

“I’ll always forgive you.. just promise me to not beat yourself up over this, please. I hate to see you so sad.” You barely even managed to say, the time coming close and soon you started to cough up blood, feeling it drip down your chin.

“I’ll always love you, you know. I wish we could’ve grown up together and lived that genjustu out.” You mumbled again, your thumb swiping the tears from his face and he gave you a small smile.

A few words were exchanged between the both of you, mostly Itachi apologizing before it grew awfully silent, your eyes turning dark as the light faded away. He forced your eyes closed, a soft sigh left his lips and he laid there for a while with you in his arms, he couldn’t handle letting you go.

He didn’t want to leave you here, you deserved a proper burial, you deserved a proper funeral. You deserved to be buried beautifully by the waterfall but he held himself back, he had to leave you there and that’s what hurt him the most.

And for the rest of Itachi’s years, all he could think about was you. Even when he was seen as a murderous criminal who joined the Akatsuki, you still remained on his mind and his love for you never faded in the slightest, instead he looked forward to the day he would see you in the afterlife.





Idk anymore very sad.

Naruto Masterlist

Main Masterlist

Y’all, I can’t find good Itachi writings to save my life, please send me links whether it’s from here or wattpad.

*nemesism:frustration, anger or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one’s way of living.

a/n: can you tell im in a naruto mood? :)
also, i find itachi hard to write for because i don’t know if because of what happened to him he’d ever would’ve been capable of love. i do, however, think he was an incredibly kind man and thus, this was born.

word count: 1,308

“Is being partnered with me that daunting?”

Huffing, you dig your nails into the palm of your hand.

You wished he’d just, quite honestly, fuck off.

“For your information,” you curtly reply, head whipping over your shoulder to send a nasty glare his way. “It is.”


There he goes again.

What other response was possible, for a man like him than a completely calm, level-headed, void of any emotion at all? Itachi was always like this and he had been the day he recruited you to the Akatsuki, to now–right in this moment as he followed you back to your room, refusing to just fuck off.

Always so rational, never ever had you seen him lose him cool or say something he didn’t mean. Words and actions didn’t seem to surprise him, and sometimes it felt like he was always ten steps ahead of you–ahead of everyone–because everything he did was done in stride without a second of doubt in his own skills. 

He was infuriatingly logical, and what probably pissed you off the most was he had the skills to back up his confidence.

Since the day he recruited you, you’ve actively avoided him. You’d been sought after by the Akatsuki, by Pein, because of your stealth skill. You were good at getting around without attracting attention, and knew how to infiltrate villages and enemy territory without ever being caught. You’d figured, years back, that Pein had wanted you because you’d never failed a single mission you’d been assigned and when you’d defected from your village, it was almost impossible to find you.

The only one who had had been Itachi.

Almost immediately he’d left a sour taste in your mouth.

You didn’t like people, and you most certainly didn’t like him and so your one saving grace had been the fact that Pein had granted you your one wish–to have no partner. You didn’t have to suffer someone who’d slow you down, or get you caught and rather, you did what you were told in exchange for being left alone otherwise.

Until Orochimaru left the Akatsuki and Itachi was left without a partner.

No amount of arguing changed Pein’s mind, and you weren’t stupid enough to think you could beat him. You were a skilled ninja in combat, yes, but you were better at stealth and Pein knew that. You couldn’t defy him because he’d crush you, and you couldn’t run because he did everything to make sure you couldn’t escape his grasps.

And so, here you were, now stuck with Itachi as your partner.

Him of all people.

“Is it so hard to imagine someone might not want to be partnered with you?”

Your words come out sharp, a low hiss in response to Itachi’s refusal to simply have the decency to leave you alone. Your first mission together wasn’t until early tomorrow morning and you’re not sure why it was so necessary for him to bother you now–you’d rather just go to bed.

Maybe whine about it to yourself for a while.

But you certainly didn’t wanthim here.

“I don’t much care for others opinions on myself,” Itachi responds softly, grating your nerves further. “I am, however, curious as to why it bothers you so much.”

Eyes clenching shut, you feel your jaw hurt from how hard you’ve been clenching it. It’s taken all of your strength not to burst out your anger and seem like an absolute petulant child in front of a man who exuded such maturity and confidence.

But your patience was wearing thin.

“I was perfectly fine on my own!” You cry out, spinning to face him as you wave your arm before yourself. “You’ll just get him my way.”

And in a fit of rage and a lack of rational thought, you race forward, your hand slipping from underneath your cloak to send a kunai directly through Itachi’s neck. Damn if it’d get you killed–you never even wanted to join the Akatsuki in the first place! Every damn decision in your life has never been made from you, and now you were stuck in a organization that prayed on innocent people with no escape.

You don’t make it far. In a second, your wrist is clasp by Itachi’s hand, slightly pinching, as he halts your momentum, leaving you stood before him, breathless.

Itachi doesn’t seem annoyed or even angry that you’d, quite literally, just attempted to kill him. Instead, you see the first incline of any sort of emotion from his as the corners of his eyes pinch and a small smile curls onto his lips.

“I assure you, I am perfectly capable of completing my missions.”

You barely register his words. You’re so completely caught off by his smile, by the odd softness in his eyes that you’re stunned silent. It’s not just the fact that you’ve never seen anything other than a blank expression on Itachi’s face, but the fact that such a soft, warming glance is directed at you.

You don’t think anyone’s ever look at you that way.


His grip turns gentle, and the kunai slips out of your hands, clattering to the ground as Itachi gently pulls you forward. The two of you close, not intimately, but you’re sure you’ve never once stood so close to Itachi, or another human like this in a long time. Not without the intent to kill.

As he lowers his hand, yours follows, falling by your side.

“I understand you didn’t want to join the Akatsuki.”

Brows furrowing, you glance up at Itachi.

“That you were forced to.”

“Yes,” you breathe, “by you.”

Itachi’s eyes fall shut, and he nods. “It was I who requested we be partnered, and Leader was forced to listen.”

You’re confused; beyond confused. Forcedto listen? Was Itachi so strong that he’s able to control Pein himself?

“I understand you don’t want to hurt innocents either.”

“Uchiha, I don’t know–”

“I won’t make you,” he cuts in, sharply, words confident. “You’ll never have to hurt another innocent again if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t understand,” you shake your head. “How…” You want to ask how he can promise that, what he’s done to make it possible. But really, the most important question that appears in your mind is; “why? Why would you do all of this for me?”

It doesn’t make sense. Itachi was the one who recruited you for the Akatsuki in the first place. He was the one who’d brought you here, who’d forced you to wear the cloak and bow to Pein. 

And beyond that, the two of you have never spoken a single word to each other.

You’ve avoided him, glared at him, cursed at him… 

Why would he go so far for you?

“It’s because,” Itachi speaks up, voice quiet, a mere whisper. And you notice he shifts, the grip on your wrist still there, but he pulls your eyes on his own, that same soft, oddly reassuring gaze looking back down at you.

And his words that follow shock you, leave your lips part and your mind blank with a lack of how to respond.

“When I look in your eyes, it’s like I’m staring back at myself.”

But somehow, they make your heart hurt and your eyes water. It’s like you’ve lost all control of your own emotions and you feel yourself being swallowed up by the emotions you’ve so desperately ignored, so desperately pushed to the back of your mind, desperate to forget.

His words are so odd, so… baffling; and yet, they’re so warming, so reassuring… so kindtoo.

“I want to help you.”

You’ve never liked Itachi. For years you’d blamed him for bringing you here, thinking he was the sole reason for your suffering.

And, yeah, maybe he was…

But still, strangely enough, you trust his words completely.
