

Hi folks, this is Taluns/ Jordan here. I was the creator, Art Director and Community Manager of Paleo Pines, and I spent the last few months running this blog. 

It’s with a heavy heart that I’m announcing that I will no longer be running this blog.
I have left Italic Pig and the Paleo Pines team due to creative & professional differences. I wish the team the best moving forward with the project.

This blog will be defunct and will no longer update. It will remain online for everyone to revisit the art and videos however. If Italic Pig choose to create a new Paleo Pines blog, I will be sure to create another update and forward you all to it. In the meantime you can keep up with development on the official twitter account.

The Paleo Pines community brought me immeasurable joy over the last few months and I would like to thank every one of you for making this experience so fulfilling.
When I would have a bad day, I would pop online and see some great fanart or funny speculation that would instantly lift my heart back up.  Game development can be tough and stressful, but that always put that all into perspective, reminded me what we were working so hard for. It really helped to ground me during those tough times. Thank you everyone, I will never forget this. 

If anyone would like to keep up with me and my work, I can be found on the following sites:

Thank you all for the support.
Until next time…
-Tal /Jordan
