#italy hetalia


Trying to see of I remember the Hetalia characters real names cuz I used to have them memorized in middle school but then I stopped watching for a bit and forgot:

Italy: Feliciano Vargas

Romano: Lovino Vargas

Germany: Ludwig Belschmidt ? The last name was difficult, idk

Japan: Kiku Honda

America: Alfred F Jones

Canada: Matthew Willaims

England: Arthur Kirkland

France: Francis Bonnefoy ???

Russia: Ivan Braginski

China: Yao something

Austria: Something with a R. I think it was Rodrick spelled weird but I remember the last nane being something like Edelstein

Prussia: Gilbert Belshmidt or however you spell his and Germany’s last name

Spain: Antonio Carredo-Fernandez ???

Sweden: Berwald something something

Finald: Tino something something

Hungary: Elizabeta or something, idk if I ever knew her last name.

Switzerland: Vash Zwingli ? Idk

Liechtenstein: I wanna say it was something like Lili

Latvia: Something like Rash, idk

Iceland, Norway, Denmark: One of their names was Felix. I’m sure of it. I just don’t know who.

Estonia: Don’t remember

Lithuania: Don’t remember

Poland: Definitely don’t remember

Greece: Hercules ???

Turkey: Don’t remember

Australia: I only remember seeing him once in Beautiful World so I don’t even think I had enough interest in him to remember his name.

Sealand: Something Kirkland idk
