#its cranberry juice

 Wow, a whole year.   It’s my blog’s 1st birthday (well I’m actually a few hours late.)I actually wa

Wow, a whole year. 

  It’s my blog’s 1st birthday (well I’m actually a few hours late.)

I actually wanted to redraw my very first post, but I’m swamped with a bunch of things so I decided to settle for a sketch of bartender Lapis. Thanks for following my blog; I hope you decide to continue to be patient with me as I try to figure out art and life.

Note to selves:

Well, past-self, a whole lot has happened since you made this blog. The great hiatus of 2017 did end eventually after half a year. I’ve kind of forgotten how it felt when you initially found the show that summer, but I can say with certainty that the show still takes you on an emotional roller-coaster every single episode. The art that you decided to post actually brought you together with a lot of wonderful people.  You join a really awesome project called The Beach City Witch Project and you make a bunch of great friends. You even get out of your shell just a bit and meet one of them in real life. You still don’t know what you’re doing after a whole year, but you’re making little improvements along the way. This is your 124th post and you have over 360 followers. Isn’t that crazy? I bet you never thought any of this would ever happen, but it did because you decided to act and draw and post and expose yourself. I won’t lie, you do have some really rough hurdles that you’re going to have to jump over in the coming future, but you do get through them. You’re going to feel crummy. When you do, reach out to the people that care about you. Don’t bottle things up. Yeah, they might not get it completely, but they love you. People are going to come and go in your life. Make sure you let the ones you love know that you love them. Even if you have the chance to say goodbye, you won’t want to. I wonder, past- self, where did you see yourself after a year?

Dear future-self,

How are you? Have you gotten any better at art? Has a lot changed over the year? Did you finally get to see Lapis and Peridot again? Do you still make art? You probably still like Steven Universe, right? Have you gotten to finish any of the things you wanted to or have you piled up even more projects? How did the episode turn out? Is the server still going? How was the fall semester? Do you still remember to tell people how important they are to you? Are you taking care of yourself? Did you ever pluck up the courage to try anything new? Did you ever figure anything out? Did you ever fall in love? Haha, you probably won’t want to answer that question, but I hope you’re doing well. Please don’t forget to be kind to yourself. I’ll try doing my best now so that you’ll be able to answer these questions with responses that you’re satisfied with. If things don’t work out, I hope that you have the strength and courage to keep going. I wish I could write something more encouraging for you, but I’m not sure what I should say. Just… Thanks for still being here if you’re reading this a year from now. 

<3 the koreankitkat of the present. 

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