#its disheartening



Woken up miserable ☹️

I don’t understand people who steal stories from writers, what pleasure can you gain from seeing praise for something you didn’t create? How do you sleep at night?

And I really don’t understand people who take stories and add “credit”. What gives you the right to take a story from another blog, and add it to your own and cite that you’ve credited it?? Who do you think you are? How dare you?

Literally all any of us want on here is a fucking reblog and maybe a nice comment if you can spare the extra minute it takes to type it. Instead writers get hate, get pressure, or get told to suck it up and “write for themselves”.

I promised myself that I was going to have a good end to my week but seeing someone take my story without permission for at least the fourth time has really tanked my mood. I’m supposed to be posting a series I’ve been working on for five months on Monday, and I’m really wondering if it’s even worth it anymore.

Lovelies, please read this. People continue to have work stolen and it’s discouraging and disheartening. If someone made a quilt in their spare time, would you snatch it from their hands and pass it off as your own? You wouldn’t, would you? Don’t do it with words.

@musingsinmoonlight again, I’m so sorry. ❤️
