#dont steal


Context is overrated

You’ll never know who they are

Doodles of my Main 3 Aus

(I have more but these three r my fave to make suffer :) )

I refuse to give context, but they’re all sad :)

In order




Art block slowed my comic drawing so have this lil doodle of Horror and Error from Coalverse that I drew to give myself a break from… drawing??

Art is complicated :(

Sometimes your found Family is a Hobo-(ex)Destroyer with Pixlexia, an Axe lover with authority issues, an (ex)Star sans that shouldn’t be allowed near coffee and a dude that dances away his pain,


There’s also a spy but he’s a secret,



And just a little WIP as proof that despite my lack of speed I am still working on the Sanschool comic (along with Coalverse Blu)

More Coalverse doodles if you’re interested

4 hours with just my cracked iPad, finger and 8 coffees,

Hnnnn it’s still a WIP but a lot more people were interested in Barrierfall then I thought would be

Sooooo, more angsty lore

(Even tho Barrierfall only ever had one run, a true pacifist, I’m still gonna kill off basically everyone, aha I’m so nice)

Ignore the fact I can’t draw shoes-

Coalverse doodles cause it’s my fave ✨

That awkward moment when your arche nemesis accidentally causes the entire multiverse to collapse so you steal the original Undertale kidnap three Sanses and run

Animation is hardddd

Anyway have a WIP I’m working on for one of my Undertale Aus

If you follow my other account (Sanschool)

Then you may have a vague idea of Barrierfall’s existence

Honestly the entire idea behind this AU is ‘what if there was a true pacifist run but everyone dies and suffers anyway’

Anyway, Barrierfall Papyrus is not the best and I wanna punch him :/

My device has been acting up lately, meaning all my art has slowed, so in the meantime have this super rough and badly thought out animation of my Au Spoketale

(CW: Blood, Flashing)

And then just a lil picture of Spoke bein cute (From my comic) cause I literally cannot leave him to suffer

My hand slipped-

I swear it was an accident-

I made another Au-

Plz help I cannot stop-


the core froze over causing the entire underground to freeze with it, also effecting everyone’s magic causing them to become more… icey??

Recast Sans is my child- I love him-

Haven’t uploaded in a little cause of work, so have some,

Sketches from my tiktok videos or just random mindless doodling from my 10 breaks

Two beans

Security Guard sans

Aha, dust angst my beloved

I’ve drawn sans over 100 this month and I’m still struggling-


Please read!!

Hi guys! I’m writing this post to aware you that @sims-fix​ is stealing CC from some creators (including me) and she is posting them behind patreon to earn money with them, even claiming as their own. Keep reading please :)

Keep reading



hello! it’s that time again


I stumbled upon new reposters. both on here and on twitter(someone else made a post a while ago about one stealing text posts from here, I can’t find the post rn but that’s not the only thing they’re stealing so I’m including them here)

thisreposter literally steals everything (gifs + even the caption, text posts, memes, art, etc.) from the kinnporsche tag on tumblr. here are some examples, just some, there are more on there (sorry for the crappy screenshots. I put them all in one bc there were just too many)


some of the owners I recognize: @aposnattawins@mrdumpling@moodkiller@forursmiles@snarkspawn@nongnao@jaehwany@nanons@julielilac@milkpansa@smittenskitten​​

anotherreposter that steals whole gifsets/photosets from tumblr. mostly from kinnporsche but from other dramas as well like: ocean likes me, mr. unlucky has no choice but to kiss, etc.


some of the owners I recognize from here: @snimeat@jaehwany@kinnsporsche@mrdumpling​​@fydramas​​@laowen​​@liyazaki

and there are tons more for sure bc it’s twitter (the land of reposters) but for now pls block/report these mf. if you want to report here is a post explaining how to do it

and the reposters on tumblr:

first reposter has mostly videos (from tiktok I guess) but there’s also agifset - gifs belong to @mrdumpling@milkpansa​​@julielilac​​@moerusai​​@jaehwany​​

second reposter x / @pharawee​​@parkjiminmochi​​

third reposter / /x -@sunsetandthemoon​​@dramaism​​@moodkiller​​

fourth reposter x - last one @moodkiller​​​ (400 notes on stolen gifs…disappointed but not surprised)


more reposters on tumblr.com:

fifth reposter  x- gif belongs to @smittenskitten (almsot 600 notes on it….that’s a crime)

sixth reposter  x x@asliceofoceanmist@mostlyfate

seventh reposter  x x  /  x  /  x  /  x -@dramaism@kinnsporsche@parkjiminmochi@jaehwany@moerusai@devildrusje and there are more reposted gifs in their kp tag but I don’t recognize the owners

eight reposter  x  -  @julielilac@mrdumpling

ninth reposter x  - reposts art without credit (they only gave credit to the latest one bc someone commented who the owner is and that they should give credit), you’ll find all the art if you scroll through their kp tag which I linked there

Okay but consider, an AU where Keith and Krolia switched roles. Imagine Keith is the galra dad who l

Okay but consider, an AU where Keith and Krolia switched roles. Imagine Keith is the galra dad who left earth to protect his half-galra child.

Post link


anyway stealing things because you can’t afford basic necessities is one thing (that should never needto happen in the first place but that’s another topic for another day), but if you shoplift just for the fuck of it or because you really want a video game or some overpriced makeup and mommy said no, then you’re an absolute piece of entitled shit and you owe an apology to every minimum wage worker whose job you endangered (and possibly lost) by stealing on their shift.

inb4 the “stealing from large corporations is okay uwu fuck capitalism!” crowd gets here, walmart really isn’t going to miss that $20 bottle of perfume. like seriously. you’re not hurting the ceos of large corporations with your petty theft. they expect a certain amount of theft every year and adjust accordingly. their million-dollar salaries are unharmed. it’s negligible to them. the only people you’re directly affecting are the managers who have to answer for the loss to corporate and the minimum wage workers whose hours those managers have to cut in response. 

stealing things you want because you want them doesn’t make you woke or punk. it just makes you a selfish, entitled prick.

Do Not Steal My Pics

I just found one of my recent posts being used to promote a Spanish porn site. While I’m flattered that someone thought enough of my “fat white ass” (or “culo gordo y blanco” as they described it) to use it in an ad for a porn site, you’re still stealing from me. This is why I shut down my old blog. I guess I need to start watermarking my pics but FFS guys, can’t you just enjoy my blog without stealing my pics!

