#its really well designed


Château d'If, the best writing cabin ever

a photo of a small castle in redbrick with yellow stone carving, with a tower and ornate decorations ALT

So Château Monte-Cristo wasn’t even the best bit of Dumas’ castle. There was also his “little writing shack”. And naturally it’s also a castle…

Dumas had Hippolyte Durand create a quiet place he could write and once more it felt like a loveletter from Dumas to himself. I don’t know how much input he had on the design himself, but I’ll show you what I mean:

a closer view of the castle to show the stones carved with names like amaury, cecile and georgesALT

Aside from the beautiful stone carvings, the building is covered in stones with the names of the books and plays (and characters therein I think) that Dumas had written up to the finishing of this castle.

The inside is actually really modest (comparatively):

a picture of a small room with an ornate fireplace ALT

It might be two-storey, but it really looks like a good quiet writing space (that looks down and out on the castle proper so you can see when your friends arrive for dinner. The sightlines on this estate are excellent)

You can walk around the moat around the castle and the back is super charming as well.

a view from the back of the castle, red stone in a more farmhouse style with black beamsALT
a view from the door of the castle, looking on the elaborate stone carved bridge and the little island the castle stands onALT
a view to Castle d'If through the leaves, showing the balcony ALT

It really isn’t large, but this neo-gothic castle has it all. A moat, a beautiful stone carved bridge, a stonecarved balcony and a tower. (Sadly you can’t go in, so I don’t have upstairs or balcony details). I have walked around this Castle so much, it’s so pretty!

All the details have been considered, with serious thought to aesthetic and Drama. With a moat and rocks and ivy, ready to be the coolest ruin ever:

a view of the tower, showing how it stands on artificial rocks on a pond with ivy growing over itALT

And lastly, by the door there’s this:

a stone carved dog's house with the inscription "cave canem" and a stone statue of a dog gnawing on a bone in itALT