

The Moment I Knew | Part Two | Charlie Weasley x Reader

A/N: My love for Charlie Weasley is close to my love for Theseus. And I’ve got to say, this is so much fun to write. The chapters are short, but I’m guessing the story itself will last at least a few more “chapters”. Hope you guys enjoy—and be sure to check out my master list for all of my fics!

Warnings: One sided love (sorta), pining

Charlie awoke to the sound of an owl pecking on his window. He groaned, rolling into his stomach and pressing his face into his pillow. But the owl didn’t let up. It’s pecks became louder and more frequent until the Weasley had no choice but to get out of bed and throw his window open.

In the owl’s beak was a letter addressed to “Charlie”. No “Mr. Weasley” or “Charles Weasley”. Just “Charlie”. He tilted his head, examining the handwriting. It couldn’t be his mum, she always addressed it to “Charlie Weasley” and it couldn’t be from his brothers who never wrote at all.

He slid his finger between the wax seal and flap, tearing it open. Unfolding it, he scanned the letter.

Dearest Charlie,

I’m sure you’ve heard by now of your brother’s engagement. To be more specific, Bill’s engagement. I’ve just received my invite to the wedding and would rather not go alone. I was thinking we could go together. As friends, of course—if you’re able to sneak away from the sanctuary for a bit.

Wedding talk aside, I hope you’re doing well. I’ve written you a few times and haven’t gotten an answer. I assumed you were busy. I miss you, Charlie.

With love,


Charlie’s eyes widened as he finished reading the letter. Had you just invited him to be his date to Bill’s wedding? His brother Bill? The same Bill you had been in love with since your second year? His heart ached at the sheer thought of you and Bill together. Because, if he was being honest, he had fallen for you in his fourth. And watching you fawn over Bill, who thought of you as a best friend or maybe even a sister, broke his heart in more ways than one.

But maybe this was his chance. It had been years since he had seen you. It had been too long. He longed to see you, how you’d changed. Since he’d seen you last, he had gained a dozen scars on his body. One on his collarbone, another on his jaw, with a half dozen on his arms and the rest on his chest and legs. He delt with dangerous dragons, you delt with dangerous wizards. It was a balance, in a way.

He wondered if you had changed. If you had kept your hair the same, if your eyes were still the same shade of e/c they had been when he had met you. Charlie wanted to know everything about your life. Even if it hurt.

So he took out a quill. sticking it in his mouth as he searched for ink and parchment. He quickly regretted his decision, removing his quill and spitting out bits of feather, scrunching out his nose.

After what felt like forever, he cleared a space off of his desk and began writing.

“My dear Y/n/n…”
