#its worth it



So the WoW movie has mostly negative critic reviews, but every review (fan or non) on imdb was overwhelmingly positive.  So uh, Imma trust the people who watch movies for entertainment value and not people who write like lemmings for quick money.  Seriously all the negative reviews were like a college student finding an essay exactly on their topic, and changing it just enough to where it’s not plagiarism. And I watched trade chat the other day, she said the Forbes journalist who covered the movie didn’t even watch it, that his entire review was based off a couple negative reviews.

tl;dr find me a movie reviewer that does their job for movie entertainment and I’ll bet they actually like the Warcraft movie

Just a heads up, don’t miss out on the Warcraft movie because of the shallow, bad reviews! If you’re a fan its worth to show support and just enjoy the movie for what it is.

And this rp'er and lorelover plans to enjoy the hell out of it!


One of the most glorious demented and brilliant movies I ever had the pleasure of watching in the movie theatre and one of the very few movies that made me sink wide eyed into the cushions and think “holy fuck…”.

《Mad Max: Fury Road 》 is a movie for which theatres exist. This movie deserves and needs a huge screen and a gigantic sound system.

It is one of the best action movies that completly threw the Hollywood rule book out of the window (story? barely there. diaolgues? who needs dialogues….), doesn’t have a lot of cgi (okay the storm mainly) loads of old fashioned pyro and is so fast paced, well shot, the colours so vibrant and the pounding score by Junkie XL so insistent that the adrenaline levels simply shoot through the roof.

The fact that this movie did not win any of the important Oscars when it totally deserved Best Director and Best Movie was truly a joke but then again so are the Oscars nowadays.

it came to my attention that I am a CLOWN that never posted my Haze colab pics in this blog, which means that for a full week ya’ll gonna swallow me gushing about In the Starlight untill you can’t take it anymore bc yes you should read it!

hunter how dare you almost get captured even though it wasnt you and you had no idea what was going on

natreidess:It’s Thursday and no critter is getting a good night’s sleep today


It’s Thursday and no critter is getting a good night’s sleep today

Post link

More Elfuary, this time for “Ardor!” Complete with a quick process video since I remembered to hit the record button for this one.

The Magister is a very fabulous and flashy individual.

So, hopefully y’all know this

Now, I’m gonna be spoiling you, if you don’t want to read my water then get lost. To those who stayed on board, of course you fucking did. Lmao.

Anywho, what I wanted to talk about was how NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME that when your trust is a level 3 with all camps within the game, they come be comrades with you when you go to take out the militia on Wizard Island! Like, holy hordes!

I replayed the game with +NewGame and yada yada skip town, at the final mission, Copeland and Manny come through from Copeland’s camp, and Alkai comes from Hot Springs to be a supporter, no thanks to Ada Tucker. Like, really. This was so freaking AWESAMA! I enjoyed the new screen time of them.

Welp, that was it. Literally.

That’s what I wanted to put out there.





This is why I get meal kits. Do I need them? No. Can I easily make them myself? For way cheaper? Yes. WILL I??? No.

Other tips: if you are going to buy things that aren’t pre-taxed, you need to make a habit of always doing the prep AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME. it will NEVER HAPPEN if you don’t.

Get the bulk pack of steaks! But you are never gonna eat them before they go bad. If you freeze them in individual ziplocks as soon as you unpack you probably will?

Get the celery, but you need to cut it ALL UP and store it in the fridge in water or it will rot.

And don’t do all tgese at once, get like, one or two prep things a trip. You aren’t gonna get it started if it’s a huge task.

Don’t pass by these tips because you don’t have ADHD! 

These are valid points for the busy parent, the overstressed college student, and the person working the “wrong” shift. 

Real story - I have thrown away SO MUCH meat and produce in my time. Frozen veggies can even be better than fresh, since they are picked when ripe and frozen rather than picked early and expected to ripen in shipping. My local grocer will sometimes pre-chop less-than-desirable veggies and sell them in the discount cooler - a chopped onion is more useful than a whole one! Meat in bulk packs is WAY cheaper, but you have to make breaking up that huge pack part of putting away the groceries. Also, having a place to put the groceries away helps make the process easier. It’s taken me more than one decade of life to figure these things out. 

It’s not lazy if it is efficient. Professionals call it “time management.” 
