#izuku x reader angst


me and my husband.

there are moments in time when you’re glad you have your husband.

the times in which the sun barely peeks in through the curtains and his arm is heavily slung over your chest, bringing you closer to him even when deep in slumber.

izukuis a great husband, you’d like to think, and even a better hero.

he dedicated his time and effort to his job, saving lives and paving a better future for the ones coming after him.

you watch from the sidelines, most of the time from the t.v. as he raises his fist towards another victory, and you can’t help the large smile that takes over your face as you clap in the emptiness of your living room.

you know he tries his best, truly he does, and at first, you’d like to think it’s just the stress of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders that makesizukutoo tired to even hold you anymore.

you lost track of how many times he came home with a heavy sigh, kicking the door shut as he slowly began putting on the wedding ring he always took off before a fight.

he was a good person, izuku would say over and over as he rutted into different women each and every night, glancing down at his left hand, thankful his ring was nowhere in sight as he lazily sucked hickies into their breasts and necks, repeating his old mantra that he’d be going back to you, and that’s all that matters.

and as he walks in every night, closer to the break of dawn if anything, you remind yourself that your his as he presses a haste kiss to your forehead, settling into his respective spot in the bed as he prayed you couldn’t see the red marks on his back or the smell of lancôme that surely wasn’t yours.

but at the end of the day, it’s always been the two of you together, and there was nothing that was going to break that apart.

you’ll just always be the oblivious idiot in the corner, but izuku was always there, five minutes too late, to remind you that you’re not.


(part one)

(part two)

pairing:king!bakugo x fem!reader

genre:slowburn, royalty au, strangers to lovers to haters, angst, smut

summary:what is katsuki supposed to do when you come back when he thought that you were good as dead? how is he supposed to live on with his life when the love of his life has returned?

warnings (mdni 18+):angst, cheating, smut, soft sex ish, (characters are aged up to 20’s), fingering (female receiving), cum eating, corruption!kink, loss of virginity

note:comments and reblogs are always appreciated! also, this is the last part i will be writing so please don’t ask for a third part!

word count: 10.5k+

mha masterlist

There was a sense of grief, hidden in that unspoken quietness.

In which two lost souls stared aimlessly at each other, fingers etching to hold on another, to have skin touch skin, just barely, until each other’s hearts were intertwined just as they weren’t meant to be, written in the by the strings of fate.

One sat up, one arm steadying his body as his duvet fell, revealing his marked-up chest, heavy with years of battle scars, the hand that lay atop it sliding off as he looked straight ahead.

Solemn eyes widen a bit, one foot taking you back as you step behind, hands nervously wringing together as you look up at the soldier who had brought you here, silently asking him why he thought that would be a good idea judging by the ring on his finger.

His lips moved in the shape of your name, hands shaking as he blinked once, twice, rubbing at his eyes as he glanced at the soldier behind you, slowly swinging one leg over the other as he rose from his bed, taking long strides until he came face to face with you.

In all your dreams and nightmares, you never imagined yourself in this position. There was a bit of embracement that came with it, knowing that you had finally given up, but what more could you do? They would have burned you once they found out you were dead.

But he seemed like he had seen a ghost. Face pale, eyes shining a brilliant red, swimming with various emotions as he took you in, the face of somebody he told himself repeatedly he’d never see again. Perhaps in another life, but never here. Not when he was alive and living with his title.

A gentle hand raised up, slow and delicate as it made contact with your face, a small sound of pain, perhaps regret, coming from his lips as your head dropped into his hold, eyes watery as you shut them, taking one step closer as his other hand was quick to bring you to his chest.

Was this a new paradise? Had he died during his sleep? He wouldn’t be opposed to it, not ever. If it was you that was truly in front of him, the woman who plagued his mind with every waking moment he lived.


The two of you snapped away from each other at the voice, and it seemed as though he remembered just where he was, that the ring on his finger wasn’t just for show and that the woman in his bed wasn’t just another late night fuck.

“Is everything alright?”

And you looked worriedly over his shoulder at the woman that hurriedly put her robe on, fixing her long hair as she took padded steps to her fiance, a hand on his shoulder as she glanced at you.

“Do we have a visitor?”

Your lips pressed into a wobbly line, looking over to the soldier once more as he gave the two royals a grim stare.

You cleared your throat, giving her a small smile you hoped wouldn’t give your true feelings away as you shook your head, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in your old tunic as you gave them their well-respected bows.

“Your majesty,” You handed them a piece of paper, charred at the sides with burns, smelling of distant smoke as your house was so many ways away, “I have come asking for asylum.”

Beneath the star-scattered sky, the party flourishes with true delight and splendor.

Loud yells of excitement come from different people, women fanning their faces as the men lean in, listening intently to what they had to say, large smiles on their faces as they twirled around, the music growing some noises out as the violinists play in perfect harmony with their piano counterpart.

You watch happily from above, leaning over the stone railing as you’re cleverly concealed by a large bouquet of flowers, glad that you’re here and not in a ditch somewhere far away.

“Are ya’ not going?”

You glanced to the side, ducking your face down at the fact that you were caught, looking at the scene behind you as you let out a quiet sigh.

You were glad, however, that it was only Izuku. Out of all the knights of the seventh men, you were more than elated. It was the freckled green-haired man you had come to know over the past couple of months. Anybody else, and they might have kicked you out.

“Sorry for scarin’ ya,” He said sheepishly as he made his way towards you, almost testing the waters, but seeing that you were too distracted by the party below, you didn’t care all that much.

“It’s quite alright,” You answered, glancing at him for a second before you went back to looking down below.

“I can admire the view from up here,” You say, making some room for the man as he moves to stand beside you, “’S not so bad, you know,” It was true, really. It was deserted, but it was a sanctuary nobody seemed to realize was there.

“You’ll certainly be missed, then,” He said, more to himself, under his breath, and was almost glad you missed it with the roar of party-goers applauding Katsuki and Kō twirled around, his fiance’s magnificent dress shining a multitude of colors, illuminated perfectly by the candles that were perched on every wall.

You felt his shoulder gently bumping yours as you let out a soft breath, shyly glancing over as you assessed his uniform, noting that he had shed his usual chunky armor and had chosen to wear a more flexible and breathable piece of clothing.

“Are you not standing guard tonight?” You asked and watched as Izuku shook his head, fingers tracing the carved patterns of the rails as he looked down below.

“Denki and Kirishima are the ones on duty, thankfully,” He added, giving a melodramatic sigh as you giggled, noticing how his shoulders were still heavy from the weight they were used to carrying, how he seemed to grip the railing as if his feet would give way from beneath him.

He, along with many of his comrades, was spectacular at hiding his true exhaustion, you had come to learn over the past couple of months. They had ways to fight, families to protect, grounds they had to patrol, and they did an astonishing job at masking it all with a happy facade.

You didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, the silence comfortable enough to allow you to search below for a particular shade of blonde, scanning, and scanning until you found it, twirling his lover around as she said something, and you watched as Katsuki leaned down, his lips brushing over her ear as he looked around, shaking his head as they continued to dance.

You didn’t know him well, and vice versa, but he had seen you around sometimes, had the pleasure of making conversation with you, and had been able to observe well enough to read the silent emotions that you did well of hiding from most people.

Looking away, you balanced your back on the railing, hands over your chest as you pouted, and Izuku had to control the urge to coo at just how cute you seemed to be when irritated.

“You really should go,” You spoke, and Izuku looked behind his shoulder at you, his eyebrow cocked as he waited for you to say more, “You just came back from the trenches, right?” You waited for his response, and he nodded slowly.

At that you laughed, truly, for the first time, enjoying just how lost he seemed to be when it came to human interaction that didn’t involve talks of battle.

“Then go enjoy yourself!” You gave his arm a slight nudge, but he stayed put, shaking his head as he bashfully looked into the crowd, hoping it would hide the embarrassing blush that overtook his cheeks.

“I’m not a fan of condensed masses,” He admitted, “Ya’ never know when something’s about to happen,” And you supposed that given his background, he probably wouldn’t be a fan out loud noises, either.

“Well,” You looked down at your shoes, “Thank you for joining me. It does get awfully quiet sometimes when it’s just me most of the time,” You gave him a small small, and he reciprocated it, waving you off as if it was nothing.

But it was more than nothing, to you. Ever since the night you had come asking for asylum, Katsuki was swift in giving it to you, no questions asked as he made the southern palace yours. Albeit, a little bit confused because you seemed intent on never speaking to him again the last time he had seen you.

Of course, people aside from him were curious as to who you were, wondering what you had done to convince their cruel king to quickly give you anything you asked for. The woman by his side, Kō, you had come to learn, the very one who had become the bane of your existence, felt more so threatened by the way her fiance seemed to drop anything he was doing to aid to your needs.

And you guess you should blame yourself for part of it. Instead of leaving the moment he gave you your freedom, you stayed. The beds seemed too warm and the food so well made that you caved, living in your imaginative land of bliss as he worked at your beck and call.

As word floated around the palace, more people seemed to take their to-be-queens side, looking down on you from their noses as you walked by, whispering things to one another as you ate quietly on the side, and had decided, almost indefinitely, that you were to be the concubine once Kō was made a true royal of the south.

So, given the fact that you knew how in demand Izuku seemed to be with the women down below, with just how many people wanted to talk to him at all times, and with the probability of being most likely aware of the negative buzz that surrounded you, you were grateful that he came and rid your mind of all your swarming thoughts, even if that wasn’t his initial intention.

“I’m happy to be here,” He said and you grinned to yourself, looking away to hide the certain giddiness that filled your little heart. How long had it been since somebody had been this kind towards you? You hated how your mind immediately went to the cave and Katsuki and his gentle hands.

You opened your mouth to say something, but your gaze focused on something behind him, shutting up when the figure got into view, heart beating rapidly, blood roaring to your cheeks as you saw him, his eyes focused on yours as he walked towards you, his crimson cape, the shade of shed blood, swayed behind him.

Izuku noticed your divert of attention, looking behind him as he instantly stood straighter, one fist curled over his heart, the other behind his back as he folded at the waist, the way knights were supposed to greet their kings.

“Your majesty,” He scrambled to find words to say, “Is there any way I can be of aid to you?” The expected reaction, but Katsuki waved it aside, flicking his hand away, and Izuku easily got the hint, giving him a swift nod as he walked away, peeking back at you as he gave you a tilted smile, his green hair fading from view as he walked down the spiral stairs that led to the party.

Once he was sure he was out of sight and earshot, Katsuki was swift in his movements, moving closer to you as he pulled your hand into his, nuzzling his face into your neck as he wrapped his arm around your waist, lips hovering over the skin of your jaw, not knowing the way it played little tricks on your mind, forcing you to forget just where you were and just who you happened to be.

“Did'ya not like the dress?” He pulled away, and you wholly abhorred the way your body moved in sync with his, with just how much you longed to be held by him, even though it was he who you laid awake at night because.

But you resisted the urge to pull him deeper into yourself, to smell his warm cologne, to feel his lips against yours, but you shook your head, taking a step back as you looked anywhere but him.

“The dress was most undoubtedly beautiful,” You admitted with a wrinkled nose, heat burning under your skin as he enclosed your hand in his, his searing lips finding purchase on your arm, planting little kisses as he trailed upwards, stopping just as your collarbone as you pulled away once more from him.

“Then why didn’t ya’ wear it?” He finally got the hint, moving away as he gave you some room, his decorated chest full of medals of honor and military recognizations, the same necklace you remembered him wearing many nights ago still hanging around his neck.

You looked at him as if he had gone mad, and you truly wondered if he had, if those nightshade berries he had eaten had messed with his way of thinking, but he seemed confused at your perplexed expression.

“What?” You scoffed at him for even asking that, for wondering like he had done nothing wrong, “Did'ya want another dress?

You squeezed your eyes shut, your lips pinched together as you shook uncontrollably, pain seizing you when you felt his calloused hands rest atop your cheek, just as they always seemed to do like they were tailored perfectly so that your face would fit perfectly in his hands.

"Go back to your wife, Katsuki,” You warned, pushing his hand roughly away, but he didn’t budge, resilience in his stance as his jaw ticked.

“She’s not my fuckin’ wife.” He snapped and you rolled your eyes, glancing at the engagement ring on his finger, and he heaved a heavy sigh, wringing it off as he pocketed it.

But he knew it was more than that. Knew that she was the person who put a rift between the two of you, and could only guess that it was salt in the wound when you returned to find her splayed over him as if she was the owner of his heart.

If only you knew just how much you had a grip on his reality, on his every waking moment, of the fact that every second he was alive he was worried about you, discreetly glad that he could worry about you, that you were here in the flesh and he could hold you just as he longed to do.

“Why her?” The words barely made it out as you choked on them, the question that weighed on your mind ever since you had seen her that night, wondering what he had to be thinking to go back to the woman that left him for his rival only to come wailing back when even he didn’t want her.

And he didn’t know what to say. Why her? He truly didn’t know. Was it because she was so beautiful he couldn’t resist it when she pounded on his chest, crying as she begged to be accepted back to the life she threw away? Was it because in those scarce moments he could see the old girl she used to be?

But how could he say that he imagined it was you every moment he was with her? How could that be fair to you if you heard he only imagined, but never cared enough to actually go to you, to apologize, to be with you once more?

So as the party below continued with endless dancing, as his fiance looked around aimlessly for where her partner was to no avail, he could only pull you into his chest, his hand running up and back the slope of your back as he rested his chin atop your head.

He was a fool, but even he was going towards the point of no return if he continued going on like this.

With every nasty side-eye you got, you decided it is best to stay away from the majority of people and venture out when it got closer and closer to nighttime.

You tried to find work outside the palace, but it seemed that word of you even trickled down to the common folks, how somebody was lurking around the halls waiting to pray upon their king, so no matter how much you pleaded and told them you meant no harm, they slammed the door on your face once they realized who you were.

You strayed far away from Katsuki, though it was a rather difficult task seeing that this was his home and he had the liberty to go wherever he pleased.

But despite all that, you were rather good at avoiding him, hiding behind corners when he passed by or pretending to be asleep whenever he came knocking in the dead of night.

Deep down, you truly longed to see him.

To be where you were a year ago, where it was just the two of you in that cave, where he helped you pick your berries and hunt your fish and the days blend into each one another. It was a peaceful time, although it didn’t seem so long ago.

And in all honesty, you swore to never go looking for him again, really, you did. But then the fires started to burn, most likely set aflame from the north in retaliation to the east, and everything around you began to burn, and you had to run before they found you alive.

Your situation could have been worse, you try to tell yourself, you could be starving and without a place to sleep, this wasn’t the worse it could have turned out to be.

But you never expected to come back to him and that girl, the very one he’d talk in his sleep about and the very one who tore your heart to pieces when he whispered her name when he held you close to him.

So, you stayed away. It was the least you could do from splitting your mind apart in frustration whenever you saw him walking around.

And, you preferred to stay awake regardless. It reminded you of your days back in the forest, when you stayed up to see the stars, the occasional shooting one flying through the onyx sky as you watched them form into your own constellations that you had named for yourself.

The garden, despite its marvelous size, was never fully appreciated, let alone the time you visited it. You weren’t aware there were so many different types and shapes and smells of flowers before, and you took your time as you ducked your face into the endless array of bushes, catching a big whiff of them as you leisurely stroll through, fingers hovering over their leaves as you burned them into your memory.

“D'ya always like to hide in difficult-to-find places?”

You jumped at the voice, whipping around as your erratic heart stopped its frenzied thumping, placing a hand over your chest as you settled slightly, seeing that it was only Izuku and he seemed rather guilty for scaring you for the second time.

“I wouldn’t say this is the most difficult place to hide,” You taunted and he rubbed the back of his neck, grinning as he looked around, noticing that you had strayed far from the palace, almost nearing the large meadows that separated it from the rest of the world.

“Though it certainly isn’t the least concealed, either,” He joked and you laughed softly, a gentle twinkling sound as you began your pacing around, feeling a little bit safer now that he was here.

“I like these flowers,” You stated, gnawing on your lips as you touched a violet one, shining brilliantly in the moonlight, “And unfortunately this is the only time I can admire them.” You looked back at him as you winked, going back to your flowers quickly enough to miss the way his face blushed red.

“Do ya’ sleep durin’ the day?” He questioned gently as he began walking behind you, respectful as he gave you some space between your bodies, his hands behind his back as he looked at the wide exhibition of bushes.

You shook your head, shrugging as your fingers grazed over the delicate petals, careful not to drag them down and potentially ruin them.

“I just prefer being by myself,” You said, but quickly added, “Most of the time.” When you noticed him looking worried as if he had barged in.

“I hope I’m an exception?” His eyes shined a brilliant green, darker than the stems of the flowers in front of you, but likewise an emerald color as it caught in the light of the moon.

You almost got lost in them, forgetting to answer as you stuttered, glancing at the roses in front of you as you quickly nodded.

“Of course, you’re always an exception.” You stopped walking, giving him a teasing grin, now noticing just how much he towered over you as you both paused.

The stillness came back, but you welcomed it. The cicadas that chirped to the breeze that came in and played with your little wisps of hair, it was a gentle night.

“How’s the palace treatin’ ya’?” Izuku glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, a hint of worry lacing through his tone. He had sent the way you refused to anywhere where most people seemed to be.

“Better than it should be,” You cheekily divulged, but there was something more in your voice, a hint of gloom that he was able to pick up on.

“Ya’ sure?” He hoped he wasn’t pressing too hard, losing you when you had just started getting comfortable with him.

You gave a stiff nod, crossing your arms over your nightgown as you shrugged again, waving it all aside as if it was of no worry, nothing to fret for him.

“Most indefinitely,” You said, your voice joking, and a part of him relaxed hearing it.

You looked at his scarred hands, noticing a small ring that adorned his fourth finger.

“Do you have somebody waitin’ for you?” You jutted your chin to his hand and he followed its movement, quick to shake his head as he hid his hand behind his back.

“No! Uh, no, actually,” He gave an awkward laugh, “I used to have somebody waitin’, but,” He trailed off, and you could pick up on his obvious discomfort about the subject.

“Sorry for asking,” You said, slightly ashamed for butting in on his personal life, but he immediately perked up, upset in his eyes as he waved your nervousness aside.

“It’s nothing! Promise,” He chuckled, something deep and throaty, a sound that you had never heard before but was certain in setting a part of you to ignite, “No harsh feelings.” He wanted to kick himself for just how inelegant he made any and every situation he seemed to be in with you.

But to his surprise, you laughed, throwing your head back as you poked his side, your finger barely making a dent in his armor, but you still did it anyway.

“For a knight, you seem awfully friendly,” You were now looking up at him, eyes full of novelty and inquisitiveness.

Gods, he wondered to himself, this must be why his king was so enamored by you.

“I take that as a good thing, hopefully?” You nodded, giving him a kind smile as you looked back to the grand palace behind him, to the way the stars twinkled so brightly, and gave out a slight yawn, rubbing your eyes as you made your way back in.

“More than a good thing,” You assured him as he followed you back, his clanky armor making you giggle as he sighed in annoyance, something he had to, unfortunately, deal with on a regular basis.

As you neared the grand doors that lead to the courtyard, you realized that this is where you parted ways, as Izuku had to rotate to the back now as he shifted his routine with the men over there.

You cleared your throat, looking back as you glanced over to him, giving his uncovered hand a small squeeze as you grinned.

“Thank you for sparing a bit of time for me,” You balance your weight on the balls of your feet, having to crane your neck a little to truly see him.

He waved his arm, rubbing at his undercut as he shrugged bashfully, glimpsing at you from under his long lashes and he gave you an extensive and friendly smile.

“Anything’ for ya’, m'lady,” And you didn’t have time to notice as he brought your hands to his lips, giving it a tiny kiss as he winked, waking away as he meets with his other friends, earning some suspicious glances as they looked at you and then to him.

You rubbed your skin where his lips last were, and though you wanted so deeply to feel giddy at the gesture, all you could do was look at the palace, at the large balcony that extended into the king’s quarters, and wish he were someone else that placed the kiss there.

Three thumps that sounded from behind your door startled you awake.

You glanced at the clock, the two hands telling you that it was too early in the morning, far too early for anybody other than the servants and knights to be awake, and as you groggily rubbed at your eyes, tiredly making your way to the door as you cracked it open to check what was happening, you gasped.

To your surprise, there was an abnormal amount of guards, some running, others shouting to each other, maids screaming as they ran down the stairs, and as you went out to see more of what was happening, two large hands pushed you roughly back into your room.

Looking up you were met with two eyes, shining a bright vermillion as his chest heaved up and down, raking over you as he assessed your features, clearly not thinking anything unusual of his sudden intrusion.

“What the fuck is happening? Katsuki, what..” You watched as he awkwardly shuffled next to you, slamming his palm over the door, pressing the side of his face to it as listened, content with what he heard as he left, locking it instantly.

“Hurry. Don’t speak.” He warned, holding a finger to his lips to shush your frantic rambling.

He went to the corner of your room, opening up the small wardrobe that stood in the corner, feeling for something as you heard a small click, and he pointed to it, the backing behind it slamming open as you walked slowly towards it, quickly looking back to the door when you heard loud yelling, and Katsuki was quick to grab you, pushing you inside as he followed in behind you.

The doors to the wardrobe closed as he followed in behind you, the door to the hidden alcove shutting in unison as you squeezed inside.

“What is happening? Katsuki-”

“Raid. Northern rebels.” Is all he gave as an expansion as he pushed you in deeper, a small little room coming into view the more you ventured.

You felt your heart stop at his words. Undoubtedly he had to be jesting for cruel amusement.

It was them who burnt the forest down, ruined your life, and you wanted to gauge their eyes out that now they had decided to set flame to the utopia you were just beginning to build up again.

“Wh-what?” You looked behind you but he shielded your eyes as he pushed you into the opening, a little mattress situated in one corner, cans of food in the other, and he quickly got to work in shutting the door that led into the tiny room.

Despite it being closed off from virtually everything, there was a surprising amount of airflow, so much so that you shivered, your thin nightgown doing nothing to protect you from the icy wind.

“Katsuki!” You shouted, gripping his arm as he turned around, and he paused his movement, slowing down as he glanced over at you, waiting for you to speak again.

“Where are we?” Is all you could say, still looking around despite not having much to look for.

“Bunker,” He grunted, “The only way to get out is from the inside. Safe as shit,” He muttered, looking everywhere as if this had been his first time in this. Maybe it was.

You stuttered, eyebrows drawing together in bewilderment as you touched the cold stone walls that surrounded you.

“Has,” You sighed, shaking your head in confusion, “Has this always been here?” You almost wanted to look somewhere else for how ridiculous the question sounded.

It had been weeks since you had actually seen him like this, so close, and talked to him for so long, but it felt like it used to, and had you not been in such a situation you almost would have smiled fondly at the old memories that flooded through you.

“F'course,” He murmured, situating himself on the old mattress as he leaned his back against the cold wall, “Gave ya’ one of the safest rooms we have,” He groaned again, this time louder and sounded to be of more distress.

You scrunch your nose up at the smell, rubbing your tired eyes as you look back at the sealed door.

“How bad is it?” The question came out in a whisper.

How was Izuku? You shuddered at the thought. He had to be fine, you knew he could carry himself well.

Katsuki shrugged, but he lamented at that too, and you sighed as you began walking over to where he sat as you glanced over his shaking form.

“They’re holdin’ ‘em off from last I saw,” He noticed your worry, “Izuku’s on the upper level, he’s fine,” Your cheeks heated when you realized he had picked up on your budding relationship with the soldier, but it quickly vanished when he groaned again, “And-fuck,” He scratched at his clothing, “Help me get this off…” He could barely finish his sentence as he hit his head against the wall with a thud.

“I,” You stammered, “I don’t-” He cut you off, shaking his head as he could already tell what you were thinking.

“’S not what'ya think,” His fists clenched, “Just help me get this coat off,” His words slurred together and you dropped to your knees, grasping at his shoulder to hold him up, but reeled your hand back in horror when you saw that it was coated in a thick layer of blood.

“Katsu, what..” You quickly began unbuttoning his suit, your hands fumbling as they flew together, shrugging it off, the material almost sticking to his skin with the blood that glued it together.

You peeled his coat and white tunic, now stained red, off, some relief flooding your senses as you realized the cut wasn’t as shallow as it seemed to be from the outside, and it was only near his shoulder, so you should be able to clean it up with not too much difficulty.

“There should be an aid kit near the can,” He pointed to the other corner and you quickly shuffled to your feet, sifting through the cans as you found the red metallic box, running over to him as you found some gauze and alcohol in its little compartments.

You had to admit it had been a while since you had actually used any of these things, as the forest could only offer so much for medical assistance. But you recall once long ago how your brother used alcohol to clean a minor cut of his with just patting it on, so you prayed you remembered how to do it in the correct manner.

You quickly patted it only, reeling back when he breathed harshly through his teeth, eyes wringing shut as he banged a closed fist on his thigh.

“W-what did I do? Are you okay?” You worriedly looked at his paling face but he bit his lip, shaking his head as he motioned for you to continue.

“Stings,” He muttered and you gnawed on your thumb, looking back on his wound as you patted the alcohol on some cotton pads you found near the gauze, no slow and careful in your movements as you dabbed it on.

Once you were sure it was as clean as you could get it, you raised his arm as best as you could with his help as you wrapped it in the flimsy material, doing it several times to make sure it was safe and secure.

His breathing evened out and he eventually cracked an eye open, another one after that he relaxed his legs on the ground, his shoulder covered in white as he rested it carefully on the stone wall behind him.

You glanced at your hands, seeing that they were still covered in red and you shuddered, whipping them on the ground, anywhere but yourself as you controlled the urge to gag.

You truly hated the sight of blood.

“Caught the backhand of a sword,” He explained, “Sorry for always pushin’ this shit on ya’,” He grumbled through his lips, peeking over at you, noting your slight queasiness, then looking over you as he made sure everything was intact, “Yer not hurt, are ya?”

You slowly shook your head, walking away as your bare feet thudded against the floor, looking over at your corner as you sat down, trying to shut him out of sight.

Katsuki watched you intently, now fully awake as you snuggled deeply into yourself, curling into your body as you shivered, refusing to look him in the eye as you tried your best to sleep.

“I can move over if ya’ want,” He declared quietly, as if not to disturb you if you were already asleep.

You weren’t, but you ducked your head deeper into your chest, pretending that you were.

Your eyes snapped wide open, but this time it wasn’t from loud noise or a nightmare,

It was because you couldn’t sleep a couple of minutes before having to move without feeling your tailbone crush under the rough texture of the floor.

You grumbled something, not realizing that you had awoken Katsuki in the process.

Though you guessed it was most likely sometime during the day, thanks to the lack of lighting, you could barely see anything, but you could make out a rough shadow as it came closer and closer to you.

In your state of tiredness, you could barely argue as he wrapped an arm under your knees, one behind your back as he effortlessly picked you up, acting as if he was never hurt, to begin with.

“Katsu, stop,” You whined and he snorted at your weak attempt at pushing him away, your hand just falling weakly on his chest as you subconsciously nestled deeper into his warmth.

“Yer shiverin’ like a fuckin’ leaf,” He grumbled out and you pouted in your groggy state, feeling a gentle drop as he set you on the mattress, not sensing just how much you longed to be held by him as you climbed away from his hold.

He paused, different questions he had been longing to ask you since the moment he saw your face resurfaced in his mind, but only one made its way through.

“Why’d ya’ come back?” He whispered a voice lost to the night as your eyes lay wide open staring at nothing as you asked yourself the same thing.

“I don’t know,” You admitted truthfully as you shut your eyes.

Katsuki watched your back to his fall with gentle breaths, and he smiled gently, trying his best to fall asleep as your little puffs of air rocked him to sleep.

You don’t remember how it came to be, but you felt a gentle hand running up and down your neck, fingertips barely there as they carefully hovered over your skin, but you couldn’t really be one to point fingers as you felt yourself sleeping deep into the comfort of his chest.

Looking up you saw that his eyes were closed and he was most likely asleep and subconsciously doing this, so you pulled carefully away, only to realize that he had an iron grip and refused to let you go.

“Katsuki,” You whispered, poking gently at his good shoulder, “Wake up, come on,” And it felt just as though you were back in that cave, waking up in his arms as his eyes slowly opened, his hand stopping as he pulled away.

He groaned as he sat up, rubbing a hand down his face as he gave a loud yawn, peeking at the door, contemplating deep on his train of thoughts.

“Mornin’,” He said with another yawn, though you even doubted it was near the actual time.

“Morning,” You greeted, stomach rumbling as you gradually moved toward the tower of canned goods, sifting through them until you found some fish you guessed would satiate your hunger as you came back, giving a slight tug on the top as it opened up.

It smelled fine, great, even, and you held it out to Katsuki as you picked one out, eating slowly to make sure it tasted alright.

“Ya’ got a thing for fish of somethin’?” He asked as he nibbled on it, looking at you from the corner of his eyes as you laughed peacefully, shrugging as you pulled out another one.

“Are you gonna’ complain?” You watched as he quickly shook his head, going back for another one as you snorted softly.

The two of you ate in silence, an uncomfortable feeling washing over you as you looked intently at the door.

“Where’s Kō?” It was a question you had to ask, not because you wanted to ruin everything or because you were nosy, simply because he was his to-be-wife and you truly wondered where she was, if not the safest place in the palace.

You glanced over at him, watched as his jaw ticked, red eyes swimming with fury as he glimpsed down at his lap.

“In another bunker with her maids,” He explained, not looking up as you scooted closer to him, your shoulders almost touching as you turned the can over to him once again.

“Then why were you here?” His eyes skirted up to yours, searching for what your true intentions were, only to be met with the curiosity and kindness he had fallen in love with, his heart beating erratically in the limited space of his chest, coming short on air as your lips puckered into a little pout, waiting for him to answer.

“Was wakin’ around and happened to be here,” He lied to his teeth and you rolled your eyes at how obvious it was.

“Ya’ sure that’s the truth?” You poked his left arm and he gave in easily, picking out another fish slowly as he chewed for a couple of seconds.

“Came to make sure you were okay,” He conceded, not meeting your glare as you hastily set the can of fish aside, astonished at his admission.

“Katsuki,” You dropped your hands, going to close around his as you squeezed them tightly, “You have to stop, what about Kō? She’s your fuckin’ fiance! This isn’t-” He cut you off, writing his hands out as he stood up, blonde hair looking crazed as ran a hand through it.

“Isn’t what, huh? Good? Healthy? Gonna’ tell me what is better? That now I gotta know that you’re alive 'n healthy and yer here and I can’t do a fuckin’ think about it?” His red eyes bored into yours, full of an emotion you had never seen, his chest heavy as pain seared in his left shoulder.

You slowly stood up, walking carefully towards him as you placed a soothing hand on his bandage, trying to get him to stop from potentially hurting himself even more.

“Katsuki, please, sit down,” He gripped onto your hands, not roughly by any means, but holding them as if they were his lifeline, his anchor between reality and fiction. His were much larger and easily enveloped yours as he took a step forward, closing the gap that was between the two of you.

“STOP,” He snapped, fury traveling all through his body as he seethed, “Stop pretending like you bein’ here is normal. For months I see ya’ walking around, actin’ like nothin’ ever happened. A-and I know, I know I fucked it up, I know that, but Y/n…” He trailed off, choking as he pressed his fist to his lips to keep them from trembling, taking advantage of your silence to continue.

“I came lookin’ for ya’,” He said, staring at the ground, “Took a couple of my men and went to the forest. Knew it all by heart,” He gave an expressionless laugh, “And ya’ know what I saw?” He finally looked up at you, eyes filled with tears, fat tears that fell down the slope of his face as they splattered on the floor.

You could barely shake your head, let alone speak, as you stared at him, eyes wide, innocent hands trying to reach out for him as he controlled a sob.

“All of it,” He motioned with a hand as if it was right there, “Burned to the fuckin’ ground. None of the trees were left, creek was all dried up. N’ you were nowhere. Not in your fuckin’ cave, or in any of the towns, no-fuckin-where,” His voice jolted again, breath lodged up in his throat as he looked directly at you, “Do ya’ k-know,” His voice shook with heavy emotions, “D'ya know what I thought when I saw that shit? Though you were fuckin’ dead. Never thought I’d see your face again,” He bits the inside on his cheek, looking away in shame, a twinge of embracement as you slowly made your way towards him, not fast enough as he resumed.

“Then I wake up one night to knock on my door and yer there. Breathin’ and smilin’ and made me think I had finally made my peace with whatever fuckin’ god there is up there. That finally I could have ya’ all to myself again. Gods, Y/n, d'ya have any idea how fuckin’ happy I was? Felt like I could carry the world on my shoulders and you in my hands if ya’ asked me to. Hell, I’d do anythin’ you ask my t'do…” He trailed off, rambling more to himself as you dropped your hands to his shaking ones, weaving your fingers through them as you brought another careful one to his cheek, directing his face back towards yours as your lips wobbled in unison with his.

“Did you really come back?” You whispered, words sticking on your tongue, barely passing out as a proper sentence, but Katsuki understood, nodding in your hands, leaning into them as he gave a small kiss to your palm.

“I’ll always come back for ya’, Y/n,” His words carried themselves around you, working as a magnet as you felt your lips crashing onto his, searing as he was quick to pull you into his body, one large hand on the purchase of your back, the other behind your neck as his lips moved in furious tandem against yours.

Unlike the last time, it wasn’t hot or swift, you felt as his lips moved slowly against yours, savoring their taste as his tongue slipped in, his hands warm against your body as he pulled you into his chest.

There was longing and pain, full of desire and heartbreak, and you felt your eyes water up, tears slipping down your cheeks as they fell into your lips, their salty taste flooding into your mouths.

Katsuki instantly pulled away, looking over your face to see if he had hurt you, had gone too far, but your head fell on his shoulder, hiding all your emotions from view.

“Darlin’,” He started, a steady hand on your back, not realizing just how much it felt like an anchor you so desperately needed, “What’s wrong, huh? Ya’ hurt? Want me to stop?” His calloused fingers lifted your chin up, cooing quietly as his thumb wipe those tear marks away, eyes the color of rubies picked deep from the earth’s surface shining with a newfound dread as they bored into yours.

You slowly shook your head, lips wobbling as your hands snaked around his back, squeezing him, hoping he’d never let go.

“It’s been so long,” You whimpered, voice shaking as some more tears fell, “So long,” And he couldn’t ask for what because it had been so long since you were held like this, looked at like you mattered, kissed as if you meant to be loved, so long since you felt whole again that you didn’t know what to do.

“Oh, darlin’,” He pleaded, pulling back as he kissed your cheeks, your nose, the corners of your eyes as he gave you a gentle smile, “Stop yer cryin’, yeah? Hate seein’ that pretty face of yours all miserable like this,” He gave your thighs a small squeeze and you gave a wet laugh, pulling him closer to you as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck.

“I missed you so much,” You said against his skin, sending shivers down his spine, “Was so lonely without you,” You muttered as you pressed little kisses along his collarbone, trailing up as they turned needy, sucking on his neck as he let out a guttural groan.

“Shit, Y/n, yer gonna leave a mark,” He could barely speak, lips caught between his teeth as you looked up with that innocent gaze, bottom lip smeared in spit as you pouted, pressing another kiss near his lips as you tugged on his fingers.

“But I want to,” You whined slightly, “Wanna mark your neck up so fuckin’ much that Kō knows you’re mine,” His eyes were blown out, pupils enlargened as he let out a soft moan, his hand rough as they pushed you roughly into him, lips attacking yours as you moaned into his mouth.

“Yer just a bitch in heat aren’tcha?” His hands slipped under your nightgown as he tugged on your nipple, twisting it as you whined, head falling down as you panted, “Some fuckin’ attention and you turn into a moanin’ mess?” He easily slipped the rest of the tunic off, licking and tugging on your nipples with his teeth as tears made their way into your eyes.

“Katsu,please, just” You let out a breathy moan, “J-just fuck me already,” You pleaded, guiding his hand down south as he smirked, palming your pussy as your head fell onto his bandaged shoulder.

“You fuckin’ whine so much,” He muttered, a hand slipping into your pants, another two fingers forcing their way into your mouth as you chocked around them, the pads pressing down on your tongue as spit formed around your lips.

He watched in awe as he roughly pulled your underwear aside, eyes wide at the way you dripped down messily on your thighs, your glistening essence shining brightly on his fingers as he gently hovered a finger over your dripping hole.

“Ya’ always gotta make a mess for me, yeah?” He could barely contain his own moans as he plunged a finger in, almost forgetting at how well you sucked him in, the way he had to control himself from plowing into you the second he started pumping his fingers in and out.

You were a whining mess on his thighs, letting yourself be ravaged by the man beneath you, mouth falling open in a silent scream as his other hand, wet with your spit, traveled down to rub furious circles on your clit, only adding to the tightening sensation you felt in your tummy.

As he quickens his movements you almost scream at the way you see white, eyes closing tightly as your release comes quickly, coming all over his fingers as your chest heaved, making even more of a mess of his pants and your thighs.

You saw through blurry vision as he slowly pulled out of your folds, licking you off his fingers as he moaned at the taste, his forehead lining with sweat and arousal as he watched you panting on tip of him.

“Katsu, lemme,” You went for his zippers, pulling them down weakly as you tried to recover from your orgasm, but he gingerly gripped your wrist, giving you a small peck on the lips as he put a hand over your knees, one behind your back as he carried you back to the mattress.

“Nah darlin’, today’s your day, we’ll do that another time,” He promised, kissing away your tears as you whined as your back hit soft material, squirming around as you watched him take his pants off, tugging his underwear down as quickly as he could as his cock sprang out, hitting his stomach as you whined at the sight.

He watched as you parted your thighs, your arousal dripping down as you pleaded for him to come closer, trying to grab his dick with your little hands, but he could barely think straight as he crawled atop you, pressing tiny kisses on your lips, letting you taste yourself on him as he parted your legs more with his knees.

Shit, yer so fuckin’ gorgeous,” He muttered to himself, eyes rolling back as your dainty hands worked up and down his shafted, tugging slightly on the tip, pressing your thumb on it as you smeared his precum around, “Fuck, just like that darlin’, shit,” He panted, and almost wanted to cry as he pulled you away, knowing that this was a mean for his atonement, he had to show you just how much he cared.

He could barely hear through the blood roaring in his ears as he aligned himself with your abused hole, and the two of you let out moans in unison as he slowly sank in, bit by bit, your pussy sucking him in deeper as he placed two hands on your hips to steady himself.

“Katsuki…please…more,” You whined, head lolling to the side, tongue slipping out as your eyes rolled to the back, the stretch painful but you loved it, loved the way his veins felt as they dragged against your tight walls.

“Darlin’, stop, shit, yer so fuckin’ tight,” He bottomed out, holding the position for a couple of seconds as he let your get adjusted to his length, knowing this was the first time you had ever felt something like this before.

You cracked an eye open, looking at him as he shuddered, his hands finding yours as they intertwined, his other hand groping your tits as he pulled out slowly, just enough to slam back down into you, making you scream as he continued to pound into your tiny hole.

“Katsu, yes! Please, faster…ugh…” Your toes curled at the way he refused to stop, at how the tip almost hit your cervix, at how the little hairs at his base tickled your clit, making you gush even more around him, sucking him deeper into your velveteen walls.

“Gonna be addicted to this shit, fuck Y/n, yer amazin’,” His hips slammed at a rhythm, your tits jiggiling with his every move as he continued to fuck you as roughly as he could, and you knew that even know he was controlling himself from going all out on your virgin pussy.

His hand slipped down to your clit as he began to rub little circles on it, his finger quickening in pace as he felt himself getting closer and closer, his thighs tensing up as he felt himself about to come, your moans telling him that you were close too.

It only took another couple of seconds of more rubbing until you gushed all around his length, his pink tip shining brightly in the little light the room offered as he pulled out, cumming all over your stomach and tits as he let out a guttural groan, falling on his elbows as he gazed up at your fucked out expression.

“Yer so fuckin’ sexy darlin’, did amazin’ for yer first time,” He said, a comforting hand on your face as he raked his hands through your hair, kissing your forehead gently as he let his lips blend with yours once more.

You whined as he pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your lips as he sat back upon his knees, looking back at your chest as you watched a guilty expression fall over his face.

“M gonna go look for a towel really quickly, alright darlin’? I know there should be some water canteens with the food, can you stay put while I do that?” He searched your tired eyes, falling back to your aching hole as you nodded limply, curling in on yourself as you felt sleep washing over you.

It felt as though you had only blinked and he was back, just as he promised, wetting a small rag he found with water, slowly moving your body as he dabbed gently at the skin or your stomach, your breasts, cleaning up any residue he left on you.

You watched through half-lidded eyes as he carefully brought the towel to your pussy, cleaning away, careful not to make it more sensitive as it already was, pressing a small kiss to your tummy as he looked up, giving you a small smile as you gave him a lazy one.

“Ya look so cute right now, hope ya’ know that,” He muttered finding your tunic as he unfolded it from its wrinkled position, carefully moving your back up with his steady hand as he put it back on you.

“You’re pretty, too,” You mumbled and he gave you a playful grin, pinching your cheeks as you groaned, rolling into his warmth as he chuckled, careful not to disturb you as he cleaned himself off, throwing the rag aside as you fell into a deep sleep right on his chest.

He looked down at you adoringly, as if you had pinned the moon and the stars and let the world spin sound with just a swipe of your fingers. He loved the way your skin felt against his, the way you moaned when his hands brushed against your well-spent thighs, at the way your brows furrowed in your dreams. He loved how you fit so perfectly into him as if the two of you had been molded from the same piece of clay and were finally back where you two meant to be.

But most of all he loved how you held onto him as if he was your lifeline, not the other way around. And as he himself nodded off to sleep, he wondered if this is what the gods were doing to pay him back for all his sins.


The two of you groggily awoke to loud slams reverberating off the door.

Katsuki quickly snapped up, pushing you behind him as he blocked you with his body, standing to his feet in an instant as he inched closer, inspecting the sound.

Another one came, but you were too tired and delirious to even realize you were awake and not dreaming.

“Katsu,” You yawned, rubbing your eyes, “Is everything okay?” You peeked around his large frame, jumping slightly when you heard the loud boom, now fully awake as you shakily stood up on your legs, not knowing just how much of a daunting task it’d be after last night’s activities.

Katsuki whipped around to you, quickly putting an arm around you as he hoisted you up, worry on his features as his attention jumped between you and the door.

“Ya feelin’ alright?” He asked, his thumb rubbing small shapes into your waist, and you cheekily grinned, nodding as you winked at him.

“Never better,” And he had the audacity to blush, acting as if he wasn’t the root cause for your trouble of standing up.

He went to say something again when the loud booming sound came back, this time, the two of you were fully awake and fully aware of where it was coming from.

Three bangs came and then stopped.

Katsuki watched intently as another set of knocking came, until he gently set back on the mattress, kissing your hair as he slowly walked to the door, raising his fist as it hovered over the metal framework, contemplating for a second until his fist came down, one knock ringing through the tiny room.

The two of you waited until two more knocks came.

Katsuki knocked another three times, eyebrows drawn as he gnawed on his lips, debating on whether or not he should act on his instincts.

He didn’t give it much after though as his nimble fingers got to work, undoing the locks, the door groaning as it got released from its tension, swinging wide open as it revealed two shadowy figures.

You backed into the wall, squinting as you tried to make them out, your chest flooding with relief when you saw his face grow in size, his freckled cheeks, and bouncy green curls coming in, followed by a wash of red as the second man embraced Katsuki in a tight hug.

Izuku smiled widely, quickly rushing over to you as he helped you up, and you were grateful he was such a dotting person because you didn’t know how to explain it to them that your legs didn’t seem to work correctly anymore.

You watched as Katsuki and Kirishima talked in hushed voices, his red eyes sometimes ending yours as Izuku checked for any injuries, and you could tell that even though he was supposed to put up a rough persona, even he seemed to be happy to hear that the news of fighting was over.

“Ya’ always hide in difficult-to-find places, don’tcha?” Your head snapped over to Izuku and his teasing tone, giving him a wavering grin as you shrugged, feeling his hands stop their examining as his worried eyes searched yours.

“This isn’t the most difficult place to hide, you know,” You joked, shoving his arm playfully as he snorted, rolling his eyes as he saw that you were perfectly fine and that the bruises littering your hips and neck weren’t from what he initially thought they were. If only you could feel the way his heart stopped when he finally understood where they came from, with one glance to his king and his cocky grin and then back to you.

“Well,” He rubbed the back of his hair, tugging on his curls as he wished he could just rip them out, “Can’t say this was the easiest to find, either,” Your doe eyes crinkled around the edges, laughing softly as he recited the words, and if only he could just stop the shooting pain that traveled through every nerve in his body.

“Listen, Y/n…” He trailed off, instantly shutting up when he watched Katsuki usher you to the side, and you gave him an apologetic smile as you quickly promised you’d come back to hear what he had to say.

“What about Kō? And the others?” You whispered as you neared him, glancing worriedly at Kirishima and what he could think of his king’s reaction.

“She left,” He snorted, not bitterly, a sense of peace washing over him, “With the rebels. Probably goin’ back to the half-n-half bastard,” Your eyes widened at the words, understanding that this was part of what Kirishima had briefed him on.

“The others?’ Katsu, I’m not of royal blood o-or anythin’ fancy, your people are gonna look down-” He stopped you instantly, kissing your palms as he closed it around his fist, shrugging as he pulled your deeper into the tunnel that led you out.

“Don’t give a fuck about them darlin’, just want you,” He said into your hair as he kissed your head, leading the way back out, back into a world that would now be yours.

“From the moment I met’ya I knew I’d make ya’ queen,” He said as the two of you crawled out of the wardrobe, the two knights followed shortly behind.

You contemplated, looking at Izuku, at Katsuki, the open door, and then to his hands, walking into his open chest as he breathed a sigh of relief, his comforting hands finding purchase on your bac, motioning for his two guards to leave as they exited the room.

“I’ll be yours any day you ask me to, Katsuki,” You pulled away, looking up at him as you smiled gently, “Till the universe stops expanding and the stars die out, I’ll always be yours to love.”

And he kissed you like there was no tomorrow, kissed your lips as passionately as could, trying to get his silent message across as his hands traveled up and down the expanse of your body, trying to tell you his own promise of no words.

You were his and he was yours, and no matter if the sun crashed into the earth and burned everything in its path, Katsuki hoped you knew he’d be right there next to you, watching as the both of you passed the point of no return.


There was a sense of stillness that washed over the southern kingdom when their king announced their new queen.

The throne to the right of him was now occupied, and whenever he’d look over you’d be there, giving him affirmative nods as you gave him the very push he needed in order to be a proper king.

There were wars that still needed to be fought, and greedy people needed to be dealt with, but now, it was done in a proper manner, with two people who wholly cared about the wellbeing of their nation.

Yet perhaps the most melancholy part of this all was the lone knight who stood in the background, twirling the little ring around his finger as he pondered on the life that he could have had if he had been royalty, and had he not been just another pawn in the grand scheme of things.

He never knew if he truly loved you, or had it just been a blooming relationship he cared too much about, but there were only a couple of regrets he had in his lifetime.

Though Izuku would say that the biggest one was when he decided to leave you behind in that forest all those years ago, playing along with the roll your village made him do, watching quietly as you began to forget all about the green-haired friend you had made as a child, as he faded from your mind, the image of gold hair the color of woven silk and ruby eyes replaced him instead.

Taglist (bolded couldn’t be tagged): @ssplague,@butterflyhallucinations,@zonting,@shnaa7,@theamericanjewitch,@spookyskeletonlady,@requi-escence
