#deku angst


I just had a sad realization about the MHA universe and I think it’s so very sad.

TW: Mentions of suicide

I was watching a TikTok about which anime world you’d want to live in and I said “Fairy Tail” because you can actually pick witch magic you study and your life won’t be flashing before your eyes every two seconds.

I also thought about My Hero Academia universe and how I wasn’t going to risk be part of the 20% of the quirkless population. I actually said aloud “I’d rather die than be in a world were people can fly and breathe fire when I’m quirkless”. It hit me that a lot of people (especially kids) have actually committed suicide because of that reason. We all want to be accepted by society so they probably felt hopeless. And remember when Bakugo told Deku to jump off the roof? In that scene I think he actually contemplated doing it.

I just really think it’s sad that some people will off themselves because they don’t feel like they belong anywhere. I know we are all quirkless in this world, but a lot of people feel like they don’t fit in. I want you to know that you don’t have to be special for your life to have worth. I want you alive and I love you. Even if I don’t know you, I want you to keep living. If not for me, then do it for your future. ❤️❤️❤️

I’m sodding and crying. This is why I can’t read angst! People are to good a writing and I see myself in it and then boom I’m feeling what I read. You might be wondering why don’t I just stop have way through? Because I literally can’t it’s like a from of addiction. ✌️

me and my husband.

there are moments in time when you’re glad you have your husband.

the times in which the sun barely peeks in through the curtains and his arm is heavily slung over your chest, bringing you closer to him even when deep in slumber.

izukuis a great husband, you’d like to think, and even a better hero.

he dedicated his time and effort to his job, saving lives and paving a better future for the ones coming after him.

you watch from the sidelines, most of the time from the t.v. as he raises his fist towards another victory, and you can’t help the large smile that takes over your face as you clap in the emptiness of your living room.

you know he tries his best, truly he does, and at first, you’d like to think it’s just the stress of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders that makesizukutoo tired to even hold you anymore.

you lost track of how many times he came home with a heavy sigh, kicking the door shut as he slowly began putting on the wedding ring he always took off before a fight.

he was a good person, izuku would say over and over as he rutted into different women each and every night, glancing down at his left hand, thankful his ring was nowhere in sight as he lazily sucked hickies into their breasts and necks, repeating his old mantra that he’d be going back to you, and that’s all that matters.

and as he walks in every night, closer to the break of dawn if anything, you remind yourself that your his as he presses a haste kiss to your forehead, settling into his respective spot in the bed as he prayed you couldn’t see the red marks on his back or the smell of lancôme that surely wasn’t yours.

but at the end of the day, it’s always been the two of you together, and there was nothing that was going to break that apart.

you’ll just always be the oblivious idiot in the corner, but izuku was always there, five minutes too late, to remind you that you’re not.
