#izumida azami




“Now, I put on the wedding veil for the bride… and it’s done.”

【A3 JP Server Info】 Rokugatsu no yakusoku Limited Scout

The limited scout “Rokugatsu no yakusoku” (lit. June promise) is available now. This scout will offer a bonus on the upcoming event, “Bride Battle Royale AGAIN”.

The scout will be available until June, 15th at 13:59 JST.


*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Azami: …Aight, thanks for your help.


Izumi: No problem!
I see, the hair and makeup course also gives out assignments.
What kind of hairstyle are you going to do?

Azami: The theme is bridal, so I’m thinkin’ of arranging it while assuming they’ll wear a bridal veil.
I have a vague image in mind, so I’d like to test it out on you for real.

Izumi: Bridal, huh~?
I can’t wait to see how the hairstyle turns out.

Azami: I’ll start by makin’ light waves all around with the iron.

Izumi: (That’s Azami-kun for you… he knows what he’s doing.)
I bet it’d be useful if you owned a mannequin like the ones hairstylists use.

Azami: Ah… I’ve thought of that before. But right now, I don’t think I need one yet.

Izumi: Why’s that?

Azami: A lotta those are designed as women with long hair.
All our troupe members are dudes, so I rarely get the chance to arrange hairstyles for women.
And ‘sides, when it comes to it, you’ll be my practise partner. Won’t you, Director?

Option 1:“Of course”

Izumi: Of course.
If you’re fine with my head, then I’ll lend it to you any time!

Azami: Do you have to say it like that?

Izumi: But if I’m going to let Azami touch my hair, then I have make sure I take care of it~.

Azami: It ain’t bad right now, but don’t get careless.
I bought some hair oil that was trendin’ recently. It worked well, so I’ll lend it to you later.

Izumi: Really? Thanks!

Option 2: “I don’t know about that”

Izumi: I don’t know about that~.

Azami: …I’ll ask Azuma-san then.

Izumi: Kidding, kidding! I’m just joking.
But Azuma-san might be taking better care of himself.

Azami: Well, Azuma-san makes sure to maintain himself.
You should learn from him too, Director.

Izumi: …I’ll keep that in mind.

Izumi: That reminds me, I also have a friend’s wedding coming up soon.

Azami: Ken-san told me they’re havin’ a wedding over at Ginsenkai too. There really are a lot this season, huh?


Izumi: It’s “June Bride”, after all. I’m going to prepare my gift envelope, and I’d like to buy a new outfit… I also have to book a hair styling.

Azami: If it’s hairstyling, then you don’t have to reserve one. I’ll do it.

Izumi: You mean it!?
If you’re the one doing it, then I’m sure it’ll turn out great.

Azami: Well, duh.
I’ll make you look as cute as the bride.

Izumi: Fufu, how dependable.


Azami: …Aight, there.
Somethin’ like this?


Izumi: Is it done?

Azami: Yeah. Here’s the mirror.

Izumi: It looks adorable! As expected of Azami-kun.
You’ll hit your assignment out of the park with this.

Azami: I hope so.


*door opens*

Azami: I’m home.


Izumi: Welcome back.
How did your assignment go?

Azami: I got real good feedback thanks to you.

Izumi: Really!? That’s great~.

Azami: It’s all thanks to you, Director. I appreciate it.

Izumi: Same here. I’m glad if I could help.
But if you’re able to do bridal hair styling, then maybe you could also do my hair and makeup when I get married.

Azami: …I dunno about that.


Izumi: You’re not going to do it for me!?

Azami: It’s still too early… for your wedding, ain’t it?
Right now, all I can do is style your hair for you to attend one.

Izumi: …That’s true.
I don’t plan to tie the knot yet!
Oh, that reminds me, I have to get ready for my friend’s wedding!

Azami: Hurry up and pick out the clothes that you’ll wear for the wedding.
I’ll style your hair to match the design, so I won’t let you wear anythin’ sloppy.

Izumi: That’s some immense pressure…
I-I’ll do my best!



*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Hair and Makeup Man: This isn’t a part-time gig… but I happen to know someone who’s recruiting students for a practical hair and makeup course right now.
If you’d like, why don’t you apply?
I think it’s great for students to take since it’s only for a short period on the weekends. Plus, it’s for practical experience, so it doesn’t cost that much.

Azami: Students for a practical hair and makeup course…


Kumon: Ooh, sounds fun!

Hair and Makeup Man: We can discuss a part-time job at the next opportunity, so what do you say? If you’re even a smidge interested, then I’ll give my friend a holler.

Azami: …


Azami: …And that’s why I’ve decided to take part in a practical hair and makeup course.

Taichi: A hair and makeup course!?
That’s awesome, A-chan!


Izumi: I’m sure it’ll be really educational.
When does it start?

Azami: The first class is next Sunday.

Izumi: I see. Good luck!

Kumon: You got this, Azami!

Taichi: You’ve got our support!


Azami: (Is this the hair and makeup classroom…?
There’s quite a few students, huh?)


Yamabe: Thank you very much for coming today, Izumida-san.
I’m Yamabe, and I’m in charge of this course.

Azami: …Thanks.
Same here. Thanks for reachin’ out to me.

Yamabe: I’ve heard. You already have quite the track record for hair and makeup in the theatre field… that’s impressive for someone so young.

Azami: Well… I do it ‘cause I like it.

Yam: Fufu, is that so?
Now then, we don’t have much time together, but let’s do our best today.

Azami: Great.


Azami: I’m home.


Izumi: Welcome back, Azami-kun!

Yuki: It was the first day of your course, right?
How did it go?

Azami: …I’m beat.

Omi: Dinner’s ready.
Wanna eat?

Azami: Yeah, thanks.


Yuki: So, what was it like?

Azami: The class is short, but there’s loads of info so I use a lotta energy to concentrate.
But the instructor is doin’ a great job, and I’m havin’ a good time, more or less.

Izumi: I’m glad to hear that.

Azami: ‘Cept it was just the first day.
I dunno how it’s gonna be after this.

Yuki: I see.
Well, good luck and don’t overdo it.


Yamabe: Alright, that concludes our class for the day.
Great work.

Azami: …G’job today.
(Today’s class also flew by in the blink of an eye.)


Yamabe: I want to give you all an assignment for next week’s class. Please have it ready for the next time we meet.

Azami: (…An assignment?)

Yamabe: The theme will be—.


Izumi: …Phew.
It also looks like work’s going to settle down next week.
(Come to think of it, I have a friend’s wedding coming up soon.
I have to prepare for that.)

Azami: Are you there, Director?


Izumi: Azami-kun? What’s up?

Azami: …I’ve got a favour to ask you.



*Please read disclaimer on blog

Azami: I’m back.

Sakoda: Ohh, Azami!
Welcome home!

Makita: Welcome back, Bon-chan.


Azami: So, what’re you two doin’ together?

Sakoda: Yep! We have a member who’s gettin’ hitched soon, so we’re folding cranes for that.

Makita: It’s a Ginsenkai tradition to do crane showers at weddings, ain’t it?

Azami: Ah, right, we’ve talked about that before.*

Sakoda: Azami, if you’ve got time, join us too!

Azami: If you say so, Ken-san.
Should I use this paper here?

Makita: Yeah, thanks.

Sakoda: Anyways, there’s lotsa weddings this time of the year, eh?
“June brides” sure are amazin’!

Azami: But it also rains a lot, so I don’t feel like it’s the right season for weddings.

Sakoda: You’re so cool, Azami~!
So you aren’t thinkin’ of getting married in June~?

Azami: Bah… that thought never crossed my mind!


Makita: In Bon-chan’s case, I bet he could get involved with weddings through hair ‘n makeup, right?

Sakoda: Ohh, great idea! He always does the hair and makeup for his troupe members, so he’s got tons of experience!

Azami: …I think the hair and makeup for stage and bridal are different though.

Makita: I’m sure you could handle it, Bon-chan.

Sakoda: I think so too!

Azami: …


Azami: (Bridal hair and makeup, huh…
I don’t know much about it right now though.)


Kumon: Azamiii!
Over here, over here!
Man~, to think you just happened to be out too. Talk about nice timing!

Azami: It’s just a coincidence, y’know?
Anyways, you contacted me outta nowhere.
So where’s the place you wanna go?

Kumon: The ramen shop!
I was craving it all of a sudden!


Azami: Same as usual, huh?

Kumon: It’s fine!
And let’s go to the batting cage after we eat to digest!

Azami: The batting cage, of course.

???: Oh?
Could you be…

Azami: ?


Kumon: Do you know him, Azami?

Hair and Makeup Man: Don’t you remember? You helped me out at the Amabi Fashion Show in the past.

Azami: Ahh… that time.

Hair and Makeup Man: You were still a junior high student back then, right? I also asked if you would work part-time as my assistant after you graduated.**

Kumon: Ooh, really!

Hair and Makeup Man: You know, I was waiting, wondering if you were going to contact me after that.

Azami: I had rehearsals, school, and lotsa other stuff goin’ on…
Sorry ‘bout that.

Hair and Makeup Man: I’m just kidding. It’s natural to be busy if you’re an actor slash hair and makeup artist, and a student on top of that.
…Ah, that’s right.

Azami: ?

*References Azami’s SR Wish Upon a Paper Crane card
**References Act 7 Ep 12





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