#i’m flirting with u rn plz love me prompts


i’m blatantly flirting with you prompts

feel free to use :)

  • “are you a photographer?” “no…? you know that.” “…… Okay but just answer ‘why’.”
  • + character a blatantly flirting and character b answering everything bluntly and 100% seriously
  • “okay. okay, this may be going out on a limb here, but do you like… like me?” “YES.” “oh. i see.”
  • ^ my heart goes <33333333333 when characters finally confess something big and ###that character that silently freaks out simply goes “oh…….. huh. i see.” while rubbing their chin in thought
  • character a’s love language is teasing so naturally character b thinks character a hates them so then character a has to explain that no when i said you looked like an oaf i meant like, a loveable oaf that like, i want to date. By the way oaf means you in this case
  • “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” and a clueless “… what are u even talking about” response
  • “i’m trying to flirt!” “i know, i’m trying to flirt back!” “THATS WHAT IM— wait w—”
  • characters with different love languages and that prospect being why neither of them knew the other was flirting
  • idiots in love but also… flirty character x character who knows they’re flirting but wants to make them work for it
  • BUT ALSO….. flirty character x character who is just nonchalant like oh hmm okay yeah cool interesting anywayy
  • main character leaves a room with their friends and their love interest is waiting outside like “hey. there you are.” with the biggest most bright smile and all the main characters friends see it except our mc is completely blind to it
  • enemies to lovers with blatant flirting BECAUSEEEEEEE one character would just be flirting outright at this part in the enemies to reluctant friends to lovers journey (see my enemies to lovers post :)) and the other would be so confused and would not want to believe they’re flirting because they hated each other two months ago
  • example in case of enemies to lovers blatant flirting : “i made you something.” “………………….. *squinting reallllly hard*why.”
  • character b just being clueless and character a being like “OKAY GODDDD i like you!!!!!!!! ive been trying to tell you this for foreverrr!!!!!” and character b kissing them yes that escalated quickly yes It needs to happen
  • character being done and just being like “i’m flirting with you. okay? i’ve been flirting with you for like the past year!”