#i’m obsessed and i’m trash



Smith-Cameron is a student of human behavior, so it’s not surprising she has also imagined a yet-to-be-written character she would like to play in the future, based on a type of woman she observed in her youth. “There’s a kind of Southern woman I grew up with,” dipping into a deep Southern drawl, “who’s a cigarette-smoking, whiskey-drinking, boss woman, who’s maybe conservative and moneyed,” she said. “That’s a type my sister and I used to imitate when we were little. I have decades of observation of these types of characters—they’re dames, they’re broads, they play poker, and they’re ballsy.” Either that, or they’re “someone in really bad trouble,” she said with a knowing laugh. •

— J. Smith-Cameron for W Magazine




We’re just flirting, I don’t know, J’s hot”

Right before this Culkin says to Smith-Cameron “Don’t touch me” and she says something like “I’m not going to” and there’s your conspiracy. That they’re not allowed to touch during promo because HBO knows what’s up and what’s up is DELAYED GRATIFICATION. They had b e t t e r gratify please we deserve this it’s been 2 years.

Tbh I saw it more as he was TRYING to tease/annoy her but she didn’t realise he was kidding and thought he was serious cos you see her genuinely like look to make sure she wasn’t accidentally touching him with her leg or something?

Idk either way it was a cute moment and his grin afterwards was
